My Weird Life

Vol 3 Chapter 927: "Dummy" (12)

  Chapter 927 "Fake People" (12)

  'Zhu Yuming' stood in the transparent compartment, completely motionless, like a standing corpse.

Su Wu looked at it, and when the wheels of various colors were spinning, he couldn't see the slightest wave of its mind, as if the past consciousness of the "Three Young Masters of the Zhou Family" and "Wang Fuying" were stripped from it, and it also So lost his soul.

  However, Su Wu knew very well that the living corpse 'Zhu Yuming' never died.

  The other party just temporarily has no object to imitate—it has a certain ability to imitate others, and then completely become an 'other', replacing the real 'other'.

  The living people replaced by it, such as 'Wang Fuying', such as 'The Third Young Master of the Zhou Family', will all become its belongings.

Just like Wang Fuying's past consciousness that was stripped from it thought itself to be a lock—it replaced the real Wang Fuying and turned the real Wang Fuying into a lock. Getting close to the third son of the Zhou family, he eventually became the third son of the Zhou family.

  What does this living corpse want to do in the end?

  After it became the third son of the Zhou family, what did it participate in? What is the connection between those things and the "Three Pure Intestines", "Eye Sly" and "Fat Sly"? !

   All kinds of questions are lost due to the temporary disappearance of the consciousness of this living corpse.

  Su Wu took a deep look at the 'Zhu Yuming Living Corpse' in the transparent compartment, then turned around, and there was another compartment opposite the compartment where 'Zhu Yuming' was.

  In the compartment, a short man with long braids, a melon cap, and a gray robe was silently looking at Su Wu.

  ‘Data Sheet—Name: There is no corresponding person in the information database. He calls himself ‘Zhang Shuangguo’, and the information stated is very similar to the ‘Zhang Shuangguo’ who is a missing person in Mingzhou in the information database.

   Zhang Shuangguo information...'

   Scanning the various information on the data sheet, Su Wu looked up at the short man with a conspicuous rattail braid who was clearly dressed in the Qing Dynasty: "Zhang Shuangguo?"

He called himself 'Zhang Shuangguo', but his face and height couldn't be found in the information database. The Qing Dynasty man who was suspected of being 'reincarnation' smiled silently and said, "Maybe I will become like him too? "

  It pointed to 'Zhu Yuming' in the transparent compartment behind Su Wu.

  “How do you perceive yourself today?

   Do you still think you are a normal person? Is it a living person? " Su Wu asked aloud.

  'Qing Ren' shook his head: "I have become like this, and I can't find the physical characteristics corresponding to my current appearance in the information database, how can I still be a normal person?

   These days, I observed the batches of 'people' who were sent out of this place, and I probably understand that they should all be harmlessly disposed of in the end..."

  Su Wu didn't speak, which was his default.

"I wear the body of a person from the Qing Dynasty, but the memory is the memory of 'Zhang Shuangguo'—this is too abnormal, and I probably understand that I am no longer human..." The Qing people shook their heads and smiled bitterly, "To tell you the truth, in fact I have been waiting, waiting to be treated harmlessly like the people who were sent out here one after another..."

"The conflict between self-awareness and real identity is indeed a painful thing." Su Wu nodded and said, "Besides the huge difference between self-awareness and real identity, what else do you think you have in yourself? Something out of the ordinary?"

  'Qing Ren' raised his head upon hearing this, looked at Su Wu and said, "The most abnormal thing is that I am very good at observing people walking outside the cubicle.

   Let’s say you—”

  It suddenly put on a serious face, standing in the transparent compartment, the whole person's temperament changed suddenly!

  If it wasn't for its short stature and the braids tied behind its head, its body and expression were somewhat similar to Su Wu's.

  Su Wudu nodded in approval.

  The 'Qing people' in the cubicle also nodded.

  The expressions and movements on both faces are exactly the same!

   "I have a hunch that as long as I keep observing a certain person and can more and more imitate his movements and behaviors, I will eventually become that person!" "Qingren" spoke in Su Wu's tone.


  The person in the cubicle opposite you has a similar ability. Su Wu smiled, "It's just one of your methods to transform yourself into someone through constant imitation."

   Means serve ends.

   What is your goal? "

  While speaking aloud, the roulettes of light in Su Wu's eyes turned.

  The Qingren in the cubicle had a momentary sluggish expression, and then, it completely broke away from the state of imitating Su Wu, and its movements returned to its original state.

It is surrounded by various light wheels, and under Su Wu's voice asking over and over again, it said in a low voice: "I'm not sure what my goal is, but I have a vague feeling—I'm going through constant imitation, change , making myself more like the outline of a certain figure—closer to the outline of that figure!"

   "I understand..." Su Wu nodded.

  The all-color light wheels that embraced Qingren were instantly gathered under his eyes. He looked at Qingren in the cubicle and said with a smile, "Do you have any last words to leave?"

  The Qing man in the cubicle sighed and shook his head.


Behind Su Wu's head was scattered hair like a waterfall, and each strand of hair penetrated through the transparent compartment, tightly entwining Qing Ren's body——Qing Ren's eyes saw Su Wu's long transparent hair spreading behind his head, and his eyes flashed It became gloomy, and the same malice as that exuded by 'Zhu Yuming' followed suit!

  It stared at Su Wu closely, and asked, "Aren't you going to send me for harmless treatment?

  Where are you taking me? ! "

   "Harmless treatment, the specification is too low.

   Not for a living corpse like you—I'll lock you up myself. "Su Wu was not at all surprised by the profound malice on that 'Qing man'. The loose hair at the back of his head spread in all directions, entangled on the spot the 'Zhu Yuming' who was silent as a dead body in the compartment behind him. In the compartment, there is a living corpse with a mouse braid, but the costume is modern, and the corresponding description and smell can be retrieved from the information database, as well as the other seven or eight living corpses!

  The river of blood rolled in, slowly submerging the ten living corpses.

   Every living corpse exudes profound malice in the face and manner!

Suspected to have inherited the memory of 'Zhang Shuangguo', the living corpses of the Qing people kept shouting: "Why?! Why?! I told you everything, and I cooperated with you-why can't you let me go, why can't you let me also Like the living corpses sent out here—”

Su Wu glanced at the living corpse of the Qing people whose face was gradually submerged in the river of blood, shook his head, and said: "Your ability is not enough for you to completely imitate me and replace me, but it can allow you to completely imitate me and replace me in a relatively short period of time. guilt, to imitate others, to replace others.

  I sent you to the front workshop, do you want my colleague to be replaced by you silently?

  This is your ultimate goal, and your desire to survive is really strong.

   but useless. "

  Hearing Su Wu's words, the living corpse of the Qing Dynasty was stunned for a moment, then sneered: "Don't you suspect that what I told you earlier is all false?"

   "I don't doubt it." Su Wu shook his head.


  Su Wu stepped out of the huge observation room.

  He brought Ren Qingquan, Dan Jia and others back to the office building.

Taking out the key, he opened the locked room with the portal of the prison. Su Wu walked into it and stepped into the prison again. His snow-white, slightly transparent hair shuttled through the black mist of the prison, dragging a body A living corpse wrapped in rice dumplings.

  Su Wu threw the living corpses into the empty cell.

   On the nameplate hanging on the door of the cell, their respective sentences appear.

Standing in front of the cell where 'Zhu Yuming' was held, a smile appeared on Su Wu's face: "You can infect Li Gui and turn it into your projection—these living corpses have the ability to imitate and replace others. It would be a wonderful thing for them to meet."


  At five o'clock in the afternoon, 'Xiong Jun' walked out of the workshop.

  He greeted other colleagues, and instead of going to the office building with other colleagues, he returned to his residence first.

  Baishui Village is full of empty houses, and there is no shortage of accommodation. However, in order to prevent members from living alone and facing severe invasions and being isolated and helpless, they still require every three to five people to live together in a house.

  'Xiong Jun' pushed open the stainless steel door of the courtyard, and 'Chen Rui' hurriedly followed.

  The two looked at each other, without speaking, and went to their respective rooms.

  'Xiong Jun' lived in the east wing. He opened the door, entered the room, and turned around to lock the door.

  In the room, on the wall facing the door, there is a full-length mirror and a row of hanger hooks on the wall. 'Xiong Jun' went straight to the full-length mirror, he took off the badge on his chest, hung it on the hanger hook next to the mirror, and looked at himself in the mirror.


   "Is there anything different?

  Why did he seem to see it? "

  'Xiong Jun' muttered to himself, stroking his face with his hands.

He pressed his eye socket with his palm and stretched it in different directions, and his eye became bigger and smaller, just like in the face pinching game, as the mouse controls the various face pinching data to move left and right, it causes The facial features of the corresponding characters are big and small, constantly changing!

  'Xiong Jun' made his eyes slightly bigger;

  Pinch his nose slightly collapsed.

   As he squeezed, he compared his photo on the badge next to him.

  However, just pinching and pinching a photo never satisfied him. He frowned, reached out and grabbed the badge hanging on the hanger hook, and shook it vigorously.

  A breastplate no bigger than a palm, under his shaking, accompanied by bursts of indescribable malice, turned into a 'person' directly!

The back of the man's neck is still hanging on the clothes hanger hook, 'he' has his head down, naked, his face and body shape are 90% similar to the 'Xiong Jun' next to him - if 'Xiong Jun' hadn't fabricated himself just now His facial features are exactly the same as the man hanging on the hanger!

   Two Xiong Jun appeared in this house!

  (end of this chapter)

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