My Weird Life

Vol 3 Chapter 1239: When the river goes eastward, the bright moon will come again (3)

 The ocean of yellow mud flows slowly.

The corpses of countless foolish men and resentful women, as well as countless villains, were buried in this boundless sea of ​​yellow mud, where they suffered eternal destruction.

At this time, in the clear spring pool surrounded by the rolling yellow mud sea - the human race pool, a dark coffin floated slowly. Zhong Sui stood on the edge of the race pool. He stared at the clear spring water and sensed the surging 'vitality' from it.

That kind of ‘vitality’ made his human nature faintly agitated.

He intuitively felt that if he did not take any precautions and walked into this spring pool naked, his own origin might become a 'matrix' and a 'breeding bed', giving birth to more 'people'.

One Zhong Sui can be transformed into countless ‘Zhong Sui’ after being washed in a spring pond!

This spring pool is extremely strange. It is no wonder that the mourning master of the Red Sorrow Society would take the coffin containing Master Su and sink into this square spring pool. Only with such surging vitality can it be possible to turn the general's head into a human being. Master Su, who was like a stone, transformed into a human being.

A dark coffin made of a special material floated on the spring pool. The base of the coffin in contact with the clear spring water gave birth to black and red tree buds in a short time. These tree buds broke through the original black paint surface of the coffin, and then sprouted out. Under Zhong Sui's gaze, the branches sprouted roots in an instant, lifting the huge trunk toward the ceiling—

The black and red trees are intertwined with each other like pythons, forming a thicker tree body that can hardly be hugged by a dozen people. The tree trunks rise toward the blue sky and block out the sun!

Opposite to this scene of a giant tree standing in the sky, there is a "human race pool" where the giant tree stands, and the water in the spring pool disappears quickly!

 It seemed like a spring pool with a depth of a hundred feet, and the water in the pool dropped by half in an instant!

The first generation Wang Chuanzhen, the second generation Wang Chuanzhen, and the third generation Hu Susu worked hard to kill countless men and women who could have been lovers, and gathered their human origins to form this pool of water. It is still dwindling at a terrifying speed. !

The giant tree keeps rising upwards and is about to reach the top of the sky.

On the ceiling, a graceful female figure emerged. The female figure's face was blurry, but anyone who looked at her would have all the best fantasies about women placed on her.

The "Charm of Nuwa" floats out from the blue sky and the sea of ​​yellow mud below, and converges towards the female form on the zenith.

A round wheel appears behind the head of the female figure on the zenith - in the center of the round wheel, there is a golden-red crack in the shape of a date core. In the crack, the universe is being nurtured, the heaven and earth are opening up, and creatures are being born!

Outside the round wheel, there are layers of colorful scales that can reflect the human nature and soul, wrapping around the heavy round wheel like a snake's tail!

 The golden-red cracks are slowly shrinking.

On the vague female face, a pair of eyes containing the sun, moon and stars appeared!

These eyes cast their gaze towards the giant tree reaching to the ceiling——


The giant tree suddenly trembled, and all the branches gathered towards the center of the canopy, swaying violently, as if a person was constantly raising his arms, and then patting his arms heavily, praying and worshiping the gods!

 After all the branches bowed in unison to the female figure on the ceiling, they gathered the crown of the tree into the shape of a bird's nest.

Around this 'bird's nest', layers of colorful roulette wheels suddenly appeared - there were eight roulette wheels surrounding the bird's nest, and within six of them, many people with the aura of neither life nor death were manifested. '.

Squeezed by these six layers of roulette, the lowest layer of dark roulette is faintly connected to the blood-red intestinal cord. Within the roulette, all living beings and thousands of worlds are all wrapped up in the blood-red intestinal cord. .

On the top of the six-way roulette occupied by many "people" with the aura of neither life nor death, there is a wheel of white light. The white light wheel flows with "Charm of Nuwa" similar to Nuwa, but far inferior to Nuwa. A certain charm of Shen Yun.

Zhong Sui saw the eight-layer wheel with a look of enlightenment in his eyes.

In the eight-fold wheel, there are the "wheels of six paths" such as gods, humans, animals, hungry ghosts, etc., which include the children of the princes and princes of the Eight Banners of the Qing Dynasty, and even the foreign Taoist priests of the Qin Dynasty and many "hypocrites" who are supporters of these two forces. ;

The roulette wheel that pulls the intestines of samsara that is pressed under the "six paths of hypocrisy" is the "wheel of all living beings".

It originally involved all the people involved in the world's mountains, rivers, and dragons. Now, this heavy roulette has been completely involved in the "reincarnation" by the intestines of reincarnation, and all the people within it have also fallen into the law of death and calamity of reincarnation!

The wheel of white light held up by the "Six Paths of the Puppet" is that Kangxi devoted all his efforts to worship the "Tianmu Goddess" of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties. The causal connection of 'Heavenly Mother gives birth to the Great Wheel of the World'!

 Now, under the contrast of the "Heavenly Mother's Breeding Wheel" with the snake tail coiled behind the head of the female form - the "Nuwa Divine Form", it appears so small and so 'shabby'!

"This 'Heavenly Mother's Eight Wheels'... should have been sealed up by Master Su a long time ago. But now, under the gaze of the 'Nu Wa Divine Form', all of them have been awakened from Master Su's body... From the perspective of Master Aihui of Hong'aihui It is necessary to use the 'Heavenly Mother to give birth to the great wheel of the world' as the 'hotbed' and 'infancy' for Master Su to transform from death to life, and to transform into a human being - next, the most critical time comes.

The ‘Nu Wa Divine Form’ should not obediently take over the Heavenly Mother’s nurturing wheel of the world, include Master Su in it, and give birth to it again…” Thoughts were racing in Zhong Sui’s mind, and he had already understood the current situation!

  Wisps of fresh air drifted away from his body.

The fresh air as thin as a hair floated into the blue sky here, and then opened up a series of long rivers of majestic energy on the blue sky!

 In the long river of majestic energy, famous chapters that teach humanity, lead humanity, and lift humanity shine brightly. They float and sink in the long river of pure energy, and suddenly disintegrate into different figures!

Each figure stands at the source of a majestic river.

The long river flows from there to here, rushing in violently and converging on Zhong Sui.

Outside Zhong Sui's body, countless characters of righteousness symbols evolved, and he himself was embedded in the famous chapter composed of these righteousness symbols. He was soaked by countless rivers of majestic energy, stepped on the shoulders of giants, and pushed forward the holy knowledge even more. One level higher, he transformed into the 'Great Sage of Humanity'!

 The mighty river is flowing!

The goddess Nuwa on the top of the sky stared at the bird's nest formed by the tree canopy, and looked at Hu Susu holding the hand of Su Wu's headless body in the nest. At this moment, Hu Susu clearly read a hint of ridicule in the cold eyes of the Queen Mother!

 Her face is as white as snow!

Nuwa's divine form fiddled with the Heavenly Mother's wheel of nurturing the world that was rising toward her. Her fingers brushed the sky above the bird's nest, and the sky was like a pencil drawing, with an eraser 'erasing' a dark hole. !

In the cave, the rolling Nvwa charm fell like heavy rain, falling into the bird's nest formed by the tree canopy, turning into a pool of water, infiltrating and submerging Su Wu's headless body and his head that turned into a pillar!

  咚咚! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Su Wu’s chest was filled with intense heartbeats, which made the whole world tremble!

 Hurrah! Wow! Wow!

Su Wu's blood vessels were flowing with hot blood, and the vitality in the blood burst out and turned into a golden and red sun in the bird's nest!

 But his head is still a stone, there is no change at this moment!

The charm of Nuwa, which turned into real rainwater, isolated Hu Susu. She watched Su Wu's headless corpse explode with overwhelming vitality. He exuded a vigorous charm - even though he had no head, just lying there, it was like A high-altitude holy king kills all living beings and takes everything from them. All human beings, whether fake or real, are his concubines!

  Hu Susu grabbed his palm, but it was instantly washed away by Nuwa's charm.

And the 'Nu Wa Divine Form', at all costs, lowered the rolling charm of Nu Wa that it had accumulated, and strengthened Su Wu's human origin to an extremely terrifying level, dense cracks appeared on this divine form. - Under Zhong Sui's gaze, she slowly disintegrated into a little bit of light dust, which converged into the 'Wahuang Cosmic Wheel' behind her head!

In the 'Wahuang Cosmic Wheel' with the snake's tail coiled up, in the crack like a jujube core, all the transformed universe, heaven and earth, and all living beings have disappeared. Only a female figure with a human body and a snake's tail hangs on the left side of the cracked world. , in the blank area on her right side, at the same level as her head, there was a head with disheveled hair hanging!

This 'man's head', which is at the same level as Nuwa's real head, exudes a more majestic and terrifying aura, dominating all kinds of people. Such aura is the same as that of Su Wu's headless body after being poured with Nuwa's charm. The aura is exactly the same - it's just that compared to that 'man's head', Su Wu's aura is still dwarfed!

Zhong Sui saw with his own eyes the true form of Nuwa in the 'Wahuang Cosmic Wheel' and the flush head on her side. He immediately understood: "Fuxi - I see, he wants to use Master Su's headless head Does the body just serve as the body of Emperor Wa's husband, 'Fuxi', to take over his head?"


 The long river of rolling majestic energy instantly penetrated the void and reached the zenith!

Zhong Sui, who was surrounded by countless righteousness talismans, was instantly close to the 'Wa Huang Cosmic Wheel' hanging on the ceiling. Chains of righteousness talismans spread out from the majestic river at his feet, and suddenly wrapped around the woman. Guided by the charm of Wa, Su Wu's headless body converged towards the 'Wahuang Cosmic Wheel', and pulled the headless body towards the bird's nest below!

Hu Susu watched the scene change at this moment. She was lying in the bird's nest, and the charm of Nuwa around her turned into snow-white arms, grabbing the joints of her limbs, making her stand up like a puppet on strings, scarlet and happy. Flooding towards the sea of ​​yellow mud, corpses of crazy men and resentful women were pulled out from the sea of ​​yellow mud. Astonishing resentment burst out from the corpses, turning into purple-red flames!

Countless purple flames formed a web one after another, drawing towards Su Wu's headless body entangled in the chains of the righteousness talisman!

Zhong Sui glanced at Hu Susu, who had snow-white arms grabbing all the joints and even his own life. He flicked his sleeves, and the pure air filled the universe. The fierce resentment disappeared without a trace, and countless righteousness talisman chains emerged from the vast pure air. Meandering out, they all pursued the wisps of Nuwa's charm that grabbed Hu Susu's body!

More righteousness talisman chains danced out wildly, implicating and locking the ‘Wahuang Cosmic Wheel’ on the top of the sky!

The clear air poured into the crack in the jujube core in the center of the Emperor Wa's cosmic wheel, trying to pull out the divine form of Nuwa hidden in it, so that it could give birth to Su Wu again—

 (End of this chapter)

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