Maine frowned and said, "Xie'er, you can't entangle with her, and make a quick decision."



A red light shot out from the Romantic Fort, and with a twisted smile on his face, Seleu twisted his body to an unbelievable angle and rushed towards this side.

"I won't let you pass." There was a cold light in Xi'er's eyes, and the ecstasy in her hand was raised high.

"Xiao Ke!!!"

Roar! ! !

The ferocious giant beast stopped in front of Xi'er out of thin air, its mouth full of fangs particularly infiltrating, and its scarlet eyes looked down at Xi'er.

"Don't get in the way!"


The cold light swept across, the huge wound almost tore the beast's body, and Xi'er had already swept past it, pointing directly at Sai Liu.

Ye Fanxin sighed, Xier's fighting instinct was very powerful, but unfortunately she was still inexperienced. At this time, her shortcomings were reflected, and she was not vigilant enough.

When you don't know the enemy's capabilities, at least you must pay enough attention.She is too underestimated.

After all, it was an extremely rare creature type Teigu.

Chapter [-]: Ye Fanxin, the big boss behind the scenes

"Xie'er, be careful!!!"

Maine's shout made Xier seem to be aware of it, but she didn't even think about it.The charming figure turned over in the air and slid on the ground for a while before releasing the strength.

Looking at it, the giant beast seemed to be even bigger, and the wound on its stomach was visibly healing.

"This is,, Teigu?"

Sai Liu laughed wildly and shouted: "Xiao Ke, tear her to pieces!"

"How could it be possible for you to succeed."

Maine gritted her teeth, her spiritual sense of crisis passed on to the Romantic Fortress, causing it to explode with greater power.

"Too slow, hee hee, criminal, die."

Seleu dodged Maine's shot and approached her in an instant.A look of panic appeared on Maine's face.But he saw Xi'er's figure suddenly jumping out from behind Sai Liu.

The silver light flashed across, and one of Saiyu's arms flew out, and then was kicked away by Xi'er.

"Maine, are you alright!"

"Be careful!!"

Bang, the terrifying force smashed the ground, the stones splashed, and the two of them hid to the side in embarrassment. Looking at it again, the reminder of the ferocious beast seemed to be even bigger.

"It's not good for us to continue dragging this guy. When the guards arrive, it will be over."

Xier also understood this truth: "Maine, let's work together to kill this monster first."


Xi'er rushed towards the giant beast, her flexible body constantly dodging attacks, and the ecstasy instantly tore open several large holes in the giant beast, and the blood seemed to be scattered without money.

"It's now! Go to hell!!"

The thick beam of light cut through the darkness, pierced through with unparalleled power, and slammed into the beast's head.

In an instant, most of its head was blasted off, and even half of its shoulders disappeared.


"It's still far away..."

Da da da!

A series of gunshots rang out, Xier's face was expressionless, and her ecstasy was dazzled by her dazzling wave, shooting down all the bullets, and her footsteps rushed towards Seleu, a cold light flashed.Her remaining hand was also cut off.

At the sight of her previously broken arm, she felt a chill in her heart, and it turned out to be transformed into a firearm.

Looking at Sai Liu again, even though she was seriously injured, this girl was still laughing wildly, her eyes were turbid due to the distortion, and her mouth roared like a wild beast, which made people feel cold.

"Kill you, kill you. Justice cannot fail, and perpetrators must be punished."

"Xiao Ke!!!"

Roar! ! !

The roar behind them resounded through the night sky, and the two turned their heads in disbelief.Seeing this scene, Ye Fanxin shook his head even more, even leaving his younger generation to the enemy at this time.

With the gun barrel sticking out of Sai Liu's mouth, Ye Fanxin no longer hesitated, and directly drained her vitality.

The shot never came out.

But the crisis is not over.The two were so close to the runaway Xiaoke that just as they turned around, the hideous-looking behemoth was already close at hand.

The strong sense of oppression made Maine feel suffocated. She couldn't remember how long ago this feeling of being one step away from death was.But now, she felt it again.


Xi'er slammed Maine away, and she only had time to mention the ecstasy, but the bloody mouth full of fangs had already swallowed it up, and she could smell the disgusting stench.


A magic cannon fell from the sky and penetrated Xiao Ke's body, and some of the magic power was kept in his body by Ye Fanxin.In order to take care of Xier and Maine, he carefully divided those demon powers into extremely small groups.


Just like firecrackers, with a series of crisp sounds, Xiao Ke's huge body was exploding everywhere, and blood and flesh were spattered little by little.

The two woke up like a dream and quickly stepped back.

Watching Xiao Ke let out a tragic wailing while constantly exploding, the huge body like a small mountain exploded into pieces bit by bit.

Maine was still in a daze, but she was pulled up by Xier and ran out of the city.

"Two idiots."

Looking at the guards and soldiers gathered around, Ye Fan sighed.Throwing out a few balls of vitality, I saw the grass and trees below grow wildly, and pounced on those people with their teeth and claws.

Ye Fanxin didn't look at them any more, and hung behind Xi'er and the two of them unhurriedly to ensure their safety.

Two flowers bloom, one branch each.

Just when the battle was taking place on Seer's side, Leone and Tazmi had already touched the mezzanine of the building where the target was located.

"These scumbags!!" Tazmi gritted his teeth and looked down.

Women are treated like animals, addicted to the effects of drugs, and allowed to be played with.

Two men in black clothes and sunglasses walked in, watching this scene with smug smiles, and commenting on the women.

"Sir, give me some more medicine..."

A woman with an expression that looked like she had been spoiled, ignoring Guolu's upper body, crawled over and hugged someone's leg, with a demented smile on her face.

"Wow, are they all smelly? Go away, you useless bastard." The man kicked her away.

"Is it no longer usable? Tsk, come on, deal with her."

Two guards came and dragged the woman away.

"Leona, do it." Tazmi couldn't bear it.

"...that person,, I know." Leona said with a gloomy face, "I used to say hello in the slums..."

"These bastards are absolutely unforgivable."

When the voice fell, the person had smashed the ceiling and appeared in front of one person in an instant.

After screaming, the man fell to the ground in fright and looked at her in horror: "Who are you, who are you?"

"The one who sent you to hell!"


Leonae's animal claw easily penetrated the man's body.The remaining person was like waking up from a big dream, roaring frantically: "Quick, quick, kill her!!!"

The surrounding guards and bodyguards all rushed up.

After a brief stunned moment, Tazmi jumped down and killed a bodyguard with one sword.


The main entrance suddenly burst, and two figures, Shi Shiran, walked in. Leoni's gloomy face froze: "Is it you?"

The two who had just arrived, Iyeas and Shayou, were a little surprised that someone came before them, and when they heard Leone's words, they couldn't help but look over.



Tazmi also recognized the two, but isn't it the mysterious person who has caused the entire imperial capital to panic recently?

"I,, we know each other?"

"Let's talk about it later, kill this group of scum first," Leoney reminded.

Iyeas and Shayou nodded, although they were pleasantly surprised to find their little friend, but now is not the time to reminisce.

Eight hundred and thirty ninth chapters recognize each other

Several figures cut through the night sky and came to a jungle outside the city in an instant.

The moonlight fell, reflecting the faces of several people.

"It should be fine here, let's talk here if we have anything to say." Leonai regained his former vitality.

"Just now, you called my name. Excuse me, did we know each other before?"

Iyeas was stunned for a moment, and suddenly laughed out of recognition: "Tazmi, you are really an idiot, can't you even hear my voice? It's me, Iyeas."

With that said, the super armor was lifted, revealing his figure.

Tazmi's eyes gradually widened, watching this scene incredulously, until he saw Iyeas' face, and exclaimed: "Iyeas? It's really you? Are you not dead? Great. …”

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