My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 953: Look ugly

Yang Yue had just reached halfway. An You just hurriedly covered the lunch box. Several meticulously dressed company executives walked in with each other laughing and chatting. The CEO of An's media, Liu Zhengye, who was surrounded in the middle.

And behind them were many staff members, some carrying champagne and rose goblets, some carrying fruit snacks, and the last one was pushing a huge cake cart.

Liu Zhengye saw Yangyue at a glance and greeted her with a smile: "All arrived, the concert was very successful, congratulations!"

"Haha, all thanks to Mr. Liu's blessing!" Yang Yue said generously, and wiped the sweat on his face by the way.

"Huh? Is the air conditioner very big? Why is it so hot?"

"No, it's just that I just ate something in the back and it was spicy." Yang Yue smiled.

"I happened to bring some water, come to Xiao Ding, and pour some water for Yang beauty." Liu Zhengye said to Yang Yue very kindly.

"Thank you Mr. Liu."

"Thank you, please sit down. I will simply talk to you, and then the magnifier will go back and have a good night's rest. When I wake up tomorrow morning, I can see every video of the concert full of major websites!" Liu Zhengye said, smiling and turned to the podium of the auditorium.

He glanced at the auditorium, and at a glance he saw An You and Xiao Xueer sitting at the end. His eyes swept next to them, and suddenly he unconsciously reached out and sorted out his tie.

"Cough ... that's no nonsense. Everyone will be hungry after a busy night! I have prepared a little dessert, fruit and snacks, and champagne for you. The staff will send you to fill your stomach first. At the same time, I will say a few words and eat together with everyone. "Liu Zhengye, wearing a silver suit, was very kind, and turned his head to whisper to the assistant beside him," Look at the two girls in the last row, what kind of spicy food do you eat? Let's pour some water! "

"Well." The assistant immediately turned around and called a staff member to the last row.

At the same time, other staff immediately began to distribute various snacks, missiles and stemware, and then someone asked a variety of beverages to ask them what kind of beverages to drink, the variety is very rich, and it is completely personal choice.

"The cakes are sugar-free and low-fat, and the desserts are low-fat. The calories of snacks are not high. The juices are all squeezed by the staff. Everyone can eat and drink with confidence!" Liu Zhengye very kindly greeted, "Let ’s talk about just now You may stay in the backstage for many concerts, and you have n’t seen the live environment and grand occasion of the concert, but I can fairly say that this is a concert destined to the world! "

There was a burst of cheers and applause in the auditorium.

This concert not only embodies their labor and hard work, but also carries the dreams and interests of many people, so this group of people who usually enjoy the cheers and applause of others also showed their excitement without being stingy.

Even An You and Xiao Xue'er were also very excited.

From now on, this very meaningful concert will surely consolidate Yang Yue's status, and will also make An's media well-known, and then open several such concerts in a row. An's media is likely to again In people's minds, a new impression of "made by An's, must be a fine product" is established.

An You and Xiao Xue'er took the two glasses of orange juice handed over by the staff, and found that it was still warm. They quickly thanked her and continued to listen to Liu Zhengye.

Liu Zhengye didn't say a word, just to confirm everyone's hard work and let everyone rest assured that the success of the concert will exceed everyone's expectations, and then the free time.

All the entertainers in the small auditorium were eating snacks and desserts, and soon divided into several obvious small circles, chatting and attracting their feelings.

In this circle, of course, it is mainly based on major brands, and then connected by regions, graduated colleges, or things that have been experienced at the same time. Everyone stays in contact with each other, and agrees to have the opportunity to cooperate. This is the most basic way of making friends, and even many celebrity friends who are well known to people in the industry.

Liu Zhengye started from the first row and greeted him with sympathy. A group of senior executives of Ans Media and the main person in charge of this concert surrounded him.

Of course, the time spent on the front-line singers, stage directors, and internationally well-known makeup artists that the company hires at a high price is of course longer. Of course, these people Liu Zhengye should also be familiar with it. Sometimes they can talk about the topic.

The time spent on ordinary artists in the back will be much shorter, most of them are to say hello, just ask two words, "Did you eat well", "How have you slept in the hotel these days", the artists will go back Two sentences, even if there is a "one-sided relationship". And this "edge of one side" is also very particular in the circle. This is something that can be taken out and boasted. It is also the cost of an advantage over other artists when there is a cooperation opportunity next time.

Soon, Liu Zhengye came to the last row.

At this time An You was still eating the cake and drinking the orange juice, and only then she promised to eat only three pieces of cold-eating rabbit is empty.

Liu Zhengye first glanced at Anyang and Xiaoqian respectfully, and then at Anyou and Xiao Xueer, his expression immediately became a lot more intimate: "Is the prepared thing still appetizing?"

"It's delicious! President Liu is bothered!" An You said with a smile on his face, taking off his coat, "Liu returned your clothes, thank you."

"Not in a hurry!" Liu Zhengye quickly waved her hands to stop her movements. "Wear it first, don't be cold!"

"Then ... thank you President Liu."

"You're welcome." President Liu smiled and asked again, "How does it feel to be on stage for the first time?"

"It was a little tense at first, but the familiar rhythm sounded much better, but it didn't happen, and thanks to the company's intensive training for us this time." Anyou said calmly, "In short, I feel very good ! "

"That's good!" President Liu looked at Xiao Xueer again, "Xue'er, you're doing well too, not nervous at all!"

Xiao Xueer smiled gently: "There is no reason to be nervous about singing such a good song for us."

"Haha, but you have great potential, and the company is optimistic about you." Liu Zhengye said, inadvertently glancing at Anyang and Xiaoqian, hesitant, but in the end he said nothing, continue He and Anxue and Xiao Xueer had a cold conversation for a long time before they just found a place to sit.

However, his high affirmation and enthusiasm for Anyou and Xiao Xueer in the last row caused a lot of attention, speculation, and even cranky thinking in the front row.

Xu Ting glanced at Anyang profoundly.

About half an hour later, Liu Zhengyi left on the grounds that he was still busy. Naturally, all the senior executives of the company also left, leaving only the main principals of the concert.

These people naturally could not allow some "big coffee" to stay here for a long time, so after greeting each other a few words, several big-name stars gradually left, leaving only Yang Yue and Ding Yuan, also owned by An's media. After a few more minutes, several principals also left, and artists including Yangyue and Dingyuan gradually dispersed ...

Anyang got up and said, "Let's go too."

"Hmm." The few women nodded.

Picking up their leftover plates, cups, and boxes, Anyang said: "Want to eat something? Celebrate your success?"

An You was too lazy to bother to say anything before Xiao Xueer nodded happily: "Okay!"

An You suddenly felt helpless.

At this time Xiao Xueer said to her again: "Sometimes the concert is over, you can drink, are you happy?"

"Hehehe ... It's like you didn't drink last time!" Anyou rolled her eyes at her.

"I haven't been addicted last time, or I'll be drunk this time!"

"... Mom said that girls cannot drink alcohol outside."

"This is not outside!"

"... I will return the clothes first."

The two are still dressed like fairies, and the dust is beautiful, but they are dressed in the same black suit jackets, each holding a small square gift box with Ping An fruit, and walked outside the auditorium.

"Brother Anyang, let's go to the dressing room to change the clothes back first, and then go to General Liu's office to return the coat to him. You can tell us where you have decided and we will come directly."

"Okay, it's late now, be careful!"

"Got it."

Xiao Xueer and An You went to the dressing room.

After changing clothes, Anyou wrapped a long and wide white down jacket over the knee, and took a deep breath: "It's still warm down jacket!"

Xiao Xueer smiled. She was wearing a thick black vertical coat with black tight jeans and medium boots. The tall figure and a pair of long legs were particularly attractive. She picked up the suit. The jacket was carefully folded, holding the apple and pulling Anyou out.

At Liu Zhengye's office, the clothes were returned politely, and the two went straight to the parking lot.

Many artists' cars are also parked here, and most of them are equipped with cars. Only big names are eligible to have exclusive nanny cars.

An You and Xiao Xueer walked to the parking space of their car while talking and laughing. They actually found that two artists in the same dressing room were taking pictures of their cars with their mobile phones.

The low and highly sci-fi era stopped quietly in the middle of a parking space, the streamlined superb body is like a metal monster, and the red high-gloss spray paint gives it a more flamboyant and energetic atmosphere Can catch people's eyes.

The male and female entertainers took several pictures in a row before they stopped. They were chatting while they were shooting, probably because they didn't know when I could afford the car.

An You and Xiao Xueer stood behind them embarrassedly, and there was a kind of entanglement that the past was neither past nor past.

In fact, these two people are still restrained. When Anyou parked her car downstairs in a school or rental community, she had seen many fashionable women leaning on their cars to take pictures! Whenever thinking about her car may board someone else's circle of friends ~ ~ she always feels weird in her heart.

Suddenly, the two artists withdrew their phones and turned around and saw them both at a glance.

"Eh, are you here too?" The male artist replied.

"Yeah." An You nodded awkwardly, recognizing that this man was the man who asked himself and Xiao Xueer's surname in the dressing room at that time, "That ..."

Before she finished speaking, she saw the men directly over them. Looking behind them, the expression immediately changed slightly and became somewhat flattering, "Sister Yao, Sister Xu Ting, are you going too?"

Then Yao Yuman's voice came from behind.

"Yeah, so are you guys?"

"Huh." The man nodded quickly with a smile.

An You and Xiao Xueer glanced back and saw that Yao Yuman and Xu Ting were walking here surrounded by four black bodyguards and a personal assistant, and a Mercedes was parked beside the speed of the times Nanny car and a Toyota off-road vehicle.

Looking back, she twitched the corner of her mouth. Isn't it true that the enemy is not getting together!

"That ... can you give it a minute." An You said to the two people in front, and quickly pulled Xiao Xueer forward.

With a click, he pulled the door open, and the two sat in like a **** of avoiding plague. Then the lights flashed, and a roar suddenly sounded like this steel monster came to life.

The two entertainers standing next to them were completely stunned.

Yao Yuman and Xu Ting are also a little preoccupied.


The Anniversary Limited Edition era roared quickly, drove out of the parking space, and rushed out.

It was Yao Yuman who first responded, and whispered to Xu Ting around him: "These two girls were to attend the two with Yang Yue at the opening show? Do you know what their background is? Not everyone can afford and buy. "

Xu Ting shook his head, looking very ugly.

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