My Weird Life

Vol 3 Chapter 1240: When the river goes eastward, the bright moon will come again (4) (12)

  1239. The great river goes east, but the bright moon comes again (4) (12)

 At this time, a section of the snake's tail coiled around the Emperor Wa's cosmic wheel began to swim slowly.

 The tail of the snake connects to the underworld, and involves thousands of worlds submerged by the endless bitter water. It crosses "this bank" and connects to the Yuan River that flows turbulently after this bank, without knowing its boundaries and seemingly having no boundaries.

 After the Yuan River, there is another "bank".

 This shore is the other shore.

Zhong Sui looked at the snake's tail coiled around the Wa Emperor's cosmic wheel, wading through thousands of bitter water worlds, crossing the other shore, crossing the boundless Yuan River, and finally connecting to the 'other shore'.

The "other bank" across the Yuan River is a "river bank" formed by the accumulation of horrific corpses, tombs, and coffins!

 The colorful snake tail, which reflects the essence of human nature, is also part of this ‘other bank’ and this ‘river bank’!

It is surrounded by many vague and terrifying corpses, many coffins connected with infinite cause and effect, and many tombs enjoying endless sacrifices. It is a 'mezzanine' in the 'river embankment', and the 'Nuwa's true form' is wrapped around her body. The immortal neon feathers, the exquisite figure, and the snake tail that was countless miles long, were placed in the cracks of the river embankment. Her eye sockets were sunken, and her eyelids had been corrupted, revealing two black sores. Coming out of the hole, the two dark sore holes were staring at Zhong Sui.

Zhong Sui suddenly felt severe pain in his eyes without any warning!

His eyes burst open and turned into two streams of blood, dripping from the eye sockets!

His world instantly became extremely dark, without any light, so much so that his own "intention" could no longer "see" the true situation of the outside world!

Zhong Sui covered his eyes with his hands, his thoughts still calm and calm, and he thought a thousand times in an instant: "The 'other shore' blinded my eyes, and all the 'color associations' related to my eyes were also followed. deprived of—

The traces of Nuwa deliberately lured me to peek into the other side, just to take away my color associations and make it easier for her to take action.

—This just shows that ‘Nu Wa’ herself is still unable to fully project her power into the current world, so she needs to use these underhanded means and cunning tricks to help herself achieve her goals. "

All sexual associations about the other shore, as well as the "other shore" that Zhong Sui had glimpsed earlier, which seemed to be made up of countless corpses, coffins, and tombs of horrific beings, were completely eliminated in Zhong Sui's mind, and never left. There is every trace.

Zhong Sui knew clearly that he saw an extremely terrifying scene on the "other shore", but if he was asked to describe it, it would be difficult for him to describe it.

He now has no time to recall what the scene is like on the 'other shore' -

 In a world flooded by a sea of ​​yellow mud.

 The top of the blue sky.

The colorful snake tails coiled around the 'Wahuang Cosmic Wheel' slowly swam down, passed by Zhong Sui's body, wrapped around Su Wu's headless body as it fell back into the bird's nest, and lifted Su Wu's headless body up. Go into the 'Wahuang Universe Wheel'!


At the same time, Zhong Sui's thoughts were whirling, and the characters of the righteousness charms were flying around him, leading to long rivers of pure air, crisscrossing the bird's nest, and instantly weaving a giant network of righteousness charm chains. Zhang Mitian's big net suddenly wrapped around the bird's nest, blocking the path of the colorful snake tail!

 At the top of the void, the ‘Wahuang Cosmic Wheel’ trembled at the same time!

The boundless charm of Nuwa converged towards the roulette wheel with a jujube core crack in the center, and the world was conceived inside. The entire Nuwa Archway world collapsed into a black hole in an instant, and Zhong Sui and Hu Susu were thrown away from the 'Wa' in the center of the black hole. Outside the Imperial Cosmic Wheel, suffering eternal destruction in the black hole - pairs of invisible hands stretched out from the darkness, grabbing Zhong Sui's human origin, and the whole world was about to abandon him - but Haohao Qingqi But at this moment, the long river rushed forward, wrapped around Zhong Sui's body, and lifted him up to prevent him from sinking forever!

After the Wahuang Universe Wheel shattered the ‘Nuwa Archway World’ and devoured countless crazy men and resentful women as well as the evil deceptions they carried, it suddenly seemed to have turned into a ‘universe’ and a universe where humans and ghosts coexisted!

This universe is showing an extremely terrifying ‘general trend’!

The force came fiercely, and the snake's tail wrapped around Su Wu's headless body broke through the blockade of the righteousness talisman chain net in an instant. The snake's tail tightly wrapped around Su Wu's headless body, heading towards the heavy human and ghost living together. Throwing away in the 'universe'!

Within that 'universe', 'Emperor Wa' has endowed countless foolish men and resentful women with the origin of Tao, causing them to transform from death to 'life', allowing them to multiply and 'live', and the head that is equal to Emperor Wa - Fuxi's head general All kinds of evil spirits were suppressed at the feet of the common people, causing the evil spirits to turn into the earth. One of them controls the human way, and the other rules the evil way. They have divided the world equally, and the yin and yang are harmonious!

Because they shaped this universe and made it more complete, the general trend emitted by this universe became stronger and stronger, and the black hole vaguely expanded and flooded towards Zhong Sui!

Outside Zhong Sui's body, the characters of the righteousness symbol rotate leisurely, rushing upright and maintaining harmony.

The sound of reading aloud rang out from the words of the righteousness symbols: "There is no good or disgusting body;

  There are good and bad actions;

Knowing good and evil is conscience;

 To do good and eliminate evil is to check things.


“My heart is the universe. The movement of my heart is the movement of the universe.

 Thousands of things arise and perish. "The blood dripping from Zhong Sui's eyes has dried up. He is sitting cross-legged in the turbulent river of Qing Qi connected by many righteousness symbols. The river of Qing Qi suddenly coils around Zhong Sui's body - and his body is also in this moment. It turned into a layer of 'universe', which was beating like a heart. Chains of righteousness charms were like the blood vessels wrapped around the heart, suddenly radiating out and penetrating the 'Wahuang Universe' The overwhelming 'general trend' penetrated into the Emperor Wa's universe and caught the 'Nu Wa Divine Form' -


The chains of the righteousness talisman are shaking endlessly!

More righteousness talisman chains wrapped around the arms, neck, and joints of the 'Nu Wa Divine Form' - as Zhong Sui's mind suddenly changed, the Qingqi Universe shook violently - the entire Nu Wa Divine Form was dragged out of the 'Wahuang Universe' 'In the midst of it all - Wahuang's universe collapsed instantly, and all the crazy men and resentful couples gathered in this universe fell into the sea of ​​yellow mud again, falling from life to death again!

—They were never truly ‘alive’ in the first place, but they seemed to have been resurrected under the evolution of the Wahuang cosmic wheel!

All kinds of terrible things are once again being carried by the many mourning gods in the yellow mud sea!

 Everything seems to be unchanged from the beginning!

The 'Wahuang Cosmic Wheel' was still spinning behind the head of 'Nuwa Divine Form'. Her arms were wrapped with chains of righteousness talismans. Under Zhong Sui's will, she uncontrollably opened her arms and hugged her. The "Heavenly Mother Breeds the World Wheel" that rises upward - the "Nuwa Divine Form" melts like lard as fast as lard when it surrounds the Heavenly Mother's Great Wheel of Breeding the World!

As the divine form melts, the strands of Nuwa’s charm continue to merge into the heavenly mother’s wheel of the world!

Su Wu's headless body was forcibly taken back by the righteousness talisman chain, and his head turned into a pillar one after another, and was contained by the great wheel of the Heavenly Mother that gave birth to the world - Su Wu's figure merged into the wheel of white light, and Nuwa's charm was contained in that wheel of white light. The wheel almost condensed into substance, turning into milky white water, filling the wheel, enveloping Su Wu's figure!

 The Heavenly Mother gave birth to the world outside the great wheel!

The ‘Nuwa Divine Form’, which has become extremely blurred due to excessive melting, surrounds the white light wheel. The wheel is located under her belly, as if it is pregnant in her belly.

Hu Susu looked at the 'Emperor Mother' surrounding the white light roulette and staring at the blurry figure in the white light roulette. There was a hint of yearning in her eyes.

At this time, the jade lotus root arms that locked the joints around her body and made her look like a puppet on strings - the strands of Nuwa's charm also disappeared silently, turning into droplets of milky white dew, stained with It attached to Hu Susu's skin and suddenly penetrated into her skin membrane!

 Her body was completely covered in cracks!


 At the same time, the divine form of Nuwa, which was surrounding Heavenly Mother’s wheel of the world, split into two in an instant!

Her upper body and abdomen were still tightly holding the Heavenly Mother's wheel of the world, using everything she had to 'nurture' Su Wu who lived in this wheel. Her lower body turned into a white python - the python. It wrapped around Hu Susu in an instant, turning into droplets of milky white dew on her body, and instantly blended into her already cracked skin!

 Click! Click, click, click!

The sound of breaking mud could be heard all over Hu Susu's body!

She stood on the sea of ​​yellow mud and reached out to peel off a pale mud shell from under her face. Under the mud shell, skin that could be broken by a blow was revealed...

Hu Susu was stunned for a moment.

Zhong Sui turned to face Hu Susu. He could not see the cracks all over Hu Susu's body, but his own perception still reminded him that something had changed in Hu Susu's body -

In his perception, the other person is more human-like.

“If you accept the gift of the female vagina, you will forever be reduced to a chess piece, subject to its mercy, and will never be free.

However, if you do not accept the gift, your existence will be instantly erased and any trace left in the world will be lost.

 Sad, pitiful. "The two **** holes on Zhong Sui's face were facing Hu Susu.

Hu Susu looked at the lonely scholar sitting cross-legged in the clear river, and suddenly knelt down and kowtowed to him three times.

Before she opened her mouth, Zhong Sui knew all about her thoughts, so he said: "You want to ask me for a way to escape? I only have four words to give you - live towards death..."

 After saying this, Zhong Sui turned around and paid attention to the movements of the Heavenly Mother giving birth to the Great Wheel of the World, and no longer paid attention to Hu Susu.

The great wheel of the Heavenly Mother that nurtures the world is contracting slowly like a heart. As it contracts, tiny cracks appear on the entire wheel. This wheel is on the verge of being destroyed.

Half of Nuwa's divine form that originally surrounded the roulette wheel has completely melted into nothing.

 Inside the roulette wheel, the milky white liquid disappeared without a trace.

 On the surface of the yellow mud sea, Hu Susu was no longer seen.

 (End of this chapter)

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