My Weird Life

Vol 3 Chapter 963: Black Nuo Grand Master (12)

  Chapter 963 Black Nuo Grand Master (12)

  Su Wu leaned against the edge of the bed, half lying on the bed.

  While his thoughts were turning, there seemed to be ghosts, dreams and rhymes that seemed to be absent.

The blue mist was flowing beside his bed, and in the mist with stars shining, a tall figure with a folding fan stuck in the collar of his back shirt appeared from his 'dream', and bowed to Su Wu who was on the bed: "Grandpa Tian! , I have something to tell you."

   "Help me tour around and see where the temples of the 'Da Qin Sect' are built.

  Where are those foreign priests active?

  Be careful and concealed, don't let them find your tracks. " Su Wu instructed Bai Ju.

  Western priests went here to spread the teachings here. The sect they established here is called the "Daqin Sect", and "Jingdi" is the highest **** of the Daqin Sect.

  The 'foreign Taoist priest' that Su Wu had contacted before was very strange. He tried to spy on the other party's background, and he directly provoked the 'cross robbery'.

   Previously, the double arrival of the "Cross Tribulation" in the simulated time and space and reality, Su Wu still didn't know whether it was a coincidence, or it was because he spied on the foreign Taoist that he was noticed by the "Cross Tribulation".

   But no matter what, be careful sailing for thousands of years.

  He needs someone to look into the situation for him first, and after clarifying the main reason for the 'Cross Calamity', he can decide whether to try to contact the Great Qin Sect in the future, or try to avoid this sect as much as possible.

   "Yes." Bai Ju agreed, he hesitated, and said, "When I was still alive, I also had contact with these foreign Taoist priests.

  These foreign Taoist priests are indeed quite strange, and each of them is inextricably linked with the "Cross Tribulation".

  Even those foreigners from the Red Hair Country, the Citi Country, and the Yamani Country are actually a bit treacherous.

  The master is still careful to beware of them.

   — none of them may be 'real people'. "

   "Not a real person?" Su Wu frowned slightly when he heard the words, inexplicably recalling all the pictures he saw from the memory of the dummy, he said, "Not a real person, could it be a 'fake person'?

  I used to think that the "fake person" is a terrifying product formed by the fusion of the three laws of "three clean intestines", "eye cunning" and "hair cunning".

   Could it be that I made a mistake in my judgment? "

   "The formation of a pseudo-person is extremely complex.

  But the main reason is still in the 'Sanqingzhichang', which is indeed what the master guessed. "Baiju replied, "It is precisely because Lord Tianzhu has been manipulating the 'ghost dream' to absorb the souls of the dead who are covered by the laws of the three clean intestines, the eyes, and the hair. Da Ligui pursued Ghost Dream World closely.

  But these three cunnings have a lot to do with the 'Cross Tribulation'...

  The four deceptions are interfering with each other, and the laws of death and calamity are all infecting each other.

  In this way, it is impossible to tell whether the source of the 'fake person' comes from the intestines of the three cleanses, or there is another source..."

  Su Wu nodded solemnly.

  Things are getting more and more confusing.

  According to the "fake people's memories" he read earlier, the "fake people" had infiltrated the court in the Qing Dynasty. I don't know if the power center of the current imperial court is shrouded in the shadow of the fake people?

  The carnivores of today should not be immune to such weird attacks.

   "You must also be careful when you are investigating outside.

  Everything is about your own safety. "Su Wu gave Bai Ju a few words.

The communication with Baiju this time made Su Wu realize that the 'grandpa' and 'grandfather' in the ghost dream had profound experiences in life and after death, so if you communicate with them more when you encounter problems, you may be able to surprise them unexpectedly. Learn more clues from them.

  Bai Ju bowed and responded, "Be careful."

  Su Wu thought for a while, and then said: "The Cross Calamity has locked me in, so my next move must be hindered everywhere.

  Do you know of any way to help me bypass the blockade of the Crucifixion? "

   "Such a method, even the 'Tianzhu Lord' might not know about it..." Bai Ju smiled bitterly and shook his head, he frowned and thought for a while, and said, "I thought of a person in the ghost dream, who might be able to help the master.

  This person is the 'Hei Nuo Taishang Ye'.

He manages the whole paper-making factory in the ghost dream, and ranks behind the 'Grandpa Longgou', the 'Taishang Master of Dongsheng Distillery' and 'Grandma Hongfa' among us. .

  You have a ghost dream to believe that he also appeared when he was promoted to 'Grandpa Tian'.

  You can try to communicate with him and see if you can get any solution from him.

  —It would be best to have him under your command too.

I am bold enough to tell my master that although the 'grandparents' in the ghost dream respect 'Grandpa Tian' and 'Grandpa Tianzhu' together, they are free when they are not under your command. Only the 'ghost dream' itself can determine their life and death.

  Even grandparents who are taken under by Grandfather Tian and Lord Tianzhu, as long as they still enshrine ghost dreams all the time, they will still be able to 'die without being transformed', and have the opportunity to be reborn in ghost dreams again.

  That 'Hei Nuo Grand Master' has a violent temper, if he says something that makes you feel uncomfortable, please don't argue with him..."

  Bai Ju didn't finish what he said, but Su Wu had already heard the implication.

He said that the grandparents in the ghost dream world can keep themselves "dead and not transformed" by enshrining the ghost dream at all times, and then get the chance to be reborn in the ghost dream for the second time—the reason why Baiju warned Su Wu Well, thinking about it, I don't want Su Wu to be offended by the other party after communicating with the black Nuo grand master, and then kill him.

  Su Wu shook his head and smiled, "You can rest assured.

  If he does not want to work for me, I will not make it difficult for him. I am not a narrow minded person.

   It's just that, from what you said, it seems that there is something hidden behind the matter of enshrining ghost dreams and reviving them in ghost dreams after death?

  What will happen to those grandparents who are reborn in ghost dreams for the second time? "

  Bai Ju nodded solemnly: "Our grandparents in the ghost dream world, in fact, mostly experienced hardships and adventures in the ghost dream world, obtained adventures, and then reached our current status.

  But everything is always changing. No matter what identity or name we are in the ghost dream, we are still the consciousness of the dead from the outside.

  However, if we always enshrine Guimeng and be reborn by Guimeng after death—then we will be completely one with Guimeng.

  When grandparents were still in the consciousness of the dead, they were more inclined to the side of the living, but if they were one with ghosts and dreams, they would stand on the opposite side of the living, and they were against the living in every way. "

   Speaking of this, Baiju relaxed a little, and said with a smile: "But up to now, no grandparents in the ghost dream world have died, and if everyone didn't feel resentful towards the master, they would never secretly support ghost dreams.

   I'm just warning you in case something happens in the future. "

   "I understand." Su Wu responded.

   Although 'Ghost Dream' is now dominated by Senior Wang Menglong, judging from what Bai Ju said, Lord Tianzhu is unable to completely control 'Ghost Dream' itself. In the world of ghosts and dreams, can the "hidden rules" circulated in the consciousness of the dead of grandparents be regarded as the dark hands arranged by "ghosts and dreams"?

  And, Gui Meng is also secretly trying to get rid of Wang Menglong's control?

What Bai Ju said woke up Su Wu, and made Su Wu realize that even though he is the dominant player in the world of ghost dreams, it doesn't mean that he will be safe now. Unless he cooperates with Wang Menglong to completely control and suppress the ghost dream, the ghost dream There are still some hidden dangers in dreams.

  He then asked Baiju about the rituals of the 'Hei Nuo Grand Master'.

  The two thought quickly and exchanged for a while.

  Su Wudao: "I plan to transfer the friends who are settled in my shadow to be resettled in the ghost dream ravine.

  What do you think of this method? "

  " There shouldn't be any problems.

  However, your friends are all outsiders in the ghost dream world. Although they enter the ghost dream world, they cannot move freely if they want to. "Bai Ju said without thinking.

   "Okay." Su Wu had a plan in mind, he waved his hand, and said to Bai Ju, "Go and do your work.

  Remember to take care of yourself first at any time! "

   "Master, take care!" Baiju bowed to the order, and between the handcuffs, his figure drifted with a burst of green mist, and disappeared without a trace on the spot.

   After that, grandma went to Su Wu's room again and talked to him for a while.

  The old man is getting old, and his spirit is not very good.

  Su Wu chatted with her for a while, then persuaded her to go back to the house to rest. Since Su Wu entered the thousands of ravines, he settled Dan Jia, Zhuoma Zunsheng and others in the 'Lingquan Ravine' to accompany Jiang Yingying.

  When Dan Jia and others were accommodated in Jieying, his Jieying was completely imprisoned by the simulated time and space.

  After finishing all these tasks, he returned to reality.

Dan Jia and others were previously housed in the Blood River Jieying by him, so that he could not use Jieying at will. Jiying immediately became lively, like a black python-like Jieying lurking beside his bed, he stared at that Jieying, and Jieying instantly turned from black to red, turning into a river of blood—

  Lun Zhu in a red dress rushed over from the other side of the river of blood: "Brother, brother!"

  She rushed to Su Wu's bed in a hurry, stared at Su Wu who was lying on the bed with wide eyes, and said worriedly: "Brother, are you dying?"

   "Sister is thinking too much.

  I'm in good health now. "Su Wu explained to Lunzhu seriously, "Now I just lie on the bed and take a rest, you don't have to worry about it. "

   "Everyone was obviously about to die before..." Lun Zhu frowned, not believing what Su Wu said, and pulled off Su Wu's quilt with one hand.

  Su Wu under the quilt was fully dressed, looking at her helplessly: "Isn't everyone living a good life today?

  But they are different from you, they cannot appear in this time and space. "

   "Why?" Lunzhu was indeed attracted by Su Wu's words, she raised her head, looked at Su Wu, and asked with ignorant eyes.

  (end of this chapter)

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