My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 949: Performance

The three of the three pillars of light are radiant, especially behind them, the three figures that are exactly the same as them are projected, up to ten meters high, but they are like substance. It is like zooming in on them, but without flaws, placed behind this dark stage so that everyone can see it.

There is not much fabric on Yang Yue's body, and she has white skin, but her appearance can only be regarded as first-class, not peerless, but this dress makes her have an ethereal and pure temperament, coupled with the projection background at this time, It looks particularly charming.

On the contrary, Anyou and Xiao Xueer, who were in full attire, were even more stunning by three points. A sweet and crisp person, a cold and lonely person, formed the most beautiful scenery.

This is of course unfair to Yangyue, after all, she is the main leader, and other guests of the concert have mentioned it several times, but she still accepted this arrangement repeatedly. Because she knows that the company may not be willing to invest so much in herself, but she must be willing to do it for them, and she wants to enjoy the treatment that this world-class king has never enjoyed, and wants to make this music art and advanced technology. The intertwined feast belongs to you, you must make the necessary sacrifices.


I saw that Yang Yue in the middle beam of light bowed with a microphone: "A new song knocks on the door, and a" Wizard Kingdom "is given to everyone. I hope you like it."

A fierce applause suddenly sounded on the seat, and hearing the new song during the concert was also a rare thing.

Yang Yue, An You, and Xiao Xue'er bowed to everyone again. The dull and exciting music suddenly sounded. The platform behind the stage rose, sending a team of dancers wearing cool leaf dance clothes or tempting leather armor.

The rhythm of the drums is heavy and dense, which can instantly make people bloody, and the harp and flute sounds add peace to it. Iron hoof, you can also see beautiful looking elves take bows, and sharply polished sharp bows and arrows shot out!

Yang Yue's voice rang, she was singing a hymn, singing a tragedy, admiring the once glorious and pure and kind kindness of the elven kingdom, singing the cruelty of the war and the fearless life and death of the soldiers who walked on the battlefield .

This song is not fast, but it is also very burning. As a divine song that once ignited the West End of the Doomsday World, it has occupied the song list for three weeks. It can easily bring the live atmosphere to a new height!

And this song also needs a lot of harmony, An You and Xiao Xueer have taken on this responsibility.

After the song was sung, the audience was completely hi!

Even though the Chinese version is slightly distorted, the power of Divine Comedy is not much reduced. This song is still in the real world. It can still impact Grammy ’s work, and can be used as a representative work of any superstar, which is often said to be inspiring. He became popular and sang songs of his life. Putting it in a concert to impress a group of spectators is simply too easy.

"Thank you all!" Yang Yue bowed slightly with the microphone, applauding the audience's fierce cheers, and a smile of satisfaction in the corner of her mouth.

Obviously, the effect of this Divine Comedy with a holographic projection scene is beyond her imagination. Not only is it unprecedented in history, but also the rhythm of keeping the name for future generations, but she has not forgotten what she still has to do.

"The bobbins are calming down, I'm also very excited, but you see how good I am!" Yang Yue laughed, "The opening show is over, I believe everyone remembers the scene and the song deeply! Of course, I still Do n’t you know? The two people who are most impressed by me must be the beautiful and lovely girls next to me. "

Fans at this time will no longer respond to their idols with coquettish laughter, but screaming shouts, crazy swinging light sticks or mobile phones.

Listening to the cries echoing the entire art center and the rippling sea of ​​lights around, Yang Yue was very satisfied, nodded, and the voice changed again and again: "But they are not my harmony, they are just temporarily pulled by me Do a favor, these two little girls are amazing, everyone will wait and see, and they will also come on stage and sing a great song for everyone! "

"... As for how great it is, it might not be worse than I just sang, haha!" Yang Yue smiled boldly, "Then let my good sisters present a song to everyone, I will change clothes, a little cold……"

There was another scream in the audience!

Both An You and Xiao Xue'er bowed and thanked them, but didn't consciously glance at Anyang who was sitting in the first row, and then went to the stage with Yang Yue.

"Thank you, Sister Yangyue." Anyou said obediently.

"Thank you Yang Yue." Xiao Xueer also said.

"Thank you, the same company should have supported each other, and through this period of contact, I think we got it very well. The first rehearsal was very tacit." Yang Yue said casually. "Besides, I'm not afraid of you robbing my fans. Fans who like my star who is not so particular must be true love, ha ha ha!"

An You remembered the open fights in the past in the company. The first rehearsal of the rehearsal bowed decisively: "Thank you Yang Yue anyway!"

Yang Yue smiled slightly: "You are too polite, I hope we have the opportunity to cooperate in the future."

"We also hope that one day we will have the opportunity to be on the stage with Sister Yang Yue." An You said with a sweet smile.

Xiao Xueer can understand the meaning of An You, and can vaguely guess her mind, so she smiled and said: "Sister Yang Yue is my idol, but also the goal we pursue. Our dream is to one day be able to Sister Yang Yue is on the stage! "

"Relax, the effect tonight is beyond my imagination. You will be red in the future!" Yang Yue took the thick clothes handed over by the assistant and draped it over her body. "Then I will change clothes first. Four minutes later You have to be on stage! You have to prepare well, drink and keep your throat, as long as you sing your song well, I promise there is no better knocker in this world! "

"Well, thank you Sister Yang Yue!"

"Sister Yang Yue walks slowly."

The two sent away Yangyue, and they were relieved to walk to the rest room.

They haven't even finished knocking on the door, and they haven't focused on the performing arts for the time being. It is estimated that it will take a while for the company to equip them with assistants. As for the agent, they still share the same agent with several other artists.

When they went to the lounge to drink honey water and hang their throats, the two were a little nervous, and because the mobile phone was disabled by the agent at this time, they did not know how to pass the time.

Xiao Xueer suddenly asked: "Xiaoyou, I haven't just come out yet?"

"I think should not be."

"That's good then that's good!"

"Why? I'm afraid Anyang will see it?"

"This is our first show. If we are out, how should we go in the future?" Xiao Xueer said.

"Cut! Excuse!" An You whitened her.

After closing his eyes, he recalled the rhythm points and lyrics. After repeatedly confirming that the song had been reflected in her soul and opened her mouth, An You opened her eyes and hesitated, facing Xiao Xueer tangledly:

"That ... I didn't just leave it?"

"No." Xiao Xueer said, "I have been watching you all the time, you are doing very well!"

"That's good!" An You let out a breath.

"Why? You're afraid that Anyang's brother will see it?" Xiao Xueer looked at Anyou with a mysterious expression.

"That's not it!" An You's face was inexplicably reddish, and then she straightened, "This is our first show. If we are out of embarrassment, how should we go in the future?"

"... please give me royalties if you learn me!"

"Okay, here you are!" An You immediately reached out and poked at Xiao Xue'er's waist, and said in his mouth, "Give you, give as much as you want!"

"Ah! I'm wrong. I'm wrong!" Xiao Xueer quickly evaded the surrender. "Don't make trouble, you have to come on stage later!"

"There are more than forty minutes! Isn't that what you said you would pay royalties ..." An You kept moving, making Xiao Xueer keep backing away from itching.

"Oh, I'm not talking about this ..."

"what is that?"

The two clashed, and suddenly slammed into a woman dressed up and fat.

The obese woman was holding a pile of documents in one hand and a cup of steaming boiling water in the other. Fortunately, Xiao Xueer, who was forced to retreat by Anyou, only touched her gently, neither smashing the documents nor splashing the water. .

An You and Xiao Xueer immediately closed their hands and stood upright and quickly shouted, "Sorry, didn't you hit you?"

The woman frowned, looked at the environment, and saw that it was the most common public dressing room. Her face suddenly fell, and she frowned: "What are you doing? So many people are busy here, is it your place to make trouble?" I'll ask you what to do if you hit anyone! "

An You and Xiao Xue'er were embarrassed, and quickly apologized: "Sorry, we didn't pay attention ..."

"I didn't pay attention for a while? Will the newcomers now shirk their responsibilities?" The woman raised her eyebrows, looked at them carefully, and glanced at the hot cup in her hand. "Of course you didn't pay attention! If the boiling water spilled It ’s not you who get burnt! Even if it ’s burnt, can you afford to pay if something goes wrong with the document? "

"Ah ..." An You ripped the corner of her mouth.

"Forehead, remember to watch it for me later, and get a long snack in this circle!" The woman glared at her, "If I were to rush to send documents and water to Yao Yuman, I had to teach it well. you guys!"

"..." An You was speechless.

Xiao Xueer pulled her in the back, letting her not to be impulsive, and whispered: "It's Sister Yao's agent ..."

Anyu wanted to say that he would come back, but after thinking about it, he endured it.

The woman snorted, shook the file in her hand, and twisted her huge **** away.

In the process of what she said, the people in the dressing room seemed to be photographed by her momentum, listening to her reprimand silently, perhaps also watching the lively psychology, and she started to be busy after she left.

Someone whispered to An You: “This man is called Xu Ting. With the policy of their company and the prestige of Sister Yao, they are used to being arrogant and arrogant, but they are rather temperamental and do n’t take her seriously.”

An You nodded.

But some people watched it coldly. Although everyone is an unknown person in the circle, it is much better than these two pure newcomers. When they can only dance and sing, the two little girls can participate in the opening of Yangyue. Xiu really made them jealous.

And they still don't know what the so-called opening show is like. If they know it, their attitude will be much better than they are now.

Of course, it may be more jealous!

In the blink of an eye, the dressing room became busy again. This thing was like throwing a stone into the sea of ​​the wind and waves, which could not arouse the slightest waves.

An You returned to her seat, but she was gone and Xiao Xueer continued to make trouble.

She knows Yao Yuman, she has a great reputation and is no worse than Yang Yue. It's just that she is not an artist signed by An's Media, but another company. This time, for operational needs, I was invited to help out, of course, the purpose is to start this concert event, and she and Xiao Xueer received more attention, but also from the side angle to promote Anshi Electronics' holographic projection technology.

Xu Ting hadn't heard much about it, probably because she entered the industry early, but she also made up for the relevant knowledge, knowing that the entertainment industry was very popular with strong brokers for a while.

There are two kinds of such strengths. Some brokers are strong outside, and some are equally strong against their own artists.

Strong external agents are better able to protect artists, and strong agents for artists are more beneficial to the company. Later, with the development of the entertainment industry, the former who mainly exploits artists is almost extinct, and the latter is also extinct. Most of it disappeared, but some survived.

Xu Ting is one of those who want to come here ~ ~ This kind of person will generally be stubborn and keen, and will be able to observe and watch. Little artist.

Anyou thought about it vigorously, and finally let out a long breath, choosing to forget this matter!

In the Arts and Sports Center, Yang Yue's friend Lin Ru sang her famous song. This highly sung song caused the audience to sing along with the atmosphere just set off.

The world knows nothing about what happened in the background.

Comrade Xiaoqian also recalled the opening show just now. He turned his head tenderly like water and said, "Just now Xiaoyou is very beautiful!"

Before Anyang had no time to nod, he heard Ji Weiwei on the other side say, "Yes, but the one next to her ... your sister Sher is also super beautiful!"

Anyang: "..."

Xiaoqian covered her mouth and chuckled, "Peach Blossom is good!"

Anyang: "..."

Lin Ru sang a song and stepped down, then Yang Yue, who changed into a black vest and leather pants, came on stage again. With the fierce music rhythm, the style suddenly became fierce.

One by one, the concert gradually became better.

The audience is also getting more and more high. In the place closest to the side passage of the stage, there was a time when Yangyue passed by, and even someone fainted.

Now the ears are full of shouts and followers, which is really rare for Yang Yue, a non-posthumous singer-she ca n’t even support such a big singing without the support of An ’s media. meeting.

The rhythm of the concert is kept very good. Passion songs and slow songs cross each other to ensure that Yang Yue ’s throat can be fully rested. In addition, it will help the guests to appear at intervals. .

Finally, it was Anyou and Xiao Xueer's turn to perform again. This was their official performance.

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