My Weird Life

Vol 3 Chapter 928: Stone Lion (22)

  Chapter 928 Stone Lion (22)

  Xiong Jun, who was hanging on the hook of the clothes hanger, was trembling all over, and raised his head slightly.

  He looked at 'Xiong Jun' next to the mirror, his eyes full of pleading.

The 'Xiong Jun' in front of the mirror carefully observed his face, and compared his face to fabricate his own face, and he restored the facial features he fabricated earlier, and now it is exactly the same as the Xiong Jun on the hanger hook .

   "There is no difference...

  How was it seen? "'Xiong Jun' turned his head straight and looked at Xiong Jun.

  The two look and shape are exactly the same.

  However, the "Xiong Jun" in front of the mirror, compared with the Xiong Jun on the hanger hook, always gives people a feeling like a wax man or a silicone model!

   Xiong Jun on the hook of the clothes hanger was full of prayers, but he never said a word.

  Perhaps, he no longer has the ability to speak!

  The expression of 'Xiong Jun' in front of the mirror became gloomy, and he pressed his palm on the face of Xiong Jun on the hook of the clothes hanger, just like pressing soft mud, pressing down that Xiong Jun's face.

'He' pressed that Xiong Jun into a thin piece of skin, and when he was about to fold the skin, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door. Come closer to the house where Xiong Jun' lives!

  'Xiong Jun' expression suddenly changed when he heard the sound of footsteps. 'He' is aware of the facial features, shapes, and behaviors of all the living people around him, and now he hears the sound of footsteps approaching directly outside the door, and he can immediately confirm that the person outside the door does not live with him 'Chen Rui', or other colleagues.

  The sound of footsteps came from the 'Su Bureau' who seemed to have discovered his abnormality today!

'He' immediately moved his hands frequently, shaking off Xiong Jun who had been squeezed into a piece of skin by himself, and then kept pressing and pinching his hands all over his body, turning himself into a breastplate, the bear hooked by the hanger Jun hangs on his chest!

  Xiong Jun on the hanger hook, twisted his neck, and took off the hanger hook on the back of his neck.

  He was naked, and hastily grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around his waist.

  At this moment, the sound of footsteps stopped at the door.

  Su Wu pushed open the door and looked at the nervous Xiong Jun in the room. His expression was calm, and he said, "Xiong Jun?"

"Hey, hey!" Xiong Jun, who seemed to have no ability to speak before, said in a panic, "What, what's the matter, Bureau Su? I, I'm going to change clothes and go to the office building! "

"No need to go." Su Wu shook his head, his eyes stopped on the badge hanging on Xiong Jun's chest, "I didn't even have time to put on the clothes, but I didn't forget to put on the badge, the pins pierced my flesh broken.

  Xiong Jun, are you afraid that others will not recognize you as Xiong Jun? "


   Bureau Su, what are you talking about?

  I don't understand..." Xiong Jun was naturally at a loss.

   "It's nothing." Su Wu shook his head, stared at the badge, and continued, "Xiong Jun, you are already a dead person now, but you don't have to be afraid of that fake person.

  It cannot coerce you. "

  Xiong Jun became more bewildered when he heard Su Wu's words, and murmured: "I'm already dead?

I am already dead-"

  He suddenly raised his head and looked at Su Wu—there were dense cracks appearing on his entire face, and those cracks continued to spread below his neck and all over his body!

  Xiong Jun seemed to be made out of a lump of mud. As the skin on his body split open, his figure 'collapsed' directly and quickly spread out on the ground, turning into a ball of red and green pus!

  In this group of red and green pus, there are still pieces of skin membrane flowing with the pus.

  Suddenly covered the entire room, enveloping Su Wu!

   Pus drowns everything!

   The film was broken piece by piece, sticking to Su Wu's whole body!

  Su Wu didn't even move, the 'Splitting Skin' that was actively attached to his body was torn off by a blood-red shadow, and was suppressed in his Blood River robbery on the spot!

  He reached into the pus that wrapped the room, and 'salvaged' the seemingly ordinary breastplate from the pus.

  The raging torch billowed out from his body, setting the whole room ablaze, and the pus in the room disappeared under the burning of the torch!

  In the room, there were scorched black traces left by the flames.

Su Wu grabbed the badge and exerted a little force. The badge trembled like a small animal being squeezed in pain. During the violent tremor, the badge directly turned into that of 'Xiong Jun'. Describe the facial features!

  A series of transparent shadows continued to fall off from this Xiong Jun's body, forming a translucent Xiong Jun's figure beside him. Su Wu glanced over and browsed all the past memories in Xiong's figure—

  In the ‘Survival Remains Arrangement Workshop’.

  Xiong Jun sat in the cubicle, mechanically shaved off the hair on the head of a living corpse, burned the strands of hair, and then caught the next living corpse that came...

   It was the corpse of an elderly male.

  With gray hair and ragged clothes, he looks like a homeless man in the city.

Xiong Jun moved the living corpse to the window, stretched out his hand to straighten the head of the living corpse, and carefully shaved the corpse's hair. He saw large patches of corpses growing on the face of the corpse, and bursts of rancid smell Floating out of the corpse, the face of the corpse seemed to be blurred due to the continuous progress of corruption at this moment.

  The rancid smell entered Xiong Jun's nostrils, and Xiong Jun pushed the living corpse onto the conveyor belt without changing his expression.

  He puts down the razor and adjusts the **** on the mask.

   Not long after, he picked up the razor again—in his hand, there was an extra razor at some point.


  Xiong Jun's past memories faded away with Su Wu's instant reading.

  The 'Xiong Jun' transformed from a breastplate suddenly changed again after Xiong Jun's past memories faded.

   It turned into the old man with gray hair, stains all over his body, who looked like a homeless man, and transparent shadows scattered from the old man's living corpse.

  Su Wu had seen the old man's past memories.

  The old man was scavenging waste in Mingzhou and hid in a remote abandoned construction site with few people. Fortunately, he escaped several strange attacks.

However, when he went out to look for food, he met a man with rat braids and a gray official uniform. When he saw the man, he instinctively wanted to run away. The man chased him for a long time until the man in the suit The man with the pigtails worn by the officials completely changed into his appearance—the old man died because of this, and ceased to exist in this world.

  The old man disappeared.

  The ‘fake person’ has become the ‘person’ who wears an official uniform and has a rat’s braid.

  It stood beside Su Wu, with its eyes open, but there was no light in them. The whole facial features and body inadvertently revealed a chilling malice.

  When people want to carefully investigate the source of this malice, the malice suddenly disappears without a trace.

   This 'fake person' shed the memory of 'Xiong Jun' and the 'old man who scavenged waste', and after he became the image of an official of the Qing Dynasty, he no longer lost his memory.

  It stood in the room, like a wax figure more than a human being, exactly the same as the 'Zhu Yuming Pseudoman'.

  “The biggest difference between Zhu Yuming’s pseudo-person and this ‘Qing Dynasty’s official servant’s pseudo-person’ is that the Qing Dynasty’s official servant’s pseudo-person will eventually return to a state of imitation at a certain node through continuous loss of memory, that is, the current Qing Dynasty’s official servant’s pseudo-person.

   Zhu Yuming's pseudo-person is different.

  It has the memory of 'Wang Fuying' and 'The Third Young Master of the Zhou Family', but it does not have the memory of the modern living corpse 'Zhu Yuming', which shows that it has never imitated the living Zhu Yuming.

  Besides this, the 'Zhang Shuangguo puppet' is different from Zhu Yuming's puppet, and the Qing Dynasty official's puppet.

That is to say, "Zhang Shuangguo Puppet" came out of the Mingzhou area in the image of a person from the Qing Dynasty, but he has the past memory of "Zhang Shuangguo"—all these things just show that a certain general law of "reincarnation" continues to take effect, and many " Pseudo-humans are randomly reincarnated, and apart from the characteristics of their own "pseudo-human essence" remaining unchanged, the objective conditions they obtain after reincarnation will have various changes.

  The 'dummy itself' most likely does not exist, but after being reincarnated by the intestines of the Three Purities, it randomly obtained the body of a living corpse.

  At the same time, the nodes where these 'pseudomen' finally turned and stayed were all in a certain period of the Qing Dynasty.

  During that period, what happened?

  And, if the Intestines of the Three Purities are responsible for bringing these dummy people back into reincarnation, then which of the strange laws of death and calamity caused the appearance of these dummy people? "

  Thoughts flooded Su Wu's mind.

   After a while, he restrained his thoughts, and looked at the 'Qing Dynasty officials and hypocrites' in front of him.

  The other party was motionless, already 'dead', like a wax figure.

  But Su Wu is sure that once his front foot leaves here and lets it go from his sight, its back foot will become any object in the room, and then replace the original object, making it impossible to distinguish its trace!

  —These pseudo-humans are best captured when they have the memory of a living person.

  Once they lose all their past memories, they will become thoughtless dead things, even the Eight-Consciousness Heart King can’t tell them apart—fortunately, Su Wu not only has the Eight-Consciousness Heart King, but also has the Six-day Ghost Eye.

  Miaomiao hair grew out of the void, **** the 'Qing Dynasty officials and hypocrites', and threw them into the river of blood.

When Su Wu walked out of the room, the rest of the people living in the courtyard—Chen Rui and Chu Guanghai—had already turned into living corpses. Now, Chen Rui was bound by the hairs and thrown into the river of blood In the midst of robbery, Chu Guanghai has not been seen for the time being.

  He left the yard.

  Ren Qingquan stood guard at the gate of the yard with a gloomy expression.

  Sister looked curiously at the stone lions on both sides of the gate of the courtyard, and said to Su Wu, "These two stone lions are different."

Hearing her words, Ren Qingquan glanced at the stone lions on both sides of the yard, and found that the two stone lions were exactly the same, not the slightest difference, but he couldn't believe his own judgment now, and asked in a low voice: "What about the two stone lions? Exactly the same? What's the difference?"

   Lunzhu didn't speak.

  Su Wu walked out of the courtyard gate, and his wispy hair instantly wrapped around the stone lion on the right, dragging it upside down.

  The stone lion instantly turned into Chu Guanghai's appearance!

  “The stone lions in front of the courtyard are divided into male and female. The male lion steps on the stone ball, and the female lion steps on the cub. However, the two stone lions should not be exactly the same.”

  (end of this chapter)

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