My Way To You

Chapter 451 - Ignored

Ariana opened her eyes and a giant grin spread across her face. She felt a surge of power coursing through her veins. She raised her clawed hands and struck the cube prison. A shattering sound echoed in the room as Edlyn looked up, tears had stained her face as her eyes shook with fear and relief.

"Ariana?" Edlyn called out. Ariana silently rose to her feet and raised her right hand. The lower case delta on her collar bone started to glow along with the lower case xi. Ariana closed her clawed hand and all but one portal closed. The servent seemed relieved as Vasu worked on saving a the ones that were struck down. Halina jumped out, she slowly stood up with her dagger in hand, her eyes reflected her insanity as her dark smile held it's place. "You've finally joined the party?" Halina asked happily.

Ariana narrowed her gaze. "Leave." Ariana said as she lowered her hand. "Leave? I don't think so." Halina said. "Not you." Ariana replied. "What?" Halina said as her smile dropped. "Got it!" Loralei shouted as she finally gained control of the portals. "What?!" Halina shouted as everyone dissapeared. One by one, Loralei moved as fast as lightning grabbing groups of people and making them go through the realm of darkness.

"I'm not leaving." Cayden growled as Adonis changed and held Cayden in place with his tentacles. "Ariana?" Rahul called out. Ariana glanced at Cayden and felt her heart swell. Cayden looked and sounded fine. what she had seen in her own personal realm was nothing more then her fear personified, well she hoped.

"So romantic, your man wants to stay by your side." Halina laughed. "Why are you doing this?" Ariana asked as she signaled the Lumas to stand down. "Am I not supposed to fight you?" Halina asked in turn as she dropped her dagger and raised her hands up in defence. Ariana barred her fangs and growled.

"Sigh, such a drama queen. Is that really how you act with your friends when you have a little disagreement?" Halina asked as she brought her index finger and pushed the tip in to her cheek. She pointed as she rocked her hand side to side, making the tip of her finger rub in to her cheek. "Drop the act." Ariana hissed as she glared.

"Act? What act? I have no idea what you're talking about." Halina said as she tilted her head to the side, finger still poking her cheek.

"How did you survive?" Ariana asked in a low and threatening voice. "Survived? Survived what? You need to make yourself clear dear or else more misunderstandings might arise. It's common etiquette." Halina said as she batted her eyelashes. "Enough with these games Kaija!" Ariana shouted in frustration.

Halina dropped her hand and starred at Ariana. "Stress is the number one killer in most people. Should you really be angry with me or maybe you should be angry with yourself for not realizing the truth? Why should I have to be the one to stand here and take such abuse from an ungrateful child? If I was your mother I would beat you where you stand." Halina said as the glowed with a blood thirsty desire.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #%!d(string=12021185405774505)/ignored_%!d(string=51021990005372732) for visiting.

"So it is you." Ariana hissed. Bewilderment and amus.e.m.e.nt then flashed in Halina eyes before the corners of her lips turned upwards, she let out a loud and gut wrenching laugh, completely erasing her murdering intent from before. Ariana showed a twisted face full of disgust and disdain. Halina caught sight of the expression and stopped laughing immediately. She clicked her tongue and glared at Ariana in response. "Kaija? Kaija Tai? Fine, you got me, you win." Halina replied with a scowl.

"What about Deagan? What have you done to him?" Ariana asked. "Nothing, that boy joined us voluntarily." Halina said with a small shrug. "If you like I can even get him out here to talk to you." Halina said with a small smile but the disdain never left her eyes. "Lies." Ariana growled. Halina let out a deep sigh before snapped her fingers. With in seconds a man dressed in a purple robe stepped out. He pulled down his hood and looked at Ariana with sunken eyes.

"Deagan?" Ariana called out in shock. Deagan looked up but he couldn't maintain eye contact, instead he slowly averted his gaze to the floor and opened his mouth. "I'm sorry." He said in a pitiful voice. "Why are you doing this?" Ariana asked with a small and sorrow filed laugh. "... I needed too." He said as he shrouded half his face in darkness. 

"Did you join them because of what happened to Caralee?" Cayden asked. Deagan flinched. "Caralee? What happened to Caralee?" Ariana asked. "Enough! I don't like that girl's name! I don't like my lover looking guilty and I definitely don't like being ignored!" Halina shouted as she stomped her foot repeatedly. Ariana glanced at Halina and saw that she was still disarmed. "What happened to Caralee." Ariana asked more sternly. "Do not take me lightly!" Halina screamed as she charged towards Ariana. 

She raised her right hand into the air and a magenta light engulfed her hand almost instantly. "I am one of the four generals! I will not be looked down upon!" Halina shouted as the light turned into a hand blade. Ariana dodged backwards but Halina was faster. She managed to slice off a chunk of Ariana's tail.

Ariana let out a cry and her Lumas jumped into action. Aroha rushed forward and lead the attack, one after another each Lumas sent a viscous attack towards Halina but she was able to dodge every one and counter other attacks with ease.

Soon blasts were being sent in all directions. Pieces of the mansion were blasted away while others started to collapse. "Ariana!" Cayden shouted but the area soon filled with black smoke. "Ariana! Ariana! Ariana! Your love makes me sick!" Halina said in a mocking tone.

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