My Way To You

Chapter 279 - Promiscuous Foods

"So when it comes to guys and smells. It's best to go subtle or natural instead of artificial. So when you all want to try the handkerchief technique please remember to not spray the handkerchief with perfume. After you bathe and properly dry off, place the handkerchief in between or under your bosom. Keep it there for at least half the day then place in your pocket. It will automatically absorb your natural scent, especially on a hot day." 

That did it some girls fainted as other caught them and Ariana tried her best not to laugh. "If you're over stimulated from this please go back to your rooms. I'm afraid the topic about food may be too much for you." Ariana announced.

The girls started to murmur to one another while others fanned their passed out friends. "How do we know that your information is correct?" A girl asked from with in the group.

"Ya! We are just listening seriously but you look like you're having your fun!"

"Are you trying to make us all look bad?!"

"I can't believe I wasted my time listening!"

"No it should be true! She stole Cayden from Vanessa!"

"But she may have used a different strategy all together!"

"I don't want to listen to these lies anymore!"

"Ya let's go."

"No, wait! Ariana is not someone that would try to deceive you!" Vera shouted but no one was listening. The girls turned and started to glare at Ariana as they started to shuffle away. "Please listen! Ariana never stole Cayden and when it comes to teaching she is very serious!" Edlyn shouted as she grabbed a girl's arm but the girl yanked her arm free. "Like we would believe her friend!" The girl spat.

"That's right! Like anyone would ever believe her friends! But I can see it on you faces, you all want to secretly do what she taught you in order to out do your rivals! You're all sick, sick for listening to her and sick for entertaining the idea! This is what you get when you let a girl raised in a brothel house come to our Academy! Unbelievable, how can any self respecting, thorough bred nobel even listen to her seriously! Family backgrounds and wealth with definitely keep a man at bay!" A familiar voices roared above the rest.

Ariana couldn't help but smile brightly when she heard Vanessa. She quickly turned to where she heard her shout from and saw that she was actually blocking the corridor with her tiny but powerful stance. Vanessa tossed her hair back with a flick of her wrist and pointed her nose into the air. "Ariana don't you dare think that I won't listen to the end! I will judge your words according to my own wisdom and never allow my next partner to be approached by another woman! I will use your information to out smart any she-devil and her tricks!" Vanessa boomed arrogantly.

Ariana felt greatful to Vanessa, many people knew that Vanessa hated Ariana but in actual fact Vanessa helped her out in more ways then one and tonight was no exception. "So will all of you stay or will you all go?" Ariana asked happily. The girls all looked at one another and decided unanimously to stay. "Perfect!" Ariana said with a beaming face. 

"Food can be a very promiscuous thing. It can be said that your relationship will fail if you can't have a proper meal with your partner." Ariana said, causing the girl to start to grumble their disbelief. "No honestly it's true. Let me give you an example. If you sit down with your potential love interest and you order food, you wanting to look ladylike and attractive order a salad. Something small woodland creatures would appreciate. However your date will order a hearty meal and to look even more attractive you skip out on meat and dessert. This is not right?" Ariana asked.

The girls nodded their heads in agreement, a lot of them were told young ladies were to eat like birds and never show their gluttony. "First of all order what you want! If the young man is unsatisfied with your eating habits then are you willing to hide your true foodie selves for the rest of your lives?" Ariana asked. The girls looked gloomy. Ariana guessed that a few of their mother's were in fact living like closet foodies. Ariana shook her head no. "That's torture."

"If you can eat a hearty meal and still keep your figure a man will see you as a powerful mate. Someone who will most likely produce a male heir and still look attractive even after a few births. Second if you have been with your partner for a lengthy amount of time and want to make him pay closer attention to you, maybe even make his heart race the eat food that is long and slightly round." Ariana said as the girls quickly swapped ideas, no one could figure out what was long and round.

"Every gntlemen, no matter how they are bred or raised all share one thought when they are left alone. Any guesses to what that might be? Blonde in the powder blue nightgown, take a guess." Ariana said as she pointed to a young girl.

"Mating?" She answered with a bright red face. "Intercourse. Don't get them confused. Lust and love are two very different things. A man can have his member salute any person under the right circumstances but how they act with that member makes the difference but we will get to that in a second. Now if any of you are familiar with the shape of said member you will know that bananas and sausages are what you want to eat. Not cut up but whole, sausage on a bun is best as it's juicy and the juices from the meat will dribble down your lips. Making your gentleman even more excited and glue him to your lips." 

Girls started to fan themselves as their eyes glazed over. Ariana rejoiced in her heart, she was going to create a new hot topic that hopefully would push the Giving Tree to the side but just in case she had a trump card.

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