My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 979: Moonlight Box?

Anyang casually found a place to sit down, and then found a roadside vendor to eat breakfast, and went on the road. ?? Fire Random ???????????? ``

He is going to Luoyang first.

Anyang is going to buy a carriage in Luoyang first, and then go along Guandao all the way to Wuxing Mountain. During this time, I studied four gems in the carriage during the day and practiced the ancient nerves at night to experience this journey and time.

In fact, he can fly directly to Wuxing Mountain, but it is far away from Wuxing Mountain, which is far from the kindergarten level map in the movie. Xuanzhuang will undoubtedly take a short period of time to walk from Luoyang in the middle of the Tang Dynasty to the two border mountains. If he had already arrived at Wuxing Mountain, he would have to wait there for a long time.

How does this time pass? Is it possible to pull out the lotus early and drink with Sun Wukong?

And Anyang intuition, this section of the road will not be boring, if he flew directly to Liangjie Mountain, the style and splendor of this world may be missed.

Anyang opened his eyes to the map and pursed his lips

More than two thousand miles.

If you walk, even people with great perseverance walk all day long and do n’t carry your bags. It takes seven to eighty days a day, or one or two months. Calculated in this way, Xuan Zang in the plot should not be pure walking, otherwise the pig demon would have been caught up.

After staying in the city for a day and experiencing the prosperity of Luoyang, Anyang took a carriage out of the city.

He used imperial sorcery and puppetry, so that the puppet manipulated the horse to travel along the official road to the northwest, and he took out the space gem in the carriage to study.

His research on space gems has been quite in-depth, and he is only one step away from the door to start creating spells!

From time to time on the road, you can see the soldiers and soldiers who are holding the grain, and the full-filled grain truck rolls against the ground and creaks. Generally, in this case, Anyang will consciously stop.

But within a hundred miles, there was a famine.

This is a slightly barren mountain village. Unlike the fishing village, which eats water, almost all the food in this village comes from the land, but the weather is bad this year. It has passed the autumn harvest season, but the food received is poor. , And even some unlucky farmers have no income!

Even though Zhenguan ’s taxes were not heavy in the early years, many people still could n’t get enough food and lived on the relief of the government.

Fortunately, he met Da Tang.

Changed the dynasty, it is estimated that it is a miserable situation!

But this time it was not because of the troubled world of the demon, but because of the widespread drought, which was a natural disaster.

So there were burning candles and burnt paper ash everywhere on the roadside, hanging prayer cloths and simple altars piled up with mud, and even various rain prayer signs and land were hung on the trees in the woods beside them. The temple is full of tributes, mostly for begging for rain or letting your land harvest better.

Of course, the new grave is indispensable.

However, from the facts, it seems that God does not care about them, and never pays attention to their begging. The drought will still be drought, and the disaster caused by the famine is also a lot of trouble.

Whenever you enter the city, you can see countless beggars.

What is interesting is that in the folk perception of this era, the **** with the greatest Taoist theocratic power is not the Jade Emperor, but the Arctic Ziwei Emperor. The incense of the first marshal canopy is the most prosperous, and even there are temples of the marshal of the canopy.

Anyang didn't know what was going on!

Or what the **** is the system doing!

According to the original Journey to the West, Marshal Tianpeng has been demoted at this time for a long time, and the troubled pig demon of Gao Laozhuang is the reincarnation of Marshal Tianpeng. However, in terms of the plot of "Journey to the West", the pig demon was a mortal in the past, and he has nothing to do with the Taoist **** Tianshen, the highly respected mortal.

When approaching Shaanxi and Qin, the disaster situation was much better, probably also because of the disaster relief efforts of the imperial court near the central government.

At this time, Anyang met a person.

At that time, it was dusk and the sky was dark. He found a ruined courtyard to stay, tied the carriage to the door, set a pot to cook some hot things to eat, but when he took out Merlin luncheon meat, he saw a strong man from Entered the gate of the compound.

Anyang could see the man's extraordinary at a glance.

Because although he is wearing a very ordinary cloth, the key position is wearing leather armor, wearing a wrist brace, and also has an momentum that ordinary people do not have, and also has energy fluctuations.

This is a practitioner!

The man saw the carriage as soon as he walked in, and he spoke with a very happy dialect accent: "Ah! There are people in it!"

He walked in indifferently, saw Anyang, grinned and said, "Yo, you are here before me, but I can't help it anymore, I have walked dozens of miles away, this is the only one on the official side A broken courtyard! Or, let's squeeze one night? "

He said that he had walked in and said, "You look like a scholar, you dare to rush on your own, not afraid of being caught by a gangster or being eaten by a tiger?"

Anyang smiled slightly: "Under Anyang."

"My surname is Liu, Liu Zhuang solid!" The strong man arched his hand at him, "rest assured, I am a good person!"

Anyang smiled: "Meeting is also fate."

"Yeah, fate, fate!" Liu Zhuangshi did not enter his room, but consciously picked another room in the compound, unloaded his backpack, looked at the empty door and the broken window, and looked up again. After looking at it, I was worried.

"This place does not cover the wind or the rain, the day is so strange, only the general will be overnight!"

Anyang piled up chaihe on the other side, filled the casserole with water, put down the three fresh soup ingredients, and ignited chaihe with one finger, and then the finger, the soup in the pot was boiling boiling!

He just started to put down things like beef, fat beef, lamb and luncheon meat, and put a pot of spirits.

Unsurprisingly, Liu Zhuangshi walked to his door shortly afterwards, and there was no door, so he could see Anyang and the steaming pot at a glance, and immediately swallowed saliva: "What are you cooking? So fragrant ... "

Anyang immediately greeted him over to eat.

Liu Zhuangshi did not tweak and said, "Wait for me to wash my hands by the river first, draw the horse in, and come over again!"

Soon, the two sat and ate.

The dangling casserole is still being boiled, the golden oil and fresh soup in the pot are boiling, and the fragrant and attractive heat is coming out. The pot was filled with meat and various wild mushrooms and vegetables, some were brought by Anyang, some rare ingredients such as venison were brought by Liu Zhuangshi, and most of the wild mushrooms were just picked by him , I don't know where to pick so much!

So the same way to cook and eat in the same pot is undoubtedly very atmosphere. The two of them are not constrained and tweaked. From time to time, they picked up the wine glasses and took a sip, and soon began to chat.

When he learned that Liu Zhuangshi was the successor of Wuxingquan, and was one of the best exorcists in the entire central region, Anyang suddenly realized.

He is the exorcist who ran the pig demon with tiger-shaped fist and mantis fist in the plot, and the empty prince and the remnant of the sky are the top exorcists in the central part. Bite it!

Unsurprisingly, his trip should be to conquer the pig demon in Henan County!

In the plot of "Journey to the West", Gao Laozhuang seems to be a pub, a place for travelers to rest and eat, and it is in Luoyang. This is a big difference from the original book "Journey to the West". Gao Laozhuang in "Journey to the West" is a place name, and its location is far in Uszang, that is, Tibet.

Of course, the geographical names and geographies in the Journey to the West cannot be completely compared with reality. After all, it is in four continents.

Before Anyang asked, Liu Zhuangshi admitted this: "Eh, you came from Luoyang. You have heard that there is a place called Gao Laozhuang where many people have died and there is a pig demon. Very fierce. "

"heard about it."

"Oh? You really heard that the noise from the pig demon was really big enough. You laymen all knew it, no wonder the bounty is so high, it is estimated that the court could not bear it!" Liu Strongly sandwiched a piece of meat and sent it into his mouth, "What kind of meat is this meat, and it is really delicious, I have eaten all meat, I have never eaten this kind of meat!"

"This is a fat cow."

"Fat cow? What kind of cow is this?" Liu Zhuang was stunned.

"Not a cow, but a beef."

"Where is the meat?"

"This one……"

Anyang really can't tell.

Ordinary people eat fatty beef mechanically, the original purpose is to imitate snowflake beef or T bone chops, but Anyang eats completely natural snowflake beef produced from Japanese Matsusaka beef, compared to mechanically processed fat Cows are better. The disadvantage is that they are expensive and not easy to produce. They require high-cost breeding techniques.

As for where the meat is, it should be the eye meat in the middle of the back.

But what he said to Liu Zhuangshi in this way, I am afraid that Liu Zhuangshi could not find this piece of meat if he killed a hundred cattle, especially the cattle in our country did not grow this kind of semi-fat and lean meat at all.

Seeing that he couldn't answer, Liu Zhuangshi only smiled happily: "No tightness, no tightness, you are a scholar, and you don't know these are normal. My family used to have a younger brother who didn't even know that peanuts were born in the soil. , Hahaha! "

"Let my brother get the credit?"

"There's a fart. I'm in my thirties. I don't have a wife. I have to keep it at home. It's like a waste!" Liu Zhuangshi finished and realized that it was wrong. He looked at Anyang. "You are as handsome as your brother. People with extraordinary demeanor, not from rich and wealthy people, are definitely Wenquxing, and Qiu Wei will surely be able to get the top spot in the coming year. "

"Qiu Wei is a township test and will try it."

"Cough, cough."

"Can a strong brother get married?"

"Yes, there is a child, four years old."

"Oh, there are children!" Anyang suddenly remembered the scene in the movie where Liu Zhuangshi was bitten to death by Sun Wukong. what!"

"Mofa, life is forced, the world is compelling! That pig demon has a high bounty, enough for my family to eat for three years, and winning it can become the first exorcist in the central region ~ ~ Well, I can make my wife and children heat their heads! "Liu Zhuangshi still holds an accent that Anyang can't hear," And there is a legend that an artifact was born in Henan County. I also want to see and see if I can see it. It got it! "


"You didn't understand when I told you!"

"Appreciate further details."

"It seems to be called ... A moonlight box, which can travel through the future. I had a child before, and I drowned in the river when I took a nap ..."

Afterwards, Liu Zhuang said that Anyang couldn't hear clearly. He only stared at him with a stunned expression, and his brain echoed the words Moonlight Treasure Box.

Moonlight Box?

Has this thing crossed?

And such an incredible thing, there are too many violations, how can the system allow it to exist?

Anyang subconsciously thought that this was a rumor, but couldn't help but feel the mood.

He then chatted with Liu Zhuangshi while eating meat. The two chatted a lot. The drunk Liu Zhuangshi also told him everything, starting from the practitioners who supported the Qin king and the prince in the Xuanwumen mutiny. Gao Zu exerted spiritual spells to force him to abdicate as soon as possible to the Qin king's staff who was beheaded by the Qin king, and then to the purple clothing guard who was formed by Tang Taizong after the ascension of the king.

There are also rumors on the rivers and lakes, the gods and gods who have not appeared for a long time, the master who is known as the first practitioner, the empty son of the first exorcist in the middle, the three-born stone, the yellow spring water ...

At night, Liu Zhuangshi didn't leave, but he slept against the wall by the fire and slept all night in his house, and snored all night. Install zuopingshuji and press and hold for three seconds to copy !!

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