My Weird Life

Vol 3 Chapter 964: "The Death of Li Wenjuan" (22)

  Chapter 964 "The Death of Li Wenjuan" (22)

  Su Wu looked at Ajie's ignorant eyes, and was speechless for a while.

  The situation he is facing now is that it takes a long time to explain it to the same normal person, let alone explaining it to a sister who is sometimes very emotional and sometimes ignorant?

  He was at a loss for words for a while, seeing that sister was still staring at him closely, he thought about it and said: "Now I have reversed time and space in some way, and escaped to an era earlier than reality.

  That's why we can avoid dying under those strange laws of death.

  Danga and Dolma are not from this time and space, so they can only stay in the dream world.

  And you are different from them..."

   "I am your elder sister.

  It is definitely different from them. Lunzhu grabbed Su Wu's palm and shook it firmly, his eyes were very determined.

   Now there is no need for Su Wu and her to explain.

Su Wu saw that the timing was right, so he patted Lunzhu's palm, and said, "Sister usually stays in the shadow, and rarely shows up here. People here don't know you. If you appear rashly, you will be shocked." to them.

   Not good for what I'm going to do. "

   "Okay, I understand." Lunzhu nodded.

  The two chatted for a while, and the elder sister turned back into the blood river robbery.

Su Wu glanced at the urn behind the tablet of 'Li Wenjuan' - the strange rhyme inside was still slowly overflowing, and there was no other abnormal situation, but Su Wu never let go of his guard against it. Talking, or attracting the power of ghosts and dreams, and communicating with Baiju, all kinds of obstacles have been set up.

  If there is a method in the urn that Su Wu cannot see, to monitor him, those obstacles he set up can just isolate the prying eyes of the 'similar cross' in the urn.

  When Bai Ju left, he recommended someone who might have helped him before, that is, the 'Hei Nuo Taishang Ye'.

  According to what Bai Ju said earlier, this 'Black Nuo' is stronger than Bai Ju. If Su Wu accommodates him in the Eight Conscious Heart King, it is equivalent to accepting more than 10% of ghost dreams in his mind.

   Calculating the time, he has actually just accommodated Taishang Baiju just now, and it won't be long before he accommodated 10% of Guimeng's power.

  The Heart King of Eight Consciousnesses has not yet recovered from his fatigued state.

  So he still needs a little time now to recover his self-consciousness, and then try to communicate with Hei Nuo, try to persuade the other party, and accommodate the other party.

  He lay on the bed and closed his eyes to rest.

   Having experienced many calamities before, Su Wu's spirit was always in a state of high tension.

   I relaxed immediately, and fell asleep for a while.

   It didn't take more than a quarter or two before he woke up from his sleep. Hearing the sound of hurried, steady and heavy footsteps outside the door, he opened his eyes with clear eyes. How could he feel sleepy at all?

   squeak —

  At this moment, the sound of footsteps outside the door became softer.

  Two doors were gently pushed open.

A round head poked in from the door, staring at Su Wu who was on the bed with big eyes—under the thick eyebrows, a pair of big round eyes met Su Wu's gaze, and the cautious look in the round eyes disappeared immediately , turned into ecstasy!


  The man went straight into the room, and walked up to Su Wu's bed in a few steps. He obviously looked young, but he was born like a young man like a calf, and he stretched out his hand to pat Su Wu on the shoulder!

  Before his palm fell, there was an angry shout from behind: "Tiger!"

The calf-like young man shrank his neck in fright from the yelling, and almost slapped the palm on Su Wu's shoulder, and lightly landed on the corner of the quilt, carefully tucked the corner of the quilt for Su Wu, scratched his head , grinning gruffly: "Pig."

He called Su Wu, then turned his head to meet the out of breath old woman who was hurriedly approaching, hurriedly supported her, and listened to the other's continuous reprimand with a sneer: "You—damn child , you **** child!

   Let you, slow down, slow down, why are you in such a hurry? !

  Hey, Zhu Zi’s illness is just right, don’t change him, hear that? "

   "I heard it, I heard it!

  Grandma, please slow down, don't worry. "The young man said with a grin.

The old woman leaned against him, took a breath, patted his back, and went to look at Su Wu who was lying on the bed. Seeing that Su Wu's eyes were bright and his energy had fully recovered, she immediately smiled and patted him again. 'Huzi''s back: "Zizi, you and Huzi are playing here, ha!

  Huzi hunted a pheasant, let's eat stewed chicken tonight! "

   "I see, grandma." Su Wu nodded in agreement.

   "Be careful with me!

   Zhuzi is just right, don't fight with him! "The old woman gave a few more warnings to 'Tiger', then leaned on crutches and walked slowly to the door.

   "Grandma, make more buns!" Hu Zi shouted at her.

   "Are you reminding me?"

  The old woman snorted and walked out the door.

  'Hu Zi' watched the old woman leave, turned around and sat by the bed, looked at Su Wu on the bed cheerfully: "Can't you move yet?

  You look more energetic now than before you got sick! "


  Now I have strength in my body, but grandma still won't let me get out of bed. "Looking at the young man with round head, big eyes and thick eyebrows, who looked like a tiger cub, Su Wu knew that the other party was 'Li Heihu', the original owner of the jade pendant, the person Li Shi asked him to help take care of.

  He smiled helplessly, and seemed quite distressed about his grandma not letting him get out of bed.

   "You just recovered from illness, you should rest more!" Li Heihu looked at Su Wu for a while, then suddenly remembered something, turned around and took out a slingshot from the leather bag on his back waist, and handed it to Su Wu, "Here you are!

   Haven't you always wanted a slingshot? I have saved materials for a long time, and I saved them for you.

   When you recover from illness, you can use this to shoot birds!

   Don't hit someone with this, it will hurt! "

That slingshot is not the "Y"-shaped slingshot common to modern people, but is similar in shape to a bow and arrow. The slingshot is made of bamboo wood as a whole, and even the "bow string" is made of bamboo slices. Two pieces of bamboo" Between the bowstrings, there are two elastic ropes made of unknown animal tendons, and a round bowl is connected in the middle of the elastic ropes, which is used to place projectiles.

  After Su Wu took the slingshot, Li Heihu reminded him again: "Hide the slingshot well, don't let grandma see it.

   Let grandma see, you suffer, and I suffer even more! "

"Okay, okay!" Su Wu nodded in agreement, first hid the slingshot under the pillow, and said to Li Heihu, "I'll put it under the pillow first, and then hide the slingshot somewhere else when it's dark and grandma is asleep." place to go.”

   "Yeah." Li Heihu nodded, patted the skin on his back, and his expression became hesitant again.

  Su Wu's eyes fell on the bulging leather bag behind him, and asked, "What's wrong?"

   Li Heihu is not a shy person after all.

He only hesitated for a moment, and under Su Wu's inquiry, he asked directly: "When you were not sick a few days ago, you kept telling me that when you slept in this room at night, there would be a white hijab The woman came out of...your mother's urn and strangled your neck...Have you talked to the foreign Taoist priest who treated you?"

  Woman with white hijab...

  Come out of the urn...

  Li Heihu glanced at the 'Li Wenjuan' tablet facing the door of the main room from time to time, with some worry in his eyes.

  Su Wu's eyes narrowed slightly, and he replied aloud: "I didn't have time to tell that foreign Taoist priest.

  After the foreign Taoist priest recited some sutras, I woke up.

   Then he wanted me to worship in their Daqin Temple, but my grandma and the others refused, so they kicked him out. "

   "The foreign Taoists have no good intentions." Li Heihu shook his head, seeing Su Wu's puzzled eyes, he explained to Su Wu in a low voice, "In Jinliu Village, our Li family has always had a relatively high prestige.

Those foreign Taoist priests have already preached in every village around Jinliu Village. As for our Jinliu Village, the only big village nearby, no one believes in their Great Qin Sect. They want to persuade our Li family to believe in their Great Qin Sect first. Teach other people in Jinliu Village to follow suit.

  They distributed food, oil, and sometimes eggs to those who believed in the Great Qin Sect. They seemed to be good people, but grandpa and the others said that there is never a pie in the sky, and it is possible to use a knife.

  The more attentive they are, the more they explain that they...they want more things, the more we can't do what they want!

  If you believe them, they might use some kind of demon to control you, then control our Li family, and finally control the entire Jinliu Village! "

  Li Heihu's words are simple and plain, but after all, his words are rough but not rough.

Su Wu knew more about the horrors involved in the 'Da Qin Sect'. Even Bai Ju called the Da Qin Sect's foreign priests, and even those foreigners were 'not real people'. He naturally agreed with Li Heihu's words, and nodded: "Fortunately Grandma and the others pushed that foreign Taoist out."

   "Hey, although this is good, it's not good... The foreign Taoist is gone, but maybe the ghost in your mother's urn hasn't left?

   It is said that Aunt Wenjuan was killed by a group of masons who were laying piles...

  She won't come to you now, will she? " Li Heihu looked distressed.

  If an ordinary person stayed in the room where Li Wenjuan's ashes were placed, and heard Li Heihu muttering something like 'Li Wenjuan is going to come out to find him', he would have to jump in fear and scold him for talking.

  But Su Wu is also an extraordinary person, and he knows that there are indeed strange things in the urn.

  He didn't know what happened before, but now he heard from Li Heihu that before "Zizi" got sick, he often saw a "woman wearing a white hijab" choking his neck at night, so he had a deeper understanding of the whole thing.

   The weirdness in the urn has not been removed, will the 'woman wearing a white hijab' appear again tonight?

  Su Wu was quite curious about this.

  If it still appears tonight, maybe he can take the opportunity to seize some clues and learn more about the plot behind those foreign Taoist priests of the Great Qin Sect.

   Moreover, Li Wenjuan's death had nothing to do with the Great Qin Sect on the surface.

   On the contrary, he was more involved with a group of stonemasons who "drew piles".

  —Mysteries are getting more and more.

   But the truth is also getting closer.

   "Are you scared?" Li Heihu looked at Su Wu.

  Su Wu didn't know for a moment whether he should be afraid or not, so he didn't make a sound.

  (end of this chapter)

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