Ka Ka Ka!

The twisted 'door frame' suddenly cracked like the thin ice on the lake, unable to bear the load.

Evil energy poured out from the 'door' with increasingly rapid and frequent roars.At a certain moment, figures like locusts poured out from the 'door'.

The expressions of Yakumo Zi and the others who were watching here changed drastically.

However, the Nether Ghost Race did not show dark colors such as excitement and carefreeness, but instead behaved like a furious lion.

"Do not!!!"


They roared furiously one by one, and some of them even ignored the fight with their opponents.

Yakumo Zi frowned and thought for a moment, then smiled bitterly: "Is this a good thing?"

Chapter seven hundred and thirty-ninth the wrath of Youyouzi

Youyouzi was expressionless and didn't say a word.

She was angry, for the first time ever.

The worry about Ye Fanxin in his heart also reached the extreme.

However, the old man in front of her had to stop her.This is intolerable to her.

The surroundings are not unfamiliar, and she, who has always been lazy, still remembers that she has been here.Before getting to know Ye Fanxin, she had been to most places on the other side and was in a state of no fixed place.

Until I met Ye Fanxin...

This place is very far from the previous battlefield, so far away that she has no confidence to go back in a short time.

In other words, if there is any danger in Ye Fan's heart during this period of time, she can't protect it.

Yuyuko was angry, mainly because of the old man in front of her, so...

The dead air filled the air, and the early gleam had just risen from the sky before being swallowed up again.Into the eyes, everything turned into Shura's death zone.The earth and sky, which should have been silent, began to whistle, like the whispers of the dead.

The slightly brighter sky, the old man's hunched body seemed to be crumbling in the whistling, and he smiled bitterly.

"Young people today are really scary. I'm scared, little old man."

As he spoke, the strange sword in his hand flicked, and the air rippled like water.Spread out in circles.It just suppressed the death energy that was still rising.

On the earth, some creatures that have not yet died lost their meaning one by one and stood still.

Youyouko glanced at it and judged that the souls of these creatures had been completely annihilated.But it wasn't because of her death.

"Little old man has the nickname of the soul master for the time being, and the little tricks are still good enough for the young lady~"

Youyouzi didn't say a word, she slapped her palm, and the extremely strong death energy turned into a huge wave and rushed away.

The old man shook his head gently: "Although your death aura is strong, it's a pity that the little old man's methods are not afraid."

Without seeing any movement from him, the transparent phantoms in the sky suddenly rose, and they rushed towards this side with their claws and claws.

Suddenly, there was a scream like an ancient battlefield, the sound of horses' hooves and the sound of gold and iron.One after another evil bodies emerged from the rich dead aura, roaring and rushing towards the old man.

"Useless, useless, only has its appearance."

The old man tapped the void with his sword, and a larger phantom roared out, crushing all the deadly spirits along the way, rushing towards Youyouzi.

"Little old man has already said that although death energy is strong, it is useless to me. Miss, you have to fall here today."

The old man's words did not make her show any expression.The dead air and phantoms in the sky meet and blend.

The dead air seems to penetrate the illusion of non-existence and flow within the phantom.The more intense death energy continued to invade the old man.

The old man smiled faintly, and there was an inexplicable power surrounding his body, and he just resisted and melted the terrifying death energy.

Youyouzi didn't say a word, and slapped it with a palm. It seemed like cherry blossoms in the sky appeared in the sky, exuding an ominous aura, and fell down with a heavy force.

Puff puff!

The cherry blossoms smashed into the phantom piece by piece, making a sound like hitting leather.The old man's complexion finally changed, and he saw that the phantom, which was full of confidence, was actually damaged.

Death Qi seemed to have found a breakthrough, madly attacking along the damage.The phantom's action is waning in a weak trend.

"Good trick!"

The old man's eyes widened, his eyes flashed, and the whole person instantly turned into blue smoke and merged into the phantom.He drew his sword out of its sheath and approached Youyouko in an instant.

"Even so, you will surely fall here!!!"

boom! ! ! !

Endless prestige burst out with suppressed dark colors, like ten thousand sharp knives, penetrating Yuyouko's body.The sharp blade came out, but it did not cause any scars to Yuyuko's body, not even the clothes were damaged.

However, the old man had a happy expression on his face and was about to speak, but his color suddenly changed.

"You actually..."

Youyouzi's indifferent eyes met his eyes, and the depths of those eyes that were supposed to be plain as water were indeed bottomless holes.

This girl has no soul? !

Death engulfed the old man in an instant, and he tried his best to widen his eyes, as if questioning why.But then there was a mad roar.

"Old, , unwilling, unwilling!!!"

The heaven and the earth shook, and the phantom was roaring frantically, as if shouting the old man's unwillingness.A sound like thunder, deafening.

The boundless death energy shrunk crazily toward the center, and in an instant, it all gathered in front of You Youzi, completely engulfing the old man.

For a long time, when the death qi dissipated, the old man was no longer to be seen.

Youyouzi's eyes flashed and she said in a low voice, "I'm going back to find Fanxin."

The figure flashed, the cherry blossoms fell, and the figure gradually dissipated. As for the next few cherry blossoms, the fragrance went away with the wind.

This world has turned into a dead Jedi.


The madness in Feng Jian Youxiang's eyes became stronger and stronger. After the young man succeeded in one blow, the altitude of tens of thousands of meters separated from her.

"Ha~~ cough cough~~ The monster clan has a monster like you, which is the biggest threat to my clan."

The young man coughed out a pool of dark green blood. Although he was tired, he still had a wanton smile on his lips: "However, if you choose to be the enemy of our clan, you are doomed."

"No need to say nonsense, I just want to kill you as much as I want."

Feng Jian Youxiang's figure suddenly approached, and the endless magic cannons fell from higher altitudes. She laughed wildly, punching the man one by one, each punch as heavy as a meteorite, and the young man who slammed it was exhausted. defense.

The party's series of attacks had a short break, and the young man's arms were broken.But he was still smiling.

"You,, you are really a monster. If the road ahead is not broken, you are definitely comparable to the legendary gods and demons."

"God and devil? Bored."

The corners of Feng Jian Youxiang's mouth twitched slightly, this quiet face and the eyes that were showing excitement and desire to fight at that moment, in contrast, there was an extremely strong contrasting beauty.

"Cough cough~~ I underestimated you, you are very strong, but monsters still can't stop my clan's footsteps."

The young man looked down faintly, his eyes fluctuated for a moment, and he forced a smile: "Soon, it's time for you to despair."

boom! ! !

Feng Jian Youxiang smashed him into the air with a punch, and the smile on her face was cold and biting: "Before that, how about you experience the so-called despair?"

Boom boom boom! ! !

The terrifying battle in the sky, the aftermath of which smashed to the ground, attracted the attention of countless people.But soon they had to put their sight back in front of them again.

Ye Fanxin frowned and looked at the darkness in front of him, his body felt bound and uncomfortable.

He knew that he was being attacked by something, and thought a little about how to get out.In the end, brute force is the most convenient.

With a little force, the sound of something cracking appeared, and the surrounding darkness fluctuated violently.

Chapter [-] I have an idea

Ye Fanxin tried it, and one hand no longer felt bound, and after a little movement, he punched out directly.

Like the clouds and the sun, the black mist that enveloped him was blasted through in an instant, Ye Fan only heard a groan in his heart, and the black mist all over his body fluctuated wildly.

"What a terrifying power, it really can't let you survive. For the sake of my clan's path, die with me."

The extremely rich energy was brewing in the black mist, Ye Fan was moved, and only felt that the sense of restraint was stronger.Rao is based on his strength, and in the case of no way to accumulate power, it takes a lot of hands and feet to break free.

Ye Fan's heart suddenly came up with the idea of ​​​​using this to test his defense.But then he abandoned this idea again, he is not a masochist, what if he loses his game?

"Hey, people these days, they always blow themselves up when they don't understand. By the way, didn't you remember what happened just now?"

The energy response was increasing sharply, and all the sights of this sky were cast involuntarily. After realizing what was about to happen, they retreated in fear.

"Xiao Fanxin!" Yakumo Zi shouted.

"Sister Zi, don't worry. It's alright!"

Ye Fanxin smiled, making those who knew what was about to happen a little confused.

That was the self-destruction of a top powerhouse who was infinitely close to the extreme realm.

"There are all kinds of things! The fourteenth movement changes cause and effect."

Based on the particularity of everything, most of the abilities are not applicable to reality, but even the few abilities are definitely bug-like.such as causal transformation.

Ye Fanxin's saying that one trick is eaten all over the sky is revealed to the extreme here.

Boom! ! !

There was a loud noise between heaven and earth, and endless energy was vented, triggering a riot of all forces between heaven and earth.Space began to appear irregular distortions.

Yakumo Zi and others resisted the waves of self-destruction, but their eyes were firmly locked on Ye Fanxin's side.He was relieved to see Ye Fan appearing on the spot unscathed and waving his hand with a smile.

"However, Xiaofan's heart is really hidden."

Ye Fanxin has shown many abilities to transform into characters to the people around her, but only Altair's ability surprised her.

Roar! ! !

The distortion of space spread to the 'door' that was 'ready to move', violent roars came one after another, the figure behind the door finally appeared, and the powerful breath made Yakumo Zi and the others look at him.

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