My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 340: I want to mess up

Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hawkeye, and the Black Widow stood in front, and Dr. Banner flew a little behind, posing a war gesture, staring at him without speaking.

Commander Nick Fury jumped from the fighter plane and said calmly: "It didn't take long, just ten days."

Suddenly he stared at Anyang in surprise: "How did you change your appearance in just a few days?"

Anyang smiled and shrugged.


A tiny purple-red light flashed in the air, and immediately passed the director Nick and flew behind him!

"Oh! ... Boom!"

The brilliance that burst out of the flash lightened the darkness in front of the factory at night, and then the sound of fighter parts landing.

Commander Nick was frightened and turned quickly to see.

The others also looked back, all in shock.

I saw that most of the fuselage of the Kun-style fighter with a wingspan of more than ten meters had disappeared without a trace. A few parts left untouched by Guanghua were scattered on the ground, and the tires grunted into the darkness.

"Oh! That's why there was nothing left to be blown up!" Thor said, looking at the place where the Kun-style fighter had just been parked.

Anyang then withdrew his hand and glanced lightly at Commander Nick, who had become very dignified: "I'm not talking about you, it's Captain, Tony, Hawkeye and Natasha."

Iron Man turned back again, staring at him: "Have we ... seen?"

"Have seen it, a few years later."

"A few years later? Are you teasing me to play?"

At this time, Commander Nick took a deep breath and said: "He just went to Karma Taj, and he should have got the eye of Agomo of the Ancient Master, that thing can see the future!"

"It's amazing!" Iron Man said, and turned to Anyang again. "Perhaps we should find a place to sit down and have a cup of coffee. By the way, talk about what I am doing a few years later. Have you become a director of the SHIELD Bureau?"

"You were fighting Captain America at that time, and you were hit terribly." Anyang smiled faintly.

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

Iron Man immediately looked at Captain America.

After a pause, Iron Man said: "Wait ... You said I was beaten badly? Ok, I admit that I was a bit unhappy with him, but you actually said that I couldn't beat it like a clown in a circus every day. old man?"

Captain America also spread his hands: "Look, I have endured this arrogant and honorless guy for a long time!"

"Wait." Raytheon waved his hammer. "Are you going to be fooled in such a low-level provocation?"

"Of course we can tell." Iron Man said.

"I didn't take it seriously at all." The captain said.

"Really?" Anyang smiled playfully. "If you know that Bucky Barnes who fell off the cliff in the war against Hydra did not die, but was transformed into a super warrior by Hydra And this Winter Soldier just killed Tony ’s father a few decades ago, you may not be so calm. ”

"What?" Captain America was shocked. "You said Bucky didn't die?"

Iron Man's feet sprayed a yellowish flame, floating in the air, his expression blocked by facial armor, but his tone was also shocked: "What do you say?"

Anyang pursed his lips: "That's what I said."

"Don't listen to him first, based on what I know about Bucky, he won't do that." Captain America said.

Iron Man turned his head to look at him, and reached out silently.


A repeller cannon flew the captain out.

"Is it popular to interrupt other people's conversations in your time? Captain?" Iron Man finished and turned to Anyang. "How do you know these things?"

"You will know later."

"Damn it! Can't you answer me honestly?" Iron Man's tone was already somewhat manic.

Captain America jumped up, picked up the shield and walked to the side of Iron Man, his face was slightly angry: "Are you irrational, now his words are true and false, now is not the time to argue, take him down first , You have to ask anything! "

"Are you nervous about your comrades?" Iron Man turned around. "If I remember correctly, the one named Bucky Barnes is your best friend?"

"Oh shit, who taught you to talk like that!" Captain America clenched the shield. "What are you, hiding heroes in armor, what would you do without armor?"

"A genius, a philanthropist, an inventor, a playboy, a millionaire!"

"A lot of people who are nothing are a hundred times stronger than you! I have seen much more. You will only sell your life for yourself, just like at this critical juncture, facing such a powerful enemy, you only remember your dad! "

"Stronger than me? Like you?" Iron Man stared at him, the palm of his hand glowing, "You are just a guinea pig, all your abilities come from a small bottle, otherwise you are still the thin boy, bullied You can only rely on your Bucky to fight you back! "

Captain America glanced down at his hand and took a deep breath: "After this, we are heads-up!"

"I think it's OK now!"

At this time, Commander Nick finally couldn't stand it anymore and shouted to several others: "Gentlemen and ladies, we are all going to be infighted. Are you still standing by to watch the play?"

Raytheon pursed his lips and coughed twice: "That ... two gentlemen, we still have something to do now."

"Yeah, we are working." Dr. Banner said.

Natasha also stood up and said: "If there are any grudges, go back and solve it. I can give you the order girl for free, just like the racing girl."

"Enough!" Iron Man said in a deep voice. "When the matter is over, I will verify the authenticity of his words!"

Captain America picked up the shield and looked at Nick: "Has SHIELD already known that Bucky was transformed, but you have been hiding from me?"

"We have information about the Winter Soldier, but we don't know his identity, maybe ... this man just made up some words to fool us!"

"Stop talking, let's fight!" Thor said.

In an instant, several people pointed their guns at Anyang again.

Anyang silently put away the soul gems in his pocket, and the experimental results proved that this thing was quite useful!

He looked at Captain America with a helpless smile: "Captain, I still stand by you in the future, I didn't expect you to revenge."

Captain America glanced around, innocently, "I don't know what he said."

"I know!" Iron Man said, raising his hand in an instant, and at the same time opened the miniature missile compartment on his arm.


A missile flew towards Anyang in an instant.

Anyang stood motionless, and a thin purple-red line appeared in front quietly, just in front of the missile.


The dazzling light flashed, and the missile disappeared.

Iron Man tilted his head: "What the **** is this!"

I saw that the missile did not have time to explode, and when the light was dim, it was wiped out to gray.

Raytheon glanced at him: "Let me come!"

"Add me!"

I saw Thor throwing the hammer in his hands twice, flew forward and flew towards Anyang, and Captain America followed with a shield.

Hawkeye took the arrow silently and took the bow.


A high-explosive arrow broke towards Anyang.

But another purple-red tassel emerged from the darkness, like plankton in the dark deep sea, immediately greeted this arrow and bloomed.


Quietly, the arrow was once again annihilated.

Thor also raised his hammer violently, flashing thousands of electric flowers in an instant, slamming down toward Anyang.

But he and Captain America did not expect that Anyang lingered in front of him with a barrier.

"Bang! ... Zizi!"

The hammer slammed into the transparent barrier, the dense grid suddenly burst open, and Captain America also slammed into the barrier.

Thor and the captain flew out and landed on the ground.

"It's my turn."

Anyang took a step forward, muttered a spell in a low voice, and then pointed at the sky with one hand.


A dark purple thunder slammed across the night sky, leaping towards Thor and Captain America.

Thor raised his hammer head and pointed to the sky.


Countless blue-and-white thunders go up against each other, entangle and collide with Zixiao Shenlei, and the energy instantly cancels out.

Captain America put down the shield raised above his head and said to Thor: "It seems that you will not only discharge ... Now there is a guy who can discharge more than you."

"Can I discharge more than me?"

Raytheon stood up suddenly, unwilling to lose ~ ~ slammed the hammer.


Countless thunders have been split from nine days above, illuminating the entire night sky, and all converging on Thor's hammer.

At that moment, he really looked like a god.

Anyang only sneered, mobilized all his mana, and shook his sleeves at Thor and Captain America.

A shock wave hit immediately.


Captain America and the thrilling Thor were all blown out and landed on the ground after two laps in the air.

The two stood side by side, looking at each other, but they were not in a hurry to attack.

Dr. Banner stood at the rear and looked up, shouting, "Do I need to be transformed? I think the situation seems to be a bit detrimental to us."

Natasha turned back, "What do you think?"

"Oh, okay." Dr. Banner shook his head helplessly, then opened his arms, and snapped his teeth, his body suddenly swelled.

A snort!

His clothes were suddenly torn.

In a blink of an eye, he had turned into a green giant with a height of nearly 2.5 meters, a weight of nearly half a ton, and muscles. He only wore a pair of shorts and had green bars around his neck.


The Hulk roared in the sky, suddenly bent his legs and jumped forward, and landed in front of Anyang across a distance of nearly 100 meters.

With a bang, he fell to the ground.

Anyang, facing Captain America, said lightly: "There may be things you don't know at all, but I remember, so I miss old feelings, so you just survived just now."

"But now ..."

He slapped the yellow light shot at Iron Man, and the repulsive artillery, which is a regular weapon of Iron Man, was suddenly shot away.

Then he kept moving, and suddenly rushed forward as he turned. The whole body instantly broke through the speed of sound, with a blazing flame and black smoke, which seemed to turn into a giant dragon and crashed into the Hulk!

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