My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 951: End

The lift trembles slightly and is flush with the stage.

The audience's voice formed a wave of sound. The distant seats were dark, but the light was like an ocean. This feeling can hold anyone on the stage to the sky, and it can also make people like grass in the wind and waves.

Xiao Xue'er and An You didn't have cowardice, only a burst of excitement, and even the other hand that didn't hold the microphone slightly clenched up, and the familiar music was the fence to protect them, so that they would not be blown down, On the contrary, it can also ride the wind and waves into the sky.

Unprecedented satisfaction fills their hearts. Although these fans are all others, although these fans are cheering for others, they are still so satisfied.

Suddenly, they saw two huge projection screens on both sides of the huge art center wall opposite them. They were two people's photos and their names.


An You opened her eyes wide.

It was only after seeing that someone else had a fan holding a light plate with an idol. She still envied. I did n’t know when the two of them would receive this kind of treatment, but I did n’t expect someone to type their names in a blink of an eye. How much higher than the LED lights!

Looking down slightly, she could see Anyang sitting in the middle of Ji Weiwei and Xiao Qian through the glimmer of the stage, smiling and looking at them.

Then, the accompaniment has reached the entry point.

Anyang was suddenly excited and almost made mistakes. Fortunately, the practice over and over these days made her instinctively sing along.

"Light Hemisphere" is undoubtedly also a Divine Comedy from another world. It ’s not that Ans Media ’s songwriters ca n’t write big songs, but songs from another world have withstood the test of the market. They are relatively more reliable, and they are more foolproof. Your Highness sings.

This song is not difficult, there is no requirement for high pitch, breath application, and the lyrics are simple and beautiful. Obviously it is a song that is easy to spread, which is in line with the singing skills of An You and Xiao Xue'er today, and can achieve Very high degree of singing.

Sure enough, An You and Xiao Xue'er alternately performed this exceptionally beautiful song, accompanied by the beautiful projection scene and the smoke rising from the stage, which soon made people indulge in it.

There is also a very fast part, with a clear rhythm, which caused a strong response in the audience.

It's just that all listeners are listening to this song for the first time. They don't sing along. When they hear good things, they can only keep quiet, listen quietly, and wave their glow sticks.

On the stage, An You and Xiao Xueer are getting more and more engaged, gradually getting better!

Especially Xiao Xueer, she completely let go of herself on the stage, and the cold and arrogant momentum was nothing but a moment, like the tall figure and the long white thighs exposed at the split ends of the black dress skirt, which affected all the audience. heart.

From time to time she smiled slightly under the stage, and her cool face showed such a huge contrast, which was really fascinating.

It's a pity that her smile only points in one direction at a time.

It didn't take long for the song to finish.


The white mist and sparks of more than three meters high were sprayed on the stage, and then there was a shout in the art center, and the sound waves and fluorescence converged to form a momentum that swept the entire hall.

The staff of An's media also controlled the headlights above the clubhouse to flash a few times, seeming to send farewell, but made the audience's emotions already mobilized to the top.

Some people even shouted for another song, but the voice is not loud. After all, the majority of fans in Yangyue are here.

But in any case, after this song, it is estimated that everyone present will remember these two beautiful women with different styles but they are also very beautiful, and this is also the strategy of the media company-first one is destined to be very popular The song was placed on a highly anticipated stage, and as their personal singing skills improved, other famous songs were released. At the same time, the release of this "Light Hemisphere" has been prepared and can be found in major music software tonight. And will be added to the daily push of the music player that comes with An's smartphone.

It can be said that the media company has disregarded the interests in this matter, and everything is based on the preference of Her Royal Highness Princess!

An You and Xiao Xueer bowed to the audience, said thank you, and walked down the stage blushing.

They feel that this feeling is really good!

So fascinating!

No wonder so many people are on this shiny stage even at the expense of freedom! Even if I have been lingering for so many years and live a life of unsatisfied food, I will never look back!

Walking into the channel on the side of the stage, he nodded with the handsome host, and also politely greeted Yang Yue who was about to take the stage again. When I walked into the lounge, I just saw Xu Ting standing at the door, looking a little unsightly.

Here you can hear the singing in the hall, just because the orientation is slightly distorted, but it does not affect the beauty of the song, especially the industry insiders. When An You and Xiao Xueer stepped down, the strong cry was comparable to Yao Yuman!

An You and Xiao Xue'er ignored her, and greeted Yang Yue's agent.

"Thank you Sister Lin."

"No thanks, congratulations!"

"Sister Lin laughed, then we will go back to rest first. Sister Lin is careful to be cold!" An You and Xiao Xueer said, holding hands and walking back.

Xu Ting in the back looked calm and went away.

In fact, she came to see these two girls out of it. In general, third-line stars or online singers will inevitably go out on such a large stage for the first time, not to mention two pure newcomers, and they can also ridicule and teach them to be humans.

But the fact is just the opposite. She only saw the dazzling side of the two girls, and her heart was suddenly imbalanced.


Such emotions are hidden beneath her calm face.

But not far away, she saw that a familiar figure in front stopped An You and Xiao Xueer, and could hear the voice faintly:

"Good two ladies, Mr. Liu asked me to send you clothes."

"Thank you, and thank Mr. Liu for me."

"You're welcome, you should. The two young ladies are busy first."


Xu Ting's mouth twitched sharply, and after a closer look, he found that the man was actually an assistant beside Liu Zhengye!

The concert outside is still going on, Yang Yue will take a break every once in a while, but all her successors will be singers with profound skills, and will not let the atmosphere cool down at all.

It is under such circumstances that the atmosphere in the venue continues to heat up, and the sound of the call is higher than the wave!

Some people were dumb because of cheering, singing, and singing, but they still refused to stop; some of the anchors had already synchronized the live scene of the concert to the Internet, and people all sang the rising power of Yangyue. There is a new understanding of the strength of An's media. Correspondingly, all the guests who helped this concert have increased their popularity!

Netizens on the Internet have a heated discussion. Some of them regretted not buying a ticket. Some of them have been posted on Yangyin circle. There are also many people who began to call friends to watch the live broadcast room. Two "flower fairy" messages.

This concert is destined to attract considerable attention, not only because of art but also because of technology!

At the end of the concert, because the fans were a little tired, their spirits were tired, and their voices were basically dumb, so all the singing songs became lyric slow songs, which belong to the kind of affectionate people who can sit down on the edge of the stage The kind of shallow singing. Fans either sang softly or danced with glow sticks or mobile phones in the rhythm.

In the front row, some pretentious people sitting in the infield seat finally could n’t resist the buoyant mood and moved here against the beautiful scene constructed by holographic projection, but they finally stopped in front of Anyang and Xiaoqian, and were still very friendly Nodded to Anyang before saying:

"Hello, are you also a big fan of Yangyue?" Two handsome young men laughed.

Ji Weiwei glanced at them and saw that although they were talking to Anyang, their eyes were mostly moving on themselves and Xiaoqian, and they simply said: "No!"

"Uh ..." one of the young men stunned.

"What are you doing here?" Another young man looked at Ji Weiwei and asked quickly.

"Off your farts!" Ji Weiwei expressionless.

"Uh ... You're not good at talking like this, everyone is here to listen to the concert, maybe you still like the same person, you can make a friend!" The two young people gave up Ji Weiwei and turned to Anyang and Xiaoqian, still talking to Anyang, "Brother, do you say yes?"

Anyang raised his head and glanced at him faintly, his eyes cold and emotionless, but it seemed to exude a strange light.

The man was stunned for a moment. After a moment, he stiffly raised his head and walked back to his seat to sit.

His companion was startled, and he hadn't reacted yet, and he met Anyang's gaze again.

So he followed in the footsteps of his companion.

Comrade Xiaoqian gave Anyang a slightly surprised look, then looked at Ji Weiwei and said, "Weiwei is so powerful."

"Ahhhh ... so so ..." Ji Weiwei didn't respond. "Faced with those who hold the mentality of" as long as the **** is waving well, there is no wall to dig ", you should take a good lesson ... "

"That's right!" Comrade Xiao Qian nodded.

It didn't take long for the concert to end with the cheers of 60,000 people, and the audience began to leave the show with satisfaction and reluctance.

However, the gentle and dignified comrade Xiao Qian and the charming and charming Ji Weiwei are too attractive, and this environment is too easy to make people impulsive. A man who had been sitting behind them stood up with them and smiled at Anyang Road: "I guess you should be fans of those two flower fairies? Introduce yourself. My name is Mu Gui'an and I started an internet company."

Ji Weiwei froze: "How did you guess?"

"Intuition." The man smiled charmingly and said to Anyang. "I also like the two little girls. Make a friend. If you have time, you can communicate."

Anyang rubbed his lips: "No need."

"It's rare that we have the same hobby. I think the two little girls should be new. We can also set up a support team for her together, and I will fund it." The man seized the breakthrough point and spoke reasonably. Inadvertently show your own generosity, "How about, think about it?"

Anyang sighed and chanted the mantra again.

He knew that this person just seemed to love making friends, UU reading books www. uukansshu. But when I exchanged contact information with him, I am afraid the first question is which of the two goddesses around me is my girlfriend. The second question is the other contact information.

If she could say ... she would definitely say ... both of them are labor and capital!

Seeing that Anyang lowered his head and ignored him, the man ’s smile was a little stiff, but he continued to maintain: "Wo n’t you even make a friend, do n’t you? Dude? Please, what age ... Do you think I will hurt you ? Or what do you want? "

Suddenly, Anyang raised his head, with a faint yellow faint light flashing in his eyes.

The man, like the previous one, trembles, and the whole person stiffens in place.

"Let's go." Anyang turned his head.


The three immediately walked out of position.

Ji Weiwei was surprised while walking: "How did you do it, hypnotize people at a glance?"

"Would you like to try it?"

"No, but if you meet this kind of person again, you can make a big news. Hahaha!"

"... just as many tricks as you can!"

Comrade Xiaoqian was also amazed at the side, but she just pursed her lips and didn't speak.

She always thought that this was the ability of Xiao Chan.

The three walked out of the seats, but did not walk out of the venue, but stood not far from the stage.

Anyang said: "Do you want to see the two of them?"

"What do you think? Weiwei." Xiao Qian looked at Ji Weiwei.

"It's good to go and see." Ji Weiwei said.

"Then go and see." Xiao Qian said to Anyang.

"Okay!" Anyang nodded, inexplicably a bit sour in his heart, according to this momentum, he was afraid that he would not become the head of the family ...

However, it seems ... a democratic society is also good.

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