My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 939: long time no see

The wind is blowing and the clouds are floating.

An airplane flew past him, but he could not be seen.

Anyang closed his eyes and meditated, waiting silently.

London is gradually entering the night. At this height, the city of London is completely a dense light. Although the famous London Eye cannot be seen, it is charming enough.

In an instant, Anyang received a message.

He rolled over and stood up, looking to the right, taking a step forward, and suddenly swooping down towards the ground.


Anyang's figure continued to decline, cold wind sobbed across his ear, and quickly landed in this never-ending city.

The eyes are an abandoned factory, black paint.

This factory should have been abandoned for a long time. Not only did the lights lose, all the equipment and facilities were also emptied, and what remains here is an empty shell. It is estimated that all the steel that can be removed has been removed by the tramp.

Anyang landed lightly on the ground, silently.

The dark entrance of the factory is like a giant mouth of a devil. Once it enters, it will be swallowed.

It was just the message it returned that the place had both the chaos of space and the reversal of the gravity field.

Anyang knew the right place just by looking at the factory, so he immediately stood upright and muttered a spell, recalled all suspended ghosts, and issued a recycling instruction to all mechanical eyes.

Then he walked toward the dark factory.

"Bright Eyes!"

With a brush, the darkness was as bright as day in his eyes.

The interior of the factory is also empty, like a huge box, especially the empty area in the middle, and the spiral stairs and corridors are all around the wall.

Anyang went to the empty area in the middle.

In an instant he felt wrong.

The gravity here is indeed smaller, but it's not as exaggerated as in the "Raytheon 2" plot, it's just a little bit smaller than other places. It is estimated that if you carry out a weighing experiment with an ordinary scale, you will not necessarily be able to find this change.

It seems that the effect of the real gem on this is a process that deepens over time, which is why it was not discovered by anyone at this time.

Anyang reached out his hand and sensed the change.

Then he raised his head to look at the top of his head, and flew up.

"this is……"

Anyang frowned, reaching out to feel it.

Space is unstable!

The top of this area has a spatial anomaly like the plot of "Raytheon 2", but like the gravity field just now, this phenomenon is very slight and almost imperceptible, even he can only feel a little bit. stable.

"Force field monitoring!"

Anyang immediately waved a handful of mysterious texts, and at the same time activated a spell engraved in his mind and began to trace the source of this space.

The space science he studied in the place of origin finally came in handy!

The surgical method transmits the force to the mysterious text, and the tentative test is carried out through the mysterious text, and then the result is sent back to the surgical method, and finally the surgical method communicates the feedback to him.

Very sure--

The space here overlaps with another space!

Anyang slowly landed on the ground, looking up at the corner of the corridor on the third floor of the left wall, where it was the center of overlap and the most unstable place in the space. It was only at this time that the most unstable areas were much more stable than they were a few years later.

The disorder of space and the abnormality of gravity field.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this may be two phenomena that are not related, but whether it is the knowledge of space in the place of origin or the Einstein theory of space and time in the real world, they believe that space, time and matter are closely related. It is so powerful that it can completely affect space, time and matter.

Like the actual gemstone a few years later, the force it generates disturbs the space, penetrating two points in the universe: one side is the earth, and the other is its burial ground.

Soon, Anyang stopped at the corner of the corridor.

Without resorting to spells and mysterious writing, he clearly felt that the gravity field here was much weaker than in open air.


He portrayed two more mysterious words.

One of them looks like a bunch of burning complex characters, and the other is like a beetle wielding pliers, all suspended in the air.

Then he activated two more operations in his brain.

"Space is chaotic! ... calculate!"

Anyang ’s idea is very simple. First, he used a defensive technique of violence against the space to disrupt the space, making the chaotic space even more chaotic, amplifying the channel, and then following the channel and exhibiting certain features. Calculate the coordinate point on the other side of the universe that overlaps here.

Things are going very smoothly.


Anyang waved away the mysterious text that became red, and the complicated operation model in which the roots of the lines lit up in his mind also dimmed.

Spatial coordinates are already available.

According to popular saying, it is a distant planet from the earth. According to God Territory, they organized the nine planets in this star domain with a certain connection into a world tree and became the nine kingdoms. The earth is one of them, and the planet is also one of them.

It is called Alfheim, and it is the kingdom of elves. If Anyang expected it, the specific location of this coordinate should be the battlefield between Asgard and the dark elves.

This style of burying important items on site after the battle really made Anyang cry.

Now that the coordinates are there, only the past is left.

Anyang currently has two methods.

First, it is theoretically okay to take a flying machine and a curved-speed flying machine across a galaxy to reach Alfheim. It is just a matter of time.

Second ...

Anyang took out the space gem.

This seems to be a more efficient way of traveling than a cruising speed.

He now wants to simulate the starting device made by Dr. Silveg around the Rubik's cube in the original plot to open the space, but he doesn't need to open such a large space channel, he just needs to teleport him.

With different paths, Anyang eliminated the physical equipment and directly used the mysterious text to achieve a similar function, constructing a typical origin equipment.

So strange and mysterious words began to appear in the air, affecting each other's operation, connected by the lines emitting light, which seemed to constitute a complex model.

In principle, this is a new technique.

It's just that the meaning of this spell will be given by this gem.


Anyang put the space gem on a platform composed of mysterious text and lines, which suddenly hung in the air.

"Zi! Zizi ..."

Space gems began to emit blue light, bursting energy from time to time, the blue light swirled in the air like ink.

Finally, the whole operation trembles--


The space gem shot a blue beam of light, and the blue light hit the wall and instantly fainted, forming a hole.

Anyang withdrew his hand and could see the barrenness and darkness there through the void. The mountains and rocks were not growing, the force field was chaotic, and many rubble and destroyed steel weapons were floating in the air.

Instead of letting his guard down, he murmured and summoned a half-transparent phantom again.

"go with!"

Semi-transparent phantom suddenly rushed into the hole.

Anyang's eyes flickered, and if he looked closer, he would see that all the flashes in his eyes were the pictures on the other side of the hole.

Before long, he decisively stepped into the hole!

With a wave of his hand, he recovered the half-shadow phantom, and he moved slowly forward.

Here is very similar to the picture in the movie, with stone pillars standing everywhere, and the dark elf warship hidden in the distance, like a deserted battlefield.

And directly in front of them are two stone pillars that are together, with a horizontal slit in the middle, showing a scarlet light-

Ether particles!

That is the reality gem.

It's just that unlike other gems, it usually doesn't have a fixed shape, nor is it a hard solid. Most of the time it appears as an erratic dark red liquid that can also be transformed into a solid.

Anyang stared at the other side, not acting rashly.

"Energy shield!"

"Space is slow field!"

Anyang stimulated two defensive spells in a targeted way, and then the force came out through the body and walked towards the stone pillar.

In that stone crack was really a dark red liquid that was constantly moving, like blood floating in the air, and he held out his hand--


The ether particles were suddenly sucked out, and the stone pillar above was unsupported, and suddenly collided with the stone pillar below.

Anyang tried his best to control the energy to control it in the air in front of him, condensed into a dark red ball, and gradually floated over to hover above his palm.

His eyes flickered immediately.

It is said that the real gem is the most powerful one. For him, this gem is also very incredible ~ ~ It contains the power related to the law, and it seems to contain the world origin. Through this Jewel, Anyang seems to see a creation, a rule and a subversion.

Of course, there is also the powerful energy that comes standard with infinite gems.

Legend has it that this gemstone can realize any dream, and can change any scientific rules and natural laws. It is like the ultimate code and the key of the world. With it, you can become a god.

The reality is of course not as powerful as the legend, but in "Thor 2", the leader of the dark elf spicy chicken wire (also a kind of garbage translated as Malkis) also used ether particles to make a large army. Any piece of debris can create a powerful cursed warrior that can hang Thor.


Anyang's eyes radiated light, and when his hand waved, the dark red ether particles all gathered toward the center and condensed into an oval dark ruby.

Then he waved his hand again and put it in his space.

Turn around, regardless of the dark elves in sleep, continue to use the space gem to open the channel and return to the earth.


Anyang heard some movement from the dark and quiet factory.

"Is it so fast?"

He pursed his lips and walked out of the factory.

A silver-gray Kun-style fighter was parked in the open space outside the factory, and the heavily armed army had blocked it all around. The members of the Avengers are waiting in line, and Iron Man with his armor shiny is the most prominent.

"The target appears, the target appears!" An army reported to the command center with a pager.

Anyang seemed to ignore these troops and this huge lineup, walked out slowly, and calmly stopped at the gate of the factory. His eyes swept over Captain America, Iron Man, Eagle Eye, and the Black Widow, revealing a gentle and harmless smile.

"Long time no see, everyone."

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