My Way To You

Chapter 350 - Davita Part 4

Later that night Xue woke up earlier then she normally did. With a heavy sigh she got dressed and left for the forest. She walked slowly through the melting snow, dreading her destination and task. She purposely left earlier so she would avoid seeing Bai, she didn't know what she would tell him and she couldn't bare to see his face when she broke the news. This was the end of their friendship. 

Xue found a tree close to their usual meeting spot, she secured the scroll and tied the ribbon around the trunk. She took a step back and looked at the tree. Her heart was breaking and there was nothing she could do. "You came early." Bai's voice said softly as he wrapped his arm's around Xue body. Xue practically jumped out of her skin. She wasn't expecting to be embraced from behind let alone hear Bai's voice up close. "W-w-what ar you doing here?!" Xue stuttered.

Bai laughed a deep husky laugh. Xue could feel herself melting within Bai's arms when she heard his laugh. "I couldn't wait any longer. I really missed you and wanted to see you sooner." He sighed as he brought his cheek next to her face. Xue froze, Bai was being extra friendly today and the warmth coming from his body lit a flame in Xue's heart. "Why are you here early? Is it because spring came early for you too?" Bai asked as his embrace became tighter.

"I'm sorry Bai but this is the last time you and I can met like this." Xue said with a heavy heart. Bai froze. He quickly spun Xue around and looked at her face. "Why?" He asked desperately. "The princess wrote you a letter. I just came to deliver it. You will be reunited with your lover and I will have to go back to my normal position.... as a wall flower." Xue sad sadly.

"No. I don't want that." Bai said firmly as he bought his hand up and cupped Xue's face. "I was never the princess's lover, I was just interested in this KIngdom. I have a mission that I must complete and needed information. She meant nothing to me." Bai admitted. Xue's heart broke. Tears started to pool in her solid red eyes. "So, so that's why you were so nice to me... I guess your mission is done because I gave you what you wanted. This is the end and we will never see eachother again." Xue said as her tears rolled down her face.

Bai couldn't hold back any longer, he lifted Xue's face and sealed her lips with his own. Xue was shocked as she froze under his touch. Bai urged Xue to kiss him back as he sealed her lips over and over again. Xue had no idea what to do. "Am I your first?" Bai asked breathlessly as he pulled away from Xue's lips. 

Xue swallowed back saliva then nodded her head. Bai couldn't help but smile. "Open your mouth slightly and gently pucker your lips. Don't be alarmed, just follow my lead. Let your body take over and it will know what to do. If you do I will reward you." Bai said in a low, husky voice. Xur blushed as she nodded her head. She quickly did what she was told and felt an unknow sensation. It was like her body was set on fire. 

Bai's lips started to get greedy as he kissed Xue. His kisses started to get deeper and Xue followed his example. She brought up her hands and touched the back of his neck. A small shudder escaped Bai's lips as he slightly pulled away. "That's my good girl." He growled then sealed her lips again. Xue was caught up in the moment she didn't know what was going on but she couldn't stop herself. Bai suddenly slipped his hand under Xue's tunic and her eyes went wide.

Xue pushed Bai away and looked at him as she panted. Bai blushed as he looked at Xue, his eyes were glazed over and sparkling and a foreign feeling rose up with in Xue. "Xue, I'm sorry. I got too carried away." Bai said breathlessly. "Why did you do that?" Xue asked. "Yes Bai why did you kiss MY handmaid?" Princess Momo's voice said in a loud voice. Xue paled, she didn't know what to do. She looked at Bai then looked at the princess who emerged from the forest.

"Princess Momo, it has been far too long." Bai said courtly as he bowed to the princess. "Hmmm, yes maybe too long." Princess Momo said as she shot Xue a cold glare. "It seems I have left my beloved for far too long. Guards seize my handmaid for seducing my betrothed." Princess Momo commanded and soon an army of Rhino soldiers marched out and walked towards Xue.

"What?! Princess Momo what do you think you are doing?!" Bai shouted as he rushed to pull Xue behind him. "My love has this snake used her charms to muddle your head? Why are you talking so harshly to your beloved princess?" Princess Momo asked pitifuly. Bai shook his head at princess Momo's word. "We have never been in that kind of relationship. You and I are friends and nothing else." Bai shouted in frustration.

"Bai she has charmed you to the point that you can no longer recognize me? No matter, bring them both back. I will break her charms and make you remember who I am. Oh and please treat prince Bai courteously, we do not want to start a war. Also, Xue... well Xue can be tossed into the dungeon." Princess Momo said as she looked at Xue and Bai viciously. "What?! No! Xue! Xue!" Bai shouted as the guards grabbed Bai and Xue, separating them from eachother. Bai stretched out his hand as he tried to grab Xue.

"Bai!" Xue shouted as she reached out for Bai but the moment her fingertips touched Bai's hand the guard knocked her out. Hours later Xue woke up in a thick wooden framed dungeon. Barely any sunlight came in from her tiny window. "It looks like she's awake." A guard said to another. "I'll go inform the princess." The other guard sad before he stomped away. "What happened?" Xue ased in a groggy voice. "Silence! The princess will come soon to speak with you." The guard sneered. 

Xue shrunk back into a corner and hugged her knees. She was so scared but she was more worried about Bai. There was something not adding up. "Xue." Bai called out making Xue snap out of her thoughts. "Bai!"

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