After Qin Feng went out, he went straight to the herbal medicine street in Yongning.

Family by family went in to look for it.

But there is no magic medicine that can help you to practice.

There is some loss in my heart.

But when I think about it, I feel relieved.

After all.

The elixir that can help you to practice is at least 100 years old.

And this kind of herb can be met but not sought.

Even if there is one, it is the treasure of the store.

Gold is hard to find!

"Hundred grass pavilion? Such a big name, but such a simple store

Qin Feng stopped and was attracted by the name of an old drugstore.

There is no grand store in this baicaoge, and there is no other shop assistant except an old man.

Even the signboards have been covered with dust for a long time.

If you don't look carefully, you can't see what's written on it.

Qin Feng walked into the drugstore, and a pungent smell of traditional Chinese medicine came to his face.

Old fashioned Chinese medicine cabinets are all over the drugstore.

Qin Feng's nose moved slightly, and he found a strange taste in the strong smell of traditional Chinese medicine.

This taste is different from other traditional Chinese medicine as pungent, but with a fragrance.

In Qin Feng's eyes, there was a strange light. He followed the taste and looked at the medicine cabinet in the corner behind the old man.

"Old man, can I have a look at the medicine in that cupboard?"

The old man with red nose glanced at Qin Feng in surprise, and then said, "the medicine in there is not for sale!"

Then he lowered his head and continued to clean the dust with a feather duster.

But Qin Feng had a good view of that guilty look.

At this time, the old man with red nose is like a child, for fear that others will find the snacks he has painstakingly hidden.

Qin Feng did not get angry, but respectfully replied: "old man, there is no reason not to sell when you open the door to do business. If this is the case, won't you smash your signboard?"

The old man was speechless by Qin Feng, and his eyes turned stealthily.

Then he said, "if you can tell me what this medicine is, I'll sell it to you."

With that, the old man turned his head to the other side.

Qin Feng smile, indifferent way: "this medicine taste sweet slightly bitter, smell its taste, mouth Shengjin, should be Longyan grass no doubt!"

The old man with a red nose was stunned.

He never thought that Qin Feng's nose was so smart. He could know what medicine was hidden in the cabinet by smelling it.

Since Qin Feng could name the medicine, the old man with red nose had no choice but to take the medicine out of the medicine cabinet.

Qin Feng was overjoyed to see the Longyan grass with his own eyes.

But worried about the old man sitting on the floor, or restrain the joy of the heart.

"Old man, I'll take this medicine. Make a price for it."

Qin Feng said flatly, but he was very excited.

After all.

This Longyan grass is at least 300 years old, but it is a good panacea.

The old man with red nose snickered when he saw Qin Feng's calm appearance.

He opened his mouth and said, "I didn't want to sell this medicine. It's not easy for me to meet someone who knows how to buy it. Don't load it! Buy it now, one million! "

Hearing that the old man with red nose asked for a million yuan, Qin Feng knew that this man also understood the value of this drug.

I gave up trying to pick up the leak.

But he was too shy to give so much money.

There was a bitter smile on his face.

Just then, the party rushed directly into the shop.

One of them, a young man with a frivolous face, yelled at the old man with a red nose, "are you Doctor Zhang?"

The old man was displeased when he heard the speech.

Ignore the strong man at all.

The young man was furious when he saw the old man's indifference.

"Don't you have a bad ear, old man? What's your question? "

The old man with red nose was scolded by a younger generation, and his face turned red with anger.

"Zishan, don't be rude!"

Just as the old man with red nose was about to attack, a woman pushed an old man into the shop.

When the young man heard the speech, he winked at the old man with red nose, and then he stepped back behind the woman.

Wearing a yellow skirt, the woman was very handsome, and her spotless temperament was like a banished immortal.

Although the old man on the chair was pale, he had a sense of authority.

Look at the dress of the three people, they must not be ordinary people.

Just as Qin Feng thought, these three people are from the Mo family, one of the four great families.

The old man in the wheelchair is mo Hai, the owner of the Mo family, and his grandson Mo Zishan and granddaughter Mo Lin are on the left and right.

I came here because Mo Hai had been ill for a long time and no one could cure him.

I learned that Doctor Zhang was here to seek medical treatment.

"The old man's younger brother offended me a lot just now. Please forgive me. Is Dr. Zhang in?"

Maureen saluted the old red nosed man and asked respectfully.

The old man with red nose glanced at Maureen, and his face softened a lot.

"You're a good girl, but there's no doctor Zhang here. Please go back!"

The old man with red nose waved impatiently to drive these people away.

Sitting in a wheelchair, Mo Hai was immediately upset and coughed twice.

Mozishan next to him knew what he was thinking and was furious.

"Not at all, right? If you're not here, you'll smash this shop! Until the one surnamed Zhang comes out! "

Mo Zishan was about to smash the shop when he picked up the bench, and the old man with red nose was shaking with anger.

At this time, Qin Feng, who had not spoken all the time, suddenly opened his mouth.

"I can cure it!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the drugstore turned their eyes to Qin Feng.

"Are you Doctor Zhang?"

Mo Lin asked Qin Feng in disbelief.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that I can cure him!"

"But I have a request. You must buy me a medicinal plant!"

Qin Feng pointed to Mo Hai and spoke with confidence.

"As long as you can cure my grandfather's disease, not to mention one herb, it's ten or a hundred! But... "

Maureen's eyebrows were slightly frowning, and she wanted to say nothing.

My grandfather mohai's illness, looking for famous doctors, there is no magic formula.

Now a person about her age says that she has a way, which makes her hard to believe.

"Sister! Don't listen to this man! I don't have enough hair. I can see farts! Dare to cheat us, do you want to die? "

Mo Zishan stares at Qin Feng fiercely, with a posture of fighting against Qin Feng.


Qinfeng ignored mozishan at all.

"The old man had palpitations from time to time, often accompanied by dyspnea and difficulty sleeping day and night. If you don't get medical treatment in time, you're not far from death! "

Mo Hai heard Qin Feng say his symptoms, shocked, almost from the chair down to Qin Feng kneel.

Clasping hands, he quickly asked, "please help me!"

Maureen was also stunned.

"As long as you can cure my grandfather's disease, I promise you what you ask! But if it can't be cured, don't say you can't take the medicine, you'll have to stay! "

Qin Feng laughs at Mo Lin's threat.

"In that case, treat the disease first!"

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