My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 932: Looking for Spider-Man

In the comics of Marvel Universe, the goddess of revenge is a very ancient and powerful existence.

She itself is an existence that transcends the multiverse of the Marvel world, and is a lonely, supreme strongman before time and space appear.

So she can control all the time, space, reality, mind, power and soul of the entire universe. She can also create, distort, or reorder any time, space, and cause and effect. She can stop the entire universe of infinite dimensions. She can create, steal, manipulate, or modify any soul, including the undead ...

She can also turn any illusion into reality!

She seems to be omnipotent.

One day, the goddess of vengeance is tired of her existence and loneliness, so she splits herself into several gems, but no one seems to know that the power of all gems is essentially one and can also be integrated.

There was an episode in the Marvel comics that described the seven gems being refused into the omnipotent goddess of vengeance and fighting against the two superhero organizations "Avengers" and "Extreme Power", but the ending is obvious-heavy The revenge goddess is defeated by the superhero of justice!

Movies are obviously different from comics. Superheroes do not have the power to destroy the world, and it is naturally impossible for the goddess of revenge to be as versatile as the legend.

Anyang pursed his lips and took out the device to begin to analyze the source of the power to control the space in the space gem.

As he thought before, this is indeed not too complicated.

When the sunlight came through the window, he still did not stop, but continued to study the usage of this gem.

In theory, he can now simulate some instruments and equipment that are not too demanding regardless of the civilization. If he can master the usage of space gems, he may be able to use the space gems to open space channels without the aid of instruments and equipment.

The premise is that he must have a thorough understanding of his principles.

In the blink of an eye, the sun went down, and the dim light seemed to do its utmost to penetrate into this industrial city, shining on the row of tall buildings and the streets full of traffic.

Anyang heard footsteps approaching here, and then stopped at the door of this room.

Then the sound of pulling the key came from outside the door.


Anyang put away all the instruments and cubes in an instant, and he also became invisible.

The technology tree of Marvel World is very deformed, or limited to the unbalanced imagination of Marvel World's screenwriters, resulting in a world that surpasses the earth in cutting-edge technology, and ordinary technology still maintains a fairly backward level.

Not even a smart room card ...


The door of the room opened.

"Good weight."

A Chinese came from the door, and then a black handbag was brought in. Then came an Asian woman like a model. She dragged the handbag into the room and stood upright. Tone.

A glance around the room, but frowned, "It seems ... a little messy."

Anyang glanced at her and felt a little surprised.

This girl seems to be a person. Looking at the tiredness of this boat and the luggage of big bags, it seems that I just came here across the ocean.

In this era, not many Chinese came to the United States alone, let alone a woman.

But he didn't have any feelings of knowing other people in his hometown. He didn't even stay here. He crossed the woman sideways and walked straight out.

"Ka! ...... Ka!"

The door seemed to open and close again automatically.

The woman was immediately alert, her body standing upright was a little stiff, and she turned her eyes to look at the door.

The door is well closed.

But she was confident that she had heard it correctly.

And ... this room seems to be the last one at the end of the corridor. I don't know if there is such a particularity in the United States, but the woman is inexplicably goose bumps.

Anyang changed a new unoccupied room, continued to take out all kinds of weird equipment, but replaced the space gem with Rocky's scepter and began to study the soul gem.

Just in the middle of the night, he felt a little bored.

The energy of the soul gem is almost the same as that of the space gem, but the soul gem only has the super power of the vengeful goddess to control the human heart. Compared with the super power of controlling the space, it is undoubtedly much less mysterious in Anyang.

The basic spells he has learned in the Shenzhou World include the Qingxin spell and the Chaos spell that can affect people's hearts. Later, it went deeper and deeper, from hypnotizing a person, suggesting to reading a person's memory, but he was always not good at it.

For a special species or part of evil Taoist practitioners in the Divine World, spiritual wizards of Azeroth, scholars with a higher degree of sociology in the place of origin can easily invade a person's soul and control its thinking. The only difference is that if you can make good use of this soul gem, you can get the power of mind control of the Vengeful Goddess. You can control some people who are stronger than yourself without the limitation of strength.

In the middle of the night, Anyang stripped the outer shell of the universe cube by means of energy shock and alien creature erosion, making it appear the original form-

An oval blue gemstone about ten centimeters long.

Then he also removed the soul gem from the scepter to disguise it, revealing an oval yellow gem of the same size.

Putting the two gems away, Anyang took a deep breath and sat cross-legged on the floor of the room.

He didn't close his eyes for two days, and his energy was highly concentrated, reminding him of the time when he studied occultism in the place of origin, and this will undoubtedly cause a great loss of energy.

Outside the window is New York under the night, which is probably not the reason for the prosperous area. It is not as bright as in the film and television works, but most of them are black. A little neon light is not too low or too short for the architectural shadow, with a magical beauty.

The faint light came from the window. A man in the room was sitting on the ground with his eyes closed and expressionless, but there were traces of white gas rising from him, lingering in the room, and occasionally divided into colorful The light turned to white again in an instant, and in this continuous change, after all, the rivers entered the sea and returned to him.

Early morning light awakened him, he opened his eyes and his mental state had returned to his peak.

After getting up and moving, he suddenly turned into countless black smoke, and directly opened the window and disappeared outside.

The junction between Queens and Brooklyn is more confusing, but the famous Spider-Man is hidden here. Anyang once learned his address in "Captain America 3", and then asked the street office. The specific address is also Got it.

Looking through the memory, it didn't take long to find the home of Peter Benjamin Parker.

Peter Parker had acquired a spider-like superpower since he was bitten by a radioactive infected spider in high school. He has been punishing evil and promoting good in this area for a long time. If there is no accident, he should be in college now.

Standing in front of this somewhat old anti-theft door, Anyang sorted out the undershirt and then knocked gently on the door.

"Boom boom!"

A female voice quickly heard from the door: "Who is it?"

"Boom boom ..."

A sound of slippers stepping on the floor came and the door opened quickly, revealing a face of a middle-aged woman: "Who are you?"

"Is it Ms. May Parker?" Anyang smiled softly. "My name is Anyang, is Peter's friend. Is he at home now?"

"Looking for Peter Parker?" The middle-aged woman froze.

When Anyang frowned and felt something was wrong, the middle-aged woman said suspiciously: "Today is not a weekend, he is of course at school, you can call him."


Anyang let out a sigh of relief and immediately smiled: "I'm sorry, I ignored this and bothered."

"It's okay, do you want to come in and drink some water?"

"No thanks."

"Drink some soda. It happened that Peter bought some soda and put it in the refrigerator." Anyang, who looked up and down in a casual suit, seemed to put down her guard. "I can call him for you and ask. When will he come back. Otherwise, he is working on a group project recently, and he may not be able to return on the weekend. "

"I just went to his school to find him."

"OK then."

"excuse me."

"It's a trifle, goodbye, handsome little man in the East." May smiled at him and closed the door.

Anyang twitched his lips and went downstairs.

This world really has Spider-Man, which means that the world of "Avengers" and the world of "Captain America 3" are connected. It is estimated that the system is modified on the basis of "Captain America 3" ~ www. ~ or created at the same time.

There will definitely be Winter Soldiers, Black Panthers and others.

As long as he finds and confirms Spider-Man at Empire State University (empire-state-university, a fictional school in the Marvel world), these conjectures can be confirmed. Next, he needs to prove whether the world has been expanded by the system and whether it is in line with other elements of the Marvel universe.

Anyang connected to the network of this world, downloaded a map, and found Empire State University that did not exist in New York, and flew along the side in a flash.

"Seventeen, hacked into Empire State University's website to find Peter Parker, who lives in Forest Hill, Queens."

"Invading, successful invading, searching ..."

A short progress bar flashed quickly, and Spider-Man's data was projected directly onto Anyang's retina.

Including his birth date and life file, accurate to the grades of each elementary school and a certain winning experience in science and technology composition competition, also includes his current class, elective courses and teachers, final exam results, completion Which items have you been through, etc.

"Biological research, radioactive research ..."

"Renewable Energy R & D Project ..."


Anyang glanced at it and had to admit that even if Peter Parker had not been bitten by a spider, he could become a better person.

"Invade the monitoring system of Imperial State University, call up every monitoring screen, and perform face recognition until you find someone similar to the photo on the file!"

"As you wish."

Another progress bar appeared, and countless images and data depicting pixels flashed in Anyang's sight.

Soon, the picture was frozen.

"found it!"

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