My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 966: Family feast

Anyang presses Ji Weiwei on the bed again for a while before getting up, and Ji Weiwei, who is just outside and inside, takes it for him. Anyway, she knows that it is futile to resist.

Anyang, who was still wearing big pants quickly, said: "No one at home, the old couple should go out to buy food. Get up quickly. It's not too early now, and they should come back later."

Ji Weiwei glared at him and pulled the soft and fluffy quilt to the root of his neck to cover his body. He said, "Then you are not going out yet, I will get dressed!"

Anyang said with astonishment: "You wore it, I have seen it and I have touched it. What are you shy about!"

Ji Weiwei stared at him fiercely again, knowing that he could not help his rogue, and he was too lazy to care about him. He shrank his head directly into the quilt, shrunk in the quilt and changed his direction, and his head suddenly came out of the bed foot.

Anyang looked funny outside: "What are you doing?"

Ji Weiwei ignored him, but stretched out a long, slender white arm, struggling to reach forward, the other hand covered the white chest with a quilt, and finally reached the BRA that fell to the ground, grabbing his shoulder. With that, he suddenly shrunk his hands in.

Anyang smiled dumbly and found it really interesting.

Then Ji Weiwei sat in the quilt-from the shape of the quilt, she could guess that she should be sitting in the quilt.

After learning about Suo Suo's voice, she lifted the quilt. At this time, she was wearing beige lace BRA and black panties. Her whole body was white and delicate skin. She could even see the subtle gully on her chest. Proving that she is not so small.

Anyang saw the small decorative pendant in the middle of the two cups that he touched and played with last night. It was a small diamond-shaped red crystal stringed with thin metal chains.

Then he looked down, and for the first time seriously appreciated Ji Weiwei wearing only underwear: "Black, the heart is wild!"

Ji Weiwei glanced at him with contempt: "Don't use your shallow knowledge to assert the girl's character. Most girls in black underwear are just because they are black and resistant to dirt, and the light color is too lazy to wash!"

Anyang smiled interestingly: "It's great, the rebuttal is very strong, but tomorrow night I will let you say goodbye to the girl claiming to be!"

Ji Weiwei blushed again: "Rogue!"

Then she turned around, revealing Anyang's smooth and flawless back-the skin was white and soft, and the shallow bones were undulating when the upper body was moving. The shoulders were very narrow, especially at the waist, and the outline contracted inward Two beautiful arcs come out, and the back is just beautiful!

Without waiting for Anyang to appreciate it, she bent down to pick up the thin sweater on the ground, so she showed Anyang another beauty of her body—

The buttocks wrapped in triangle lace **** had white and soft skin, and had an attractive curvature when pursed.

Anyang thinks that the carefully-crafted and post-processed flat model photos on the Internet are no more than that. However, the results that have been sculpted for a long time before being finalized are not as amazing as this glimpse of life.

It's a pity that it's always just a glimpse.

In a blink of an eye, Ji Weiwei picked up the green and black thin sweater, stood straight and spread her body, and then let Anyang see for the first time how she wore clothes.

I have to say that this opened an eye to Anyang.

Because her hair is very long and supple, she is scattered behind her back, and dressing is really a hindrance, so she first put all her long hair to the back and sorted it out, like a waterfall, and then took the wrapped thin sweater and went down from the top With two hands reaching out from the sleeves, the clothes were put on. Then she put her hand behind her neck, pulled out all her long hair in her clothes, and spread it back on her back.

This series of operations stunned Anyang, who had never seen Xiao Qian wearing clothes like this, because Xiao Qian generally wore her clothes to beckon first to let the clothes fly, and the fairy turned around once, and the clothes were ready to wear.

Including when he lived with Jiang Xinrou before, if Jiang Xinrou wanted to wear this kind of non-placket clothes, he would put it on his neck first, take out his hair and then wear it, or let him help him directly, without putting on the clothes Put it on again and pluck the hair out like this.

But Anyang admits ... this trick is really cool!

The two walked out of the same room with great swing. The home was empty and the living room was very quiet.

In addition to the starling's piercing bird calls ...

"Good morning, Your Majesty!"

"Good morning, Your Majesty!"

Anyang tugged at the corner of his mouth and waved his hand, ignoring the silly bird, but quickly dressed and sat downstairs.

There are indeed some relatives coming today. Almost all of Uncle Anyang ’s generation have arrived. There are even some cousins ​​who move closer. Most of them came to celebrate the move of the An Guoshu family to their new home.

In this society, the concept of home is extremely important, especially in rural areas, moving a new home is a big deal.

Anyang remembers that when he lived in his hometown when he was a child, if anyone had built a new house on the village street, he would basically invite all the villagers in the neighborhood to have a meal and firecrackers. Later, as the pace of the times has accelerated, these customs have been abandoned a lot, but no matter what, you still have to invite good friends and relatives and help the neighbors who have helped out in the process of moving to a new home to express a joy and gratitude .

Anyang decided to buy this house quickly, and no one helped, so only his own relatives came to dinner. As for the move to the new home for so long, why they chose to choose at this time, he did not know.

I don't want to speculate.

At noon, An Da and Ma came back, with Zhou Yilian and Nanny Xiaoqiu on board.

Followed by Zhou Zhengtao's car, in addition to sitting Anyang's second aunt and his son, also sitting in a cousin, it seems that Anyang grandpa's sister was married to the daughter.

Some people came by taxi and drove all the way to the door of the villa. Apparently An Da greeted the security guard of Jiangshui Tingyuan, otherwise these taxis would not be able to drive in.

Anyang counted about ten people.

He smiled, patted Ji Weiwei on the shoulder, and pulled the little cat by the way, and greeted him at the door.

Most of these people recognized Anyang and shouted Ji Weiwei one by one, and then ushered them into the living room, beckoning them to sit down and drink water. The empty and quiet living room that was just empty was immediately bustling.

"This is Anyang, it has grown so big!"

"The boy is having a good time now."

"This girl is your girlfriend? She looks so beautiful."


Constant conversations flooded Anyang's ears, and he also dealt with them one by one before finally putting everyone in place.

Relatives looked around the living room with envious faces.

There are also bear children running around after chasing riches, jumping up and trying to catch two birds.

Fugui and two birds are his treasure now!

While Anyang looked at these relatives, they were also looking at Anyang. For them, Anyang was the model who suddenly made a fortune and made a fortune.

Look at this villa, how big it is, just buy it!

In addition to envy, sourness and other emotions, in fact, most people are a bit cautious, even if they are related by blood, even they grew up with An Da, but now Anyang suddenly has money, so An Da has lived such a luxurious Life seems to be detached from the original class at once, and they are not the same as them. These people living in rural areas and small towns are inevitably somewhat restrained.

Fortunately, both An Da, An Ma and An Yang were very enthusiastic and eased their discomfort, including smiling at Zhou Zhengtao's family An Yang.

Zhou Zhengtao is also a slick person, as if the unpleasantness of the last meeting did not happen at all. He still talks and laughs with An Da at random, and still cares about Anyang's life. On the contrary, An Da and him get a little unnatural.

Only Zhou Chenglong's face is not very good-looking, but looking at this luxurious villa and comfortable environment, he did not say anything.

Instead of buying food, An Da An Ma ordered the delivery service of a hotel directly, and delivered two tables of hearty dishes, which were placed in the spacious living room.

Anyang and Ji Weiwei are sitting at the same table with An Da and An Ma, and there are some cousins ​​on the table, but Zhou Zhengtao is more fun this time and consciously sat at another table. Only his daughter Zhou Yilian sat with Anyang ~ ~ I wonder if he wants to borrow Zhou Yilian to repair the relationship with Anyang.

Aunt Anyang sat at the top and looked at the living room with a tongue-in-cheek atmosphere. She expressed emotion to Anyang: "The last time I went back to my hometown, I was still asking about your work. I didn't expect you to make such a fortune in a blink of an eye. You can afford a villa , Great! "

"The opportunity has arrived, the opportunity has arrived." Anyang said.

"What is the chance to get the money so fast? Brother Jiaming also pointed the way. Everyone is relatives and have money together!" Aunt Anyang looked at Anyang without blinking, his eyes eager.

"..." Anyang was almost speechless, and said for a long time, "I didn't say that before, I worked at An's Group."

"An's Group! Know and know."

Now everyone no longer knows nothing about An's Group more than a year ago, mainly because the An's Group's reputation has grown to the point of no one knowing, so Anyang's aunt not only has not questioned a year ago , But did not despise a year ago, but became very eager.

"You can earn so much money in An's group, you must be a big official? Right? There are so many opportunities in the An's group, the company is so big, and the salary is high. Please introduce your Jiaming brothers and go for a back door. They are worried that they ca n’t find a job! ”Aunt Anyang even put down her chopsticks.“ Auntie still said that, blood is thicker than water. Everyone is relatives. If you have money to make a good life together, let ’s live together! ”

Anyang was speechless again.

Good days live together. Why didn't anyone say this when An Guoshu and Xie Yunqing lived a hard time?

And this face is really unsightly, and the eyes are a little too red, completely brainless, I don't know what to think of An's group! Some people who can't find even ordinary jobs, or even graduated from technical secondary school, opened their back door to Anshi Group, a company with strict requirements on talents!

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