Ye Fan couldn't hold back, but he still embraced her enchanting body and rubbed it in his arms. The two pairs of Naikos of similar size were squeezed together, and the picture was bloody.

Shayou Yingning let out a cry, her noble and oppressive golden eyes could see the waves, she was already extremely shy.


Ye Fan breathed a sigh of relief, this girl was wearing a biological battle armor, her temptation increased several times, and even he almost couldn't hold it.

He lowered his head and took a bite, then walked forward with his arms around her.He stopped in front of Zank's upper body, and took off the omniscience from his forehead.

"Cough cough cough~~~ benefactor?"

Iyeas got up from the ground, the smoke cleared, and he saw Ye Fanxin's figure.

Ye Fanxin waved his hand, lowered his head and asked, "RBQ, who did you see just now?"

"By the way, you don't need to disperse the armor, that's all, I like it very much!"

Shayou's heart is infinitely shy, but in this state, she can only see a little red on the half-covered cheeks, and her eyes have even been indifferent and arrogant.

Oh heh, this pose is awesome.Ye Fan thought happily.


A slap caused a turbulent wave, and Ye Fan said with a slightly domineering heart: "Come on, what did you see just now?"

"Uhh~~~hh~~~ Yes,,, it's the master!"

"Ah? You didn't lie to me?"

Shayou buried her head in his chest, and even though there were two pairs of Naikos separated, Ye Fan could feel her heart beating faster.

"Shayou,, will never lie to the master, absolutely,, forever."

Ye Fan was very happy, "Not bad, worthy of being my little 'beep' slave."

Iyeas had a wise face the whole time, and from the moment Ye Fanxin waved his hand, he kept pretending to be deaf and dumb.Instinct made him feel that if he didn't do this, he would die miserably.

A burst of noise came, and Iyeas couldn't help reminding: "Probably the guards are coming, benefactor, we should go."

The movement just now was really big, but it all seemed long, but in fact it just happened within a few minutes.

"Hey, it's really not the right time." Ye Fan pouted, but still hugged Shayou and left.

The three of them left on the front foot, and Sai Liu came with a group of people, looking at the chaos around him, his face gloomy.

"The vice-captain, who beheaded Zank, is dead."

Seleu looked at Zank's upper body and searched all over the place but couldn't find his lower body. He only found a lot of minced flesh in a big hole on the ground not far away.

"The attack of this kind of power is definitely those two people." Sai Liu's face twisted, "search them all for me, they can't go too far, block the whole city, and definitely find them."


Ye Fanxin took the two all the way to the forest outside the city, and Iyeas couldn't hold back and asked the question in his heart.

"Benefactor, are you really a member of Ye Raid?"

"That's right." Ye Fanxin didn't plan to hide it, but he was more than happy that they knew about it, otherwise he wouldn't have deliberately transformed in front of the two of them.

Ayeas hesitated and said, "Since the benefactor is a member of Ye Raid, why not let us join Ye Raid directly? In fact, our work is similar."

"You made a mistake."

Ye Fan thought to himself: "Night raid is a killer organization, killing is work. And you are heroes, saving people is what you should do, and this is not work."

"...Benefactor, to be honest, I don't quite understand what a hero is."

Chapter eight hundred and thirty seventh perverted regret

What is a hero?

Ye Fan scratched his cheeks, this is really troublesome to explain, and there is not even a general definition to explain the word hero.

"Generally speaking, it is from the heart, without asking for anything in return, to save anyone who needs to be saved."

"Emmmm, seriously speaking, the initial and final purpose of all heroes is out of a spontaneous sense of justice and compassion in their hearts. It is a spontaneous sense of mission that does not require other incentives."

"Have you ever had this sense of mission?"

Shayou recalled Furong and Lian, the prayer and despair in their eyes when they were taken away, and the joy and gratitude after they were rescued. Was the surging feeling in her heart at that time the so-called sense of mission? .

"If there is, even if it's just a little bit, even if it's only for a moment, that's the aptitude of a hero."

Seeing Ye Fanxin's serious expression, the two were speechless.

Ye Fanxin smiled: "Today is mainly to see the current situation of the two of you. Now that I have read it, I should go back."

"Master, are you leaving now?"

"Ah? Obviously there are still so many questions I want to ask my benefactor."

Ye Fanxin was speechless for a while. He was not a teacher, he only needed to answer one or two questions. It was impossible for him to teach people full-time jobs and solve puzzles.

"It's the same sentence, unless you run out of energy, don't contact me casually. Otherwise, I'll beat you up."

The corners of Eyeas's eyes twitched, and this was obviously addressed to him, because Shayou didn't need an energy module.

Ye Fanxin still left, because she was thinking about Xi'er, who kept the vacant room at home. He felt that he couldn't bury his face in the pair of big naizi when he went to bed at night, and it was impossible to fall asleep at all.

The next day, after getting dressed with Xier, you and me, Najeshtan called everyone to a meeting.

"I got the news before that Zanke beheaded and came to the imperial capital. I originally wanted to arrange to deal with him today and bring back his emperor by the way."

"Unfortunately, the beheading Zank was killed last night. According to the information I got, it was still those two who did it."

Maine wrapped her fingers around her hair and said, "Isn't this good? We don't have to do anything yet."

"Indeed, although Zank's Teigu couldn't be recovered, it's always a good thing."

After the meeting, Ye Fanxin carried Xi'er to the back mountain again, and the two played naked together.This is their daily routine.

"Hee hee hee, Chi Tong."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Just wanted to call you..."

Ye Fan swayed his waist and limbs, and even a slight rubbing caused a burst of throbbing.He misses his main body very much now, and misses his own chicken. It would be great if he could change back to his main body at this time.

"Red pupil,"


Xi'er's eyes were blurred, she nestled in Ye Fanxin's arms, and said faintly, "It would be great if it could always be like this."

"Please change the question sentence into an affirmative sentence."


Well, with Xier's natural brain circuit, she couldn't understand this 'complex' sentence pattern, but Ye Fanxin loved her and kissed her.

"I mean, Xier's wish will definitely come true."


"I never lie."

"Hehe, Chi Tong is my favorite."

Ye Fan couldn't help but sigh, what a good girl, but it's a pity that she couldn't get pregnant.

By the way, there is that sickly loli sister, Ye Fan's heart almost forgot again, and he sighed again and again about the heroic grave of the gentle township.

But after thinking about it carefully, it is not so easy to find Hei Tong now. The main reason is that there is no network and no monitoring in this world. Just relying on miku to control the nanoworm's search a little, God knows when to find it.

Counting the time, it's almost time to come back to Esdes, anyway, Hei Tong will also come to the imperial capital at that time, wouldn't it be more convenient to tie it back.

Hmm, it's decided.

Ye Fanxin successfully found a good excuse for his laziness, and then held Xier for a meal.

The process is not detailed. All in all, the wonderful symphony lasted for more than an hour. In the end, Ye Fanxin left with Xier in his arms, who was blushing and sweating in his arms.

A few days later, Najeshtan called the crowd again.

"For this time, Leone and Tazmi will be the team, and Maine and Xi'er will be the team. You guys will go."

In the evening, when Xier and others left, he excused himself to go to the back mountain to cultivate, but in fact he followed behind secretly.In order not to be discovered, he also changed his body specially.

When they got to the city, Ye Fan followed behind, bored. "This guy, Maine, actually still has the mind to go shopping during the mission time."

After Leone and Tazmi left, Maine actually dragged Seer to go shopping.

Ye Fan's heart, who looked like Yingcao, was flying in the sky like this, but his perception was always paying attention to the two of them.

Night fell soon, and Maine and Xier came to a square, where they met with Leone.

"Leonai doesn't know if it goes well or not."

"Even if there is trouble, it's understandable. After all, there is a newcomer like Tazmi."

Xier laughed dryly. It was already known that Maine and Tazmi did not deal with each other. The two seemed to have a chemical reaction with each other, and they would explode when they met.

Mingming has cooperated several times before, but the relationship has not improved.

Ye Fanxin's small body lay on the maple leaf, inconspicuous in the night sky.I don't know where to find a book and read it boringly.

"Huh? Are you going to start?"

In the perception, I suddenly found a lot of vigorous vitality, which is much stronger than the average person.Turned over so that he could see below.

Seeer and Maine were chatting when suddenly she pushed Maine away, a pair of scissors lay in front of her, blocking the flying bullets.

This is Xier's emperor, everything is broken: ecstasy.It claims to be able to cut through anything in this world.


Only then did Maine react, and hurriedly took down the romantic fort and guarded with Xier.

"Sure enough, you are the perpetrators of the night attack."

Sai Liu came out of the darkness, holding Xiao Ke in his hand.

"Although it's not the two criminals I want to find the most, but it doesn't matter, the perpetrator is the perpetrator. Since we are lucky enough to meet, we can't let it go."

"Criminals, are you ready to be punished?"

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