My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 928: New journey

The selected person will enter the new mission world in 24 hours, please be prepared.

Anyang pursed her lips, surprised.

This time it was so fast, this is only a few days back. Does it mean that the next mission world is extremely simple?

And he also received a message, a text message.

Anyang bowed his head and started reading-

"Your Majesty, your sister seems to be very upset. I think if you can give her more care and comfort at this time, it will be very beneficial to the transformation of your relationship. In addition, although you gave me life , But it ’s too embarrassing to have me fight a mechanical life to pretend to be a car with only low-level ai, I strongly request a shift! "

Anyang pursed his lips and turned off his phone.

If he can care about Anyou, his relationship with Anyou will not gradually evolve into this way!

At most ... ask if she is home.

So hesitating for a long time, Anyang took off his suit jacket and put it on the coffee table, still got out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Anyou.

"Are you home?"

He sat on the sofa and waited, his phone on the coffee table, but the screen did not light up for a long time.

During the period, Xiao Qian went downstairs to wash his coat. Ji Weiwei also sent WeChat and asked him about the results of the inspection of the military industry company during the day, but An You never returned a text message.

For a long time, Anyang rubbed his face with his hand, picked up the phone and prepared to go upstairs to take a bath, and then held Xiao Qian to sleep.

Just then, Anyou ’s text message came--


Only this one word ...

Anyang was also used to it, put away the phone and walked up, but it didn't take long for Anyou to send another sentence——

"I was just taking a shower and didn't read the text message."

Anyang twitched his lips.


Early the next morning, Anyang got up early.

It was raining and sleet outside, hitting all kinds of evergreen trees, and the sound rang through the window, giving a very quiet and lazy feeling, making people want to curl up on the sofa with a warm quilt, Go back to sleep again.

It didn't take long for the sky to get brighter, but it was still heavy, as if the whole world was covered with a faint haze.

Anyang was sitting by the window, wearing only a pair of loose sports shorts and a thin blanket on his upper body, sitting quietly by the window and watching the rain drizzle outside.

From a distance, I can see Huang Lan walking from the rain with a pair of long legs. She wears tight black pants and outlines the perfect curve of her long legs. She wears casual shoes and steps on the cobbled road, splashing a little from time to time. Water splash.

And she is tall and slender and has a perfect proportion. The curves are tempting and tempting. It forms a beautiful picture with the rain screen. When all the raindrops and small snow **** are close to her, they will automatically fall from the side. She has a transcendental temperament.

Behind her was also followed by the delicate and childish Xiao Chan.

Pushing the door open, Huang Lan, who had both the dust and the devil's temptation, saw Anyang at once, and she raised an eyebrow at Anyang casually: "Anyou Daoyou is early! ...... Oh I go, why don't you wear pants ! "

"... Isn't this pants?" Anyang pulled on his sports shorts.

"Then, why don't you wear clothes!"

Anyang helplessly pursed her lips, and pulled a thin blanket like a towel to cover the perfect upper body of the outline: "Huang Lan, Daoyou, you are too traditional. There are too many shirts in the Olympics. The diving team and swimming team only wear it. Swimming trunks! "

"Obviously, it's sloppy, and it's still strong words ... you see the little fox's face is red."

Anyang glanced sideways and turned away to look at Xiao Chan, who was blushing again: "Come on, I'm naked and let her beat me back, and she warmed me to the bed!"

"You, you, you ... this is awesome!"

"Huang Lan Daoyou, you've taken a picture!" Anyang said lightly, and looked out the window again, "Why are you two, the rabbit?"

"Oh! She said it was too cold. She wanted to hibernate."

"The rabbit also wants to hibernate ?!" Anyang was surprised.

"Who knows what wind blows that silly rabbit's brain." Huang Lan waved his hand carelessly.

At this time, Anyang saw that Xiao Chan's expression was a little unnatural, and immediately looked at Xiao Chan: "Isn't she sick or hiding in the house?"

Xiao Chan glanced at Huang Lan quietly, and his face turned red when he met Anyang's gaze. She shyly said for a long time: "She ... she said that Huang Lan's sister had rabies and would not come with Huang Huang's sister."

Anyang: "..."

Huang Lan: "..."

Huang Lan, who reacted immediately, looked at Xiao Chan smilingly: "Sister Fox, you told me well on the road, why ... When you saw Anyang Daoyou, did you sell me? Do n’t you think fox meat is not as good as beef? I wo n’t eat you? ”

Xiao Chan lowered her head in fear, but did not hide, obviously knowing that Huang Lan only threatened her verbally.

After a while, the rabbit with a pure face jumped over, and her crystal clear eyes were like the purest ruby, her appearance was pure and sweet, and she was particularly attractive. She still wore only the rabbit fur she brought, as if she were not afraid The cold, fair skin is like uncontaminated winter snow, except for the important parts are all exposed to the rain screen and cold air.

She did not use an umbrella, nor did she use magic to isolate the raindrops, which caused her body to be drenched with water. When she entered the door, her delicate white skin was covered with tiny drops of water, and her hair was soaked and attached to her beautiful face. Still unconscious, just wiped his face with his hands.

Anyang stood up helplessly, pulled the thin blanket over her body and covered her head, rubbing it on her head first.

The rabbit essence stood motionless on the spot, allowing Anyang to cover her with a blanket and see nothing. Then she stretched out two hands, grabbed Anyang's waist, and seemed to fall if she didn't hold anything if she didn't grab anything.

After drying her hair, Anyang took off the blanket and carefully wiped the water on her face, then turned her around and wrapped her with a blanket from behind.

"Wipe the water yourself."


Rabbit Jing turned around and looked down at the whole body, grabbing the soft cloth with one hand to wipe the water droplets on his snowy body, while the other hand stretched forward, groping and trying to catch Anyang.

So she grabbed Anyang's waist again.

At this time, because Anyang gave the blanket to the rabbit essence, the whole body was slippery, and the upper body with perfect lines without large muscles was exposed to everyone's sight. Any contour is very powerful and beautiful. It is the most devoted masterpiece of the Creator.

Comrade Xiaoqian watched every day and hugged every day, and had long been accustomed to it. Although Xiao Chan was shy, she had also seen it. Huang Lan was the most embarrassed.

Even the rabbit essence was held by Anyang and slept, and she never knew why she was shy in her relationship with Anyang, just like she is now stroking Anyang's waist naturally, her slender white tender fingers slightly exerted, like Grab it.

Xiao Chan blushed slightly and turned decisively: "I'm going to cook first."

Huang Lan: "... I, I will go too."

Comrade Xiaoqian covered her mouth and chuckled, got up and followed Xiaochan to the kitchen, and then stopped and said, "Let's go find a dress to put on, sister Huang Lan's face is red."

Anyang walked upstairs helplessly and found a shirt to wear. When she went downstairs, she could already smell the aroma of fried eggs and bacon. The sweet fragrance of butter was very recognizable, and it seemed to make the air full of happiness the taste of.

He checked the schedule of Xiayangyue's tour concert, and it was due to go on the 24th of this month, just Christmas Eve.

It is only early December and there are still twenty days left.

Because of the reason of An's Media Headquarters and the investment of An's Electronics, Yang Yue's concert at Jinguan Station is the grandest, and the audience will exceed 30,000. Xiao Xue'er and An You will also be on the stage as assisting guests at this time, and apart from them, the rest of the guests are at least famous.

Anyang counted his time, he should be able to go.

But there is no guarantee that an accident will happen, so he did not tell Xiao Xue'er and An You that he would go to the scene to watch, but just let her leave a few tickets for her.

After having breakfast, he went to Pallans.

Because the rabbit spirit grabbed his clothing corner, Huang Lan also expressed that he wanted to go to Pallans to see, so he simply took the female fairies, and Xiao Chan was no exception ~ ~ Silver Moon City has stretched for hundreds of miles, far larger than the current giant cities, but it lacks population.

It seems to be the center of the planet's economy, politics, technology, and culture. The caravans that come and go every day are endless. Mechas shuttle back and forth in the sky while standing at the highest point of the Silver Moon Castle, overlooking the magnificent stretch The endless city can also see many forbidden areas guarded by heavy soldiers.

The military has been able to initially apply the analytically upgraded deformation technology to the armor, but it still cannot make the armor armor change like ordinary steel. It can set up the inherent change program at most and replace or add armor materials in key parts. To achieve the purpose of fixed deformation. From the beginning, the land combat mech has been turned into a chariot, and the air combat mech has been turned into a fighter to improve maneuverability. Now the mecha has three to five deformation modes and has been adapted to different battlefield environments.

The product of this change is not Transformers, it just incompletely steals Transformers' ability to transform, whether the mecha is still mecha.

And there are results about the transfer column.

Mainly due to the fact that there are both physical and technical data, and Pallans ’s technological level is not low, combined with its own transmission technology and subspace technology, Star Trek ’s particle transmission technology, the Silver Moon Empire is in space, The technical level of distance has exceeded the trend of the original temple.

However, there is still a long way to go in terms of miniaturization and cost reduction of transmission equipment.

The technology of the sun needle was first broken.

This simple and brutal technology surprised the engineering soldiers, because any civilization will aim at the sun in terms of energy, but few civilizations dare to capture the energy by destroying the sun.

After spending three days in Pallans, returning to the real world happened to be dusk, and the rain outside the window had not stopped.

The countdown is already displayed on the phone.

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