Inside the room, Xiao Yaxin, in a coma, lies on the bed.

A pair of willow eyebrows slightly frown up, the mouth is not to chant, let Qinfeng go quickly.

Qin Feng sees that Xiao Yaxin is still concerned about her own safety in her sleep.

A smile of relief hung from his mouth.

"Qin Feng! Run

Xiao Yaxin screamed and suddenly woke up with sweat on her forehead.

He was full of panic. It was obvious that he had a nightmare just now.

But when she looked around and found herself at home.

Another blank look.

I'm at Pei's, aren't I?

Why are you at home?

Xiao Yaxin is confused and sees Qin Feng beside her.

I can't tell for a moment whether I am still in a dream.

"It's all right! Are you scared? "

Qin Feng reaches out his hand and gently wipes the sweat off Xiao Yaxin's forehead with his fingers.

My eyes are as soft as water.

Feeling the warm touch from Qin Feng's fingers, Xiao Yaxin understands that this is not a dream.

He took Qin Feng's hand and yelled: "are you a fool? Let me go and fight for Pei Feiyang. What are you doing? Get out of here! If you take me home, the Pei family will come to revenge soon! "

Xiao Yaxin gets out of bed, roaring and pushing Qin Feng out.

Seeing that Xiao Yaxin was so worried about herself, Qin Feng was greatly moved.

Although he is a seven foot man, his eyes are moist.

One hand swept Xiao Yaxin's Willow waist, and the whole person stuck to it.

"Calm down."

Qin Feng's heavy nose beat on Xiao Yaxin's face and said overbearing.

"How can I calm down? The Pei family is very rich. You have no right to be powerful. If you fall into their hands, you have to die! "

Xiao Yaxin struggles and beats Qin Feng hard, but Qin Feng's whole person is like a mountain.

Keep her still.

When Xiao Yaxin felt a little exhausted, she calmed down from the panic just now.

Qin Feng then said, "the Pei family is gone. You don't have to worry about it any more."

This remark fell into Xiao Yaxin's ears, and there was no doubt a thunder on the ground.

I was still in the same place, but I couldn't recover.

Is Pei's family destroyed?

How is that possible?

You know, Pei family is a big family in Yongning.

Who can have so much energy to destroy it?

With the wind of Qin in front of you?

Xiao Yaxin fainted on the ground at that time.

If you don't see the scene of Pei family's fall, you will not believe Qin Feng's one-sided words.

"The Pei family is gone? Is it up to you? "

Xiao Yaxin's character is soft and hard. She can tolerate Qin Feng's mediocrity, but she can't tolerate Qin Feng's lying to herself.

There was anger on her pretty face.

Quietly waiting for Qin Feng's answer.

"I did it!"

Qin Feng took a deep breath and returned calmly.

Sure enough, when Xiao Yaxin hears that Qin Feng has killed the Pei family, she laughs.

The smile is full of disdain.

Then I couldn't stop sobbing.

There was a look of disappointment in his eyes.

"I'm not afraid that you can't accomplish anything. I'm just afraid that you're being insincere to me. Now you're lying to me like that. "

"When I was three years old? If it wasn't for you, none of this would have happened! "

"Go out! I'm tired. I just want to be alone now! "

Xiao Yaxin pointed to the direction of the door, strong attitude can not be refuted by Qin Feng.

Sitting alone by the bed, I wipe my tears with sadness.

After a few seconds of thinking, Qin Feng decided to let Xiao Yaxin calm down.

After all.

Just experienced ups and downs, people have become very sensitive.

Continue to stimulate Xiao Yaxin, Qin Feng worried that she would do stupid things.

"You have a good rest!"

Qin Feng said and gently took the door.

The moment the door closed, I heard the whimper again.

Qin Feng sighed helplessly.

Even in the face of the siege of the Pei family, he did not feel as intractable as now.

Qin Feng stood alone on the balcony and looked into the distance.

Thinking of Pei Zhen's past words still reverberate in my ears.

"Qin Feng, you killed the sun family. You're dead!"

Hearing the two words of the sun family, Qin Feng clenched his fists tightly. His nails were embedded in the flesh, and he didn't know the pain.

Eyes are burning with anger!

Qin Feng thought of what the four great families had done to the Qin family.

The monstrous hatred can only be washed with blood!

"Four aristocratic families, one day I will let you pay for your blood debts!"

Qin Feng said with resentment and turned to leave.

Although he and Zhao Meng worked together to destroy the Pei family, Qin Feng was not arrogant enough to go to the trouble of the four aristocratic families.

Because the four aristocratic families are far from being comparable to a small Pei family.

To get revenge, you need to be stronger.

But now it has risen to the first level, and the more difficult it is, the more difficult it is.

If the first layer can still rely on their own efforts to break through.

At the second level, Qin Feng had to rely on some elixirs to help him break through.

But in general, this kind of elixir is something that can be met but not sought.

Qin Feng went out with a chance idea.

Just after Qin Feng left, Xiao Yaxin, who has been uneasy in her boudoir, is increasingly worried about Pei's revenge.

Sigh and panic.

She understood the Pei family's methods, and also knew that Pei Zhen, the Pei family's leader, was a famous protector.

What's more, the man who died was Pei Zhen's youngest son, Pei Feiyang.

If this matter can be settled, it is really daydreaming.

Although I don't know what means Qin Feng used to take himself home that day.

But the Pei family will not be destroyed by Qin Feng.

In this way, the Pei family must be planning a more crazy revenge.

At this point, Xiao Yaxin can no longer sit.

He knew that if he didn't move again, Qin Feng would die.

Now she can only ask for help from her mother's family, Xiao's!

Although the Xiao family had already said that they had broken off the relationship with themselves that day, it was true that they had lost their heart to the Xiao family.

But Xiao Yaxin has already moved the true feelings to Qin Feng.

How can Qin Feng be killed by the Pei family?

"Even if the Xiao family asks me to remarry, I will not complain any more, as long as you are safe and sound!"

"We are destined to have no fate in this life!"

Xiao Yaxin sadly wiped away the tears from the corner of her eyes, and a trace of determination flashed in her eyes.

I only sigh about fate.

When master Xiao asked her to marry Qin Feng, she didn't want to.

Today, I have a real feeling for Qin Feng, but I have to leave.

Just now, the reason why she was so impolite to Qin Feng was that she let Qin Feng break his thoughts.

At this time, she is so envious of those ordinary people who can have their own right to choose.

Which is like yourself, can only be like a duckweed on the green wave, drifting with the tide for life.

Xiao Yaxin sighed bitterly and picked up her backpack.

Then he went out immediately and went to Xiao's house in a hurry.

Just to win a way for Qin Feng.

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