My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 954: Lost night

Outside the huge round art center, Qiuyan, who straightens her body, has a cool charm, and she is not bad in appearance, which attracts the constant audience.

Next to her is a black nanny car.

Seeing that Anyang three came out slowly, she quickly pulled the door of the car to let the three enter, and then gently closed the door, put on white gloves to sit on the driver's seat, and started the car to the gate of the headquarters park.

Anyang asked Ji Weiwei and Xiao Qian sitting opposite him: "You know where there is a place more suitable for celebrating those two girls, it is better to stay closer to their residence!"

Comrade Xiaoqian said with a smile: "Just find one, and I guess Xiaoyou and Sister Xue'er will not be picky about these, as long as you are there."

Speaking of Sister Xueer, she deliberately increased her tone, her eyes filled with laughter.

Anyang, as if not heard, said, "Well, then find a hotel near Ai Feng Garden and book a box."

"Yes." Qiu Yan responded immediately.

She started the vehicle-mounted intelligent center, directly used voice commands to find hotels near Aifengyuan, and finally picked a four-star hotel and also booked a box directly through the Internet.

Xiaoqian poured a cup of yogurt to Ji Weiwei, but she did n’t drink anything, but she pursed her lips and said, "Tonight, Hu Jun will go with Xiaoyou and Sister Xueer. to chat with."

"Huh? Why?" Anyang frowned.

Comrade Xiaoqian smiled and shook her head: "Still not going, let Weiwei go with you. Weiwei and Xiaoyou are more familiar, and they can also have fun."

Ji Weiwei just wanted to dissuade, and suddenly thought about it, she understood the real reason why Comrade Xiaoqian did not go. After a moment of thinking, she also said, "I don't want to go either. I am not familiar with your sister Xue'er, and she knows I have loved you for a long time, and she definitely won't play when I go. "

Anyang: "Then you said earlier, I won't tell them to eat out!"

"Go, take advantage of this opportunity, Christmas Eve is also known as Lost Night!" Ji Weiwei raised her eyebrows, "Your sister Xue'er is obsessed with her body, and her body is good again. If you want to do something, you must be able to Make a big profit! "

"... Are you like this?" Anyang was speechless.

Comrade Xiaoqian covered his mouth and smiled, said: "If it happens, if Weiwei doesn't go, then I won't go to Huang Lan today. I will go to Weiwei for a night. Will Weiwei not mind?"

"Of course!" Ji Weiwei shrugged.

"That's it!"

Anyang sat across from him crying and laughing.

After the will of the head of the family was rejected by the democratic policy, out of humanitarianism, Comrade Xiaoqian and Ji Weiwei, the representatives of the National People's Congress, still decided to send him to this hotel named Hyatt before leaving.

The cold wind at the end of December was very biting, especially under the cover of night, it became more and more unscrupulous.

Street lights lined up in the street, dim and dim, Anyang stood outside for a moment, then advanced to the hotel, sitting on the sofa in the lobby waiting for them.

Before long, a roar came.

The Times Limited Edition, which had turned red, drove over and steadily stopped at the door of the hotel.

An You and Xiao Xue'er got off the car, raised their heads to confirm the address, and then slammed the door shut and walked into the hotel.

The security guard at the door of the hotel just wanted to come over to help stop. When the supercar with the main driver and co-pilot empty was moved again, he stopped in the parking space at the door of the hotel.

Seeing An You in a thick down jacket and Xiao Xueer in a black coat came in, Anyang also stood up and said to the waiter at the side: "When the man arrives, go to the box."

"Okay, sir." The waiter said softly.

Anyang also nodded to her, and then greeted the two men whose hair was slightly blown up by the wind, laughing: "Suddenly found that you have a celebrity fan, if you wear a mask and two bodyguards, you are free. superstar!"

Xiao Xueer laughed: "Brother Anyang made fun of us again."

After a pause, she looked around again: "Sister Xiaoqian and Sister Weiwei? Already in the seat?"

Anyang was a little embarrassed: "They went back, one was uncomfortable, the other was going to squeeze her to sleep, and now I have one."

"Really? That's a pity ..." Xiao Xueer said.

Anyang smiled: "Regardless of them, let's go up first."

A group of three went upstairs.

This hotel is a bit special, unlike the general hotel style that uses all the upper floors as housing, its restaurant and private rooms are on the highest floor, and all have huge floor-to-ceiling windows. When the diners pull the curtains open, they can get a glimpse of the city's scenery. Whether it is the morning light, the traffic during the day, the summer dusk gradually falling, or the city's beautiful night scene, the most important thing is to enjoy it while eating.

While the waiter was turning on the air conditioner, Anyou's first thing was to rush to open the curtains and brush, and the beautiful Jinguan city suddenly jumped into the eyes from the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Here is the sixteenth floor, and below is the viaduct that runs through Jinguan City. Even though the color of the high-rise buildings around is a bit dull, the university city is mainly dark, but this elevated road is still illuminated by the street lights every few meters, like a glowing river, in this bright orange yellow There are also a continuous stream of vehicles in the Guanghe, and the streamer-like lights constitute a beautiful picture.

I do not know why so many people are running around in this cold winter.

livelihood? family? Or dream?

"It's so beautiful!" An You sighed, and then said, "At this time, there is a SLR and a tripod. If you can shoot the streamer of the car with a slow shutter here, it must be beautiful!"

Anyang sat on the seat and said: "Find me, have a better attitude, squeeze your shoulders and thump your legs, which one you want to buy!"

An Youbai gave him a glance: "I can't afford it!"

"Then why don't you buy it."

"Save money!"

"Huh, ambitious!" Anyang turned the menu to them, "order first."

"Just eat whatever you want. I just ate a little bit and I am not hungry now, but Brother Anyang said he would drink with us." Xiao Xueer said, and changed the position to face the window before opening the menu. stand up.

All three sat across the window and raised their heads to get a panoramic view of the night view of Jinguan City.

"It would be nice if we depended on the river." An Youdao said.

"Order first!" Anyang said coldly.

So the three simply ordered a few side dishes.

Because considering the low-calorie foods that two girls have eaten these days, like fruit or something, they all simmered, Anyang ordered a stew, and then said, "What do you want to drink?"

"Drink!" An Youdao!

"Wine!" Xiao Xueer also said.

"Then look at it." Anyang handed the menu back again.

Xiao Xueer took the menu and turned directly to the liquor page. After reading it for a long time, he still didn't make a decision, so he threw the menu to him again: "Brother Anyang, please order liquor."

"Liquor? Drink red bar, or beer."

"I haven't drank liquor yet. Brother Anyang is here. Let me try it. Anyway, we can rest assured only with Brother Anyang." Xiao Xueer said.

As soon as the words fell, Anyou dismantled the stage and said: "Xue'er, you can't bear the character of this guy too much. If you're not drunk, it's okay. If you're drunk, you won't do anything. I won't be able to save you! You still have to be careful! "

Anyang twitched his mouth, casually ordered the bottle of Maotai, and specifically told the waiter to slow down.

In fact, it's almost 11 o'clock now, because just two beautiful girls have eaten something. Anyway, it is impossible to go back early today. Anyang simply let them chat here for a while.

He said, "You guys are on stage, you probably don't see your performance and how wonderful this concert will be?"

As soon as this sentence came out, even Anyou was interested.

Xiao Xueer said: "I didn't see it, but I felt a little bit. I only knew that this concert was really great, and when we were on stage, the response from the audience was quite good."

"Well ... let's play normally." An Youdao said.

Anyang smiled: "It's not only good, it's more than normal! You didn't think that this is Yangyue's concert. The iron powder of Yangyue is sitting below. Even if there is emotion in Yangyue, they must still be inclined to Yangyue. If ordinary second- and third-tier stars come to power, you might not make a few bubbles. You can cause them to respond so well. "

"Is it?" Xiao Xueer's eyes suddenly turned bright. For her, perhaps the world's boast is not as important as Anyang's.

"Of course." Anyang smiled, his expression gentle and sunny, it was easy for people to feel warm.

Xiao Xueer felt for some time that he was intoxicated in his smile, and could not help squinting. He realized that he really had a handsome look that was different from his first impression.

Of course, his first impression is still very charming and charming.

An You looked at them coldly, unzipped the down jacket, and said, "The air conditioner seems to be a little hot!"

She was dressed in a black, leaf-patterned t-shirt, which was a little tight, and outlined the girl's delicate waist. The big and small chest also pushed the t-shirt up, with the temptation of youth.

Xiao Xueer reacted now, Xue Bai's face was flushed with blush, and she turned her head.

Anyang didn't care: "This concert was recorded by someone. It should be posted on major websites tomorrow at the latest. If you want to watch it, I can ask someone to send a copy tonight. You can watch after eating. "

"Really? Then trouble Anyang brother!" Xiao Xueer turned his face again.

An You snorted coldly without speaking.

Anyang still talked to them about the fun of the concert, for example, which artist was found to sing the wrong sound, for example, which famous artist came on stage but did not allow Yang Yue fans to buy it, and almost cooled the scene.

Xiao Xueer also took off his coat, the air conditioner was turned on sufficiently, and the three would not be cold.

It wasn't until an hour later that the waiter brought up the dishes and drinks and poured a transparent mini glass jug next to them. This mini glass jug can hold two or two wines. When you drink it later, you can pour the wine in the jug into a small glass and drink it slowly.

Anyang asked for milk and water again. When the waiter went down, he poured a small glass and lifted up: "You try a little bite, do n’t drink if you find it difficult, do n’t swallow it, be careful Choke ~ ~ Um. "

The two beautiful girls also poured a small cup.

Anyang said: "Well, let's drink to your first step in the star dream!"

"Cheers!" The two beautiful girls shouted.

This cup is very small and can be drunk with a bite. The two beautiful girls do the same, but the intensity and spiciness of the liquor is not what they can bear, although Maotai has done a good job in this regard.

I saw the two beautiful girls suddenly showing an uncomfortable expression, quickly put down the cup and took a sip of tea.


Anyang suddenly smiled: "Don't drink it."

Girls who can hardly drink alcohol and never drink liquor, needless to say, feel the first time drinking liquor. Even if they can persist, they usually ca n’t stand up even if they ca n’t stand up.

But Xiao Xueer swallowed the tea and flushed out the discomfort in his mouth, but shook his head: "No, we usually don't drink alcohol, so we can drink it once, and we can't just forget it. And we said OK, Don't get drunk. "

Anyang smiled helplessly: "Well, I'll take you back when I'm drunk, or just open a room here."

Xiao Xueer nodded cleverly: "Well."

Anyang said to them: "Don't drink too quickly, it's easy to get drunk, and it's best not to be resistant to it, so it will be particularly uncomfortable to drink ..."

Gradually, there were fewer and fewer dishes on the table.

Correspondingly, the wine in the wine bottle is also declining. Although most of it was drunk in Anyang, the two beautiful girls also drank a lot. They are a little drunk at the moment.

The three are still chatting with each other.

Xiao Xue'er is better, his mouth is quite awake, and An You doesn't know what she's talking about.

But Xiao Xueer knew that he couldn't drink any more.

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