My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 942: Life and death game


The fastest flying Iron Man hit a layer of invisible barrier, he was stabilized immediately after being bounced back, stretched out his hands, aimed at the front is two repulsive cannons!


The two yellow rays hit the barrier, but they didn't even cause any ripples.

"I need support, people ..." Iron Man looked back suddenly, but found that Thor didn't keep up, the captain stood on the road, and the rushing Hulk also came to a sudden brake, and suddenly looked back .

Iron Man raised his head slightly and took a deep breath.

"Oh! God!"

The SHIELD ’s combat command is also the pride of SHIELD—the sky mothership, called the sky overlord, is being deformed by a giant hand composed of deep blue water, and vaguely seeing missiles flying out of it In a giant hand as wide as a thousand kilometers, there was no splash at all.

None of the fighters could take off from beginning to end, and only a few seconds later, the missile defense system on the mothership also completely failed.

The military pride of the entire United States and even the world is reduced to a big toy that anyone can knead.

And here, it is no exaggeration for Ren Ren to knead the word, and even not metaphorically.

It is just kneading.

In an instant, the sky mothership was completely unrecognizable.

At this time, I saw that the giant hand holding the sky mothership suddenly turned over, grabbed the mothership upside down, and then pressed down hard.


Suddenly rising waves on the sea surface.

The waves are like walls that block the world, and suddenly come toward the beach.

The stunned people suddenly panicked, and turned to the coast to run their lives.

Witnessing the destruction of the sky carrier, they unfortunately failed to witness the scene of the sky carrier being pressed into the deep sea.

The aircraft carrier is generally equipped with a gyroscope to ensure absolute stability during the operation of the aircraft carrier. Not only will it not be shaken by wind, rain and waves, it will not be silent when it encounters a devastating attack. So in the current naval battle, you may be able to destroy an aircraft carrier, but it is almost impossible to sink it.

However, in this scene today, in the face of such great power, the gyroscope has no effect at all!


Huge bubbles continued to rise on the surface of the sea, setting off waves, and a raging vortex appeared on the spot, which seemed to explain the complete sinking of the sky mothership.

Hulk looked dull and stood still.

Raytheon reluctantly retreated back pretending to be chic, and said lightly in his mouth: "I told you a long time ago ..."

Hawkeye, Natasha and Captain America are still staring at the distant sea, silent.

Before Iron Man responded, he felt his body uncontrollably flew backwards, and stopped until he felt caught by someone.

"Bang! ... squeak!"

The system flashed red light, sounded an alarm, and quickly showed the appearance of the destruction of the armor, and he lowered his head and saw that one hand was holding the armor, and the crystal-clear hands of the skin squeezed the armor hard, like it was pinching It's muddy.

"Gather all the energy into the thruster!"


With a bang, the palm of the iron man's feet suddenly sprayed a very blazing yellowish flame, but he was surprised to find that he was motionless!

Resisting tension and pain, as well as slight humiliation, Iron Man asked: "A failure at a critical moment?"

"No, everything works fine!"

"This ... how is this possible!"

If Iron Man knows to increase the power of the thruster to overload, the power of this armor is comparable to a fighter and can easily lift a truck. Even if this person's strength is greater, his body size and weight are here. How can he pull a thing that can fly him without catching something?

This is simply a paradox against physics!

Probably like a strong man ... He lifted himself up.

But in a sense, Anyang does have many ways to lift himself, and there are many ways to borrow power from the void, so that he can have strength in the air.

In an instant, Iron Man heard a click.

"The system is about to shut down ..."

"Wait! What happened?"

The system was not responding to him. He lowered his head and saw that Anyang grabbed the energy source of the armor chest and crushed it into his palm.

"Ziz ..."

The electric flower shines and the fire shines.

Before Iron Man responded, Anyang quickly ripped off his facial armor, and he was lifted up like a chicken to be slaughtered, with a pair of angry faces.

"I told you, but you still don't hear it. Are you convinced that I dare not kill, or are you sure that I will die under your bombing?" Anyang said coldly, grabbing Iron Man and throwing it, he would suddenly He threw it a hundred meters away.

With a bang, his armor fell to the ground.

But in the next moment, the sky and clouds swept through, and a huge vortex appeared above the head in less than a second, and the violent dark red light flashed in the vortex-


A beam of light like the world suddenly fell.

All members of the Avengers looked at this scene, the pupils involuntarily enlarged, but they were too late to rescue!

Almost at the same time, a gold-red iris appeared next to Iron Man falling to the ground. A hand stretched out in the iris and grabbed Iron Man, pulling him in.


There was a huge explosion on the ground.

The beam of light indeed contained destructive energy. At least a hundred meters of the area was turned into lava, and Thor and others were also hit by scattered shock waves and flew out suddenly.

The power subsided, and the beach was already in disarray.

Anyang stood there, staring coldly around.

Suddenly there were several screams in the sky, and dozens of air-to-ground missiles flew over with long tail flames.

Anyang's eyes are getting more and more ice.

"Suddenly ..."

Dozens of tiny purple-red tassels emerged from the sky and suddenly flew towards the missile, stopping it accurately.

"Boom ..."

The sky exploded ball after ball of fire.

The glass of the villa in the back shattered with the sound. There is probably no more sparkling fireworks than this.

In a blink of an eye, dozens of missiles came again.

Anyang still didn't move.

The over-the-horizon attack of scientific and technological civilization is indeed very powerful, not to mention that the missile has been fired, but the fighter is at least dozens of miles away, so even if he can easily destroy these big toys, it is difficult to hit that far.


Anyang quickly took out a set of silver-white armor with a cold face, very similar to Iron Man's armor, but automatically assembled into a closed armor like running water!

Turn on smart mode!

Then Anyang cast a defensive spell on it.

"Lift off, act as a radar!"


The soles, palms, and back of the armor immediately sprayed light blue streamers, and roared into the sky.

Anyang ignored the third wave of missile attacks that were intercepted at a distance of thousands of kilometers around and then exploded into blossoming fireworks. He calmly activated several summoning attack spells!

"Ji Jie, the owner, what advice ..."

Dozens of fireballs suddenly appeared, but each fireball was black and purple and had a human face on it.

Anyang looked at the dozens of "Flame Elves of Butterfly Mountain Villa" who were summoned, and waved coldly, they grinned and flew in the direction of his finger, with a very fast speed, and disappeared almost instantly. In the sky.

In the image returned by the armor radar, the nearest fighter was about 20 kilometers away. It was first shot down. Secondly, the remaining fighters were also caught up and devoured by the "Flame Elves of Butterfly Mountain", and completely disappeared on the radar. .

The world is finally clean.

At that moment, there was another gold-red circle in front of him, and Gu Yi, who was wearing a white robe and shaved his head, walked out of it. He also carried the Iron Man after the robbery.

With a bang, she threw Iron Man on the ground.

"They were only ordered to act, and the most wrong thing was only SHIELD. Master Anyang, now that the sky carrier has sunk to the bottom of the sea, Commander Nick must have died. There is really no need to expand the killing any more. And this The world is not stable, and the protection of the Avengers is also needed. "Gu Yi Master said lightly.

"They wanted to kill me, twice, and now they also brought in the sky mothership and a bunch of fighters!" Anyang Shen Sheng said.

"They were blinded by SHIELD."

"This is not a reason!"

Anyang raised his hand while talking, and a dark cloud of black smoke lingered on his hand: "I no longer converge ~ ~ The power inside can easily destroy the will of mortals, instead of letting them pass out. If they can survive, I will count their lives! "

Seeing this, members of the Avengers more than a hundred meters away, their eyes narrowed, turned around without hesitation and ran to the coast.

But Anyang took out a bronze bell and threw it into the sky.


With a dull and distant bell ringing, such as the morning clock from the old temple in the mountain, an illusory pale blue translucent ancient clock fell from the sky, at least a kilometer in diameter, and suddenly covered this beach with part of the sea water.


The waves are surging and the beach is sunken!

The escape path of the Avengers was suddenly blocked!

Master Gu Yi was slightly startled, and looked up at this huge unreal ancient clock, then turned his head to look into the distance.

Thunder God raised his hammer to attract nine days of thunder, but all the thunder and lightning that fell from the sky were blocked by the ancient Zhongxuying ...

The eagle eye fired three arrows in a row towards the ancient clock barrier, and the high-explosive arrows exploded violently, but all the flames spread along the barrier, as if mosquitoes were hitting the glass without any ripples.

The captain hit the barrier with the shield and Hulk violently, which is also useless ...

"Master Anyang, do you really want to be like this?" Said Gu Yi, who withdrew his eyes.

"This is an interactive game. I have survived the bombing of the fighters, and it's time for them."

"This is much lower than the survival probability of rolling the dice."

"I don't care so much!" An Yang looked a little cold, and then smashed the black mist in this hand.


The black mist suddenly turned into a wave of light, swaying violently.

The powerful spiritual storm suddenly filled the entire space separated by the ghost shadow of the ancient clock, which greatly amazed the ancient master mage!

"Dark Magic ..."

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