My Way To You

Chapter 452 - How Can You Let This Happen?!

Suddenly a shockwave went through the dark smoke and sent Ariana flying backwards. The remain parts of the mansion were blasted away. Ariana's ears were ringing and she raised her clawed hand to her head to steady her vision. She tried getting up but everything was spinning. "What the hell was that?" She mumbled as she tried to focus her vision.

Standing was no longer an option so she tried sitting up but as she did she realized that the air had become very thin. Her heart started to race as her lungs burned. Ariana wheezed for air as she tried to scan the area but her vision would not steady. To her horror her Lumas were scattered on the ground. Some in the debri and other completely unconscious and they were all back in the chibi forms.

Cayden was close to Adonis, Cayden raised his head from the ground, blood spilled from his forehead and flowed down to his jawline. He squinted towards Ariana's direction and it looked like he was having a hard time breathing. While Adonis looked to be completely unconscious, his tentacles layed all over and the colour slightly drained from his body. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #%!d(string=12021185405774505)/how-can-you-let-this-happen-!_%!d(string=51035266286151337) for visiting.

"You.... can... stop..." Ariana managed to say breathlessly but she had no idea if Halina or Deagan heard her. "Still hanging in there?" Halina said as she walked towards Ariana, her body was slightly covered with a black haze. "Please... Halina.... fight." Ariana gasped as she turned to the direction Halina was walking from. "Do you know how much I despise you?" Halina asked as she grabbed Ariana's hair and pulled her up to eye level. 

Ariana gasped as she tried to stare down Halina. "Deagan stop it already. Me and the wanna be need to talk." Halina said as she rolled her eyes. Deagan closed the portal, black smoke stopped seeping in and the air seemed to return to normal. Ariana gasped as her lungs greedily filled up with air. "Now, where were we?" Halina asked as she looked at Ariana.

Halina then raised her free hand and watched as the magenta light surrounded it and formed a hand sword. "Right, I was about to," Halina managed to say before Ariana swung her claw. Halina let out a blood curdling scream as Ariana landed back on the ground. She then scrambled away as Halina's eyes turned murderous. "C-Cayden! Cayden are you okay?!" Ariana yelled as she managed to get back up to her feet. 

"You b*tch! YOU F*CKING B*TCH! I'LL KILL YOU!" Halina screamed hysterically. Deagan watched as Ariana raised her hand up wards as she ran for her life. Deagan sighed and raised his own hand. "Pouli-ack!" Deagan gagged. The words were stuck in his throat and he found it hard to close his mouth. He quickly searched the area with his amber eyes and didn't see what was stopping him from speaking. Suddenly a shadow appeared an inch away from his face.

"DEAGAN?!" Halina screamed as she craddled her arm. "Cayden." Ariana called out as she reached him. "What's going on?" Cayden asked as he stood on his feet. His eyes grew wide as he realized what was happening. Ariana was using Charoite's shadow making ability. She had collected all her Lumas and him while keeping Deagan from chanting any spells. One of her shadows had lodged her fist into Deagan's mouth while the body twisted itself around him. 

"Ariana?" Cayden called out as his eyes shook with shock. "T-there isn't any time. The Lumas are knocked out or drained and Kaija must have fused with Halina's magic or something! I'm not sure anymore! All I know is she a lot stronger! I can't beat her!" Ariana ranted. "Ariana," Cayden called out again. "We need to leave! I don't know how long we have-?!" Ariana said desperately but Cayden grabbed her shoulders and gave her a small shake. Once she stopped talking he raised a shakey hand and reached for her hair. 

"What did you do?" Cayden asked as he pried off Halina's hand from Ariana's hair. "Now's not the time!" Ariana shouted but her face had drained from all colour as she caught sight of Halina's dismembered hand. Cayden dropped Halina's hand and took a deep breath. "You're right." Cayden said calmly. Ariana nodded her head. "We have a minute at most... So hold on tight. Charoite!" Ariana called out without waiting for Cayden to respond. 

Ariana's shawdows collected and Charoite formed. With a loud roar he swung his arm and struck Deagan backwards, sending him flying a few yards away. "Let's go!" Ariana shouted. Charoite collected Ariana, Cayden and the Lumas and was about to make their escape when they heard Halina's voice. "Pouli hindrun." Suddenly they were surrouned by a barrier made of electric purple feathers.

"D-d-d-do y-y-y-you r-r-r-really th-th-think y-o-u c-c-can r-u-n fr-fr-from ME?" Halina stuttered heavily as she turned to the group. Blood rapidily drained downwards and quickly formed a puddle around her feet. Ariana flinched at the sight and all she could do was to focus her gaze on Halina's face. "Haina's adreniline has run out and now her body is going into shock." Ariana said in a cold tone. "W-what? C-can't s-s-stomach w-what y-you d-d-did t-t-t-to y-your f-f-friend's b-b-body?!" Halina asked with a wide grin. "... I'll heal her once we're safe." Ariana said flatly. 

Halina started to laugh hysterically. "SO THIS IS YOUR TRUE NATURE?!" She shouted in hysterics. "You've got quite the taste Cayden." Halina said in a low voice as she glared at the two. Then an odd sound could be heard from a distance. Halina let go of her arm and raised them into the air. "Finally the calvary is arriving." She shouted as her eyes turned round and wide. Ariana looked away from Halina and turned towards the direction of the strange sound. 

Ariana shook, from a distance she could see waves of darkness coming from the gate. "Sh*t!" Ariana shouted causing Halina to start laughing again. "Our amazing second general Kyrie!" Halina annouced. Charoite sensed danger and decided to place the group into one arm and craddled them gingerly. "Charoite don't!" Ariana shouted but Charoite didn't listen. He swung his arm against the feather barrier and let out a loud roar. 

Electric purple and magenta coloured lightning struck Charoite's arm. "Please stop!" Ariana shouted desperately but Charoite swung his arm again. "Charoite!" Ariana cried. "Ariana!" Cayden called out. She turned her gaze to him and saw that it was too late.

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