My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 956: Christmas Eve

Anyang did not sleep at all, but kept his eyes closed in his mind to simulate the process of transforming the special abilities of the four gems into spells. Now he has achieved little results on the soul gem and the space gem has found a good entry point. There is not much progress on the remaining time gems and reality gems.

Strictly speaking, he was obsessed with thinking, almost devoted himself wholeheartedly, and because the world hardly threatened his existence, he also relaxed his vigilance and did not hear footsteps at all.

It wasn't until this click that he suddenly awakened him!

His eyes seemed to reflect a faint light in the darkness, and the fog that could block the sight of ordinary people seemed to cease to exist under his eyes, and everything was as clear as the day.

I saw that my door had been opened, but it was not completely pushed away. A white and delicate hand reached in and groped up and down on the wall beside the door.

at last--

She felt the switch.

With a snap, the lights in the room turned on.

Anyou walked in wrapped in a bathrobe at random, and saw that she had just put it on after she got up from the bed, because she did not have a belt, but held the bathrobe tightly with one hand so that it would not run out. The other hand is placed in front of the eyes to cover the light while constantly rubbing the eyes, as if sleepwalking ...

After two steps, she held her hand in front of her and narrowed her eyes to the ground, stunned and stopped.

She realized it was wrong.

Then she stood there for ten seconds, motionless except for touching the back of her head, squinting her eyes, as if adjusting her eyes to the bright light, and seemingly waiting for her brain to gradually wake up.

Finally, she turned her head to look at Anyang, and at the same time murmured in her mouth:

"Why are there no toilets in the toilet ... the bathtub is gone ..."

I saw her expression startled: "There is still a bed !!!"

Then another startled: "There are still people !!!"

Anyang wrapped his undressed upper body with a quilt, raised his head and looked at her helplessly. Before he could speak, he saw Anyou with a dull face and asked him: "You ... how do you sleep in the toilet!"

Anyang was angry and laughing for a while: "Are you brain kicked by a donkey? This is my room, the toilet is next door!"

"Ah ..." Anyou stunned.

A few seconds later, she finally lost the expression of the three views that seemed to be subverted, and then put her hand over her face, and the other hand clasped the bathrobe without buttons and belts, and took a small step to the door. Walking quickly outside, like a flight ...


Anyang sighed deeply, but his face was helpless!

At this time, I saw Anyou put his head in from the door and said fiercely: "Nothing happened tonight, you didn't see anything, you know?"

"You have to threaten me if you have done something wrong, shouldn't you be pleased with me and beg me not to say it?"

"You dream! I don't care, that's it!"

Before Anyang answered, she slammed the door.

Anyang pursed his lips, and his mood suddenly became complicated.

If you knew it, you shouldn't treat her drunk, otherwise she might still be lying on the bed like a dead pig!

How good ...

Anyang rolled over, closed his eyes, and continued to simulate the possibility of opening up the space channel in his brain.

Although the energy in the space gem is more powerful than the sum of its own body, the proportion of the energy it can release at a time is not large. At this point, the energy released by the best of its ability can definitely crush it.

Therefore, the energy played by the space gem in the process of opening the space channel is not great, or it is not irreplaceable in terms of "energy", but its more important and more difficult to replace is its special ability. In Anyang's words, it is a running model, a technology, and an energy work method based on the laws of space.

This can obviously be copied!

It is just that due to different world laws, the energy required to open the same length of space channel in different worlds may be different.

If this "technique" is refined to the extent that it involves the laws of the end, it may be necessary to adjust them in different worlds to adapt to the laws of the new world, and it does not even rule out the situation where it is completely unusable.

Therefore, in many non-natural civilization systems, the more pure, primitive, and more basic the means involved in the law, even if some methods involve the end law, the professor will require the practitioner to understand the basic principles.

Generally speaking, no matter what kind of civilization, the more knowledgeable the stronger the person.

As far as the system of origin is concerned, because of the interest in research and exploration, it has promoted the development of various knowledge and theories. Usually, it can reach the point of "the magician" to have the means of shuttle space, but there are also some masters of space science First-level scholars can establish spatial channels during the period. Now Anyang has an excellent technology carrier for research, and he also wants to try whether he can have this ability in advance.

According to his current analysis, in general, the work foundation of this space gem is in accordance with the "Selig's third law" taught by Natalie, the silent scholar of the high tower ...

Anyang was thinking, and with a sudden click, his door was pushed open again.


He sighed sharply.

He heard some gentle footsteps coming into the room, getting closer and closer to him, without raising his head, while using all his energy to think, he said lightly: "Go wrong again, your room is beside, go out to left."

Suddenly, the footsteps stopped in front of his bed.

"Why ... I'm confused again?" An Yang just said that he found someone lightly lifting his quilt, and then a soft and warm body got in.

"Brother Anyang ~"

A voice was cold but soft at this time, coming from behind with some hesitant shouts, making people's ears crisp ...

Anyang's inner secret is not good!

From the moment his quilt was lifted, he felt that it might be Xiao Xue'er. The tall, slender body and Xiao Xueer's sweet and crisp cry that he got into later confirmed his guess.

His energy was suddenly drawn from his thoughts!

But he didn't move, he didn't turn around, and he was even stiff because he knew he was not wearing clothes ...

But he could clearly feel that Xiao Xueer lay flat on his back, and he shared a warm blanket with him, his side and arms were next to his back, and there was a burst of warmth.

"Brother Anyang hasn't slept yet ..." Xiao Xueer said again with a trembling voice.

Anyang finally couldn't calm down anymore, turned around to face Xiao Xueer, in the dark he could see the side of Xiao Xueer's face, trying to calmly said: "Xue'er don't sleep and run me here to do, Is n’t this good? "

Xiao Xueer lay flat on his bed motionless, and her body shivered slightly that no ordinary person could feel, but her face tried hard to keep calm, even in the darkness where she could not reach her fingers.

"I can not sleep."

Anyang smiled bitterly: "You can't fall asleep and you don't need to run Anyang brother here in the middle of the night, and still lie on my bed. After you do this ... Doesn't it sound good to pass on?"

Xiao Xueer didn't say anything that I didn't care about. Instead, she turned her courage and turned around, almost facing him. The girl's warm and gentle breath hit his chin, making him itchy.

"I think Brother Anyang ..."

The extremely beautiful Xiao Xueer's sentence can easily break anyone's concentration, and even make the senior monk also popular.

Anyang was also startled, his eyes a little complicated.

And he is different from ordinary people, he can clearly see Xiao Xueer's face in the darkness, can see her thin and slightly trembling lips, nervous and serious, idiot expression.

Anyang took a long breath and said softly: "If you can't fall asleep, just go out and wait, I put on my clothes and go to the living room to chat with you, OK?"

Xiao Xueer didn't answer, but hugged Anyang, who was wearing only one pair of pants, and was also closer to Anyang. The two were almost close to each other.

"Brother Anyang, I love you so much." She said softly and softly, swearing for love ...

Xiao Xueer's figure is so good. Needless to say, Anyang only feels that the curve on the front of her body is completely printed in front of her, and the full and tall double peaks on her chest are only on her chest across a layer of bathrobe, soft Both the elasticity and the elasticity are just right. The perfect shape is slightly deformed by the squeeze. The proud volume gives a heavy feeling to her chest. At the same time, her slender and straight thighs are also close to her thighs, and a little skin is not bathed. The robe covered ~ ~ came with a smooth and soft touch.

Anyang suddenly dries, but reason makes him say to this girl infatuatedly: "Don't do this, Xueer, you are young, you still have a lot of years, you can have a better love and Youth, I do n’t deserve ... "

Xiao Xueer narrowed his eyes. When the eyes gradually adjusted to the darkness, she could vaguely see the outline of Anyang ’s face through the glimmer of the window, and lowered her head and said: "But Brother Anyang has become the best representative in my heart. , I want to be with Anyang brother forever. I want to put everything on Anyang brother and give everything to Anyang brother, and I do n’t want anything ... "

As she said, she looked up again and said in a warm, soft and tempting tone: "Brother Anyang, I really like you."

Anyang shook his head: "I have a girlfriend, you know, and I am six years older than you, you don't have to ..."

"Sister Weiwei doesn't care, I can too." Xiao Xueer leaned closer and closer to him, almost buried her face in his chest, "I can do anything, I can bear anything, Brother Anyang, do n’t refuse me, OK ... "

Anyang could feel Xiao Xue'er's delicate and full body next to her undressed body, and she was not wearing underwear, apparently prepared.

This scene, coupled with her soft voice and obsessive tone, no one can refuse this temptation.

At this time, Xiao Xueer divided another hand, pressed his hard chest, and his face continued to move forward until his hot mouth was printed on his neck, and then turned his head to stick his face on his neck and said: "I think It took a long time and made a big decision to gather the courage to come here. I think I have thought about it .... Does Anyang like me? "

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