My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 933: The prototype of the Avengers

With today's physique in Anyang, the capacity of each cell exceeds the number of times that ordinary people do not know, plus the advanced level of personal bio-assist chips, the processing power of this chip has been able to kill all the supercomputers that the world is proud of.

Naturally, it can easily surpass Iron Man's intelligent housekeeper Jarvis.

After the intelligent image recognition of the biochip, the photos on the Peter Parkby archives in the school library are much more mature at the moment, and they have changed their hairstyles, but it is still certain that this is him!

And he looks almost exactly the same in the "Captain America 3" world, but it is slightly greener than he was a few years later.

Anyang fluttered lightly in Imperial State University, walked to a corner to show his figure, looked up to identify the direction, and walked towards the library.

Soon, he walked into the library.

First floor, second floor, third floor.

The fourth bookshelf.

A white, clean and handsome boy is holding a book and looking at it casually. He has curly brown hair, a little handsome, and very childish. After turning a few pages and thinking that this book was what he wanted, he took it to the side chair.

Crossing a corner, he stopped, and found that a tall oriental man blocked his way.

"Please give it a sir," he said.

"Peter Parker, long time no see." Anyang gave him a gentle smile.

Peter Parker looked at him in amazement, and thought about it with his head tilted a little, embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, sir, have we met?"

Anyang smiled, didn't answer, but glanced at the cover of the book in his hand: "Magic biological genes? I don't find it strange that you like to read such books, but if you want to know why you become like this , I think I have some better books to recommend to you. "

Peter Parker's face changed slightly, and he quickly lowered his head and said, "I don't know what you're talking about, sir."

Anyang squinted at him and suddenly stretched out his hand.


At the same time, Peter Parker's hand also suddenly raised his hand to intercept him, which was completely a subconscious reaction.

Of course the hands of the two didn't touch, Anyang just tried him.

But now ... the tentative results are out.


Anyang turned straight away and left.

"Please wait." Peter Parker shuffled the book in his hand into a gap in the bookshelf and ran after Anyang. "Who are you? How did you know me? And how do you know ... you have What purpose? "

Anyang's footsteps didn't stop: "The noise you make is so big, why don't I know you, could you think your camouflage is seamless?"

Peter Parker's face sank again, speeding up and walking side by side with him, staring at him seriously: "So what purpose do you come to find me?"

"Confirm your identity."

"So simple?"


"What do you do to confirm my identity? Enter the key monitoring list? Are you from SHIELD? Or what use do you write down my identity?" Peter Parker asked one after another.

At this time, I just walked to the entrance of the library. The darkness in the library contrasted with the bright sunlight outside. Anyang stopped and stood on the spot, facing Peter Parker.

"Why is the famous Spider-Man asking you endlessly like a woman, hello, but you are Spider-Man, what are you afraid of? If I hurt you, wouldn't you just run me away?"

Helplessly finished, he continued to go outside.

Peter Parker stood stunned, looking around inadvertently, and found that several students were staring at him.

"... Damn it!"

He took a deep breath and shouted at the back of Anyang who had not gone far: "It's about my life and my safety! How can I be careful! And ... Do you have to speak so loud? "

Seeing that Anyang didn't stop, he speeded up and followed again.

"What the **** are you doing with me? Also, what book did you just recommend to me?" Peter Parker caught up with Anyang. "Just my aunt called and said that an oriental came to me, did you put it?"

"..." Anyang stood on the forest. "Of course I am looking for you to verify your identity, but I am your fan, please sign me."

He said he pulled away his little suit.

Spider-Man's expression was dumbfounded, and he was very shocked.

"Don't you sign it? Then I'm leaving." Anyang stretched out and took out two books and threw them to Peter Parker. "I just said it casually, and you really take it seriously."

Peter Parker's expression was stunned again, and he looked down at the two ancient books that seemed to have crossed over from medieval Europe.

One book's name is "Bioenergetic Mutation under Abnormal Radiation", and the other book's name is "Demonstrating the possibility of normal biological characteristics combining with the human body under magical effects from probabilistic events.

The styles of the two books are not the same, one is leather on the cover and the other is metallic, but they are thick, with yellowed paper pages, inlaid with gold rims and precious stones, obviously in a place where knowledge is very precious Times.

"The collector's edition, remember to return to me after reading."

"Wait, where did your two books come from ..." Peter Parker looked up, but his words came to an abrupt end, his face blank.

Anyang was no longer in front of him.

Peter opened the book and found that the writing of the two books was different. The first book was a text similar to Russian, the second book was a text like various insects, but the magic is that he actually All understand ...

Spider-Man walked back somehow.

He probably doesn't know yet, these are two books that will subvert his cognition. If he studies thoroughly, and then combines with his own mutation status, he will probably go the other way.

Anyang spent two days in New York and heard news from Brooklyn

"Iron Man and Captain America fought with mysterious people on the streets of Merlin and continued to chase down to Wal-Mart Plaza, finally defeating the mysterious enemy, causing hundreds of casualties in the process."

He was sitting in a car at this time, and the satellite TV on the car was showing news and clear video.

That mysterious enemy is Rocky.

Apparently, after sleeping for decades, Captain America, who had been in seclusion since he was awake, has returned, and SHIELD has successfully invited Tony Stark.

In the video, Captain America, Iron Man and Rocky fought a fierce battle. Although Captain America and Iron Man still firmly occupy the absolute upper hand, but lost the scepter, Loki appears to be more than he in the plot. In the powerful three-point plot, he was intentionally captured by Iron Man in order to provoke the infighting of the Avengers.

In the end, Loki was still taken by Iron Man and taken away.

Anyang pursed his eyes and looked at Rocky. He was obviously not worthy of the title of the evil **** that Marvel World crowned him, nor his mythology, but he was also a Nordic **** who was proficient in illusion and dark magic. The single-handed fight against Hawkeye and Black Widow should have little problem. If the dark magic has physical penetration, it should also be able to compete with Iron Man. Whether it can beat Captain America depends on the strength of the protagonist's aura.

From this incident, he can see the prototype of the Avengers. It is estimated that the black widow Natasha has been recalled, the eagle eye has not been controlled, and will certainly obey the deployment. He took the Rubik's cube in a higher profile than Rocky. In order to find it back, Director Nick will definitely order Dr. Banner, who is also a nuclear physicist, who is the famous Hulk.

Thor ... It should have been on the way.

Anyang thought with his eyes closed, and suddenly looked up at the camera on the street, then closed his eyes and stared, instantly changing his appearance.

He is not afraid of trouble, nor willing to trouble.

At night, he parked his RV by the driveway next to an abandoned factory on the outskirts of New York City. There was no one at night, it was quieter and no one was bothering.

In the darkness inside the RV, blue and yellow oval gemstones radiate a faint light, which instantly illuminates the body interior.

The two are close together, shimmering with each other, as if there is a connection between them.

If the energy of these two gems can explode in an instant, it is estimated that it can destroy the entire earth, like a large equivalent of anti-matter bomb ~ ~ but only if someone can tilt its energy instantly, not Excited by squeezing toothpaste.

There is no doubt that the goddess of vengeance is a very powerful creature. If Anyang had already established a standard for the gods, it would not be too much to say that she was a god. At least it is far from Rocky and Thor ’s current. It ’s just that if she is resurrected, because of the limitations of the movie version, maybe she ca n’t tilt her power out all at once, and she can only have an output limit like a battery discharge, otherwise the Avengers and Extreme Power will be tied together. Not enough for her to kill.

Anyang tried to analyze the power nature of the goddess of revenge from the two gems, but he failed.

Not only did the vengeful goddess divide the superpower into seven parts, the nature of the power among the seven gems was also slightly different, of course, there are similarities that can be used as a breakthrough point in research, but with two gems, I want to find out the true meaning of the power of the vengeful goddess It's still too difficult.

"In this case……"

Anyang pursed his lips and looked at the top of his head. From the window, he could see the sparse stars, and then looked into the distance.

The six infinite gems have the six powers of control power, time, space, soul, reality, and soul of the vengeful goddess, and a self gem that embodies the self-will of the vengeful goddess.

Now he has two in his hand, in addition to the power gem, time gem, soul gem and the most powerful reality gem, and self gem.

The power gem is under the care of the Nova Army. The current Nova has only one last person. It is a teenager named Sam Alexander. In the comics, he will later join the Guardians of the Galaxy and then withdraw. As a deputy to Spider-Man, he will be trained. Join SHIELD.

Anyang doesn't know how he is in this world now, and he doesn't even know if he exists.

But ... you have to give it a try!

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