My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 955: Open house

"Brother Anyang, I am a little drunk." Xiao Xueer said drunkenly.

"Then don't drink it." Anyang smiled and put down his glass, as if he didn't drink most of the bottles.

Anyou's rosy eyes next to him froze.

"Why, admit it?"

She said that she picked up the small cup in her hand and poured the wine into her mouth with her head raised.

Anyang twitched fiercely.

This nizi is really drinking ... Is it just that she just taught too well? According to this state, if she drank a little bit of wine, it would be good luck to wake up tomorrow morning without having a headache!

"Okay, don't drink, I'm drunk, I confessed, you are the elder sister, I'm the younger brother, you have to take care of me." Anyang said as she got up and took her hand from her hand The small glass cup was stiffly pulled out and placed on the table, before turning around and calling the waiter, "Checkout!"

Soon the waiter brought in a small ticket and a POS machine and politely asked him whether he was swiping a card or cash.

"Swipe." Anyang said.

Soon after swiping the card to settle the bill, he looked at Xiao Xue'er, who was sitting on the seat with his eyes bright, staring at his unblinking Xiao Xue'er, and his hands on his chin, his eyes dimly, and he couldn't help a headache.

"I'll ask someone to send you back."

"Don't trouble people, it's too late, let's rest here, brother Anyang." Drunk Xiao Xueer's voice is very soft, filled with a kind of light coolness, like going out in the morning in summer A ray of moist breeze blowing from the street, cool and comfortable, and a kind of glutinous soft.

An You also murmured indistinctly: "You haven't shown us the video of the concert yet ..."

"Okay, I'll open a room for you, and then ask someone to send the video. If you can still open your eyes, just watch!"

"Huh?" Xiao Xueer stretched out and grabbed his palm, "Brother Anyang still have to go back?"

Xiao Xueer's fingers are slender and slender, her skin is white and smooth, soft and soft, and she is very comfortable in her hands. It makes people feel the urge to slowly knead her hands tightly in her palms.

An You seemed to be careless, but she looked at Xiao Xue'er and took Anyang's hand without saying a word.

Anyang looked up at the clock on the wall of the box. Now that the time had passed, and Comrade Xiaoqian went to sleep at Ji Weiwei's house, he thought a little and said, "Then don't go back, I will open next to you. Room, if you have anything, just call me, you know? "

"A few days ago, I saw news of a hotel prying a door. I was a little scared. Let's open a suite, Brother Anyang." Xiao Xueer took his hand and didn't release it. Instead, he slid his finger to his palm and murmured Talking.

Anyang felt a strange sense of numbness coming from the palm of his hand, and thought for a while before saying: "Then I will ask the waiter first."

At the same time, he took the opportunity to release Xiao Xueer's hand, as if to escape something.

He asked the waiter at the door to confirm that the hotel also has suites, and each room in the room was separated by a door before he came back and said: "Well, when we open the suite, I will live next to you. If I feel physical at night If you feel uncomfortable, or if any of you are crazy about drinking, just knock on my door. "

"Huh!" Xiao Xueer nodded sweetly.

An You still kept that posture, put her chin on the table with her elbows, and stared at Xiao Xue'er's naturally hanging hand with her eyes.

Anyang and Xiao Xueer looked at each other, and then looked at the dazed Anyou, and got up and went out: "I'm going to open the room."

Soon, he returned with the room card.

"Can Xueer still go?" Anyang asked.

Xiao Xueer wanted to say that he couldn't walk, but after looking at Anyou, who was obviously drunk, he nodded and said, "I can go."

Anyang looked at Anyou again.

An You lowered her hand, shook her head, and seemed to be in a spirit, and said, "I can go too!"

"It's still stubborn!" Anyang twitched his lips and walked over to help her, but she threw her hands away.

"Tell you that I can go!" Said Nizi stubbornly, then pushed away the chair and made a harsh sound, and began to crook just after two steps!


Anyang hurried forward to support her.

At this time, An You still wanted to push him away, but An Yang ignored her at all, squatted down directly, wrapped her waist with one hand from the front of her, and bent her leg with the other hand, slightly Put her on the shoulder as hard as possible!

"Less nonsense, let's go!"

An You, who was carried by him, froze for a moment, blinked his eyes twice, and then immediately began to struggle, but was drunk, but her struggle was so weak.

"Leave me ... you let me go ... I can go!"

She couldn't help but shouted twice, and she found that she couldn't get rid of Anyang, and Anyang was completely deaf to her cry, so she turned to Xiao Xue'er for help: "Quick help me Xueer, Xueer quickly help me."

Xiao Xueer walked behind Anyang by the wall, looking at her lightly: "I think you are so comfortable!"

"That's what you think! I don't think ..."

"If you were drunk, now Anyang's brother resisted me!" Xiao Xueer walked in front of Anyang without being concerned about Anyang by drunkenness, and said to Anyou lightly.


An You discouraged a long breath, and finally gave up the struggle, completely relaxed and lying on Anyang's shoulder!

"This is all forced ..."

"This is not my voluntary ..."

She closed her eyes, reminding herself.

The room was on the second floor downstairs. Anyang carried Anyou to the elevator and pressed downstairs. Seeing Xiao Xueer holding the wall seemed a little dazed, she divided her hand and took her hand. , As for the other hand ...

Of course, holding Anyou legs!

Otherwise Anyou will fall ...

The elevator came quickly, and went down two floors. As soon as the elevator door opened, Anyang saw a group of people dragging their luggage across the elevator. It seemed that they were a family of people. .

The family also saw him.

A pair of young men suddenly saw him, a man carrying a little girl in the middle of the night, all in a daze.

Although the girl who was resisted by the man on his shoulders turned away from them and could not see his face, he could vaguely see the proper flower season and his body was very good. He wore a pair of ordinary canvas shoes and was very youthful. It was weird to lie on the man's shoulder but didn't move.

The two young men looked at each other and felt that they were wrong. It happened that Anyang walked out of the elevator and they were dumbfounded again.

Because Anyang was also holding a girl with a good figure in a thin sweater, with chest and long legs, and a reddish cold face, a long hair fell down, and several messy hairs ran onto the face, Glamorous.

At the same time, the girl held two women's clothes on the wrist of the other hand, carried a bag in her hand, and glanced at them as she stepped out of the elevator.

The two young men immediately withdrew their gazes and were embarrassed to read more.

"excuse me."

Anyang walked faster and quickly walked across the family to the room. He stopped at the door of the room before releasing Xiao Xue'er's hand, felt the room card, and opened the door with a click.

At that time, the family also came over, stopped next to them, and found the room card to open the door, and continued to cast a slightly curious look towards this side, as if thinking about their relationship.

And Anyang had already carried Anyou into the room, and Xiao Xueer naturally followed.

Insert the room card into the room card slot, the lights in the room suddenly light up, only the huge floor-to-ceiling window on the living room is black, which can reflect the pattern of the room and the three people who have just entered from the door like a mirror.

The decoration and decoration in the room is still good. After all, it is the highest standard suite. It does not embellish the glorious feeling of gold with gold, but tries to decorate the style of the hotel style and the warm wind in white and other pale warm colors. Anyang is very satisfied.

Throwing Anyou on the sofa in the living room, Anyang turned on the air conditioner and looked at the room layout before he said: "You sleep in this one, I sleep in the one next to the door, but it's best to wipe this girl's face first, then Throw the bed. "

As soon as the words fell, Anyou suddenly rolled over on the sofa and opened her eyes and said, "I can move myself, I want to take a shower!"

"Okay, take a bath. I'll put you some water first, wash in the bathtub, and stand falling easily." Anyang said, facing Xiao Xueer again, "You wash with her, or she will drown in the bathtub No one knows, you have to pay attention, do n’t fall asleep. "

An You scratched her head and straightened up again: "Long-talking mother-in-law, said a lot, like a woman ..."

Anyang: "..."

Xiao Xueer smiled gently and nodded seriously, looking at him and saying, "I will not fall asleep."

"That's good. Call me if you have something. I'll go to drain the water first." Anyang said, turning around and walking to the bathroom.

An You fell down again, straightened her arms and took Xiao Xueer's hand hard, muttering: "Is there anything else to call him, do we take a bath and wear clothes to wash? Now ... "

Xiao Xueer smiled again: "Then don't marry!"

"If you don't marry me, you don't marry ..."

Anyang just adjusted the water from the faucet in the bathtub to a suitable temperature. When he walked out, he heard a soft knock on the door and the waiter took the things Xiao Xueer and Anyou mentioned.


Anyang took a deep breath.

At home, if he wants to take a shower, Comrade Xiaoqian or the little fox will give him water. He doesn't know that he hasn't waited for such a long time.

Back in the living room, An You was still lying on the sofa, her eyes wide open, black and white.

Anyang said angrily: "Look at you, if you drink like this in the future, you won't know if you lose!"

An You rolled over and pulled a pillow to cover her head, posing as if she didn't want to see him. Only a rumbling voice came out from under the pillow: "I won't drink outside ..."

Anyang gave her a blank look and was too lazy to talk to her.

Soon the water was drained.

An You's head was more dizzy, but the control of her limbs was better, and Xiao Xueer was helped to walk to the bathroom.

The sound of two waters coming into the bathroom one after the other was very slight, but Anyang heard clearly, and even heard the whispers of two girls. There was a topic about today's concert, and there was also the privacy between the little daughters. topic.

He shook his head, not to listen to these.

The two girls did not fall in the bathroom, nor fell asleep, so there was no dog blood plot, they quickly washed out, Xiao Xueer walked in front, wearing a nightgown.

"Brother Anyang is going to take a shower?" Xiao Xueer wiped her wet hair with a white towel embroidered with a hotel logo. Occasionally, a few drops of water on her forehead and cold cheeks were also quickly dried by her.

The wide and thick bathrobe covered most of her attractive figure, but the tightly-tied belt still showed the girl ’s slim waist, still tall, with a fair-skinned calf and feet wearing slippers 5. The sleeves that slipped down the elbows by raising your hands show white and delicate arms, coupled with a cold and delicate fox charm, which can still make the population dry and unable to self-control!

An You followed her, and she did n’t mind An Yang wearing a nightgown. She looked sober, but her face was still red, and her height was slightly shorter than Xiao Xue'er. Very clever.

"What about the video? Did you get it ..." she said, bowing her head while arranging her belt.

"got it."

"Then are you going to take a bath, let's watch for a while."

"Alright, watch it on the TV."


Anyang went to turn on the TV, and the two beautiful girls sat cross-legged on the sofa side by side, both leaning on their chins to make expectations.

Anyang turned around and felt a little dazzled.

Their calves protrude from under the bathrobe, bending, and the white and delicate skin squeezes out a small gully, which is very dazzling, but perhaps it is the effect of alcohol, but they are unaware.

Anyang put the TV and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

There is still a slight scent remaining in the bathroom. In addition to the smell of soap and shampoo, there are the smells of the two girls themselves ~ ~ There is a loud noise from the concert in the living room. At first there were two women The children's whispered speech, and finally the whisper became softer, leaving only the voice of the concert.

When Anyang came out to take a bath, Anyou was asleep, and was lying on the sofa with a very indecent posture on her side. The white flower's thighs were completely exposed to the air, through the loose bathrobe , Vaguely can see the deeper secret.

Anyang quickly drew back his gaze and looked at Xiao Xueer, who was barely supporting the concert video: "If you are sleepy, go to sleep and watch tomorrow."

Xiao Xueer turned his head weakly, thinking for a while, he nodded and said, "Okay."

So Anyang walked over, gently pressed on the head of Anyou, who was asleep, and inadvertently eliminated the sequelae of drunkenness for her, and then embraced her lightly and walked to their room.

And Xiao Xueer silently followed behind him.

She was wondering ... Should she fall asleep?

It ’s not too late to wake up anyway.

Anyang put Anyou on it, and she didn't wake up, but she moved twice, like a child. Quietly let him swing his body, let him straighten the pleated robe under his body, and let him cover himself with a quilt.

Anyang breathed a sigh of relief and turned to see Xiao Xueer leaning against the door and said, "Resume early."

Xiao Xue'er's eyes shone lightly. From time to time, he looked at An You, who was asleep in bed, and hesitated for a moment, then nodded gently: "Well."

Anyang watched her walk into the bedroom, smiled at her, passed her by, and closed the door when she went out.

Nothing happened overnight.

But after sleeping for more than two hours, about four o'clock in the morning, Anyang suddenly heard a click from the door, the door was pushed open, and the living room was still dark.

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