"Histria, don't you have a lot of doubts? Come, come with me, everything you want to know is here."

Rod Reyes brought Ye Fanxin to the high platform where Allen was.

"Come on, put your hand on him."

The moment the two hands touched Allen's back, a huge torrent of memories appeared in the minds of the three at the same time.

Five years ago, a few days before the Wall of Maria was attacked, members of the Reis family were praying in the church above, but this time the prayer was destroyed by an uninvited guest.

The bearded man with glasses, Gulcia Yeager, Ellen's father.

He prayed to the crowd for something, but was categorically rejected.

Then, under the terrified eyes of Rhodes and the others, Gulcia Yeager turned into a giant.

Everyone in the Reis family scattered in terror.

At this moment, a girl also turned into a giant, roaring and scuffled with Gulixia.

That was Rod Reyes' eldest daughter, Frieda Reyes, Histeria's nominal sister.

Perhaps due to lack of combat experience, Frida failed to beat Gulsha, and was eventually eaten by Gulsha, who then slaughtered all Reis family members except Rhodes.

The screen jumped. After the fall of the Wall of Maria, Gurisha quietly came to the Trost District, and then asked Keith, who had been the instructor of the training corps, to find Alan and his party.

Then he took Allen to the wild, and regardless of Allen's fear, he injected him with an unknown reagent.

Alan turned into an Unsullied Giant in agony and ate Gulcia, who did not resist.

The screen turned again, this time the protagonist was replaced by the childhood Hestria, another girl appeared in this memory, Freida Reyce.

In Historia's memory, whenever the girl who claimed to be her sister came, it was her happiest day.

Unlike other people, Frieda hated being alienated from herself. She always had a gentle smile and didn't care about Hestria's dirty clothes.

Frieda would teach Histeria to read and write, tell her stories, and teach her to be a lady.

Frieda herself was happy and shy because of her sister's admiration and admiration.

After each meeting, Flida would erase Sistria's memory about herself when they parted, which is why there is no information about Flida in Sistria's memory.

"Really, so you've already met Frida."

Rod Reyes looked at the dazed Ye Fanxin and said, "Our family has held the power of giants from generation to generation to guard this pure land. The previous generation's holder of this power was my brother Uli, and then the Your sister Frieda."

Ye Fan's heart was still a little dazed, and when he saw Frieda being eaten, a sad emotion welled up in his heart.

That was from Histeria's own feelings, and now, Histeria is him.

This is really...

When he came back to his senses, Ye Fan's heart was a little complicated.

Rod Reyce continued to speak: "The father of this person in front of us took away the power that belongs to the king from us. Now, Hestria, you have to take it back."

"How to take..."

Rod Reyes took out a box from the bag under his feet, he opened the box, and inside lay a box of syringes full of unknown liquid.

"This is a potion that can turn into the most powerful giant. Just inject it and eat him."

Ye Fanxin turned to look at Alan.

At this time, Allen was still shocked by the memory he saw. Noticing Ye Fanxin's line of sight, the light in his eyes gradually dissipated, and he closed his eyes and lowered his head.

He didn't plan to resist, and seemed to choose to accept the fate that Rhode arranged for him.

If the power of giants in him was stolen from his father from Herista's sister, and the power he inherited was at the expense of eating Hestria's sister.

Then, it is only natural for him to be eaten by Christa.

"Histria, come on, it won't hurt very much."

Rod Reyes said with some urging: "As long as that power is retrieved, humanity will be saved."

"What's the matter? Isn't it over yet?"

Kenny's voice came, and then he was seen walking over.

"Kenny Ackerman!"

Rhode's expression didn't change much from beginning to end, and there was a subtle arrogance in this detached attitude.

"The enemy has already arrived. If it doesn't work, let me come."

Kenny Ackerman said and wanted to take the potion.

"Do you even covet the power of a giant?"

Rhodes remained calm: "Don't waste your efforts, you can't gain the power of a giant."


Kenny wasn't sure if Rhode's words were true or not, but he wasn't someone who would obey someone like Rhodes.

"Hey~ little girl over there, make a decision. If you don't want him to die, I will let him go, or you will take his giant power."

"Histria, think about the current situation of mankind, as long as you eat him, you can save everyone."

Rhode continued to urge, as if he wanted to get Ye Fanxin to agree more urgently.

Chapter 1159 Behemoth

"Your sister, Frida, she's not dead yet."

Seeing that Ye Fan was unmoved, Rhode said.

"As long as you inherit that power, you can see her again."

Rhode's words seemed to be deceiving, but Ye Fanxin understood what he meant.

As the royal family of Eldia, just like the strength and flesh and blood of giants, even if Frieda dies, her memory will remain in the Ymir tunnel.

As the owner of the giant's power that can connect to the Ymir tunnel, it is possible to obtain Frieda's memory.

If Ye Fanxin inherited the power of the ancestor giant, this might even become inevitable.

The inheritance of giant power is not only the inheritance of power, but also the memory and will of the inheritors of the past generations.

Just like the memories of Frida and Gurisha that the three of them saw not long ago.

If it was the original Hestria, maybe she would really be shaken by this, plus the possibility of saving mankind, she chose to accept Rhodes' proposal.

but now······

Ye Fanxin shot down the syringe that Rhode came over without hesitation.

The syringe fell heavily to the ground and broke.The giant potion inside spilled on the ground.


"Ahhhh! Hestria, what have you done?"

Rhodes finally couldn't maintain his expression and cried out in collapse.

He stretched out his hand to grab Ye Fanxin, but Ye Fanxin countered it and threw it over his shoulder to the ground.

"Sorry, I don't want this kind of power at all."

Kenny was stunned, then suddenly laughed.

"Hahaha, this is really... surprising."

Ye Fanxin strode to Alan's side and untied the ball that blocked his mouth.Not only did Kenny not stop it, he even watched with interest.

"Wait, wait, Christa, what are you doing?"

"Of course it's to untie you."

"Hey, have you figured out the situation? Why would you untie me, it would be better to eat me directly."

Ye Fan was speechless: "You are the one who didn't understand the situation, do you just want to die?"

"W-, what, people like me are always a drag on everyone, and even the power of giants is stolen. Besides, my father also killed your sister, what's wrong with being eaten by you now? ?"

"Stop talking to yourself there!"

Ye Fan said loudly: "First of all, I don't care about the power of giants, and secondly, I don't want to eat you either."



"Why? Histeria~"

Rod Reyes was so smashed by Ye Fan that he felt sore all over, and he fell on the ground and moved to the edge of the spilled potion.


This fall seemed to shatter even Rhode's beliefs. He broke down in tears, with a sick smile on his face, and stuck his tongue out to the potion on the ground...

The golden thunder fell, penetrated the ground, and brought up the storm.

The flesh and blood of the giant emerged like a torrent, wrapping Rod Reyce.


The entire underground space began to shake, and the violent vibrations made the structures here unstable.

"This is really, really bad!"

Kenny quickly dodged, ready to retreat.


Familiar figures appeared at the entrance, Mikasa and Mina, and others behind.

"team leader!"

Kenny's team members also came, and he hurriedly shouted: "Don't come here, all retreat!"

"But, the mission..."

"Don't worry about the mission, if you don't want to die, leave here quickly."


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