My Tough Husband

Chapter 254: Brother is born

"Eloping?" Han Tingxuan was surprised. "Is Liu Lianlian crazy? He is married and has a son. He eloped with someone? Who else did he elope with?"

Liu Meme smiled. "With a butcher."

Han Tingxuan was even more speechless when he heard the words.

"What then?" Mo Yanzhi was extremely calm, as if it were not unusual for Liu Lianlian to do this kind of thing in his mind. "Although Liu Lianlian's husband and wife are now a little bit down, who can bear her husband running away with others? So, his husband sue Liu Lianlian directly, so the government master sent someone to chase Liu Lianlian. No, I found it again!"

"Get it back, then?"

"Liu Lianlian was sentenced to immersion in a pig cage. The sentence was already down when I came, but I don't know what's going on now. I only know that Liu Lianlian's father, Liu Cai, goes to the Yamen to cry every day!"

Han Tingxuan was surprised when he heard this. "Huh? Go to the yamen to cry? What is this for? Do you still expect the yamen to release people?"

"Who said no!" Liu Meme smiled. "This person, they all do it. If you don't want to die early, what else can you do? What is the use of asking someone now? I want to say, in fact, the request should also go to the family for talent. After all, if the husband's family revokes it. It might be useful if you tell."

Han Tingxuan's listening to this is actually just having fun.

Liu Moya said it himself, and forget it.

From that day on, Liu Momo lived there.

Mo Yanzhi was very pregnant when he was six months pregnant. His belly was round and he felt several times bigger than when he was pregnant. However, it was only one child after examination. That is to say, it was. The baby is relatively large, and Han Tingxuan is very worried every time he looks at Mo Yanzhi's stomach, fearing that the baby will grow too well and it will be difficult to give birth!

But Mo Yanzhi himself wasn't worried. He had been exercising for longer now, but Mo Yanzhi was a little sweaty at night. Fortunately, there was nothing else in his body, which made Han Tingxuan more relieved.

On this day, the weather was very good, Mo Yanzhi and Han Tingxuan were fishing in the pond at home.

Han Tingxuan's luck was not really good. After an hour, he caught one, but Mo Yanzhi himself was lucky. It didn't take long to catch several, and they were all very big.

"Tonight's fish soup must be very strong." Han Tingxuan smiled.

Mo Yanzhi smiled and glanced at the other person, "There is not much credit for the husband in this."

Han Tingxuan blinked and sighed. "Well, it's still a good word."

At this time, suddenly, the door of their house was knocked by people. It was really knocking. Mo Yanzhi and Han Tingxuan raised their eyebrows. However, the person who hit the person should have no ability, otherwise they would not be unable to knock. .

Of course, this has something to do with the shadow guard guarding, Han Tingxuan shouted towards the shadow guard. "Open the door and take a look."

Suddenly, the door opened, and then a brother bumped in, who was still a little messy.

Han Tingxuan raised his eyebrows, what's going on?

"Help me, help me, please, help me." The brother fainted after speaking.

Han Tingxuan really didn't have any pity for Xiangxiyu. It's just a little accident.

Mo Yanzhi's eyes were a little cold, he looked over there, but only glanced.

Upon seeing this, Han Tingxuan had to say to himself: "Go and check, what is this person's identity."

"Yes." The Shadow Guard answered, and then Han Tingxuan didn't want to fish anymore. Isn't it impossible to catch it anyway?

He came over and pulled Mo Yanzhi up. "Get up. I see you have been sitting for a long time, but don't sit for too long. It's not good for the baby in your stomach."

Mo Yanzhi nodded and got up in cooperation, but his lips were lightly pressed.

The shadow guard's work efficiency is very high, and the identity of this brother was found before dinner.

He is the second son of the Yucheng prefecture, but he has not been favored for a long time. It is said that the prefecture has to marry someone to a very old man recently.

That person probably helped the state capital a bit in the officialdom.

"Then why would he run out disheveled?" Han Tingxuan raised his eyebrows.

"Because the state government wanted the person he married to invite this person to the house today, and then he wanted to do something wrong with others, but this person escaped."

The shadow guard reported in detail. After a long time, Han Tingxuan tutted twice, and then looked at Mo Yanzhi.

"In other words, this state government is about to move."

Mo Yanzhi smiled but not smiled. "Husband pity that brother?"

Han Tingxuan's mouth twitched, looking at Mo Yanzhi in disbelief. "In other words, why do you think so?"

Mo Yanzhi still looked like a smile, but Han Tingxuan was really wronged. The Shadow Guard knew that he could not participate in this matter, so he hurriedly disappeared, and Han Tingxuan walked towards Mo Yanzhi. "In other words, your jealousy is so unreasonable..."

Mo Yanzhi's face changed slightly. "It just doesn't make sense, what's wrong!"

Alas, no wonder people say that the pregnant husband's temper is the worst, and it's just as fickle as the weather.

Now it looks like this is really the case!

However, Han Tingxuan was still certain about his husband, so he walked over and circled the opponent's waist.

"In other words, okay, I was wrong, eh? Not angry, not angry, but it is enough for me to have you, how can I fall in love with someone else's fake brother, I will be sad if you say that!"

Han Tingxuan said with a look of disappointment, Han Tingxuan couldn't help but regret it again.

However, the way he regretted his expression was that his face was even more ugly, and he pressed his lips tightly. "I'm tired, go to sleep."

"Don't go!" Han Tingxuan hurriedly took the opponent's hand. "In other words, I have admitted wrong, why are you still angry, or else, you hit me twice."

Mo Yanzhi pursed his lips, a little disgusted with his fickle temperament, but he didn't know how to change it. Moreover, many times he felt that he could not control himself at all!

Han Tingxuan chased after him and took Mo Yanzhi's arm.

Mo Yanzhi finally slowed down, and Han Tingxuan was overjoyed and hurriedly pulled the person tighter.

"In other words, when you are tired, go back to the room, and we will eat in the room."

Mo Yanzhi had no objection, the two returned to the room, and Han Tingxuan was very attentive to arrange everything for dinner. Then, give it to Mo Yanzhi.

Mo Yanzhi was enjoying his husband's service, and felt that he was too much, so he pursed his lips. "Husband, just now, I'm sorry...I don't know what's going on, I just can't control myself..."

Han Tingxuan hurriedly said: "It's okay, your husband, I have a thick-skinned face, besides, beating is a curse and love! I am happy with what I say, but you can't get me wrong. Your husband is the only one in his heart!"

"Well, I know." Mo Yanzhi responded softly, then leaned into Han Tingxuan's arms, and Han Tingxuan hurriedly hugged him. "In words... let's do it tonight..."

Mo Yanzhi blushed immediately after hearing this. Han Tingxuan looked really tempted.

So, not long after dinner, Han Tingxuan took Mo Yanzhi to bed...

Originally, in the late pregnancy, the brother himself did not have desires in that matter, and needed to be relieved.

And it is also good for production, but this time Mo Yanzhi's stomach is really too big, so Han Tingxuan didn't dare to do it, for fear that it would hurt Mo Yanzhi.

But today, Han Tingxuan really wants it too much! So I couldn't help but approached my husband...

The closer he got, the harder it was for Han Tingxuan. When he was in love, Han Tingxuan still tried hard to restrain himself and didn't let himself hurt people because of wanting.

And Mo Yanzhi was released this time. After a long time, when the heat subsided, Han Tingxuan carefully wiped his own husband, and Mo Yanzhi was already drowsy at this time.

Han Tingxuan hugged people to sleep until dawn.

When Mo Yanzhi was seven months pregnant, his belly was already very, very big, almost equivalent to nine months of other people's belly. If it hadn't been seen by a few doctors, and Shen Fangde was very sure that there was only one child! Otherwise, anyone would think they are pregnant with twins!

With such a big belly, even Liu Moya became a little worried, fearing that Mo Yanzhi's belly would be too big for the child to have a child.

On this day, Han Tingxuan and Mo Yanzhi took a walk in the garden after eating. Mo Yanzhi said, "How is the prefecture here?"

"Removed, I trust the state government took office three days ago, what's wrong?"

Mo Yanzhi said indifferently, "What happened to that brother?"

Han Tingxuan smiled secretly in his heart, his husband's disposition is really soft, but on the face, Han Tingxuan said solemnly: "Who knows this! I have forgotten him!"

Mo Yanzhi pursed his lips. "……Oh."

His husband is really not cute at all! Han Tingxuan sighed secretly and smiled: "I'm joking with you, I know, I'm actually worried about other people, I heard that I am married, ordinary people, but it is better than being sent out as a benefit."

Mo Yanzhi stared fiercely when he heard the words. "Husband deceives!"

Han Tingxuan said innocently: "No, I just remembered it suddenly."

"You..." Mo Yanzhi turned around and left, but he was tripped under his feet. Normally, with his martial arts, let alone tripped, it would be fine even if he was pushed by someone! But today, Mo Yanzhi staggered, but he only felt a pain in his lower abdomen, and suddenly his face turned pale.

Han Tingxuan hurriedly supported the opponent, "Say! How are you? Are you okay?"

Han Tingxuan's anxious face turned pale, "Well, your face is ugly, what's the matter? Is your stomach uncomfortable?"

Han Tingxuan gasped, because Mo Yanzhi actually squatted down holding his stomach!

"Yes!" Han Tingxuan eagerly exclaimed: "Come here! Come!"

Han Tingxuan didn't dare to hold Mo Yanzhi by himself, he didn't have the skill, so he was afraid of throwing people off.

Ying Er arrived soon, and wanted to come over and hug Mo Yanzhi to the bedroom, but did not think that Mo Yanzhi would not let Ying Er get close at all.

Yinger didn't dare to force him, Han Tingxuan shook his teeth, and had no choice but to hold someone by himself, let Yinger support himself, and Yinger would do it naturally.

In this way, Han Tingxuan carried the person into the bedroom. Liu Moya and the other two had already been there to give birth. Han Tingxuan's face was pale, and Shen Fangde solemnly said after examining the pulse: "I'm going to give birth."

Han Tingxuan's face changed wildly. He took a deep breath. "It's only seven months..."

Shen Fangde comforted: "It's okay, isn't Concubine Lou born in seven months? And Concubine De, it's okay, it's okay, seven months is better than eight months."

Han Tingxuan took a deep breath, and had to say: "I know, you must do your best."

"Xiaguan knows!" Shen Fangde solemnly responded.

This time, Mo Yanzhi did not give birth to the child for a day or a night. As time passed, Han Tingxuan's face looked terribly ugly, and he couldn't help breaking in.

In the room, Mo Yanzhi's face was also very ugly, but fortunately he was still awake.

"In other words, the child is about to come out, you have to persevere! If you want to come out, you can't do anything!" Han Tingxuan was talking almost tremblingly, and Mo Yanzhi smiled back with difficulty. It didn't take long. I don't know if Han Tingxuan's comfort came in time or something else, Mo Yanzhi actually snarled and gave birth to the child smoothly.

Although this child is only seven months old, it is older than a nine-month-old child. He has a long body and does not have the wrinkles of a newly born child, and his skin is white and smooth.

"He's a pretty brother!" Liu Meome said joyfully.

Although Han Tingxuan was also happy, he was more concerned about Mo Yan now. He grabbed his husband's hand and repeatedly asked about the situation of the other party. Mo Yanzhi reluctantly smiled and said that it was okay and then fainted...

Han Tingxuan was almost frightened. Fortunately, Liu Meme said that he fainted because of fatigue and his body was fine, so he was relieved...

However, although Han Tingxuan was relieved, he did not leave, taking care of Mo Yanzhi with his own hands, changing clothes and wiping the other party, and then staying in front of the person's bed...

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