My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 967: Borrow money

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Many studies and facts have proved that mixing blood relations into a system of interests will only confuse them. The system that uses blood as a function of ties is far less efficient and long-lived than a system that relies solely on competence to perform duties. .

Therefore, Anyang always doesn't like to grant bloodline privileges, and if the bloodline owner is a group of waste, this dislike can be upgraded to disgust.

This can be said to be his philosophy, if it makes sense. If the truth is not enough, it can also be said that his preference.

It can be seen from the fact that the three empire constitutions he founded only existed as an emperor, and he really did not want to give too much power to his lineage, even his own heirs could not rely on him. This inherited the mountains and rivers he beat down.

It is really unreasonable for one person to get a chicken and dog to heaven!

Of course, there are exceptions ...

But at this time, An Da and An Ma were there, and Anyang could not be too heavy, just said: "I work overseas most of the time, and I mainly rely on technology to eat, I do n’t have any connections in the country, I ca n’t plug in all aspects Get started. "

Aunt Anyang was shocked.

"Overseas? On the island?"

Anyang turned black: "Overseas."

"Okay, I get it. You mean you can't help with such a busy time?" Aunt Anyang's face was a bit ugly.

Anyang can understand her feelings of love for money. Who does n’t want to live in a villa, and who sees a poor relative suddenly become so rich, who is not jealous?

Shaking his head helplessly, Anyang replied: "Auntie, you can check it online. No matter what company you do, the rules are very strict. There are not so many loopholes. Everyone, including the personnel department Departmental rights are completely independent, and the company also has various measures to limit people's overpowering, otherwise the company will be destroyed, not to mention that it has grown so large. "

Aunt Anyang was dumb for a while, and then said a moment later: "Isn't it just to find a relationship and enter a person? Is it so difficult?"

"Take the Internet company I work for as an example. The annual salary of the most common technical staff is at least a few hundred thousand, and the company's environment and welfare are the first in the industry. This treatment can attract many elite graduates of Tsinghua University and even Graduate students and PhDs are coming one after another, and the personnel department will strictly brush a large part of these geniuses. "

After a pause, Anyang continued: "If you can't benefit the company, the company is equivalent to giving you hundreds of thousands of dollars every year. If you enter the company through illegal channels, it is equivalent to stealing dozens from the company every year. Ten thousand, if this amount is really theft, it can be sentenced to ten years. You said, would a person of such a big company be stupid enough to give you hundreds of thousands in vain every year? "

Uncle Anyang was stunned for a while, and could not refute.

The rest of them were also a little preoccupied and swallowed, swallowing what they were going to say.

Seeing this, Anyang's expression was still faint.

He knew that many of the people here had the same thoughts as Aunt. Who wouldn't dream of going to the sky in one step? If it is easy to live in a villa and just pull down your face and say a few requests, who would not be willing to do it?

So he gave all the interests in advance to these people who were eager to make money and did not consider anything, and blocked their mouths to let them know that nothing in the world will come easily.

He could still feel that Ji Weiwei sitting next to him stretched his hand in front of him under the table and compared his thumbs.

However, what Anyang said is true. The bigger the company, the better the system and the fewer loopholes. If he is really only a senior of the Ans Group, as long as he dares to put people who ca n’t even pass the automatic resume screening system into the company, I am afraid Just opened to the personnel department and was about to be dismissed.

There are many ways to success in this world, but not every way can be easily copied to others. What is more sad is that once you are successful, it seems that you have an obligation to help others also succeed.

After being silent for a long time, a cousin asked, unwillingly, "Can you take someone to work abroad with you?"

Anyang was really speechless this time.

He had just made the statement very clear, but this cousin, whom he did n’t even know, still completely ignored his second half of the speech, ignoring what he said that the company could not walk through the back door at all, and bit the front bit, about He said that he had no connections.

"This is strictly impossible, but if you are proficient in more than four foreign languages, I can tell the company that taking a person to do some chores in the past, but the salary cannot be too high." Anyang said helplessly.

Sure enough, when he heard that he was proficient in four foreign languages, he was still doing chores and the salary was not high, and no one spoke immediately.

Anyang misses An Eryou very much at this time.

Because An Eryou's temperament is very straight, plus her young age, if she is here, she will definitely scold these people back in more straightforward words! Because when An Da and An Ma came to Yancheng alone, they were in desperation, and these people could not see the shadow at all.

Anyang can even think of what An Eryou will say

The subtle point is: "I have a skill to eat a bite, how much ability to earn how much money, but can't think of a step in the sky!"

If she encounters a relative who gave her a bad impression, she will directly say: "The Ans Group now requires very high, at least 985, 211 undergraduate diplomas, and those with higher salaries require a master's diploma. Dismissed directly and transferred to the Law Department for serious handling. "

From small to large, only at this time can the two siblings find common ground.

Unfortunately, Anyang can only deal with it alone now.

After failing to find him to make a fortune, many people offered to borrow money while taking advantage of the food.

Anyang did not know whether these people were planning to borrow money before they came or whether they temporarily changed their minds because they did not get a way to make money. In short, most of the relatives proposed to borrow money, as if it had been negotiated for a long time. The reasons are also varied. .

Some families have a difference of 100,000 to repair a house, some have a difference of 300,000 from buying a house, some have a difference of hundreds of thousands from buying a car, and some have a son who cannot afford a wedding gift when they get married.

Anyang didn't want to say much and couldn't talk.

Perhaps many people in the city cannot understand it, but this kind of bad habit exists in the countryside, probably in ancient times. If a person is promoted or made a fortune, if he does not help his fellow countrymen or poor relatives, it must be morally corrupt. And these people will use this as an excuse to take away a part of your hard work out of you with peace of mind and reason.

From the reasons for borrowing money, Anyang can see that some of the so-called relatives have completely seen their family have money and lived in a villa, deliberately to share a piece of soup, and even if they can't help, they will have to ask for some money to go!

The house price in Yancheng is less than four thousand, and one hundred square meters is only 400,000. Are you short of 300,000? Still want to buy a house?

Want to buy a car, a few hundred thousand? Buy Lamborghini?

Yizhou's wedding ceremony is not popular, and the general marriage is only a symbolic point. The amount of tens of thousands of gifts on the Internet is generally not linked to the people of Yizhou, but this aunt actually has to borrow 200,000 as a gift!

Anyang was silent and did not speak.

The faces of An Da and Xie Yunqing at the same table became a little ugly.

This is to fight the autumn wind!

For a long time, Anyang raised his head and looked around, watching many relatives look at his eager face.

There are also those who did not ask him to make a fortune, nor did they say to borrow money. They all hung their heads down to eat, either looking at the old solid wood, or the blood relationship is not close enough.

He has been thinking, can honesty really be completely equal to kindness? Is it true that the simple people in the mountains without dust are more kind or those who have undergone higher education and understand etiquette? I am afraid that neither is necessary ...

In fact, more simple people retain the essence of man, but as a creature, instinct and morality are in conflict.

Without letting this somewhat embarrassing atmosphere last for a long time, he said: "Aunts and uncles are in trouble, I can understand, but I also just bought this house, or the full amount, aunts and uncles, do you know? The society ’s savings for the past two years have almost been spent on it, and now I only have the year-end bonus just issued, 600,000. I will keep 100,000 for my own use, and I will leave 500,000 for my aunts and uncles. It should be almost the same. Right? "

As soon as this word came out, everyone was happy!

"Enough! Enough!"

"Anyang is good. The uncle didn't hurt you when he was a kid!"

"Relatives have difficulty helping each other, Anyang is doing right!"

At the moment Zhuo Xi replied with a cheer of laughter, only An Da and Xie Yunqing were surprised, but when they turned their heads and saw An Yang's indifferent face, they did not say much.

These relatives reported high, but no one had thought that they could really "borrow" so much, that half a million was enough! The main reason is that marriage, buying a house, and buying a car are all fake. They have no place to spend money at all. It would be worthless to borrow the half a million ...

As for yet?

Your one-year bonus is 600,000. How many years do we have to earn to earn it, but are we sorry to ask us to pay it back?

But then, some people looked a little wrong.

"Well, Anyang, so many of us are in a hurry to use money. How can we divide this half a million?"

Anyang grinned: "Eat and eat first, and eat happily at the table, let's talk after eating!"

So everyone stunned and began to eat.

Soon, they started playing emotional cards.

Uncle Anyang said with emotion on the occasion of the meal: "You said that this time passed really fast. I thought that when Anyang was young, he was clamoring for toys, and neither Guoshu nor Yunqing bought them. I didn't expect this blink of an eye, the little guy who was clamoring for a toy car had grown so big! "

Anyang smiled: "Yeah ..."

He could not remember this matter, nor did he evaluate whether it had happened, but when he was a few years old, his father and mother came to Yancheng to teach, and their family also lived in Yancheng, plus brothers The feelings between the sisters are average, and there is not much time to go home.

"Do you remember?" Uncle Anyang asked again.


Another cousin said in agreement: "Isn't it? I grew up in an instant! When Anyang returned to his hometown, he didn't like to go anywhere else, so he loved to pick the fruit at my door, and I also took a lot of care!"

"Hehehe ..."

There are also some relations between La Anguo and Xie Yunqing, most of which are used to recall the simplest routines in the past.

Even some cousins ​​who do n’t usually move around with the Anyang family have their own way.

"When will Anyang get married with your girlfriend? We are still waiting for a wedding drink!" A cousin said with a smile. "You said you are looking for such a beautiful wife, so get married!

"No hurry, no hurry."

Anyang was silent, and he was also gushing.

But Zhou Yilian at the same table opened her mouth in amazement, and couldn't help but interjected: "This is Sister Weiwei, not Anyang's girlfriend."

"Ah? Cough ..."

Like a farce, the meal was finally finished.

Aunt Anyang immediately came together: "Anyang, don't you think it's okay, everyone is in a hurry to spend the money, how do you divide the half a million? Aunt didn't hurt you as a child ~ ~ Anyang smiled "I thought about it for a long time. I think it's up to you aunts and uncles to discuss it by yourself. If you have discussed it, go to my parents and write the IOU. "

As soon as this word came out, everyone's expressions changed a little.

"Also ... sign a loan note ..."

"Blood is thicker than water, so close relatives are not not returned to you, but just have a tight hand temporarily, and give you a little more leniency, don't ... don't need to sign a loan?"

"Signing a loan note is in trouble ..."

Anyang glanced at them lightly, and said after a while: "It doesn't matter. The loan note still needs to be signed. It is not necessary to indicate when to return it. Your aunts and uncles will discuss how much to borrow, and it will be just when they are free.

In this way, everyone turned from worry to happiness.

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