Ye Fanxin didn't plan to turn into Yingcao to find out what happened to these plants. He threw a tube of light green liquid up and down in his hand.

There is no doubt that this is the result of his three hours.

Ye Fanxin's eyes seemed to penetrate the jungle and looked further into the distance. Suddenly, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he threw the test tube in his hand.

The test tube fell to the ground and shattered immediately.The light green liquid inside spilled all over the floor.

What makes people strange is that after the light green liquid is completely spread out, the color turns to a silver-gray metallic color.

At this moment, the liquid that was supposed to seep into the ground along the gaps in the vines and trees moved in violation of the laws of physics.

As if they were alive, they climbed up along the vines, reunited into a light green liquid, and turned into a metallic mist, thinking of drifting away in the distance.

Instructions: Disassemble, Devour, Copy!

This is the first stage instruction that Ye Fanxin gave them.

Speaking of the nano project, and thinking of the super black technology mastered by Lala, what can ordinary people think of?


However, Ye Fanxin prefers the title in some movies, Nano Bug.They are like bugs, once given instructions, they can destroy and expand at an exaggerated speed.

Because of its tiny size in nanometers, it is almost unstoppable for a technological civilization like the earth.They can disassemble everything they encounter, and then use the disassembled materials to craft new companions.

This speed will be exaggerated, Ye Fanxin roughly estimated that if he ignored his second order, they could even occupy the world within a week.

Don't think this is an exaggeration, just a small tube of nanoworms can decompose a car in a few seconds, and use these materials to increase the number several times.

Next time, they can devour a heavy truck in seconds, and the next time, they can even break down an airliner in seconds.

In just an hour, a building can be destroyed in an instant.How long can a city and a country last?

It is said that it invades the world in one week, or it is the result of taking into account various external factors.

Ye Fanxin found ten tubes of nanoworms from the soul space.Naturally, he wouldn't just do a little bit of such a convenient big killer, maybe he could still use it in the future.

"Miku, help me choose ten random locations and open the space door."

"Okay, my father!"

Ye Fan deliberately threw these nano-worms opposite the space gate, or in the abandoned factory, or in the school, or on the street.

Thank you. The test tube with the light green liquid may be intriguing, or it may not be at all.

The test tube fell to the ground and shattered.The light green liquid turned into a metallic mist, and the disaster began.

In the hotel, as soon as Ye Fanxin came back, he heard a violent slam on the door, and then saw Qiuyue Marina hugging her knees, curled up on the sofa and sobbing.


The aggrieved little face lifted up, and when he saw Ye Fan's heart, he immediately flew over and hugged him.

"Wuwu, Ellie, I'm so scared, I thought you didn't want me anymore."

Ye Fan raised his eyebrows: "What's going on?"

The hustle and bustle outside the door continued, and an angry voice of insults could be vaguely heard.

"Woohoo, I, I see you, I want to go out to find you. Then, I met a few people."

Qiuyue Marina explained while sobbing: "At first they asked me for something to eat, I didn't have it, then they wanted to come in, I was a little scared, so I refused. Then,, then they started slamming on the door."

"Uuu, Ellie, don't leave my sister, okay?"

Ye Fanxin patted her shoulder lightly and said, "Don't worry, I won't leave you, you are my RBQ sister."

"Strange, don't cry, I'll help you teach those bad guys a lesson."

He gently comforted a few words and walked to the door.Qiuyue Marina didn't stop him, but she followed behind in fear, her little hand holding Ye Fanxin's hand tightly.

As they got closer, the insulting voice gradually became clearer.Ye Fanxin couldn't help frowning.

Even if he listened to the insults from outside, he felt polluted his ears, not to mention the well-behaved and self-loving truth Nai.

The door slammed open with a bang, and the half-assault axe of the fire axe appeared in front of the two of them.Marina immediately covered her mouth to prevent herself from yelling.

Ye Fanxin pulled her back, the door was violently kicked down, and two strong men walked in with a fire axe.Then an ugly middle-aged man with a ferocious complexion entered the room, and behind him were a dozen men and women who were naked.

Ye Fanxin glanced at it and turned his eyes away in disgust.The tragic situation of those men and women can tell at a glance what happened to them before.

The middle-aged man first looked around, and then his eyes fell on Ye Fanxin, with a greedy look.

"Don't speak, I'm afraid I'll be sick."

Ye Fanxin threw a tube of nanoworms directly and smashed it on the middle-aged man's face.His entire head exploded in an instant, and red and white things splashed everywhere.

Those men and women whose faces and eyes were only numb also seemed to regain a little vitality, and this vitality allowed them to scream smoothly.

Ye Fanxin frowned, grabbed Marina's hand, opened the space door, and left here directly.

After a while, the building began to slowly collapse, and a terrifying cloud of metal 'swallowed' the building from top to bottom.

Chapter seven hundred and sixty-six really nothing

Ye Fanxin and Marina were sitting in a cake shop, and in the virtual screen projected by the mobile phone on the table, similar disasters were being played around the world.

Marina's previous fright had almost subsided. She ate the cake and glanced at Ye Fanxin who was watching the news seriously next to her from time to time.

"Love,, Ellie, do you know,, what happened?"

Ye Fanxin glanced at her, bit her fork, and said in a flat tone, "I know, but I don't want to tell you."

Marina pouted: "Ai Li has a bad heart and will bully her sister."

"...I will still protect you."

Marina's expression froze, she pouted at the cake and began to get sullen.

After a while, seeing that Ye Fanxin had no intention of comforting her, she sighed with a little grievance in her heart: "Ai Li, where do you say mother is now? Disasters and deaths are happening everywhere now, will mother be in danger? "

As a man, Ye Fanxin still likes that cheap mother Hua Daizi very much.

Well, what I'm talking about here is that when I watched the fan before, the style of the wife's painting was the type he liked.

But from the current position, he doesn't like this idiot woman very much.He was tricked by a scumbag man's rhetoric, completely disregarding the two daughters who were tricked by him.

If it was because he was not at home, he could easily be deceived by that scum, would he be willing to live in two places as soon as he got married?

So, either this woman has a problem, or she's just an idiot.

"How do I know? Doesn't she care about,, us?"

Marina frowned and said, "Ai Li, how can you say that, that's our mother. The mother who worked so hard to bring us up by herself. Aren't you worried?"


Ye Fan looked at her lightly, and sighed sharply: "Then let's see what she is doing now."

"Huh? Is it okay?"

Ye Fanxin didn't answer, and said lightly: "Miku! Help me find someone, a bigamed woman named Qiuyue Huadaizi."

Marina glanced at him complainingly, but she was not in a hurry to argue with him at the moment.

"found it!"

The virtual screen split into a separate picture, which seemed to be the surveillance equipment of a luxury villa.

"Father, the person you are looking for is inside, but there is no monitoring equipment inside, and Miku can't see the specific situation." Miku said a little aggrieved.

Ye Fanxin smiled and said softly: "It doesn't matter, Miku can use the authority of the nanoworm."

With his authorization, Miku immediately mobilized a small group of nanoworms and rushed to that area.In a short while, you can see the picture inside the villa.

"Nano bugs?" Marina's curiosity rose again.

It's a pity that Ye Fanxin didn't plan to explain it to her, and Marina couldn't either, so she could only accuse her sister silently.

The screen kept jumping, and soon came to a beautifully decorated room.

This room is very large, like a small palace, and the interior decoration is even more beautiful and dreamlike. Just looking at the exquisite decorations can tell the wealth of the owner.

However, what really attracted the two of them was the imaginative um ah ah that kept echoing in the room!

The picture of a big bed was imprinted into the eyes of Ye Fanxin and Zhennai.



Marina's eyes widened, looking at Huayoko who was pressed down by another beautiful woman, she couldn't believe her eyes.

At this time, the voices of the two were also clearly transmitted.

Ye Fan lowered the volume calmly, and glanced at Marina again.

"Liya, hurry up,, stop, we,, um~~~ can't,, like this, ah~~~"

Hua Daizi was stripped naked, with an insulted expression, tears in his eyes, and looked at the woman on his body aggrieved.

"...Ellie, what should we do? We must find a way to save Mommy!"

Ye Fanxin didn't say a word, just silently watching the screen on the monitor.

"Ah, Huadaizi, are you still saying that now? You are also very comfortable. Look, you have such a strong reaction."

With a charming smile on her face, the woman raised her hand from below, with a few crystal threads on her slender fingers.

The truth is stunned. She is not unfamiliar with this picture, because what she and her sister did last night were similar, and even a little more extreme than this.

Thinking of this, she lowered her head blushing.

"No, no. Ria, please stop,, ah, ah~~~ Don't!"

Liya lowered her head resentfully, and said delicately, "Mingming was so affectionate with others when I was in school, I finally found you, and this time, I will never let you go again."

Ye Fan raised his eyebrows and looked at Zhennai with interest.

"Is there anything else you want to say? That woman, seems to be doing well."


"What's wrong?"

Ye Fan's face was full of jokes. He really didn't expect that the woman was taken away by his best friend from his school days.It seems that the family of this woman named Liya is not simple, and she also deeply loves Qiuyue Huadaizi.

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