"Remarks: Leoli."

Looking at the above information, Yunye knew that Qilu and the others had found the location of the face.

"Without further ado, I'll go first."

Yunye spread his wings and flew out the window.

Gently he walked away, not taking a cloud with him.


Kurapika stood there and thought for a while, but finally caught up.

After all, this incident was caused by him in the first place, and naturally he needed to end it.

What's more, Xiaojie, Qilu, and Leoli are all his friends.

After a while, Yunye found Leoli hidden in the grass based on the location on the map.

"How is it now?"

Yunye asked, staring at the castle in front of him.

"They've been in for an hour and haven't come out."

"According to Killu's words, I contacted you directly."

Leoli told the situation at that time.

Hearing this, Yunye couldn't help but praise Qilu's growth in his heart.


Suddenly, there was a noise in the grass behind him.

This aroused Leoli's vigilance.

"Whew, caught up."

Kurapika's happy voice came from inside.

"Why are you here!"

"And your eyes."

Leoli looked at Kurapika in disbelief.

"I have your position."

"Let's talk about the eye matter later, what's wrong with them."

Kurapika quickly asked.

Seeing this, Leoli said everything again.


While they were still talking, there was a sound of bombing from inside the castle.

"No, it can't be delayed any longer."

Leoli got up and ran towards the castle in a fiery manner.

Seeing this, the two no longer hesitated and followed.


"You fellow, hurry up and return Kurapika's eyes!"

Xiaojie kept pounding the cage in front of him, his face full of anger.

Qilu, who was standing on the side, was silent, as if the voice was sealed.

Xiaojie may not know, but Killua knows what the identity of the face is.

What does his presence here mean now?

"Your angry eyes are so beautiful, if it weren't for..."

After all, the face still did not teach Xiaojie a lesson.

At this time, he had taken off his butler clothes and turned into a set of earl clothes, which looked very luxurious.

"Brother, if the young master comes, do you know what will happen."

Leitz was still wearing a butler suit, standing worriedly on the side to advise her brother.

"I know you like him, I'll tap it when I get started."

The impression of the face shadow of Yunye is still in infancy.

After all, he usually only pays attention to food, clothing, housing and transportation.

"The puppet is really the most beautiful thing in the world."

Without paying attention to a few more people, the face looked at himself to admire his masterpiece.

Many puppets such as Xiba, Junno, Ilmi, and Yunye were all made by him one by one.

These are all his dependence, the source of self-confidence.

"As long as it is matched with real eyes, then my god-level puppeteer will not live up to my name!"

The face face was ecstatic, full of confidence in the future development.

For him at this time, the puppet is his life!

Looking at it, many puppets have already inlaid their eyes, the most striking of which is the 'Yunye' located in the center.

At this moment, his eyes were inlaid with fiery red eyes, which were unusually magnificent.

The aura emanating from his body was also the most powerful among the group.

"It's beautiful."

The face looked at 'Yunye', and his face couldn't help but show an intoxicated expression.

Unexpectedly, the most precious fiery red eye was used to insert it on Yunye, who he thought was the weakest, but the shadow was special to Yunye's emotions.


Just when the face was still drunk, there was a sound in the cage on the side.

I saw Xiaojie maintaining a punching posture.

And a hole the size of a person appeared in front of him, enough for him to go out.

"Get Kurapika's eyes back!"

The thoughts on Xiaojie's body were quickly released.

A powerful force condensed in his hand and rushed straight towards the face.

"Since you are in such a hurry, let you try the power of the puppet first."

Saying that, a puppet in the corner of the hall suddenly opened his empty eyes.

Neat butler clothes, neat hairstyle, sharp breath.

It is the butler of the enemy guest family - Wutong!

At this moment, he moved with stiff steps and quickly approached Xiaojie.

Before Xiaojie could react, a hand knife swung towards his neck.


Qilu frowned, and quickly stepped forward to resist the blow.

Facing Wutong, he was much more familiar than Xiaojie.

After all, since childhood, Qilu grew up under the protection of Wutong, and more or less understood the other party's routine.


Seeing Qilu, Wutong fell silent rarely.

Even as puppets, they still have corresponding memories, so they do not easily attack Killu.

"Who allowed you to use the Sycamore as a puppet panel!"

Killua questioned the face angrily.

"Anyone can do as long as I want."

The face didn't care at all.

"I'm sorry, Young Master Qilu."

Wutong apologized, and then quickly punched Killu.

"Damn it!"

Killua ducked sideways.

Compared with himself, the strength of the puppet occupies too little, not to mention the puppet without eyes, and its strength has dropped to the freezing point.


Qilu's body suddenly released its breath, sweeping up her hair and flying wildly.

In the next second, a thunderbolt slowly grew out of his body and wrapped around all corners of his body.

【Falling Thunder】!

With the activation of Nian ability, a thunder appeared out of thin air and landed on Wutong's body accurately.

The crazy thunder and lightning caused Wutong's body to undergo scorching heat and began to collapse at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Looking closely, there are countless qi hidden under the flesh.

"Sycamore, follow my orders."

"Fight back!"

The face immediately commanded Wutong to counterattack.

Wutong's body tensed violently after receiving the order, and his empty eyes burst out with a hint of radiance.

Facing Qilu again, Wutong's expressionless punch smashed heavily on his body.


With a loud bang, Qilu flew out upside down unexpectedly.

After the strengthening of the face shadow, Wutong's strength at this time is several times stronger than before, which is comparable to the state of having eyes.

Before Qilu could stand up, Wutong's figure came to him in an instant and stepped down fiercely.

Seeing this, Qilu's pupils shrank, and he reacted extremely quickly to activate his ability to read.


The next moment, Qilu turned into a bolt of lightning and disappeared in place.


Another shattering sound, the earth was suddenly shattered and scattered.


Killua was panting and had some heart palpitations.

It's almost about to be accounted for here.


Xiaojie hurriedly went up, but was kicked out by Wutong, without the slightest mercy.

"Hey, you guy stop me!"

Suddenly, there was a furious sound outside the door.

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