After leaving the lake, the two proceeded directly to the next nearest marker.

This time, I didn't encounter any place worth staying, I went straight to the marked point, set up the [router], and the two left again.

But at the next mark, they encountered a valley full of flowers on the way, and the two stopped again, played here for an afternoon and stayed overnight.

Continue on the road the next day.

The formation is the same as before. When encountering a good-looking scenery, I stop for a while to enjoy and play, and then set off after playing enough.If you don't encounter a beautiful scenery, go directly to the marked point, set up the [router] and continue on your way.

During this period, Ye Fanxin also had a question.

Wuming seems to have intentionally or unintentionally shifted to the depths of [Outside the Boundary] when selecting the marker point.

After Ye Fan asked in his heart, he realized that Wuming wanted to finish all the marking points outside the boundary first, and then he could leave the rest to the world inside the wall.

It's a very simple idea, just like children who like to keep all the delicious food to eat together.

Chapter 1282 Does it hurt? Pain is not a dream

Two days later.

【Outside】The last marked point.

Nameless is fighting.

The objects she fought against were more than a dozen [John Four Horsemen].

Of course, it doesn't mean that just some big guys can fight against the current Wuming. In fact, Wuming has already dealt with more than a dozen [John Four Horsemen] plus a large number of Kabane before this.

This is not the only one marked with a large number of monsters wandering around like this. The two have also met several times before, and each time they made a nameless shot, saying that they wanted to exercise their strength.

Ye Fanxin will naturally not refuse, not to mention that the nameless strength is there, with him watching, there can be no problems.

Soon, the dozen or so big guys were also killed by Wuming.

Ye Fanxin has also set up the [router], and there are still a few star cores left in his hand.

Three days have passed since the eight-day journey, and the remaining five days will be spent in the world within the walls.

This made Wuming feel very excited.

"Sister, can we go now?"

"Well, let's go now."

Ye Fanxin smiled and patted Wuming's head, teasing the constantly shaking dumb hair.

Nameless smirk.

Open the map, the [Outside the World] area that was empty a month ago now has a lot more content.There are even some special labels.

Wuming doesn't know what these labels represent, but Ye Fan's heart is very clear.

There are eight similar annotations, all of which are farm-like buildings detected by Pei Kai when he went to various annotation points in the past few days.

Yes, it is a farm built by the [ghost] to cultivate edible children.

Ye Fanxin didn't ask Pei Kai to investigate further, but only marked the location.After a while, he still needs to visit these farms. The next stage of the plan was placed on these farms by Ye Fan.

As for now...

There is nothing more important than 'travel with my sister'.

"Unnamed, it's up to you to decide where we go next."

On the map, only the area within the wall is left in front of Wuming.

Wuming took a deep breath, calmed down his emotions, and turned his eyes back and forth between the dozens of marked points.

She didn't know anything about the world inside the wall, so she didn't know which one to choose.

If that's the case, then choose the closest one as before.


Ye Fanxin looked at the place she chose and asked, "Are you sure?"

Wuming nodded: "Well."

"Alright then, Pei Kai."

"It's ready, Lara-sama!"

Hearing this, Ye Fanxin took out the teleportation gun, opened the 'door', and the two walked into it.

It was not the first time Wuming used the teleporter gun, but this time she was so nervous that she subconsciously closed her eyes when she stepped over the 'door'.

She herself didn't know what kind of mood it was out of.

"It's already here."

Hearing Ye Fanxin's words, Wuming slowly opened his eyes.

Fantastic city?No.

Dazzling streets?nor.

Amiable people?can not tell.

All previous illusions were shattered at this moment.But there is not much disillusionment in Wuming.

Although the city in front of me is not as dreamy as I imagined, it is very prosperous.Although the streets are not dazzling, they are clean and tidy.Although the pedestrians who were not crowded were all in a hurry, they made her feel peaceful and peaceful.

"This is the world that truly belongs to humans."

Wuming murmured, looking around to his heart's content, not even blinking his eyes.

"At this time, let's take you around first, and then take it to dinner at night."

Wuming naturally listened to Ye Fan's heart.

She didn't know anything about the world in front of her, and now she just wanted to know more.

Ye Fanxin smiled and started walking around the city with Wuming.

At first, Wuming was a little reserved, but under the guidance of Ye Fanxin, he quickly let go, and his interest was completely aroused.

When night fell, the two of them came to the hotel that Pei Kai had booked in advance with large and small bags.

With Pei Kai here, there is no need to worry about identity issues and money issues.

After walking around for an afternoon, Wuming was not at all tired. At this time, his face was still red, and he had not yet withdrawn from that enthusiasm.

Ye Fan said with a smile: "Let's go, I'll take you to dinner first, and then you can go shopping at night."

"Can you do it at night?"

"Of course, the night view of big cities is generally very good."

Wuming's eyes lit up, and he couldn't wait to say: "Sister, let's go to dinner, and watch the night scene after dinner."

Came to a relatively famous restaurant nearby, Ye Fanxin ordered a large table of dishes.

At this time, Wuming felt a burst of hunger, and quickly began to eat.

Just after taking a few bites, Wuming raised his head again and said, "Although it's delicious, I still think that my sister's cooking is better."

"Even if you say that, I can't make it for you right now."

Wuming smirked: "I just said it."

After finishing dinner, the two of them joined hands and started walking around the city.

Ye Fanxin had asked Pei Kai to investigate in advance. This is not an area where ghouls are active, so they are not worried that they will encounter ghouls when they go out at night.

It's not that there will be danger, but Ye Fanxin doesn't want Wuming to know something for the time being.

At least, before Wuming's little fantasies are satisfied to a certain extent, the truth of the world, the darkness hidden under the bright and beautiful appearance, Ye Fanxin does not want Wuming to come into contact with it so early.

This is also his selfishness.

Walking on the streets in the dark, there are many fewer pedestrians than in the daytime.

Wuming raised his head and looked at the street lamp, because Ye Fan's heart was holding him, so he was very relieved not to look at the road.

"Hey, sis, is this world real? No Kabane, no [John Four Horsemen], no [ghosts], don't worry about food, don't have to rack your brains about how to live. It's like It's like a dream."

"Or, I'm just dreaming right now?"

"What a fool."

Ye Fanxin tapped Wuming's head: "Does it hurt? It means you're not dreaming."

Wuming covered his head pitifully.

In fact, it didn't hurt, because Ye Fanxin didn't exert any strength at all, and he was reluctant to exert himself.She just wanted to be coquettish.

Looking at Wuming, Ye Fan felt a little distressed.

"Don't fantasize, you're not dreaming, it's all real."

"Well, I won't be cranky anymore."

Wuming nodded obediently, and said after a while, "I really want everyone to come and see the world here."

"You can take pictures or video."


Wuming looked stunned, a little stupid.

He quickly took out his mobile phone: "Sister, why don't we go shopping again."

Chapter 1283 Meet the ghouls again

As a result, Ye Fanxin went around again with Wuming.

In the end, because it was too late, Ye Fanxin simply took Wuming to the game hall to play all night.

Wuming has tried all kinds of games, but she only loves the dance machine, especially when she is pulling Ye Fan's heart to dance together, even if she is unskilled and looks clumsy, it does not reduce her happiness in the slightest.

It was the next morning that she and Ye Fanxin returned to the hotel after she was finally exhausted.

After sleeping until the afternoon, Wuming woke up extremely annoyed.

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