Akizuki Marina also did not cover her body, in her opinion it was normal for sisters to meet frankly.

But her face was not good at the moment, and she looked at Ye Fanxin in astonishment.

"What? Didn't understand or didn't understand?" Ye Fan lay on his back on the side of the bathtub, staring at her like a queen.

"Do you want me to say it again? Start with your feet, lick them."

Qiuyue Marina only felt that the world was spinning for a while, and her head began to feel dizzy.

"Ellie, how can you..."

Ye Fan stared at him and said coldly, "Don't forget what you said before, or do you want me to throw you back?"

Akizuki Marina opened her mouth, showing a look of fear.But after a while it turned to shame.

Sister, how can you let her do such a thing.She is an older sister, Ellie's elder.

However, if you don't do it, you might really be thrown back, and you will stay alone on the top of that island-like building, surrounded by seawater with all kinds of murderous intentions.

Thinking of that scene, she shivered with fear, and was angry and angry with her sister again.

"Come on, my patience is limited."

Qiuyue Marina's body trembled, and along with the pair of Naikos, she made a gluttonous wave.

"I-, I know."

Chapter [-]: Ninja Four Purple Flame Array

Ye Fanxin narrowed his eyes lazily, admiring the charming body of Zhennai.Only the faint dividends that appeared on his beautiful body, which surpassed him, could show his gradually excited emotions.

Skin-to-skin kisses are the most arousing, and some minor feelings and some shameful behaviors will become the most effective catalysts.

Ye Fanxin is looking forward to the feeling after being slapped by the truth, it must be more exciting than when Yu Xiaomeijiu was joking and licking his white silk.

The girl in front of me is not my sister, she is not my sister.

Akizuki Marina can only keep hinting to herself, so that her inner sense of bad morals will be much less.But the shame that followed did not diminish, but only intensified.

Because it's my sister, it doesn't matter if we meet frankly, and I don't feel shy even when I do some intimate actions.But if you don't treat Ye Fanxin as a sister.

Looking straight at Lala's face again, Akizuki Marina blushed.

To do something more intimate than a skin-to-skin kiss with a stranger you've just met is like a public execution.

She had a panoramic view of Ye Fanxin's face and body, her eyes watering from shyness.With trembling hands, he grasped the delicate and precious jade feet, and just as he approached, the fragrance was already tingling in his nostrils.

Qiuyue Marina was in a state of energy for a while, only to feel that there was a magic force urging her to lean up and occupy this seductive smell.

This magic power is like the temptation of the devil, madly attacking her shame.


Ye Fan's heart groaned coquettishly, which became the fuse, and suddenly ignited Qiuyue Marina's psychological defense.

She stared at Ye Fanxin with serious eyes, leaned close to the tender and delicious little foot, and tapped her tongue mischievously.

The shyness was maximized in an instant, and Akizuki Marina's face was flushed, with tears hanging from the corners of her eyes, she lowered her head.

When the moist little tongue touched the soles of his feet with some saliva, Ye Fan felt a heat flow coming from his tailbone, straight to the sky.

The whole person is straight, and the waist is bent forward into a bow.


This is too exciting.He subconsciously wanted to withdraw his feet, but Qiuyue Marina hugged him even tighter when he noticed it.

Akizuki Marina's mind was in chaos, she was ashamed of her actions just now, and her thoughts were all in a mess.Seeing the foot in his hand trembling mischievously, it seemed to shrink back.

In an instant, her mind became clear.A single thought firmly took hold in his mind.

Can't let it go back!

It's been done anyway, and it's nothing to continue.

On the contrary, it was Ye Fanxin, who bullied others so clearly just now, but now he doesn't want to play?No way!

With this kind of revenge-like heart, Qiuyue Marina vigorously hugged Ye Fanxin's little feet and worked hard.


Ye Fan's heart just felt that his consciousness exploded, and the strong sense of stimulation made him feel comfortable and clear, and a sour feeling spread all over his body.

Especially looking at Akizuki Marina's hard work, her face was morbidly flushed, her eyes were blurred, and there were tears in the corners of her eyes.The strange stimuli turned into waves of pleasure, which could not be stopped at all.

I don't know how long it took, when Ye Fanxin walked out of the bathroom in a vain step, it was completely dark.

Akizuki Marina was even worse, this time lying in the bathtub with a broken expression.

When the powerlessness in her hands and feet disappeared, Ye Fanxin took her out and threw her into the room.

Recalling the previous feeling, Ye Fanxin couldn't help but fight a cold war: "MMP, are you playing too much, this is too exciting."

After a long time, he smacked his lips, and Wei Wei regretted not being able to change back to his original body.


"Understood, Lala-sama!"

A new set of uniforms appeared on Ye Fanxin's body, covering his seductive body.

Sit down on a chair by the floor-to-ceiling window and look down.At this time, the city has also become a vast ocean, and only the top floors of high-rise buildings like the one he chose can survive.

Countless people didn't have time to escape at all and died below.

Looking at the corpse fragments that occasionally floated over, there were obvious tooth marks of large creatures at the break, Ye Fanxin showed a sighed expression.

He was playing with his hands to change from male to female, and his eyes looked aimlessly into the distance. For a long time, the corners of his mouth evoked a cold smile.

"That's it."

"Miku, help me locate the top nano-project institute. Although I can do it myself, it's best to save some trouble."

"Father, is there anything you want to study? Miku can help."

Ye Fanxin smiled: "Forget it this time, let miku help next time."


Miku's mood was a little down, but he recovered immediately, and said energetically: "Father, the positioning has been completed. You can open the space door at any time."

Ye Fanxin glanced at the room where Qiuyue Marina was sleeping, opened the space door, stepped out, and someone had appeared in a top research institute in a certain country.


The piercing alarm sounded instantly, and a group of soldiers with live ammunition surrounded Ye Fanxin.The dots of the infrared sight were densely occupying her head and heart.

Ye Fan's eyes turned, and a strange device appeared in his hand.This is a palm-sized polyhedron, a bit like a compass. There is a groove in the center of the compass, and a diamond-shaped crystal is embedded in the groove.


A gunshot rang out, followed by bullets like dense raindrops.


A translucent light curtain spread out from the device in Ye Fanxin's hand, covering his body in an instant.

Naturally touching the light curtain, the lavender streamer flickered, and the dense bullets all turned into powder and scattered.

The light curtain swelled and swept past the soldiers in the front row in an instant. They were like those bullets, turning to ashes.

The expression of an officer behind changed greatly, and shouted to retreat. When he retreated to a position to confirm safety, he saw that Ye Fan's heart was motionless, and the light curtain was no longer expanding, so he looked at him in surprise.

"What it is?"

"Ninfa Four Purple Flame Formation!" Ye Fan said solemnly, and suddenly touched his head: "Ah, it doesn't seem right, I should get four generators, that's what it looks like."


"Who the hell are you? Spy? Terrorist?"

Ye Fan thought about it seriously, and showed a terrifying smile: "You, you can treat me as the savior of the world."

Fundamentally speaking, his actions can be said to purify this dirty world, so it is reasonable to say that he is the savior of the world.

"Savior? Ridiculous, fire!"

Ye Fanxin sighed, ignoring the bullets in the sky: "If you don't want to destroy this laboratory, let you grow my pseudo-four purple flame formation."

Transforming into Yingcao, I originally wanted to directly extract their vitality. After thinking about it, I released the demon energy and instantly covered all the vegetation in a radius of dozens of kilometers around the institute.

For a moment, the docile plants in the past were growing wildly like crazy.In just a few seconds, this suburb was completely transformed into a virgin forest.

The vines and vegetation frantically surrounded the research institute, and after a while, they could be seen burrowing in from every crevice like monsters.

Chapter seven hundred and sixty-five nanoworms

The screams were quickly engulfed in the sea of ​​vines.

Ye Fanxin had already withdrawn the generator, and his little hand gently stroked the vines beside him.

"Good boy, well done."

Feeling the joy from the plants, Ye Fanxin also smiled, and those vines receded like a tide.Apart from the destroyed buildings, no one was seen, not even the traces of their attack on Ye Fanxin before.

"In this way, no one will come back to disturb me in a short time."

"However, we have to get it done quickly. It's too late to go back, and the girl of Marina will probably cry out in fear."

With a wicked smile, he went to a laboratory under Miku's guidance.

"The equipment is still complete, and there is not much lack."

Although there are universal tools, if there are too many devices missing, the efficiency of the next work will be greatly reduced.

"Father, let me be your assistant."

Ye Fanxin smiled: "Even if Miku doesn't say it, I will do it. After all, many things require Miku's help."

The little girl flew around him happily.

Three hours later, Ye Fanxin walked out of the laboratory. The outside was full of the breath of nature, and the asphalt roads and steel and cement buildings were completely invisible.

It's just that in this virgin forest, it's a bit strangely quiet at this time.

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