"Extremely strong, there are still?" The Dragon Gate Master exclaimed.

Yang Siyi's face was extremely ugly: "Is this the true strength of the ghost clan?"

Ye Fanxin also noticed this, and looked curiously at the 'door' that fluctuated violently. The 'door frame' became more and more twisted and cracked, and it seemed that it might collapse at any time.

After more than a dozen powerful figures emerged from the 'door', the expressions of Yang Siyi and others were extremely difficult to see.On the other hand, on the side of the Nether Ghost Race, after roaring, they laughed more like a catharsis.

"You are finished. I originally wanted to play with you slowly, but now it is too late, you will all fall here, and the entire other shore will be owned by my family today."

"Sister Zi, can't you seal this 'door'?"

"How could it be possible for you to do such a thing." The man standing opposite Yakumo Zi said provocatively. Although he was in a state of embarrassment, he was not at a point where he was powerless to fight.

Yakumo Zi snorted coldly, that was the truth.Such a huge 'door', even for her, it would take a lot of time to seal it, and the enemy would not watch her helplessly seal the 'door'.

Feng Jian Youxiang stepped on the broken body of the young man and fell from the sky, shattering the earth, and then flew high into the sky and came to Ye Fanxin's side.

"Miss Youxiang!"

"Are you okay?" Feng Jian Youxiang stared at Ye Fanxin with her eyes, and hugged him until she couldn't see anything wrong.

Ye Fanxin smiled and said, "I'm fine, thank you Sister Youxiang. By the way, I have an idea."

He broke free from Kazami Yuka's arm and turned into Lala.

"Pekai, record the fluctuation data of that 'door'."

"Okay, Lord Lala!" Pei Kai said on his head.

Feng Jian Youxiang curiously stretched out her hand, wanting to keep quiet, but Ye Fan said in her heart, "Sister Youxiang, don't worry, I'll be back soon."

Feng Jian Youxiang frowned and grabbed his hand: "Together!"

She didn't know that she was worried about herself, but she was moved and a little helpless.

"I'm sorry, Sister Youxiang, it won't work this time. But don't worry, I promise it'll be alright."

Feng Jian Youxiang stared at him lightly, helpless, Ye Fanxin could only transform into Kanzaki Tomoyo and stop the time in this world.The body fell to the ground and rushed towards the 'door'.

When everyone reacted, Ye Fanxin had changed back to Lala again, standing at the foot of the 'door'.

"Xiao Fanxin!!!" Yakumo Zi was shocked and couldn't help exclaiming.

Feng Jian Youxiang even rushed towards this side.

Ye Fanxin listened to the shouts behind him, and did not choose to ignore it.

"Apologize to Sister Youxiang, Sister Zi, and Grandpa Yang later."

He looked up and looked up, but he couldn't see the edge of the 'door'.This is completely different from what it feels like from a distance.

This 'door' is really too big. From a close distance, it is like a boundary barrier of a world, infinitely large.

Ye Fanxin is not as good as floating at the foot of the 'door', so small that he can't even see his existence in comparison with the 'door'.He looked at the figure that was constantly pouring out of his head, and it was like a black stream flowing out.

The 'door' fluctuated more violently, and the clack-clack figure entered his brain at a unique frequency, causing Ye Fanxin to frown slightly.

At this moment, several huge skulls began to appear in the center of the 'door'.After a little comparison, you can see that the size of each skull is like a tall building, and you can imagine how huge its body is.

"Humans? Bugs, die!"

A figure above noticed the existence of Ye Fanxin, pointed it out, and an endless shadow covered it.

Ye Fan's heart no longer hesitated, and he pressed his feet hard, and the person had passed through the 'door'.

Feng Jian Youxiang came a step late, standing in the air not far away, her expression uncertain.

"The extreme powerhouse of the monster clan? It happened to be killed together."

A solitary voice came from above, it was a man with an ethereal figure and a strangely flat breath.On his body, Yakumo Zi and the others could not even sense the breath of a strong man.

As the man's voice fell, one person killed Xiang Feng Jian Youxiang.

The man looked at the battlefield and had a panoramic view of the battle, but there was no trace of waves in his eyes.

"Since the passage is about to collapse, let's take the other side first."

"Yes!!!" The dozen or so people responded in unison.

Yakumo Zi bit her lip and smiled, "This is really troublesome."

"Senior Yang, what's going on in this world?" The Dragon Gate Master flew over with a gloomy face.

Yang Siyi was expressionless, and said, "The news should have come out, and then we can only wait slowly, everything is up to God's will."

Chapter seven hundred and fortieth chapters to kill the little expert

The dark sky was filled with ominous shadows, too dense to count.

But these shadows gave Ye Fanxin a different feeling, as if they were different from the shadows of the ghost clan.But to say what was different, he couldn't tell.

"Never mind, we're here to make trouble anyway."

"Pekai, have you collected the fluctuation data just now?"

Peikai's Mengmeng's voice sounded: "Lord Lala, please rest assured, Peikai has completed the task that Mrs. Lala gave Peikai."

Ye Fanxin nodded: "That's good, otherwise it will take a while to go back. Everyone will be worried by then."

Especially Ye Yunlin, if he really went back late, he didn't know how to face his father.

After speaking, he changed back to Altaïr, raised his head and looked around at the sky in this different space.

This is the opposite side of the 'door', and it is no surprise that this space is the world where the ghosts exist.Although I am a little curious about the world, now is not a good time for sightseeing.

"Speaking of which, I wanted to let go of this trick for a long time, hehe!"

He grinned, and the saber and spear appeared in his hands and snapped.Mysterious power swept away.

"Everywhere! The Fourth Movement Celestial Body Falls!!!"

He no longer restrained his own strength in the slightest, and fully activated his abilities.

"Come on, let me see the limits of this trick."

In the world of the fox demon, he used it, but because of various restrictions, he tried his best to limit the destructive power of this move.This time, he doesn't intend to have any restrictions.

"It can't be used indiscriminately in this world. If you use it on the other side, you may be scolded by Sister Zi, but no one will care about it here."

The corner of Ye Fanxin's mouth evoked a charming smile, which was what he suddenly thought of.With the idea that since you can invade the other side, why can't I counter the invasion, he plans to make a big fuss in the enemy's lair.

It is said to be a riot, but in fact it is to release this trick.

The terrifying pressure came from the sky. The sky that was dark and gloomy didn't know when it was dyed with a layer of red.As time passed, it was like a sea of ​​fire in the sky.

At a certain moment, the scorching heat descended on the earth.The terrifying pressure caused the earth to fall apart in an instant.Mountains and rivers collapsed and rivers dried up.Everything is being destroyed at a terrifying speed.

One after another powerful breath came from all directions, roars, roars, one after another.

Countless ghosts raised their heads, and their endless vision was occupied by the hot scarlet, and the high temperature was baking the earth.Time turned into a furnace in an instant.

The weak existence can't even withstand the increasingly terrifying high temperature, or die under the more terrifying pressure.

The powerful beings roared and resorted to their own means of life-saving.

With a few drops of sweat on his forehead, Ye Fan laughed loudly: "Haha, hahaha, it's really surprising. A star bigger than the sun is so shocking to see from a close distance."

This is Altaïr's ability, and it is also the body that she was created as the concept of Altaïr.A star larger than the sun, Alpha Aquila (altair).

Ye Fan suddenly felt an impulse in his heart, wondering if he could blast this star bigger than the sun with one punch.

Once this urge arises, it can no longer be suppressed.

He tried to blast a satellite with one punch, but he didn't use his full strength.If you do your best, will you be able to blast the stars?

The thought of this possibility made him excited.After all, satellites and even planets are very different from stars.

His eyes were bright, he no longer hesitated, took a deep breath, and threw a punch.

boom! !

With the ground on which he stood as the center, the earth with a radius of hundreds of kilometers collapsed, turning into a shocking crater.Ye Fanxin's body rose to the sky with unparalleled power.

This punch, which injected all his strength, suddenly slammed into the Aquila Alpha.

Boom! ! !

There was a dull loud noise, and the shock wave seemed to arrive a step slower.The earth is no longer the earth, the sky is no longer the sky, and the world seems to be turned upside down.

Ye Fanxin's body fell like a cannonball, penetrating the ground all the way, and smashing into the depths of the ground.

Boom boom boom!

Ye Fanxin endured the discomfort of his body and felt the hot temperature around him. Altair's clothes were melted by the magma, and he walked through the magma naked.I don't know how long it took to stop.

In the deep scarlet world, there is no breathing, no speech, and nothing but red.He could only mobilize his power and fly in the direction he had come from.

After a while, he came to the ground again.Oncoming, is the missing star.

The terrifying temperature made Ye Fan's heart feel a little dazed for a moment.The exposed body began to turn red, and the sweat couldn't stop flowing.

Ye Fan didn't have time to think about it, he changed into Kanzaki Tomoyo in seconds and stopped time.

The tyrannical pressure, airflow, temperature, all stopped.Ye Fanxin started to run wildly in a certain direction, and ran for an unknown distance in one breath, but the star was still above his head.

"MMP, I'm not going to die anymore!"

He couldn't help cursing.The confrontation with Alpha Aquila ended in failure, and with his current strength, he could only shatter the body of this star.

Although it seems that the body is dozens of times larger than ordinary planets, it is still the tip of the iceberg for this star.

The problem is that now, because of his impulsiveness, he has missed the best time to leave.

Now there is a serious problem in front of him. To leave this world, he must transform into Lala, and then use the teleportation device to locate it with Pekai.

However, once transformed into Lala, time stopped and the terrifying high temperature would melt everything except Ye Fanxin's body.

This is still the temperature of the outer layer of the star. When the star completely falls, God knows that he can't handle the temperature inside the star.

After running for a while, he still couldn't get out of the range covered by the stars.

Ye Fanxin finally gave up.He only knew that the world was ten thousand times larger than the earth, but he had forgotten that the area of ​​the sun was also ten thousand times larger than the earth.Even if it is a sphere, there are thousands of times.

Assuming that this world is the same size as the present world, that is to say, the star overhead now covers almost half of the world.

He didn't want to think about how far he was going to run.The point is that he has now begun to feel that his mental exhaustion is too much.

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