My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 977: Evening party

The remaining half of the pot of wine Anyang did not want to drink anymore, got up and settled the bill, and went outside.

The information I learned from Duan Xiaoxiao's mouth is detailed, but it is still not comprehensive enough, and there is no confirmation. It is difficult to distinguish any deflection errors, so he needs to confirm it in many ways!

Less than a hundred meters out of the tavern, he happened to meet Xuan Zang, who was walking down the street.

Xuan Zang didn't pay much attention to the appearance of her own, she was worn out, and she was unkempt. At this time, she was binocular, walking step by step like a soulless man on the street, more and more like a beggar.

Suddenly, he also saw Anyang.

The two faced each other and stopped.

Anyang was only a little startled, and he quickly recovered and walked forward with a smile: "Master Xuanzang, are you here now?"

Xuan Zang froze for a long time, but finally got some imagination in his eyes. First, he folded his hands together and said: "Xuan Zang has not shaved, nor has he achieved any achievements in Dharma. He is still a student and cannot afford the title of Master."

After a pause, he continued to whisper: "It is Mr. and the lady who walked too fast. According to the normal person's footsteps, it will take an hour and a half from the fishing village to the town."

Anyang smiled, didn't get entangled in this issue, and folded his hands together: "There is something to be dealt with next. Master Xuanzhuang should go busy if we have something. Let's just stop here. Qingshan does not change the green water and flows for a long time. Will definitely see you again! "

Xuan Zang nodded in silence, making his way sideways.

But in fact, the road is very wide. It doesn't matter whether he lets it or not, and then he can walk over ten Anyang side by side.

Anyang also smiled and nodded at him, brushing his shoulders in front of him and walking towards the bustling crowd.

Xuan Zang looked at his back in silence, feeling depressed and wondering what he was thinking.

Suddenly, he reached out and stopped Anyang.


"Huh?" Anyang turned around, ten meters away from Xuanzang, and smiled slightly, "What do Master Xuanzang advise?"

"May I have your surname?"

"No surname An."

"Mr. Ann, pleased to meet you." Xuan Zang nodded, stopped talking, and took back his gaze, "My surname Chen, the name Xuan Zang."

"I know."

"Well." Xuan Zang nodded again.

Anyang smiled, did not speak, and turned to leave.

Unexpectedly, before taking two steps, Xuanzang, who was just about to speak, stopped him again: "Mr. An!"

Anyang turned back and looked at him faintly.

Xuanzang made up his mind, walked towards him, stopped and looked at him in front of him, opened his mouth slightly, but didn't know what to say.

So the two looked at each other and were silent.

People come and go on the street, Anyang is not handsome, but the lines of the face are hard and the temperament is outstanding, and the opposite facial features of Xuanzang are also beautiful and beautiful, and they all have a lot of appeal.

A middle-aged woman walked by and glanced at them, suddenly showing a disgusted expression and speeding up the pace of leaving.

Seeing this, several young women also pointed at each other, covering their mouths and whispering, whispering something, and suddenly a burst of Yinling laughter burst out. It seemed that Dongfeng had just blown under the eaves of the wishing building, and a row of hanging wishing cards collided.

Anyang saw that Xuanzang lowered his head and did n’t look at himself. His inquiries, doubts, and even indifferent eyes did n’t help. He had no choice but to speak: “Mr. Xuanzhuang seems to have something in mind. Now, do you have anything you want to say to me or want to ask me? "

Xuan Zang was silent for a moment, and finally said: "Is the lady talking today true? You have been in the fishing village for a long time, but you can't save yourself?"

Anyang smiled and asked, "What made you ask this question? We didn't know each other before. Miss Duan has made the facts very clear, and I think you still have a point to defend me ... "

"When I was about to leave the fishing village, I met a little girl of four or five years old who was licking sugar. She said that you were not a bad person and that you were her friend." Xuan Zang raised his head and stared at him scorchingly. "Mr. Ann is highly capable. If I guessed right, Luo Er, did you save it?"

Thinking of the little girl, the smile on Anyang's face gradually disappeared, and he said lightly: "What do you want to say?"

"Mr. An is not a cold-blooded person, and he is not stubborn about the heavenly circulation that Mr. An said, why would he refuse to save the rest together?" Xuan Zang stared at him and asked.

"Save, save!" Anyang smiled contemptuously, "The Dharma teaches you to save the world, but it hasn't taught you to save when you see someone. If everyone saves, why don't the mage go to the law court? Every day there are people in the court. Head off! What a pity ... "

"Official Mansion has its own official mansion!"

"As the Master knows that the Dharma cannot override the secular laws, he should also know that everything is right and wrong, even if the Master is responsible for saving people, there are also right and wrong. If he saves people who should not be saved, he will kill even more. "Many people!" Anyang said, "Who killed a good person alive and threw him in the river, because the fishing village was deserted, and the law did not blame the public, so they could run away, but those who were killed by them? Is it? "

"Can the Dharma change the theorem of murder?"

"But they are also a group of innocent people, they just killed the gentleman by mistake ..."

"For them, it was a mistaken kill. In the past life of the water demon, he did a good deed but was killed by a group of people indiscriminately. Then he was thrown into the river and suffered by the fish and insects. No dead body! Is he willing? "

"But he is dead, he can't be brought back to life!"

"But he can revenge, be at ease, reincarnate, and resent. In any case, the villagers should be punished, not the mage said a few words, or the deceased is dead, they can take it for granted. Escape from the past! At most, the punishment is just a little bigger! "

Anyang looked at Xuan Zang ’s eyes and said, “The Master has studied the Dharma for many years, but he still does n’t understand. If everything in the world is as the Master said, the murderer is at ease and does not pay for the wrong things. Everything comes according to the Master ’s idea. Now! "

Xuan Zang was stunned. He was not deep in practice now, and Anyang was speechless in only two sentences.

"Practice of good deeds ca n’t be done blindly, and ca n’t be done with your own heart alone. If not, you end up with a clear heart, but the world is completely disturbed and disturbed by you! You are a disciple of Mahayana Buddhism, especially so "Anyang preached Xuan Zang calmly," Your unsuccessful practitioners of Buddhism, most love to spread mercy and save people everywhere, knowing why they don't know what they are doing! "

"So ..." Xuanzang murmured, raised his eyelid slightly, and bowed his head, "Please also advise."

"Speak another place."


The two found another place and sat down to drink tea.

"Don't hide Mr. An, I was an orphan since I was a child. I was raised by Master. I have only listened to Master's teaching for 20 years, but if I don't understand, this is the first time I have heard such a high opinion."

Anyang took a sip of tea and said: "Not everyone should die, nor should anyone save. The world has its own laws and nature has its own laws. This is by no means the interference of Buddhism! Sometimes when things happen to nature, they will naturally develop. That is, this is the way to comply with heaven, instead of just looking at the small things in front of you, but ignoring the overall situation, the overall situation and the impact of this matter on the world! "

Xuan Zang remained silent for a long time before saying: "Master has asked me before, if a wolf meets a lamb on the grassland to kill a lamb, the lamb's cry is miserable, and the ewe cries. , The master said that I was dull and said that I have studied Mahayana Dharma for many years, but I have learned the idea of ​​Theravada Dharma! "

"Do you understand now?"

"Mr. Jing An explained that it was a little bit." Xuan Zang said in a soft whisper, his head folded down to him deeply, "Wolf eating sheep is the nature of wolf, just like sheep eating grass, saving sheep, But it will kill the wolf and destroy the balance of the grassland. "

"You are extremely savvy!"

"Master said the same, he said I can change the world."

"You have an extraordinary status."

"I don't think I am extraordinary, nor do I think I can change the world. I am just an ordinary person."

"You're almost there."

"Master often says so."

"You will reach it."

"I was thinking before, why Miss Duan can use violent means to get rid of demons and save so many villagers, but I tried to awaken the trueness, goodness and beauty of the monsters with my heart, but it was counterproductive? Is my method useless at all?"

"What did you come up with?"

"I didn't think of it." Xuan Zang shook his head. "After hearing Mr. An's words, I walked all the way, thinking again, did the dead villagers really deserve their sins? The mistakes they made didn't seem to be great. The demon died without making a mistake. What is fooling people in this world? "

"They are all right, the world is wrong, and no one is fooling them, they are foolish themselves. If someone is to be fooled, that person is fooling the world."

Xuanzang was silent for a long time before saying: "If one day I have the ability, I must change the world!"

"You will do it," Anyang said, "but I hope you will remember a little bit by then. There are so many things in the world, not only the Dharma, the Dharma is not everything, and it cannot override everything. Everything has two sides, and there are meticulous places Omissions, Dharma can make the world a better place, but you ca n’t and ca n’t leave the world with only Dharma. Perhaps, the Dharma you pursue in your life is not as great as you think! ”

Xuanzang listened, staring at him staring blankly, speechless.

Anyang saw that he didn't understand much, and then he said: "When you think a thing is very big, it must be that you are inadequate. When you can see the Dharma is actually not a panacea, it is even very limited, and you really understand why the Dharma in a broad sense. Thing! "

"I remember."

"Just remember, you will understand later."

Since then, Xuanzang has been absent-minded, and seems to have been thinking about what he just said.

For ordinary people, the Dharma is everything he has done since he was a child, and it is the greatest thing in his heart. If someone makes a false statement about the inadequacies and wrongs of the Dharma, he must go up with his theory.

But the reason why Xuanzang was Xuanzang was not because of the merits of previous life, but because he himself was very good at thinking.

What's more, Anyang is right. After all, he is standing in the lower reaches of the long river of time. He can overview the past and summarize the experience of his predecessors. It is naturally clearer than Xuan Zang.

Religion is great, but greatness lies in human nature. Humans need such a thing. In addition, most religions have a long history. When people talk about it, they add a lot of awe. But if we really want to talk about the profoundness of the concepts of the major religions with a rigorous academic attitude, then the believers will say: You are insulting us!

Human civilization is constantly progressing, and religious ideas have been optimized and reformed from generation to generation, but I am sorry that many religious ideas are still gradually lagging behind the times. Not only is it difficult to find advanced points, there are even contradictions within!

In comparison, Ma Yuan is much deeper and much greater!

The two chatted a lot, mostly Xuan Zang threw out his thoughts and understanding, Anyang agreed with some, refuted some, and then denied some.

For example, Xuan Zang's favorite emphasis on "the human nature is good", Anyang pointed to the West and said: "In the West, there is another land where there are many people living. They have also had many empires that are not inferior to the kingdoms of heaven and earth. They have a religion that is more widespread and more devout than believers in Buddhism and Taoism. They have also experienced thousands of years of history, glorious decline, and are no worse than us ... "

"And what they believe in is human nature and evil!"

"Human nature is evil at first?" Xuan Zang was shocked and opened his eyes, but unlike ordinary people, he did not focus on "the empire that can compare with the heavens, and the religion that can surpass the Buddhism and Taoism." On the UU reading www. "Baby doesn't understand the truth, how is it evil?"

"Then he doesn't understand the truth, how good is it?"

"Reasonable, rational." This originally involved extremely complex cultural differences, but Xuanzang just thought about it and got to the point, "Baby is good and evil, but good and evil, we think that life is a process of learning evil, they I thought that people's life is constantly learning, this is a difference in thinking ... "


The two chatted late into the night.

In fact, Anyang knows that the current Datang Empire does not promote Buddhism, but instead regards Taoism as the state religion. A large part of Buddhism ’s true resurgence is Xuanzang.

It is the Buddhism that the modern people seem to be gentle and harmless. When it is at its peak, it will shake the regime. In ancient times, it disturbed the world many times and incurred the dissatisfaction of the rulers. However, this sounds very domineering, and even a movement with some magical flavors is always a **** repression and a ruthless massacre!

He was really intolerant. If he could, he would n’t mind saying a few more words to allow the Buddha to enter a milder state earlier, instead of waiting for the rulers to slaughter again and again.

At midnight, Xuanzang left.

He said that there was a big demon in Gao Laozhuang, and he asked Anyang to come down with him, but Anyang refused.

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