My Tough Husband

Chapter 255: The child is a little devil

When Mo Yanzhi woke up, he found a little bun's face, the little bun was sleeping with his eyes closed, and there was another person sleeping beside the little bun... it turned out to be his husband Han Tingxuan!

It turned out that Han Tingxuan actually slept on the bed, and still slept with the little bun, and slept on the same bed with Mo Yanzhi, but it was not a quilt!

It should be late at night, so Han Tingxuan was also asleep. Mo Yanzhi felt happy looking at this fresh and young sleeping appearance. After that, Mo Yanzhi couldn't help but think of the years he thought Han Tingxuan was dead. Years, until now, he dare not think about it, because he is too silent and painful, so he dare not think about it.

After Han Tingxuan was resurrected, he felt that he was still alive... But even so, he still didn't dare to think about those five years, and he didn't dare to think about the days when Han Tingxuan was away.

Even though, he had already cut Wu Xian a thousand times.

Even though, all those who hurt Han Tingxuan were either sent to **** by him or exiled.

The Sun family, Tian Chuanyun and others, one by one, he cleaned up.

But that's the case, all the revenge that deserves to be avenged, the Jin Dynasty no longer exists, but in those five years, during the five years when Han Tingxuan was absent, he still didn't dare to face it, or even think about it.

But now...Looking at this big and small sleeping face, Mo Yanzhi felt that those dark times, perhaps, could really pass by, and he didn't dare to think about it.

There is nothing to compare with now...

Without the darkness, how can you feel the happiness and light now?

Mo Yanzhi's eyes flashed slightly, he felt a little hungry, and he didn't know how long he had slept...

Just about to ask Ying Er to come in, Han Tingxuan suddenly opened his eyes.

Mo Yan paused and said softly: "Husband, are you awake?"

Han Tingxuan's eyes lit up. "In other words, you are awake!"

Mo Yanzhi nodded lightly. "Well, I woke up, husband, I slept for a long time?"

"No, it's been more than a day! Hungry, right?"

Mo Yanzhi nodded. "I'm really hungry. I'm about to ask the Shadow Guard to bring some food."

"Okay, you scream, but don't get out of bed. Don't be cold."

Mo Yanzhi smiled. "it is good."

"Shadow II." Mo Yanzhi couldn't faintly uttered a voice, but the shadow guard from outside soon entered.

"Bring some food here."

"Yes!" The shadow guard hurriedly retreated again after answering, the door to the outside was closed again, and Han Tingxuan sat up by himself. The candlelight in the house had been kept, so Han Tingxuan could see clearly that there was still Mo Yanzhi. The face of his own son.

Han Tingxuan gathered the quilt on the little guy and said, "Well, look, how cute our brother is."

"Well, do you think about a name?"

"Um..." Han Tingxuan thought for a while. "Tian Zhuoxuan, right?"

"Tian Zhuoxuan..." Mo Yanzhi pursed his lips and suddenly said, "How about the surname Han?"

Han Tingxuan was taken aback when he heard the words. "Surname Han?"

"Yes, under the name of your husband..."

"Haha, this is not necessary." Han Tingxuan refused with a smile. "To me, it doesn't matter who the child has the last name."

Mo Yanzhi hesitated, "But, if that's the case, isn't the Han family going to be the last?"

"That's it." Han Tingxuan sighed softly. "Did you forget? I am not from this world. In fact, the humble family in this world is no longer the last. What's more, the last is never the last. In fact, this is not the case. Don't think too much, I hope children With your last name, first to avoid trouble, second, I am happy too."

Seeing what Han Tingxuan said so firmly, Mo Yanzhi finally nodded. "Well...Then this child can only be placed in Lou Yanqing's name."

"Well, just put it under his name." Han Tingxuan smiled. "It's better to put it under the queen's name."

Mo Yanzhi didn't say anything anymore.

Han Tingxuan shook the opponent's hand. "Don't have any thoughts, the kids follow us anyway."

Mo Yanzhi nodded. "I know, I'm just afraid that my husband will be unhappy."

Han Tingxuan is funny. "That's because you think too much, how can I be unhappy? In fact, as long as you and your child are doing well, I will be very happy!"

Mo Yanzhi blinked. "Well, I see... Thank you husband."

"Fool." Han Tingxuan kissed Mo Yanzhi's forehead.

Ying Er brought the meal, and Han Tingxuan watched Mo Yanzhi drank two bowls of porridge and ate another fruit.

"Do you want to digest after eating so much?" Han Tingxuan worried.

Mo Yanzhi smiled. "No need, you forgot, I have internal strength."

Han Tingxuan flattened his mouth. "Well, this is a martial arts world."

Mo Yanzhi looked at each other, "My husband has been practicing his internal strength in the past few years, and he has never stopped. Isn't it also a small achievement now?"

Han Tingxuan looked at Mo Yanzhi seriously. "In other words, are you sure you are not laughing at me by saying this?"

Mo Yanzhi was funny. "Naturally not, husband, why do you think so?"

Han Tingxuan snorted. "My little internal strength is not enough to keep warm in winter. Compared with you, is it a scumbag? How can you still say that you have a small achievement?"

"Um..." Mo Yanzhi was a little confused and didn't know how to speak.

Han Tingxuan sighed exaggeratedly, "Forget it, don't comfort me, I understand... My hope now rests on our two dolls, you say, they can become peerless Master?"

Peerless master... Mo Yanzhi paused and said, "Zoo Qing is definitely possible. As long as he is willing to work hard, it will be Zhuo Xuan, I don't know..."

Han Tingxuan looked at the little bun. "My son is naturally a master!"

In a blink of an eye, the little bun Tian Zhuoxuan was five years old.

Unlike the older brother Tian Zhuoqing who grew up since he was a child, although Tian Zhuoxuan is a big brother, he is even more naughty than a kid. He has been like an overlord in the palace since he was a child.

Because he was much younger than Tian Zhuoqing and the others, and much younger than the other two emperors, he was the most favored since he was a child.

Regardless of Concubine De, or Empress Lou, Tian Zhuoxuan was absolutely spoiled.

The emperor was more strict with Tian Zhuoxuan. Therefore, there was only one person in Tian Zhuoxuan in this world, and that was Mo Yanzhi. His father.

And his father... he already knows that Han Tingxuan is his father, he is not afraid of his father, because his father also spoils him very much, every time he gets into trouble, as long as his father is there, even if it is His most feared father, the emperor, rarely punishes him.

Therefore, this has become Tian Zhuoxuan's lawless temper. Every day, there are constant troubles, big and small, and I really don't like reading or writing.

On this day, the five-year-old Tian Zhuoxuan fell in love with the game of horseback riding. He rode on the servant boy in his palace with a small horse whip in his hand.

Brother waiter crawled slowly, so he pumped down. Although the child's energy is not too great, if it is pumped on the face, it will still hurt.

But Brother Shi did not say a word, this is the most favored little emperor in the palace! How dare he say something. As long as the little prince is happy.

When Tian Zhuoxuan was playing vigorously, Mo Yanzhi and Han Tingxuan arrived.

Han Tingxuan deliberately didn't let his subordinates inform him, so Tian Zhuoxuan, who was supposed to be learning Chinese but was playing in it, didn't know that his most feared father and his father had arrived.

Han Tingxuan came in, just in time to see Tian Zhuoxuan pulling his whip. At that moment, the tail of the whip fell on Brother Shi’er’s face again, and Brother Shi’s body was in pain, and his body fell down, and he was on his back. Tian Zhuoxuan naturally fell down too.

"Ah!" Tian Zhuoxuan was startled.

Brother waiter was also terrified, and said repeatedly: "The slave deserves to die, the slave deserves to die, the little prince should forgive me!"

Tian Zhuoxuan glared at Brother Shi'er, "You dared to break me! You beg!" With that, Tian Zhuoxuan drew his whip towards Brother Shi'er... but the whip could not fall. Brother Shi'er's body, because he was caught.

Tian Zhuoxuan turned his head angrily, saw Han Tingxuan, and was taken aback. "Chen Wangfu..."

He also knew that when there were people, he could not be called his father, he could only be called Wang Fu...

And Han Tingxuan was followed by Mo Yanzhi, the father he feared the most.

Han Tingxuan looked at Tian Zhuoxuan unhappy or angry, his eyes calm. However, Tian Zhuoxuan felt frightened for no reason. "Wang Chen... you... why are you here..."

Han Tingxuan faintly glanced at the trembling waiter. "Everyone go down."

Those brothers hurriedly retired, so there were only three people left in the huge palace.

Han Tingxuan, Mo Yanzhi, and five-year-old Tian Zhuoxuan.

"Who taught you the habit of riding a horse on a person's back and whip at will, eh?" Han Tingxuan looked at Tian Zhuoxuan calmly. Tian Zhuoxuan trembled and felt a little scared, but his temper was stubborn, and his father had never spoken to him like this. His father had always loved him extremely, and suddenly felt wronged again.

He didn't do anything, he just killed someone!

"Say! Who taught you!" Han Tingxuan's voice raised slightly.

Tian Zhuoxuan roared. "I am the prince, he is a servant, he fell me, am I wrong to beat him? I should kill him! I..."

"Pa." Loud applause sounded in the air, and Tian Zhuoxuan stared at Han Tingxuan in disbelief.

Han Tingxuan looked at Tian Zhuoxuan coldly. "When you are young, you know that you are yelling and killing people? Good! Good! Good!" Han Tingxuan said three times in a row, with a trace of regret and disappointment in his eyes.

The disappointment stung Tian Zhuoxuan's eyes. "father……"

Han Tingxuan took a deep breath. "It's my fault, I usually really spoil you."

Tian Zhuoxuan roared. "I'm right! That's right! I just hit someone, and I didn't hit my brother! What's wrong with me!"

Han Tingxuan closed his eyes and suddenly didn't want to speak any more. After a while, he opened his eyes and looked at Mo Yanzhi, only to see Mo Yanzhizheng looking at Tian Zhuoxuan coldly.

Tian Zhuoxuan felt his father's icy eyesight, and his body trembled. "Father..."

Mo Yanzhi still looked at Tian Zhuoxuan coldly.

Tian Zhuoxuan couldn't help kneeling down. "Father, my son knows his fault."

Han Tingxuan's eyes flashed unbearable, but he clenched his fist and said lightly: "I'm leaving now."

Tian Zhuoxuan looked at Han Tingxuan and went out without even looking at him, and suddenly became frightened in his heart. "father……"

Han Tingxuan paused, but didn't stop, and walked out...

Mo Yanzhi looked at the people underground and said lightly: "Are you wrong? Where did you go wrong?"

Tian Zhuoxuan had a meal, bit his lip, and stopped talking.

Mo Yanzhi didn't say anything, turned and left. Tian Zhuoxuan was a little flustered and felt wronged. He shed tears. Normally, he shed tears. His father would hold him, coax him, comfort him, and the emperor would not scold him again He, but this time, he shed tears, but no one came to coax him...

After all, Tian Zhuoxuan was only five years old, and when he was wronged, he burst into tears...

In the middle of the night three days later, Tian Zhuoxuan was "robbed" from the palace. When he woke up again, he found that he had reached an unknown place. He didn't know the surrounding environment. It was not the appearance of the palace. They were shabby. He had never seen those houses before, they looked so shabby! Lenggong is better than here, I don't know how much!

Suddenly, a door opened and a seven or eight-year-old boy came out. He was surprised when he saw Tian Zhuoxuan on the ground. "Ah, where did the kid come from? How could he be here?"

Tian Zhuoxuan looked at someone he didn't know, and was scared. How could he be here? Where is his father? Where is the father? Where's the guard? Where's the waiter?

Tian Zhuoxuan let out a "wow" and started crying again...

When Tian Zhuoxuan cried, the boy became nervous. "Ah, don't cry, are you lost? What's wrong with you? What about the adults in your family?" The kid hurried to Tian Zhuoxuan and picked him up.

However, how could a seven or eight-year-old child hold the five-year-old Tian Zhuoxuan? So, I can only hold on a little...

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