My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 978: Go to Mountain 5

"The pig demon harmed a lot of people. It's a pity that Mr. Ann didn't go with me to get rid of it." Xuan Zang wore a shabby clothes, stepped out of the closed teahouse, walked into the dark and silent street, and turned back Looking to Anyang, whispered.

"Everything is doomed, don't need me to help you, someone will help you." Anyang looked up at the night, it was a bright and bright moon hanging above his head, the whole town seemed to be coated with a layer of silver , Shining brightly at night, "This is something that some people have worked hard to arrange, and I am not easy to destroy. Just go there!"

Xuan Zang listened to his leisurely words and glanced at the night sky with him, only to realize that the night was really charming, and that what he said was inexplicably mysterious, and even felt that after drinking tea in the middle of the night, he felt cold and his stomach was cold. It's all water!

"Mr. Ann, let's just stop here."

"We will see you again, I will wait for you at the foot of Wuxing Mountain."

"Mount Wuxing, where is that?"

"You will know soon."

"Oh." Xuan Zang nodded his head without delving into it. "Mr. An has both a strong ability and a profound knowledge. He has extraordinary knowledge, and has practiced on his own path. If he can see him again, it's my honour."

After Xuanzang finished speaking, he bowed his hands to him for a while, nodded with him, and turned to walk into the streets of the night.

The moon was bright and clear, and the ground of the town was white, and Xuanzang was walking slowly, like an old man with a windy and turbulent age. His body cast a shadow on the ground, gradually drifting away, and gradually disappearing in Anyang's sight.

Anyang withdrew his eyes and stepped away.

This is autumn, and the night in the town is very cold, especially in the middle of the night. There was cold wind blowing on the street, and there was no one in the dark. The road surface was mud flattened by pedestrians, and the houses were messy on both sides. During the day, the benches placed by the small vendors were randomly placed on the street. The cloth with the words on the signboard was swayed by the wind and hunted, which added a sense of terror to the dark and uninhabited streets at this time.

A slender figure was hit by the moonlight on the wall, bent by the right angle of the wall and the ground, and it was faintly visible that he walked forward step by step, with a firm step, and stepped on the ground to make a slight noise, as if completely not affected by the cold wind and darkness !

At this time, if a civilian who lives in the town rises at night and opens the window to see this scene, I am afraid that he will be scared to death!

Anyang walked step by step to the end of the town, passing through a small alley, and his eyes were suddenly bright, and a simple bureaucratic door that was incompatible with the town even if it was worn out jumped into the eye.

There is no plaque in this yamen, and there is no stone lion at the door. The impression is that if you want to get out of the porch and do n’t want to be too public, and you do n’t have enough investment, you have such a simple courtyard. Such a night really resembles a haunted government hall that has long been abandoned.

This is the office of the exorcist in this area. Anyang came with Duan Xiao during the day.

"Boom! Squeak ..."

Anyang pushed open the old wooden door directly, and suddenly made a bitter voice, and the moonlight penetrated the door to illuminate him, and it was a bit pale.

There was a sudden movement inside the Yamen, very slight.

Anyang expressionless, walked into the Yamen, then walked through the front yard to the backyard where the clerks were sleeping.

In such a quiet environment, the wind and grass in the backyard could not escape his ears, and only heard someone say: "It seems that a little hair thief has entered, hurry up, take the guy, let's go out and see."

"Eat the bear heart leopard gall!"

"Don't be careless, people come in directly from the main entrance, maybe not a little hair thief!"

"No matter who he is, dare to break ground on Tai Sui's head and break into the night of Luoyang North Exorcism Office. This matter can't be good! Master, you have a good rest first, and our brother will solve this matter soon!"

"Yes, sir, you have a good rest, get up tomorrow morning and interrogate this little thief!"

Then there was the sound of a weapon being unsheathed. The two of them suddenly opened the door, and the steps gradually spread to the front yard.

Anyang pursed his lips and walked along with the sound.

At the dividing line between the front and back yards, they met.

Opposite the two are middle-aged people. The strong-bodied men carry a short-handed large knife with fierce momentum, and the other thin-skinned person holds a strange knife in both hands. There is a strong momentum.

When they saw Anyang, they were all stunned!

Guy is dressed in a gray-white cloth because it is a civilian, but the clean clothes are not like civilians, but like a scholar Confucian. He came empty-handed, with a normal posture, not like trouble, but he was calm and calm, never like a thief, so things were simple ...

He is very confident!

One of the two danced the short-handled sword that was dragging behind him, pointing to Anyang, alert, and the other put away the Modao he was holding and asked, "Who are you? This is Luoyang North Drive Moya Gate, why did you come here in the middle of the night? "

Anyang glanced at them and waved his hand!


The two flew out suddenly, smashing a wall in the back, making a loud bang.

The smoky smoke is still clearly visible in the moonlight.

Anyang glanced at them, ignoring them and went straight to the inner courtyard. Although the two didn't hurt, they were just a little dizzy for a while, but they were afraid of his strength, and they dared not rush forward again, or even dare to get up!

Anyang walked all the way into the corridor of the backyard.

He can feel that there are many people living here, most of them are ordinary people, mostly young men and women, sleeping in separate rooms, should be ordinary people working for exorcism.

These people had been awakened by the loud noise of Fang Cai, but they shivered in bed and dared not come out.

Anyang passed by an open house and glanced lightly at it. Instead of stopping, he stepped up to a room next door, which is also the center of the inner courtyard.

He opened the door and walked in!

There was a faint light flashing in the room!


With a cry, the candles placed everywhere in the room lit up suddenly, bringing plenty of light to the room.

A middle-aged man was dressed and sat on the throne. A long sword was placed in front of him. The sword was unsheathed, and the sword body reflected the golden light and the bright light under the moonlight and candlelight.

"Adult, didn't sleep?" Anyang walked into the house with a smile, and closed the door instead. "Adult, please don't bluff. Those two people are not my enemy. You are just an ordinary person. Stand I'll cut it for you here, and you can't hurt me a sliver of hair. Take it away, my intention is not as bad as you think. "

"Hoo!" The middle-aged man exhaled with a breath, his solemn expression suddenly collapsed, reached for the scabbard next to him, and put away the long sword. "Here is no evil? Then the lord came here in the middle of the night, and said a word Injured my two men without sending them? "

Anyang grinned and brought a chair to sit down.

The middle-aged man didn't answer him when he saw him, and asked, "Who are you? My two men are all good players in Luoyang. You can defeat them by one move. It's not a nameless person! Is it for wealth or for what?" "

"In order to ask you something and answer seriously, I will leave immediately! Otherwise, I will flatten this place!"

"This is the imperial court's exorcism bureau!" The middle-aged man's expression had a little anger.

"I know." Anyang said.

"Huh!" The middle-aged man took another breath and put away the anger on his face, saying, "You are not an exorcist!"

"Guess right."

"What do you want to ask, as long as it does not involve royal secrets, I can answer you."

"Thank you, sir."

Anyang grinned again, his eyes flashing.

He got up early in the morning and patted some pleated clothes and pushed the door out.

The two strong men stood at the door with a knife, their bodies were wet with fog, and a thin layer of hoarfrost had formed on their hair and eyebrows. They were staying at the door all night!

Anyang glanced at them and ignored them, striding away from here.

The air in the early morning of autumn is very humid and fresh, there is a layer of cold on the ground, but it is not cold, and it is at the most comfortable temperature of the human body.

There is a mind-manipulation spell, and what the adult said "does not involve court secrets" is just a joke. When Anyang asked, he made everything clear and detailed.

Because monsters are rampant in the world, there are many exorcists walking around the world in this era, because this bowl of rice is delicious-as long as you have the ability, go to a place to register, get a token and other tokens, you can become an exorcist, after You can accept missions and receive bounty from places like exorcism.

The Exorcism Office is the largest and most credible exorcism organization in the world today ~ ~ was secretly established by the court, and the general missions were also released by the court. Eight of the ten missions were monsters that caught the victim.

But there is also one point, some tasks in the official exorcism department can not be issued, and the court did not monopolize, so in addition to the exorcism department established by the court, there are many large and small private exorcism organizations. And because of the difficulty of supervision, many exorcists often register multiple identities, mainly the official exorcism agency, but they can also pick up tasks in multiple places!

These non-governmental organizations are not so much exorcism organizations, they are more like bounty and mercenary unions. They do everything for money!

What Anyang went to last night was the official exorcism agency.

It is said that it belongs to the North Yamen of the Middle Eastern Branch of the Imperial Exorcism Department and Luoyang Branch. It is in charge of all exorcists and demon events in the northern area of ​​Luoyang City. It belongs to the Luoyang General Yamen!

The general situation in the world is still not much different from that in history.

It's just that there are many more demons in troubled times in the country. In addition to suppressing the bandits, the court will also send extraordinary people to suppress the aliens!

Of course, the transcendent is Anyang.

They are called practitioners.

In the past six hundred years, the frequency of the gods coming out of the sky is getting lower and lower. If people can see miracles occasionally five hundred years ago, even now, it is difficult to get a response even when the emperor is worshipping.

I don't know what the world is like.

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