Mikasa and Mina came to Ye Fanxin for the first time, followed by Levi and others.

Ye Fanxin just undid the chains on Aaron's body.

"This place is going to collapse, we have to leave."

"The road I came to can't go anymore..."

This is bad news.


Levi looked gloomy, but Ye Fanxin picked up the package that Rhodes brought, and found a small bottle with only the word "armor" written on it.

His eyes flickered and he said, "Take a gamble, Alan, take it and turn into a giant."

In the face of everyone's doubts, Ye Fanxin explained: "Since there is even a giant potion, the thing that Rhode and the giant potion carried together may have some special meaning."

He presented the two words on the bottle to everyone's eyes, and said, "Maybe, this thing can make Allen successfully use the ability to harden."

Elmin suddenly realized: "If that's the case, we should be able to survive."


Allen was stunned, with regretful tears on his face: "It's useless, people like me are still useless in the end."

"You bastard, are you still being stupid at this time?" Rang said angrily.

"Ellen, now only you can do it."

"I don't want to die yet, Ellen, please."

This underground space is already in jeopardy, and everyone is becoming more and more anxious.

"Everyone is here to save us, do you want to watch everyone die?" Ye Fan scolded.

"Instead of messing around with things, think about what to do next. Wouldn't you join the Survey Corps without the power of giants? Wouldn't you continue to want to kill giants?"

"Since everyone believes in you, then respond to this expectation properly."


Ye Fanxin's rebuke seemed to have an effect, and Allen wiped his tears after a brief silence.

"I see."

What Ye Fan said in his heart was not unreasonable, at least Allen didn't want everyone to die here because of himself.Things that are too complicated are not suitable for him to think about, so he simply puts aside those messy thoughts for the time being.

Take the medicine, swallow it~

Allen bit his finger, and the giant's flesh and blood quickly wrapped it. In an instant, a large amount of matter overflowed from Jinju's body, spreading in an instant, supporting the space.

At the same time, the rest of this underground space completely collapsed.

Rhodes' giant body was unprecedentedly huge, and he just stood upright and broke through the entire underground space.

When he climbed from the ground to the ground, all the soldiers of the three major regiments surrounded here were stunned.

It was a behemoth that was almost as high as the city wall just lying on the ground, but from its curled up legs to its head, it was already more than [-] meters long.

"What is that!"

"Unbelievable, can giants be so huge?"

"Why is there such a monster in the interior!"


"Captain Erwin, the direction of this monster seems to be over the city wall!"


Everyone was shocked. Once such a huge monster approached the city wall, it would definitely be an unimaginable disaster.

"Never let it get close to the city walls."

Erwin sat on the back of a horse, still a little embarrassed.

"Immediately notify the people inside the wall to evacuate."

At this time, Ye Fanxin and others also came out of the ground, and came with Levi and others.

"Let's report the details later. For now, I'll deal with the big guy."

Chapter 1160 Happy to be

"How to deal with that monster?"

Someone asked a question everyone wanted to ask.

Looking at the crawling Rhodes giant, it seemed hesitant to remind that it was too large, and its limbs could not support the too large body, so it could only lie on the ground, even buried its face on the ground and rubbed forward a little bit. .

However, this little bit of rubbing is also amazingly fast for humans.

If you want to solve the giant, the most direct way is to cut off the rear meat.

The intelligent giant is transformed from a human with the power of a giant. In the giant form, the human body is hidden in the back of the giant.

There is no human body in the body of the Unsullied Giant, but the latter is still the fatal weakness. Like humans, there is the location of the medulla oblongata. Once it is cut off, some of the giant's life activities will be terminated.


Everyone looked at the behemoth that kept 'squirming' forward.

Can the black and gold bamboo knife really cut to the core?

Just with its face on the ground, the height of its neck is more than ten meters, and God knows how thick its back is.

Moreover, it has approached the Wall of Rose.

"It's too late, there are still many people in the city who haven't evacuated."

It was already late at night, and although Reis Farm was not too close to the Wall of Rose, it was not far at the speed of this giant.Even if it is squirming, its speed is slightly slower than that of a horse.

"It can't be indifferent anymore, it has to be killed before it can break the walls."

In front of the behemoth, his hands clawed at the city wall, and his upper body was upright supported by the wall. Its height was more than twice that of the city wall.

Due to the friction between the face and the ground, the entire surface has been ground into a flat surface, and the flesh and blood of the five senses and even the bones are all smoothed by a grinder.

There are traces of flesh and blood hanging on the empty eyes, mouth and nose, like hell ghosts, extremely frightening.

A large amount of high-temperature steam erupted, and the giant's recovery ability worked.

"No, the temperature is too high for us to get close!"

The steam surrounding the giant is a primary trouble. Judging from the information currently held by humans, the temperature emitted by the giant may have a lot to do with the body size.

The most obvious example is the problem emitted by giants of about ten meters. Humans only feel hot when they are in close contact.And the high-temperature steam emitted by the super giant will be burnt just by rubbing it.

And now, the monster in front of him proves it even more.

"This kind of monster, even if Aaron becomes a giant, I'm afraid it can't beat it."

"Damn, is there nothing you can do?"

"The methods are all thought up by people, and now they are far from exhausted." Ye Fan said with a serious face.

"Do you have any proposals?" Erwin looked at him.

"Captain, you should also have a countermeasure."

Ye Fanxin smiled, but instead threw the question back.

Erwin gave him a serious look and said lightly, "Indeed, but it's just my idea. It's hard to say whether I can kill this monster, and..."

Having said that, he turned to look at Alan.

"Allen's shot is needed."

Allen was stunned for a moment, and quickly said, "Just say it if it's useful to me."

"I can't ask for it."

Han Ji came with someone pulling a carriage with a pile of wooden barrels tied together.

"It's loaded with explosives. With so many explosives, Ellen, you just need to throw them from the giant's unhealed face, from its mouth into its throat."

When she said that, everyone understood.

So many explosives must be able to directly blow up the giant's head, and the next thing to do is to chop the piece of meat that fused Rhodes' body.

"How? Can it be done?"

Allen nodded firmly: "Absolutely, will do it."

Compared with ordinary Unsullied Giants, Rhodes giants are more stupid and dull, which is good.

After Alan became a giant, he threw the explosives into his still-healing mouth with little effort.

With a huge roar, blood rained from the sky.

"It's now!"

Everyone who was already ready immediately shot, targeting the huge chunks of meat in the sky.

Pieces of flesh were cut open, but the giant's healing abilities were still in play.

"not here!"

"Not here with me either."

Everyone's heart is tight, if they can't find the key flesh and blood in a short time, all the previous efforts will be in vain.

At this moment, Ye Fan was moved.

His powerful dynamic vision locked onto the giant's back early in the morning, so he didn't take the first shot, but instead sought to determine the real target.

And now, he found it.

The knife light flashed away, and a huge piece of meat like a neck bone was cut in two with a knife. At this moment, the giant's recovery ability stopped.The huge body slowly pressed against the city wall.

"Successful, successful?"

After a short period of silence, there was a burst of enthusiastic cheers from all around.

"Success, we succeeded."

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