He also likes this kind of thing. Originally, he didn't like to take care of his hair, especially some transformations of long hair, which were troublesome to clear.

In fact, Lala's hip-length hair is not bad. You must know his body, and the long hair can always be maintained at the level of the ankle.It's just a hassle to clean it up.

Fortunately, the girls around are happy to help.

Wuming woke up suddenly, and let go of Ye Fanxin's hair with a guilty conscience.

"Uh, start now."

Just as she was about to wash Ye Fanxin's hair, she found that Ye Fanxin's current posture seemed inconvenient.

Because the back of his head rests on the pair of Diners, he can only wash the top of his head.

Wuming said this question, Ye Fanxin simply turned around, the back of his head was resting on the back of his head and his face was buried.

"Well, it's really comfortable~"

Wuming's hands moved for a while, thinking that Ye Fanxin was talking about the feeling of washing his hair.

In fact, Ye Fanxin was talking about the feeling on his face.

It is also an unbranded face wash, but there are two differences from the past.The nameless who has used the shower gel is smoother and more fragrant.

Wuming was a little embarrassed and said: "That's not what you mean, sister, please restrain yourself first."

Although it did show her hair, it was still very inconvenient to have your back to her!

"Well, well, hurry up and wash it."

Ye Fan reluctantly pulled out his face and turned around.


Ye Fanxin's words made her a little flustered, but soon her attention was focused on washing Ye Fanxin's hair.

This wash lasted for nearly an hour, which reminded Ye Fan of some girls in his previous life, who also started washing for an hour.Is that shampooing, I am afraid that the cuticle is not washed off.

When he heard Wuming say that he was done washing, Ye Fan's heart was about to fall asleep.

He felt the need to go back and retrofit the stock handheld with a waterproof system, which could be used to pass the time when taking a shower.

Chapter 1281 Ye Fan's confidant laughed

Wuming stood blushing on the shore, his hands and legs twisted.

Ye Fanxin handed her a set of pajamas and said, "The quality of the furs you were wearing was too poor, which would affect your physical development. I'll wear the ones I prepared for you in the future."

Wuming couldn't say a word, although what Ye Fanxin said seemed to make sense, although the underwear he provided was indeed more comfortable to wear than the original.

But the question is, why do you have to help her wear it yourself?

Although Ye Fanxin came to help herself because she didn't know how to wear it, there should be an option to teach her how to wear it.

Moreover, when Ye Fanxin helped her dress, she was not honest at all.

"Sister is too bad and will bully me."

While Wuming was muttering, Ye Fanxin had already got into the tent.At this time, he was waving to Wuming.

"No name, come in quickly, it's cold outside."

Nameless doubt, is it cold?

The weather in this season is not cold, and I didn't even feel cold when I took a bath in the lake just now.

It's a bit cool though.

Although she was puzzled, she still followed into the tent.

As soon as she entered the tent, Ye Fanxin hugged her like an octopus and started rubbing her hard.


"Hey, hey, it's still comfortable to hold the girl."

Ye Fanxin let out a foolish smile.

Wuming gave a symbolic push twice, but he didn't push, so he chose to bear it silently.

However, at this time, Ye Fan's heart was much more restrained than usual. Holding Wuming, the Dalai Lai Lori, she just wanted to sleep comfortably now.

"Sister, are you asleep?"

The tent was quiet for a while, and Wuming suddenly opened his mouth.



Wuming pouted and shook Ye Fanxin's hand gently after a while.

"Sister, tell me about the world inside the wall."

Ye Fan opened his eyes reluctantly and said, "What?"

"Anything is fine."

"...Then let's start with the second industrial revolution."

Ye Fanxin began to tell Wuming the development history of this world with a very bad taste. Of course, because of the differences in the world, he asked Pei Kai to collect relevant information on the human side.

At first, Wuming was still in high spirits, but within ten minutes, she began to feel sleepy.

Seeing that Wuming Eyelid was fighting, Ye Fan's confidant smiled darkly.

"Go to sleep if you're tired~"

"Well, good night, Sister Ruiyi~"

The dream-like words fell, and there was a slight snoring in the nostrils.

Ye Fanxin tapped Wuming's slightly upturned upper lip with his fingers, smiled dotingly, and closed his eyes.

In the early morning, Ye Fanxin woke up to the crisp and pleasant sound of birdsong, looked down at his arms, Wuming was nestled in it like a kitten, as if he was still dreaming.

At this moment, Wuming, who was still in his sleep, smirked, then stretched out his little head and licked it.

When the pectoralis major suffered this sudden attack, Ye Fanxin couldn't help shaking.


This is too exciting.

Then, he pressed Wuming's face into his two sturdy pectoral muscles.

After a few seconds, Wuming's expression struggled with a little pain.

When she opened her eyes, she saw a piece of snow white, and the warm and soft feeling made her want to indulge.There was also a greasy smell coming from the tip of the nose.

Ah, so happy.

No, it's so painful.Can't breathe anymore.

Wuming's face flushed, not because of shyness, but because of suffocation.

Noticing her gradually violent struggle, Ye Fanxin also let go of her.

"Puff~ I'm alive."

After getting out of the white, soft and fragrant hell (?), Wuming took a breath of fresh air.

Ye Fanxin said with a smile: "Did you dream of something happy just now? Wuming smiled so cutely."

Wuming's subconscious memories, dreams that have not been completely forgotten remain in his mind, and his face is slightly red.

"No, no."

"Hmm~ Very suspicious."

Ye Fanxin expressed doubts, no matter how he looked at Wuming's current appearance, it seemed like he was deliberately concealing it.

"Not really. Is it morning already?"

Wuming made up his mind not to tell Ye Fanxin, and tried to change the subject.

"It's already morning."

Ye Fanxin opened the tent, and the faint morning breeze was blowing with a faint fragrance. The sun had risen, and the dazzling rays of light reflected on the lake surface.

"So beautiful!" Wuming exclaimed.

Ye Fanxin smiled, took out two mobile phones, and taught Wuming the functions of taking pictures and videos.

"If you like, you can take pictures of the scenery here."

The mobile phone was produced in the main world, and this novelty made Wuming quickly get carried away.

"Don't forget to wash up."

Ye Fanxin sent a reminder and got a nameless and perfunctory response.

Soon after, Ye Fanxin had to remind again, because it was time for breakfast.

Because Wuming fell in love with filming, the two stayed by the lake for another half day, and by the way they settled for lunch here.

In the afternoon, Wuming offered to leave.

"Sister, let's go."

After harvesting a lot of photos and videos, Wuming also felt satisfied.

"Would you like to play for a while?"

Wuming shook his head: "Enough is enough. My sister can indulge my willfulness and stay here with me for so long, I'm already very happy."

Ye Fan was ashamed, can this be called willfulness?

"Sister Wuming, in fact, you can be a little more self-willed. You can be at peace with your sister acting like a spoiled child."

"No, my sister is good enough to me, and I don't want to be a drag on my sister."

"Khan, the drag or something is too serious."

However, looking at Wuming's serious face, Ye Fan was at a loss for what to say, but he kept sighing in his heart that this child is so sensible and lovable.

"OK then."

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