My Way To You

Chapter 351 - Davita Part 5

Xue was so excited to see Bai that she completely missed the dangerous look princess Momo was giving her.  Princess Momo glanced at her guard and he quickly acted. Xue got up and tried to go to the wooden bars of her cell but was instantly tossed back. The guard used a pole to jab her in the waist. The force he used caused Xue to momentarily lose consciousness. She fell to the ground with a loud thud. Bai desperately called out Xue's name but she could only groan.

"Why are you hurting her!" Bai demanded as he looked at princess Momo. The guard's sensed danger and restrained Bai as he shot daggers from his eyes at the princess. "Xue you have always been a worthless handmaid..." Princess Momo started as she looked down at Xue's body. "But I must say if it wasn't for you I would have never found out what a catch Bai, Oh, excuse my rudeness, prince Bai is." Princess Momo said with a smal arrogant laugh.

"Prince Bai?" Xue asked as she slowly sat up. "Oh my! Did you not know?" Princess Momo said with a haughty laugh. Xue then looked at Bai and saw the guilt riddling his face. "Why yes, PRINCE BAI! I woud have never known this man was  prince if he didn't have his men enter our domain and inquire about you." Princess Momo explained. "You inquired about me?" Xue asked Bai as she looked at his face.

"You b*tch how dare you ignore me!" Princess Momo spat as she clutched the wooden bars. "Why do you hate me so much?" Xue asked as she looked at the princess. "I have been nothing but good to you and never slacked of on my work. I did everything you asked of me without question and yet you made me suffer." Xue continued. Bai shot the princess a deadly look but the princess ignored it. "Because you were meant to be my food." Princess Momo hissed.

Bai's jaw slacked. He wasn't expecting the princess to say such words. Xue just looked up at the princess and just waited for her to continue. "I begged my father to buy me a snake so I could raise it and make into a fine meal later but instead he bought me an older snake to act as my poison tester and personal maid! Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous! How would anyone feel if their meal is always dangling in front of them and they can't even have a taste! It's torture!" Princess Momo shoted in a fit of rage.

"I had hoped that you would fail in your tasks so I could ask my father to kill you but no. You had to do everything perfectly that my father even praised you! Ha! Hahahaha! Xue I loathe you, I hate you, I want to eat you but now I don't really care. I have a better prize now." Princess Momo said as she composed herself. "I am not your prize. My men will come looking for me and tear down this place." Bai spat as he glared at Princess Momo.

"You are too humourous l my love." Princess Momo giggled. "The moment your men start their attack I will have my guards haul up this snake and kill her in front of everyone." She said with a dark smile. "No! You can't!" Bai shouted as he struggled o break free from the guards. "Oh? You are now telling me what I can or can't do? Is this a proposal? Are you trying to act like my husband now?" Princess Momo asked with a mocking tone. 

Bai snarled at the princess as his glare intensified. "My love don't look at me like that. We are about to be married and I really don't want to fight before the ceremony." Princess Momo said bashfully. "I will never take you as my wife!" Bai shouted. "Fine." Princess Momo said courty that it momentarily stunned Bai.

"What is your game now?" Bai ased cautiously. "Nothing. Guards escort prince Bai out. He is free to go." Princess Momo said as she waved the guards and Bai away. The guards released Bai and turned to escort him out. "Wait, I want to take Xue with me." Bai said as he rushed to the wooden bars. "No." Princess Momo said abruptly. "Why?" Bai asked as he turned to the princess.

"I need my anger appeased, so Xue is sentenced to a death by lashing, immediately." Princess Momo commanded. "No!" Bai shouted as he tried to lunge at the princess but the guards quickly grabbed him and held him back. The guard closets to the door unlocked it and stepped into he cell. He grabbed Xue's arm and hauled her up. "No don't you dare hurt her!" Bai shouted. Princess Momo kept her gaze on Xue and watched as the guard walked her out.

"It's okay Bai. Leave and be free. Go back home and forget about me." Xue said with a gentle smile. "I can't do that!" Bai shouted. "Why not!" Princess Momo shouted as she turned to Bai. "Because I love her!" Bai cried as tears started to flow downward. "Xue, I love you and I can't let you die for me." Bai said pitifully. Xue covered her mouth with her hands. She felt her heart swell with happiness but at the same time it hurt because it was the end. It was abittersweet feeling.

"Bai I," Xue started to say but princess Momo demanded silence. She walked up to Bai and grabbed his chin. She forced him to look into her cold eyes. "What are you willing to do to save her?" Princess Momo asked slowly and firmly. "I will call off the attack." Bai responded. "Not enough. We can easiy fight you and win." Princess Momo responded.

Bai said nothing. "Skin her alive first then lash her to death. Use the whip with the metal spikes and have her skin taken to the royal tailor. Make it into a dress." Princess Momo commanded. The guard grabbed Xue's wrist and started to drag her away. "No stop! I'll do anything you want. Absolutely anything just don't kill her." Bai said in a defeated tone. "Do I have your word?" Princess Momo asked. Bai nodded his head. "On my honour."

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