My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 952: Yang's kindness

Backstage, a small auditorium usually used for meetings, where most of the entertainers are sitting.

The reason is that it is said that Liu Zhengye, the president of Anshi Media, said that he would come to meet everyone after the end, so many people did not leave, even Yao Yuman, who was full of schedules, was about to rush to the next stop Yang Yue and others.

In addition, the concert was so successful that there must be a simple celebration ceremony. Either everyone would confuse each other and greet each other, or they would have a relationship with the upper-level people who control their lifeline, and strive for their next paragraph. Fill in an activity that you are satisfied with, and always do something.

An You and Xiao Xueer didn't think of being independent, so they came here at the invitation of Yang Yue.

It's just that Yang Yue is sitting in the front row and they are sitting at the end.

But in fact, as a signed artist of Ans Media, it is quite popular now, and Yang Yue has not seen Liu Zhengye a few times.

After waiting a few minutes, Liu Zhengye had not come.

Several "big coffee" began to question whether President Liu will come.

"It should come, President Liu said he would come."

"Don't the staff say that, I'm going to give us a simple celebration party, there's nothing wrong with it!"

"Mr. Liu will definitely come!"

Within a few minutes, the back door of the small auditorium was pushed open.


A large voter turned his head suddenly, and saw that the door was opened by one of the main responsible person of the concert, a very expensive woman.

The woman turned around and pulled the door to make a please gesture.

The people in the small hall suddenly came to spirit!


Someone whispered.

But then came in quietly from the back door was a young man in a wool coat, with a box in his hand, followed by two women, a gentle water-like, a glamorous, so beautiful to make a group of stars It was amazing too.

"Who?" Someone asked in a low voice.

"do not know."

"I said it was not Mr. Liu! Will Mr. Liu not walk through the back door even if he wants to come? Like a thief!"

Anyang glanced at the small auditorium, he could hear everyone whispering, but he ignored it and found Anyou and Xiao Xueer sitting at the last glance.

I saw him turn and said to the women around him: "Trouble you, please go ahead and get busy first."

"Okay, then I will go."


Anyang took Xiao Qian and Ji Weiwei to sit next to An You and Xiao Xue'er, just as they sat back, this position was basically unoccupied.

"Sister Weiwei is good, Sister Xiaoqian is good." Xiao Xueer immediately screamed sweetly.

"Sister Weiwei, Sister Xiaoqian!" An You also said, "And Anyang ... you ... how did you come?"

"Let's take a look at you." Xiao Qian said.

"Yeah, look at the big stars. I haven't been in contact with big stars so close in my life!" Ji Weiwei said, extending a hand to Anyou, "Come on, let me touch!"

Anyou's face was black: "..."

But how could the elder sister care about her, she just reached out and made a mess of her exquisite hairstyle before giving up!

Seeing that the people in the first few rows had begun to laugh at them, Anyang also smiled, and then placed the box in the table on the table, saying, "I should haven't eaten, I just brought you something from the cafeteria, eat first Right. "

As soon as the words fell, the two girls hesitated.

Anyou looked at the eye food box and swallowed. The canteen of the Ans Group is almost a top restaurant that gathers all the major cuisines of the country. Needless to say!

But a moment later, she shook her head firmly.

"Don't eat anymore, I'm afraid to spread the clothes!"

Xiao Xueer also hesitated and said: "It's not polite to eat in the auditorium, and so many seniors are here!"

"There is nothing rude, seniors don't care anymore, hungry is bad for your health!" Anyang knew they might have been rehearsing for a day, and they didn't have time to eat at all, and their clothes were tightly closed , It looks like a waist and arm grip, but the price is that you can't eat, you must be hungry to ensure the dress effect, "let's eat, eat less!"

So he opened the lunch box.

Suddenly a scent flew out, Xiao Xueer still barely able to maintain calm and goddess manners, Anyou ignored it, and swallowed hard.


"It's cold to eat rabbits! You are too shameless!"

"Hi! Okay! I can't help it!"

At the moment she was about to reach out, Anyang suddenly took the lunch box away.

"I think about it!" Anyang pretended to think, "If you wait for a while and stretch your clothes, won't you laugh and die, or stop eating?"

"Go, go! I'll eat one!" Anyou grabbed the lunch box from his hand and opened it on the table. "I promise to eat only a little! Xue'er, please come and eat. By the way, supervise me. ate too much!"

"OK then."

The two girls opened the meal box, opened the disposable chopsticks, picked up a piece of rabbit meat and sent it to their mouths.

Cold-eating rabbits usually have a lot of peppers, which is its main source of flavor, but the peppers in this box of cold-eating rabbits have been completely picked out, leaving only the meat.

The two of them ate so much.

In addition, the scent of cold-eating rabbits is very large, which can seduce people's appetite. The auditorium is not very ventilated, causing other artists to swallow.

Among so many people, Anyou and Xiao Xueer are not the only ones who have not eaten. In fact, most people are hungry!

If it were n’t for seeing Anyang ’s status unusual, someone would definitely say something yin and yang because of dissatisfaction, which would make An You and Xiao Xueer unable to eat. Of course, if you do n’t know your status, Anyang will not necessarily be so unreasonable in order to feed her sister.

Before long, Yangyue in the front row also smelled it.

I saw that she turned around and looked at the rear, and suddenly her eyes lit up, and then looked at the door, and said to her agent: "You look at it, I will rub some food behind."

The agent opened his mouth, but he immediately understood it and swallowed it again.

I saw Yang Yue generously approaching this side and smiled at An You and Xiao Xueer: "What are you going to eat? So fragrant!"

Anyang suddenly raised his head, his mouth was red, and he was constantly inhaled by the spiciness, apparently far more than three pieces.

"Hiss! It's Sister Yangyue! It's cold to eat rabbits. It's awesome. It's comparable to the old name in our hometown. Come and try it! Hiss!" She invited while inhaling.

"Okay!" Yang Yue promised, and then looked at Comrade Xiaoqian and Ji Weiwei in amazement, and said with carelessness, "Several close their legs, borrowed a bit, I will go in and rub it!"

All three of Anyang smiled and closed their legs.

Walking inside and sitting down, Yang Yue seemed to carelessly take over the chopsticks handed over by Xiao Xue'er, whispered thanks, turned the chopsticks upside down, and caught a piece of rabbit meat.

"smell good!"

She immediately sent a piece into her mouth.

"Well ... it's delicious!" Yang Yue at this time is not as big a star as he should be, as if he was having a dinner with friends and familiar with An You Xiao Xue'er.

She chewed on her mouth and looked hungry, but An You vaguely remembered that her assistant always had small snacks to fill her stomach.

After a few seconds, Yang Yue's expression froze.


An You saw that her face was slightly twisted, her eyes narrowed gradually, and she slowly inhaled while chewing slowly: "His ... why is it suddenly so hot! It's so hot! It's hot!"

Xiao Xueer was stunned and asked lightly: "Sister Yangyue, are you not from Yizhou?"

"Not ... my Zhejiang ..."

"That's why we didn't remind you that this spicy snack is not spicy at first, but the spiciness will gradually show up in the process of eating, and the use of drinking water will be very small." Xiao Xueer is very Seriously.

"Ah?" Yang Yue's lips were red, and there was fine sweat on his face, and his face was red, and his face was dumbfounded. "Isn't ... there's no pepper in it?"

"That may be Anyang's brother picking out the peppers."


Yang Yue was completely ashamed.

After more than ten seconds, as Xiao Xueer said, she felt more and more spicy, and it was only a minute later ...

Yang Yue licked her mouth: "Although it's spicy, it's delicious and enjoyable. When I practice the skill of eating spicy in the future, I must eat enough!"

Having said that, she glanced at the three Anyang again and said to Xiao Xueer: "Is these three your friends or ..."

Xiao Xueer smiled slightly ~ ~ introduced: "This is Xiaoyou's brother, Anyang brother, this is Xiaoqian's sister, Anyang's brother's girlfriend, this is Weiwei's sister, also Xiaoyou Very close sister. "

"Ah ... hello, I'm Yangyue." Yangyue immediately said with a hot heart, but his heart was pounding.

Anyou's brother!

Anyang! !

My brother! Also surnamed An!

She really guessed right, this spicy meal is not in vain!

But she couldn't be anxious, so she just kept opening her mouth and fanning her hands, using the blush after eating spicy food to cover up her emotions now ...

From the super treatment enjoyed by An You and the care and attitude that Liu Zhengye met with her by chance, she can see that this girl is definitely not simple, especially after a rehearsal, she saw that An You opened The car is more certain that she is definitely not simple.

At that moment she realized that the rumors of An's group's surname An may not be groundless!

At this time, I saw Anyang gently turning to her: "Hello, but we have known you for a long time, big star."

"Really?" Yang Yue made a happy expression.

"Of course!" Ji Weiwei also said, "I like listening to your songs!"

"Really?" Yang Yue was even happier, and made a look that she would discuss soon.

Only then her agent turned back and waved at her.

Yang Yue did not want to give up such an opportunity, but also knew that it was not appropriate to get entangled, and regretted: "Mr. Liu is here. I will go back first. Let's talk about it later."

"Okay!" Ji Weiwei said very happy.

Yang Yue stood up and went out, wiping the thin sweat on her forehead slightly, but not on her face, fearing that her makeup would be stained.

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