My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 950: First show

In the dressing room, Xiao Xueer stood in the corner, her tall and full figure reflected in the mirror, and An You stood with her head down behind her, finishing up the folds and split positions on her black evening dress skirt for her dignified.

After getting it right, An You took a deep breath and looked at the cold and beautiful girl in the mirror, but she couldn't help but feel jealous.

"Xue'er, you are such a natural star!"

Xiao Xue'er is as cold as his name is, and his skin is as white as snow. It is more attractive under the black evening dress skirt, especially a pair of slender thighs that look more white compared to black fabrics. People want to be right.

She has a natural temperament to control everyone's heart!

Xiao Xueer just smiled, and suddenly the make-up room was cluttered. The make-up artists and stylists who signed the contract with Anshi Media coughed, and they all showed serious work.

And many of the young artists who signed An's did not know what was heard, and they all came out in their best form.

Xiao Xueer vaguely heard what someone said about President Liu coming.

She was stunned for a moment, and I don't know which President Liu was.

But without giving her time to ask, she saw a security guard and a female assistant walk in first, followed by a middle-aged man with a big back, wearing a silver suit and gold-framed glasses, all of whom were mature and charming.

Xiao Xueer was stunned again, pulling La Anyou.

An You immediately followed her gaze forward.

Actually, it was Mr. Liu they knew!

That is the president of Anshi Media-Liu Zhengye.

They have met several times and they are familiar with it, but they really ca n’t figure out what Mr. Liu, who is in charge of the entire Ans media, is here to do.

At this time, I saw a large group of people nodded and bowed their waists, shouting Mr. Liu in his mouth, and Mr. Liu also smiled and responded one by one. His attitude was very gentle and polite, making people like a spring breeze.

In his identity, this nod to salute has already made many people who think highly of themselves happy.

You know that Anshi Media is not just an entertainment company, it almost controls a complete media chain. In addition to the production of movies and music, there are distributions, and they are even constantly acquiring cinema lines, building their own cinemas, and building their own music software platforms. It also has TV series and variety shows, has its own news platform, and is preparing for magazine distribution. And a brand new new media platform, and many planning can be achieved in an unstoppable attitude with the help of An's smartphones all over the world.

This is a behemoth and will surely surpass the existence of any media and entertainment company. Liu Zhengye is also a big brother in the future, and he can be very satisfied with what he can talk to them with a smile.

But Liu Zhengye responded to everyone's greetings while advancing, like an inspection, but stopped in front of An You and Xiao Xue'er, and hung a kind smile.

An You and Xiao Xue'er shouted quickly and cleverly: "Good night, Mr. Liu."

"Okay, okay, I actually saw you." Mr. Liu said softly and glanced at the dressing table. "I'm going to come on stage again soon. How are you preparing?"

"Fortunately." An You said with a smile.

"That's good, I just watched your opening show below. It's great!" President Liu boasted, and didn't mean to stay, but just told him again, "This is cold, although the indoor air conditioner is running quite well , But you should pay attention to it. You are still too young to wear so little. I'll wait for someone to send two clothes and come off the stage and put on quickly, but don't catch cold! "

An You blushed: "No need to trouble."

"That's not enough, I can't catch cold!" Mr. Liu waved his hand, turned and left, "That's it!"

"Then ... thank Mr. Liu." An You shouted, "Mr. Liu walked slowly."

Xiao Xueer also said: "Liu Zong walking slowly."

President Liu did not respond to their farewells, but continued to inspect the other side.

"Good night, Mr. Liu."

"Hello there!"

"Mr. Liu is here?"

"Yeah, come and see everyone."

"Mr. Liu walks slowly!"

"Oh, don't give it away, wait until the show ends at the end of the evening, and then look at everyone. Let's go now."


President Liu's voice kept coming until he disappeared into the line of sight with the figures of security and assistants.

In an instant, everyone in the dressing room turned their eyes to An You and Xiao Xueer.

Someone couldn't help but tentatively asked: "What do you ... have always been related to Liu? I think he cares about you very much!"

Xiao Xueer replied faintly: "Maybe it's because we are younger. President Liu always cares about his employees."

Suddenly, many people who had signed the contract with Ans Media pouted.

Being young is not enough as a reason. Liu Zhengye is usually impossible to care about an ordinary employee so much, and it is impossible to ask someone to bring clothes.

A handsome four-line male singer said: "My name is Xie Chunsheng, may I ask your sister's surname?"

"My name is Xiao Xueer." Xiao Xueer pursed his mouth.

An You turned her head: "Anyway, it's not Liu!"

Everyone felt her jerky attitude and apparently unwilling to mention this topic, and all of a sudden uttered a sigh of expression with a meaningful expression.

Not a relative of Liu Zhengye, that is another relationship! Otherwise, there are so many people here, why do other people only care about you, otherwise the newcomers who have not been on your two stations can participate in the unprecedented holographic projection opening show!

It can be said that jealousy casts a shadow on the hearts of many people, making it harder to think on the bright side.

Xiao Xueer glanced at them faintly without explaining.

As for Liu Zhengye, when An You happened to meet him before and mentioned that he wanted to enter the entertainment industry, he casually agreed to be free, as if he was a junior, he could also pretend to look at Chen Mei. On the face, pretend to like these two girls and sign them.

But now that An You knows his identity, his deliberate hiding is meaningless.

Now An You is Her Royal Highness Princess!

I will not mention the attitude for the time being, but what kind of heart should I use to treat your high princess, no one needs to teach him this!

After a while, the clothes were sorted out and the strange eyes of everyone were met, and the two of them walked out of the door calmly and kept moving forward.

At the place where he was going to stage, because it was semi-open and close to the stage, the air conditioner didn't work. It was crowded but still very cold. They shivered and wore goose bumps on their arms.

But they also endured, rubbing their hands constantly, pacing in situ, because this is the first step in their dreams!

It happened that Yang Yue was also in this position, except that she was sitting on the sofa against the wall, and suddenly saw the two of them frozen, and quickly asked the assistant to bring her heater, and wrapped her down jacket to the side.

"Xiaoyou and Xueer, come and sit down, it will be warmer!"

Anyu hesitated for a while, but sat down: "Thank you Yang Yue."

"You're welcome!"

Yangyue ’s agent is also in the company, and he is very reasonable. He asked Anyou and Xiao Xueer if they would like to drink some hot water.

On the sofa on the other side was Yao Yuman ’s agent Xu Ting, but Yao Yuman was not here. As a result, it was easy to think that she must be performing on stage now.

At this time, the singing voice from the stage and the hall is also the "Messenger" sung by Yao Yuman. This is one of her masterpieces. She can vaguely see her tall figure through a door and a long passage beside it.

An You heard a little, and there was a wave of envy in her heart.

Compared to Yangyue, Yao Yuman is more of a pure power, not because she sings much better than Yangyue, but because she is not beautiful.

But her singing can always catch the audience, so even if her personality is not very pleasing, her appearance is so-so. Occasionally, there are rumors of conflicts with whoever, but she can still get mixed up.

"I don't know when I will be able to stand on the stage to welcome the fans' cheers, and then I can have a concert of my own!" Anyou sighed.

It didn't take long for Yao Yuman to finish singing.

At this time, the main leader has finished his rest and it is time to play.

An You and Xiao Xue'er also quickly followed Yang Yue to get up and sent her to the door, watching her and Yao Yuman walking back from the stage greet each other and walked onto the stage, immediately causing the fans to cheer violently. Even Yao Yuman was very radiant.

Xiao Xueer and An You walked back, but they just happened to meet Xu Ting who picked up Yao Yuman.

"It's you two!" Xu Ting immediately frowned.

An You twitched her lips: "It's like you didn't see us just now!"

"Yo! I really saw it." Xu Ting said irritably. "I also said that you two little girls are so hard. It turns out that Yang Yue is supporting me!"

"Hehe ..." Anyou wanted to say something, but was caught by Xiao Xueer.

"Don't make trouble, the most important thing is to maintain a good state!"

"it is good."

The two directly ignored Xu Ting and walked back.

Xu Ting's face was blue and white, and she almost wanted to use her temper to teach the two girls on the spot, but they just heard Yao Yuman shouting—

"Sister Xu, pour me a glass of water!"

"Eh, it's nice!" Xu Ting immediately walked to the water dispenser and incidentally glanced at the two of Anyou.

She wrote down this matter!

Because this simple lounge has two sofas, which are usually big-name special seats, Yang Yue just took them to sit, and now Yang Yue has left, they naturally cannot continue to sit, especially in this little one Big pile of rules also pay attention to the senior entertainment industry.

So they can only stand.

Yang Yue's agent also knew that the two little girls did not want to be regarded as unprecedented, so they didn't say much, but they still brought the heater to the two of them.

Soon after, Xu Ting followed Yao Yuman to her exclusive lounge, passing Xiao Xueer and An You, and asked with a smile: "Ouch! How do you stand here, didn't you sit on the sofa before?"

An You stared at her coldly, not speaking.

Yao Yuman frowned and said, "Sister Xu, let's go."

After the two of them were gone, Yang Yue's agent said to An You and Xiao Xue'er: "Don't go to your heart, this is the kind of circle, mixed with fish and dragons, there are always some people whose eyes are above the top, but they don't know the heights of the sky."

An You nodded and said: "Which circle is not like this."

Yangyue ’s agent smiled again ~ ~ At this time, Yangyue had just been on the stage and probably only took 20 minutes to perform before taking a break, which meant that they had to wait here for 20 minutes before they played. There must be a heater.

But if they were asked to go back to the dressing room and wait, they were reluctant.

Twenty minutes later passed.

An You and Xiao Xue'er were already rubbing their hands in an excited and tense mood, but they just felt a little dry. Fortunately, Yangyue's agent handed them another half a glass of water, which was a lot better.

At this time, only listening to Yang Yue's voice came from the venue, because the background position sounded slightly distorted.

"I can't do it anymore, my throat is a bit overwhelming, old rules, this time I should ask my little friends to come and help .... Yes, this is the two little beauties in the show, the flower fairy you miss. I have said that they will bring super nice music, I think the aesthetics of the bobbin should be similar to mine? "

The Arts Center immediately sounded deafening.

An You and Xiao Xueer quickly took each other's hands and walked out of this suggestion lounge into the aisle.

Yang Yue quickly retired in a fierce cheer, and the host's voice rang out: "Let's welcome ... An You and Xiao Xue'er brought us Yang Yue's great praise-" Hemisphere of Illumination "!"

The two little beauties quickly adjusted their breaths, followed the training they received, and smiled and relaxed walked up and down the stage to wait.

There is some tension, but it is not too strong, because the manager has already said that the company has prepared the best tuner for them and tuning equipment far beyond the current era, it is impossible for them to make mistakes!

The light dimmed in an instant, and the accompaniment familiar with the soul rang.

The lift slowly rose and entered an artificial fog.

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