My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 941: What is power


The dust dispersed, and the Hulk was directly knocked off.

The landing Hulk climbed up as soon as he turned over, and roared upward in the sky, and a more surging power appeared in his body, rushing towards him again.

The black light in Anyang's eyes shone and mysterious words spit out.



"Flame Shock!"

With a bang, several fire dragons, like super-caliber shells, came out of his hand.

One collided with the Hulk and scattered, one hit the Thor, one hit the Captain America shield, and the last one struck Iron Man farther from high altitude.

As for Eagle Eye and Natasha ... he was ignored.

In an instant, the remaining soldiers opened fire on him.


Numerous bullets swept through.

But these bullets were pulled by a strange force just shortly after they were discharged, and the speed became slower and slower, until they fell softly to the ground.

Several anti-tank rockets flew towards him, and they all fell to the ground without even being triggered to explode.

However, a few delayed detonated bombs exploded, and the sound of flames swept through Anyang's location.

For a moment, the flames dispersed.

Anyang was still standing still, with no trace of burnt black on his clothes. He saw his hand raised, and there was a dark mist on his hand.

At the same time, Thor is holding up Thor's hammer.

The lightning above nine days suddenly raged down again.

Iron Man opened his arms, and the chest armor suddenly opened, revealing a grisly laser transmitter.

Hawkeye also made cold bows and arrows.

"Oh! Zizi! ..."

All three parties issued their strongest attacks towards Anyang!

Anyang just slapped his hand down on the ground, and the black mist in his hand suddenly hit the ground.


The black mist exploded in an instant, centered on his bottoming point, and suddenly a wave of ripples undulated on the flat ground in front of the factory—

It's like a circle of electromagnetic pulse waves!

Iron Man fell to the ground instantly. Captain America, Hulk, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Commander Nick and all the soldiers who fired guns fell to the ground, unconscious. Only Thor ’s body shook and he barely stood, but also Shaky.

"Heart, mind spell ..." he said in surprise.

"Accurately ... it's a spiritual spell." Anyang withdrew his hand and took two steps forward, standing beside him and Thor, and fell down like a corpse, "When they woke up and told them, I didn't intend to Anyone who is an enemy has no intention of destroying the world. I take away the universe cube and it is only good and harmless for the world. Do n’t disturb me again. "

"They just passed out?" Thor shook the hammer in his hands tightly, and really had no confidence to beat him.

"Well, it will wake up soon."

"Okay, I admit you are kind."

"I said, I have some friendship with some of them lying on the ground ... although they don't think so." Anyang glanced over the captain and Natasha, "but if SHIELD still persists, I won't stay all the time. Hand. "

"Okay." Raytheon licked his lips. "But at least this game must be over?"


Before Anyang responded, he saw Thor struggling to raise Thor's hammer and suddenly slammed at him.

Anyang remained still, but there was a gust of wind all around him.

Thor's Hammer came with great force and high speed, and instantly hit the defense range of the resistance field. It also affected the force of the entire resistance field to resist it. There was a rage swept all around!

But in the end, Thor ’s hammer slowed down, as if it fell into the water, and it soon began to fall—


It landed less than three meters from Anyang.

"Hey." Anyang chuckled and pointed out his hand at Thor to grab it.

Suddenly, a huge hand appeared in the air, at least more than 20 meters in diameter, which was larger than a fighter. With a slap, he shot at Thor.

Raytheon quickly rolled to the side to hide.


The slap was sturdyly patted on the ground, and the concrete floor suddenly shattered, falling down at least three meters!

Thor gurgled up from the ground, glanced at where he had just stood, and swallowed.

Anyang smiled. As soon as he closed his hands, the giant hand in the air disappeared, and the various force fields around him disappeared: "Come on!"

Thor looked at him sideways and raised his hand.


Thor's hammer flew to his palm again.

The two rushed forward and slammed together.


Anyang turned over at the moment of contact and grabbed Thor's armor with lightning, then slammed it hard.

Raytheon landed firmly on the ground.

Anyang turned to stabilize his figure and stood in the air.

Thor rolled over and stared at him, spinning the hammer in his hand.


He slammed into Anyang again.

But Anyang just flashed, he threw himself into the air, crossed the position where Anyang stood before, and flew towards the boundless night sky.

The corner of Anyang's mouth slightly evoked a radian, turned and flew towards the rear instantly, breaking through the speed of sound!

Soon, he caught up with Thor!

The two again fought fiercely in the air.

However, Thor ’s power is not very strong, and the speed is not too fast. The close combat is slightly stronger than the Iron Man wearing armor. In the face of him, he is really weak.

Especially in the air.

Anyang can turn freely in the air, borrowing from fish like water, but Thor ’s flight relies on a hammer. Steering and borrowing also rely on Thor ’s hammer. If Anyang makes him unable to fall, what he is facing is hanging. There is no way to hide.

Within half a minute, he was thrown **** the ground.


Anyang fell beside him without a word.

The Thor who fell to the ground said, "I ... I thought you were a mage ..."

"you are wrong."

"I can explain to them now."

"I can make you comatose."

"I am a god, your set is useless to me."

"Your gods are only stronger in spirit than the people of the earth, I just need to increase the energy output ..." Anyang haunted a thicker black smoke.


Thor with open mouth language suddenly fainted.

"Just like this." Anyang said.

A villa around the harbor in New York, USA.

"Boom boom."

"what's up?"

"Hello sir, are you ready for dinner?"

"Get ready."


The door opened quickly.

Outside the door is a tall, blond and beautiful young maid. She is wearing a black and white maid costume, showing her deep career line with her breasts, and the maid group only reaches the root of the thigh, and the white thigh Exposed.

Inside the door was a young man with an oriental face. He wore a coat casually, tall and strong, gentle and calm, and made the maid's eyes bright.

"The food is already being prepared, sir."

"Thank you, I got down after I got dressed." Anyang said and walked into the room again.

When he walked out again, he had changed to a thin silk coat, and wore it lazily, and went downstairs.

The beautiful maids lined up and started serving. The British butler in a suit with a collar and meticulous hair stood aside calmly and saw him go downstairs and quickly turned to face him.

"Good noon, Mr. Ann."

"Good noon, Des."

Anyang went to the table and sat down, looking out a newspaper he had prepared.

The incident in London a few days ago is clearly recorded on it. After all, thunder and thunder that night, accompanied by the sound of guns and guns, it is impossible for no one to hear.

The newspaper also published a photo of all members of the Avengers fainting on the flat ground, and the palm print of three meters on the concrete floor was also captured by aerial photography.

Before long, he put down the newspaper and began to dine.

The maids stood in a row neatly, and the old housekeeper stood a little in front, staring at him intently.

He rented this villa from a rich man who was going abroad, and rented it for half a year. During this period, he was free to use all the configuration of the villa, including the butler, maid and chef, bodyguard and driver, as well as the swimming pool, private beach and garage car.

The rich man agreed to rent the house to Anyang because he and Anyang were very iron buddies.

At least he thinks so.

Anyway, there are soul gems, Anyang can be his father!

Anyang has made up his mind. At least he needs to thoroughly study the four gems and the power nature of the Vengeance Goddess before he can leave. At the same time, he must also use the time flow of this world to improve his strength. Back to the second system.

About three days later, he sat at the desk and frantic book.

There have been some achievements in the study of real gems. This gem is indeed not a panacea, but it still has very strong power and growth.

It can grow by swallowing.

This power is very domineering, similar to gods.

So Anyang wrote in a book full of description equations: "Creating an isolation force field, an approximate field, an influence law, reversing the transformation of mass and energy, creating ..."

Before he finished writing, he seemed to have sensed something, suddenly raised his head and looked out the window.

The private beach is clean and empty, and there are waves on the surface of the sea. Some gloomy sky does not hinder the beauty. The seagulls are still playing freely.

"It's actually found, it's not bad!" Anyang suddenly put down the pen, "I'm tired of this kind of stealth trick!"

With a flash of brush, he has appeared outside the window.

Seeing him come out, suddenly several Kun-style fighters in the air roared across the sea with whistling sound.

A few figures suddenly fell on the record!

It was actually the Avengers.

Anyang rubbed his lips: "Did you bring any effective weapons this time?"

Thor, who was at the forefront, stared at him: "I told them, but they didn't listen, so I also had a fight with this big guy!"

The Hulk next to him suddenly turned his head and roared!


Captain America narrowed his eyes and looked at him: "Say, where do you come from, what do you want to do with so many treasures! If you don't make it clear, the stronger the power you show, the less we can accommodate you This world is wanton ~ ~ and we certainly will not shrink back. "

"Indiscriminate behavior? Are you talking about SHIELD?"

"You used magic to control the original owner of the villa behind you and let him rent the villa to you, which itself has interfered with the normal operation of the world."

"I paid ..."

"Don't say so many lines to him, clown." Iron Man whispered, and turned to Anyang again, "Hey, Oriental, I want to know if you can carry twenty Kun-style fighters and ten f-22s Long-range bombing of fighters! "

"It turns out that the source of your confidence is here! Do you think that over-the-horizon, large-scale attacks can kill me?" Anyang smiled suddenly, then raised with one hand.


There was a huge wave on the sea!

The members of the Avengers looked at each other, no longer hesitating, and suddenly rushed towards him.

The Avengers' second attack on the Anyang villains-open!

But they only listened to the sound behind them, and the endless sea water suddenly rose into the sky, condensed into a pair of sea water palms with a width of nearly one thousand meters, and stretched straight to the void sky.

Suddenly, something seemed to be hit by this palm in the seemingly void sky!


Thousands of seawater blew down.

Countless tourists on the open beach in the distance witnessed this scene dullly-countless seawater poured up, forming a giant hand of Poseidon, holding a void in the sky of nearly a thousand kilometers, with fire and light hidden in the palm Explosion sound came.

A huge sky mothership is gradually revealed!

But this huge monster was grabbed by this hand like a toy, the sea water was constantly tumbling, and the giant hand was constantly exerting force!

"Creak ... boom!"

The sound of explosion and deformation of the steel body keeps coming, challenging the limit of human eardrum.

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