My Way To You

Chapter 280 - Lust vs. Love vs. Intercourse Part 1

"Now lust and love, the best way to differentiate the two is to evaluate the young man's actions. If the young man jumps at a girl and whispers sweet nothings, he will most likely will be acting on lust, especially if your are just at the beginnings of your relationship or if you just met." Ariana said as she closed her eyes, crossed her arms over her chest and nodded her head to her own words.

"Be warned, lust mostly ends in heartache, many men leave a woman if they get their prize. It's as if they have conquered their preys and added another trophy to their wall. This is the sad truth, not many will stay by a person who give themselves when they first meet. Don't get me wrong there are some respectable men like that. Especially if a virgin is involved, on either end. There are some women who are the same way and will conquer males but.... The majority of men or women, will toss you aside after one use or worse make you a call girl." Ariana said as she opened her eyes and looked at the girls sternly.

The girls seemed to nod their heads in agreement and Ariana couldn't help but smile. "Now love, though it's hard to believe, a young man will have a harder time to act on his desires despite what his lower region is shouting. Some men will think with their little brother while others will think with their hearts and that is what you want at the end of the day. That is until you establish your relationship." Ariana said seriously.

The girls blushed a ridiculous shade of red but they seemed to be confused as the looked at one another for clarity. "Sorry let me make it simpler. A man will have urges that will need to be satisfied, some men need it on a daily basis while others have more of a tolerance to their desires. When faced with a person who can fulfill those desires and make them feel even better then when they have too.... Cough.... Relieve themselves they will act. But a true lover will want to cherish their partner and think that intercourse is an act of intimacy and passion. Finding a man like that is a true treasure." Ariana said a blush crept into her cheeks.

"Why? You make it seem like men only think with their cough, cough, rather then his brain." A girl in the front asked. "Yes, yes you are right." Ariana said happily then motioned everyone to take a step closer. "You see a good man will see intercourse as something that will bring them closer together. Not just physically but emotionally too, the act is to unite the bodies and hearts as one, a true act of love. Bodies intertwining with one another, the heat in the room rising, the sensual kissing, the sweat, groaning and the cries of pleasure escaping each other's lips. It is truly something to behold." Ariana said breathlessly as her face started to turn a brighter red. 

She then took a step back and fanned herself with her hand. The other girls felt the heat and started to pull at their clothes uncomfortably too. "N-n-ow." Ariana said with a cracked voice. She suddenly became embarassed and cleared her throat. "Now, many young gentleman believe a young woman is pure and innocent. They have also heard that their first time is painful. I wouldn't know personally but I heard from many of the girls from the brothel house, now turned to cafe members, that this is the truth. A lover will be too afraid of hurting the one they love and will do their best to either avoid a situation they can't get out of or plan for the night with considerable foresight." Ariana explained.

The corridor was silent but Ariana could see the gears in the girls brains moving. "Intercourse and mating. One is an action the other is done with love, both produce the same thing, a child. That is why we are told to save ourselves for marriage because one never know what the truth is about the relationship. Political marriage, marriage of convenience, contractual marriage or a marriage out of mutual love. There are so many different scenarios that we should never readily give our bodies up without knowing how our partner truly feels. We can not force our partners to love us but we can at least earn their respect."

The girls started to talk with one another nervously. Ariana could pick up some of their words and felt her heart break. They all seemed to be in a political marriage. Some loved their partners but had no idea what the other felt. While others loved someone else entirely.

"Not all of us will have happy beginning." Ariana started and the corridor quieted down. "But love does not happen over night. Some of us will have to work hard and slowly cultivate our romance while others may never see the type of love we all want." Ariana said as she watched so many faces turn pitiful.

"You will need to speak to your partner on a regular basis. Learn what they like to do, go out with them when they do business or arrange dates. Don't give up. Some may only open up to you when you do something selfless or caring. Like if they got sick and you stayed by their side the whole time, being attentive and almost motherly. Some may only open up when they see your true face. Or you may need to give them space so they know to appreciate you." Ariana said as she turned and locked gazes with Vanessa. 

"Love can come in unexpected places and come in many forms but please remember. If a child is born, please love you child unconditional. If you had a rough upbringing and felt no love, give all your love to your child. They are the innocent ones in this situation and should not be shunned because of your grievances with your partner. You will be surprised. Sometimes the greatest love someone could receive if familial love." Ariana said as she sighed.

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