At the same time, all the answers will be truly revealed.

"Is that true?"

Looking down, the continuous mountains form a dog-like appearance.

It looks exactly like it looks on the map.

Without further ado, this world tree is where the map starts.

"So you don't have to go to the depths anymore."

Kim breathed a sigh of relief.

It's definitely a good thing to be able to start in a position that you control.

After all, everyone likes things that are easy to control.

"So when do we go."

Kim asked, looking into the distance.

"Just three days later."

Yunye set the time.

The moment that decided the world was about to take place in three days.

At that time, whether human society will take a big step forward or stand still will become a doubt.

"Okay, I'll go get ready first."

Kim nodded in agreement.

As if he thought of leaving for the Dream Land next, his expression was already a little unstoppable.


"It's time for me to make the final preparations."

After speaking, Yunye flapped his wings and fell downward.

The climbers saw only a black shadow flashing and saw nothing.


Meteor Street.

Yunye strolled down the street towards the luxurious mansion in the depths.

"Jingle bells."

Suddenly, the phone rang.

"Hey, what's going on."

Yunye asked.

"Young master, brother, he..."

Leizzie's voice came over the phone, and she immediately explained the purpose of this time.

Soon, Yunye understood what had happened.

"It's really unsettling."

Yunye shook his head helplessly.

It turns out that Xiaojie and his party go to a small town to look for Kurapika, only to find that his eye has been stolen.

After learning the news, Leitz quickly called him.

This is the right thing to do.

If nothing else, this person is definitely the face.

It seems that the force of fate still led him on this path.

"Looks like I'll have to come back later."

Yunye took one last look, spread his wings and flew away according to the information on the map.


"Kurapika, don't worry, we will definitely help you get your eyes back."

Xiaojie said indignantly.

The rest nodded approvingly.

On the hospital bed, a short blonde hair set off her beautiful face, which was a little pale at the moment.

"It's okay, don't worry."

Kurapika persuaded softly.

As if losing his eyes was not a big deal for him.

But everyone present understood Kurapika's attachment to fiery red eyes, and naturally it was impossible to sit idly by.

"Okay, just lie quiet."

Leoli said angrily.

"You said you could share the perspective of your eyes."

"You try to recall the location of the criminals so we can find them."

Killua was not anxious, but calmly analyzed.

Now, Kurapika's eyes are gone, but they can share the user's field of vision.

"There are winding rivers in front of you, rugged mountains, the setting sun facing ahead, and the endless plains around you."

Kurapika was quick to name several key positions.

Several people slowly sketched out a painting according to the prompt.

"Okay, let's look for the location based on this map."

Killua immediately ordered.

Hearing this, several people split up and ran in different directions.

At this time, Yunye was still on the way to fly.

After searching for about an hour, a message was finally transmitted to everyone's mobile phones.

"Found it!"

This is the message sent by Xiaojie.

With keen intuition and surprising eyesight, he managed to find the right position.

Killua and Leoli soon went over to rendezvous.

"It should be there."

Killua pointed in one direction.

There stands a huge castle, unique in the empty plain.

Without much thought, that place is where criminals gather.

"Then let's go over now."

Leoli couldn't wait to step forward, but was quickly stopped by Killu.

"Don't be in such a hurry, we should plan well."

Under the influence of Yunye, the current Killua will not continue to act recklessly.

On the contrary, when encountering things, they will think first and then make decisions.

"So what should we do."

Leoli knew his recklessness and calmed down and asked.

"I will go in with Xiaojie to test it first, and if you don't come out in an hour, you will call my brother."

"Let him contact the guild leader to find the nearest hunter for rescue."

The head of what Killua said was the Tao.

It's very simple, if you encounter something that can't be solved, you call Yunye.

"Well, I see."

Leoli understood that this was the only way it could be now, so he did not continue to hesitate.

After deciding, Qilu and Xiaojie looked at each other and walked towards the castle, leaving Leoli alone to wait in place.

In the ward on the other side.

"Who is it."

Kurapika, who had been resting, suddenly felt a gust of wind.

"Did it still happen."

Yunye's helpless voice sounded.

"You are, Yunye?"

Hearing the voice, Kurapika asked suspiciously.

At this time, there was still empty darkness in front of his eyes, and he couldn't see anything at all.

Yunye did not explain, the black shadow behind him slowly squirmed, and a pair of petri dishes appeared in his hand.

Inside was a pair of crimson eyes.

This is exactly what he got at the auction with Siso.

Now, the real comes in handy.

"Why not..."

Before Kurapika could speak, he felt his eyes become hot.

Immediately after, everything in front of you is in full view.

"Can I see?"

Kurapika looked ahead in disbelief, and then stroked his face with his hand.

It wasn't until a few minutes later that I was fully convinced that I could see.

"Yunye, it's really you!"

"What the hell did you use to show me?"

Kurapika asked with a curious look.

"Since you lost your eyes, naturally you have to make up for them."

Yunye told the truth.

"This is, fiery red eye!"

Hearing this, Kurapika took a look in the mirror and immediately found the red pupils that had not yet dissipated.

For him, it could hardly be more familiar.

"Thank you."

Kurapika thanked gently.

The fiery red eye did not help Yunye, but he still chose to take it back.

The friendship in it naturally goes without saying.

"Killu's friend is my friend, don't worry about it."

"By the way, Xiaojie and their people."

Yunye looked around and found that there was no figure of Xiaojie and the others.

"By the way, they're looking for eyes for me."

"It's too dangerous, I'm going to contact them to get back quickly."

Kurapika quickly took out his mobile phone and wanted to contact.

"No thanks."

Yunye looked at the clanging cell phone and stopped Kurapika's behavior.

On the mobile phone, it is like a message.

"Killua is in danger, contact the hunters around for rescue! [Location]"

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