Not long after that, almost five minutes later, Lin Ming appeared in the cave.

In this cave, the three statues of the dragon's head, the three supreme elders, still stand among them.

"Did you come out alive?"

At the moment of Lin Ming's appearance, there were three voices of surprise.

"Why didn't they come out?"

Then, a murderous voice came from one of the statues, crackling, and a burst of electric current surged out to attack Lin Ming.

"Elder supreme, don't..."

But with a sound, a figure flashed out at this time. At the same time, he also broke the surge of current towards Lin Ming.

"Long Wuxiang, what happened? Why did the boy come out alive? Dao Yihuan and Jian Tianming were the two deputy hall leaders. Besides, Feng xiangtian and many Feng disciples and law enforcement hall disciples didn't see one come out..."

A voice of questioning followed.

"Ah A voice of sighing first sounded, then dragon Wuxiang showed a look of regret and said:

"I don't dare to hide the three supreme elders. They have been chasing them all the time, and they have been chasing into the dragon pool. However, I don't know what's going on. The chaotic dragon chain suddenly got out of control and attacked them

After a while, everyone was tied up by chaos's dragon chain, and they disappeared... "

"What, Dao Yihuan, Jian Tianming, Feng xiangtian and others are all attacked by chaotic dragon chain?"

With one voice, a voice of astonishment also sounded.

Then there was a long silence. It seemed that the three elders were discussing and deliberating with each other.

Three people seem to pour is to long Wuxiang this words didn't show the slightest suspicion.

"Ah." Finally, a voice of sigh also sounded, "originally, they shouldn't have directly intruded into the Dragon grottoes. In the small world, no one knows the danger in the Dragon grottoes. Even in the end, the law enforcement hall and the Phoenix clan are all investigated, and the responsibility is not on the Shenlong clan..."

"Long Wuxiang, don't spread this..."

"Long Wuxiang, to make sure this doesn't get out, you have to capture Lin Ming..."

Three extremely powerful momentum has also been first sent out, toward Lin Ming shrouded.

"With the help of the four of us, we can surely capture this boy, and then you can put him in the Dragon Cave..."

A voice also followed to ring out, incomparably firm, see meaning is to want to capture Lin Ming can't.

But long Wuxiang opened his mouth. A word also made the three supreme elders scream out in amazement.

Then he saw that long Wuxiang said slowly: "back to the three supreme elders, Lin Ming is also a disciple of the Shenlong clan. I can't do this..."

"What did you say? Can you say that again? "

For the first time, it's not hard to hear this cold interrogation. The voice is full of strong anger, and it seems that it's going to start with long Wuxiang directly.

Long Wuxiang said: "Lin Ming is also a disciple of the Shenlong clan. We can't capture him. Not only can we not capture him, we should let Lin Ming meet with all the elders of the Shenlong clan and really recognize his identity as a disciple of the Shenlong clan..."

"Long Wuxiang, you are crazy." A roar came from one of the statues, and a hurricane like momentum also attacked the Dragon Wuxiang

"This boy is the enemy of the Feng clan when he kills the disciples of the Feng clan. You even have to admit his identity as a member of the Shenlong clan. Do you want to make the whole Shenlong clan in trouble..."

"Long Wuxiang, if you continue to make such a fool of yourself, don't blame us for abolishing your identity as the patriarch..."

The three supreme elders all spoke in this way, but long Wuxiang was extremely calm and calm. It seemed that he had expected the reaction of the three supreme elders.

Long Wuxiang opened his mouth and said, "three supreme elders, there's something I'm hiding from you. I didn't have time to tell you that Lin Ming is not a simple disciple of the Shenlong clan. Lin Ming is a disciple of the Shenlong clan with a dragon soul..."

"What! Dragon Spirit

Sure enough, for the first time, the bodies of the three supreme elders were all shocked, and a cry of surprise came out in their mouths. The body shape of the three people and three statues had cracks on the surface.

Obviously, the word "dragon soul" is undoubtedly powerful and powerful.

"Long Wuxiang, how dare you cheat us with such a ridiculous lie, just to protect this boy..."

There was a roar.

At this time, Lin Ming opened his mouth and said, "what the three supreme elders, the patriarch of the Dragon Wuxiang clan, said is true. There is no false word..."

With these words, Lin Mingping stretched out the palm of his hand, a glass bottle like thing in the palm of his hand.

"Dragon spirit, it's really dragon spirit!"

Obviously, the three supreme elders have a wide range of knowledge. Although the dragon soul is trapped in one of the immortals, the three supreme elders recognize it at the first time.

"Show me..."

There was a sound and a suction from all three statues.

Lin Ming didn't stop him. He saw that the glass bottle in the palm of his hand was sucked by the suction. Whew, the glass bottle fell directly on the palm of one of his hands.

After a while, it seems that the three elders have finally finished the identification, and they speak again.

"It's really the dragon soul. Unexpectedly, it's really the dragon soul."

"It's really like a fake dragon spirit."

"The dragon spirit, which is rare in ten thousand years, appears again in the hands of the disciples of the Shenlong clan..."

The three elders tried to open the glass bottle, but they couldn't do it.

Seeing this, long Wuxiang began to explain and said, "three supreme elders, Lin Ming's Dragon Spirit was almost snatched by Jiutian Xuannv and Shidian Yama. Fortunately, I appeared in time to take back the Dragon Spirit and save Lin Ming at the same time

But now, the dragon soul is trapped in it by Jiutian Xuannu with this special immortal weapon... "

"Nine days Xuannv!"

When the three elders heard this, they seemed to take a cold breath.

But then an angry voice came out: "hum, a disciple who was abandoned by the ancient immortal sect even dared to covet the dragon soul of our Shenlong clan. I don't know what it means. I just want to die..."

"Long Wuxiang, it's up to us to deal with the affairs of the nine heaven Xuannv..."

Hearing this, long Wuxiang naturally breathes a sigh of relief. If Jiutian Xuannu dares to break into the dragon city to snatch the dragon soul, then naturally, three supreme elders will stop her.

But long Wuxiang also suddenly thought of a thing, showing a look of some hesitation.

Naturally, the three supreme elders all saw dragon Wuxiang's every move in their eyes.

"Long Wuxiang, before you protected Lin Ming, we don't know why. We misunderstood you. You're right. Now you have something to say, but it doesn't matter..."

"This..." long Wuxiang still hesitated. He didn't know how to open his mouth. He directly said that the Shenlong ascending to heaven skill handed down by the Shenlong clan was actually flawed and wrong?

Under the fury of the three supreme elders, they couldn't blow him out directly.

Seeing that long Wuxiang was in a dilemma, Lin Ming said, "in fact, long Wuxiang wants to say that the Shenlong ascension skill practiced by the Shenlong clan is flawed and wrong

Three supreme elders, please don't be angry. In fact, I found that the Dragon ascending to heaven was flawed and wrong

If the three of you don't stop practicing the Dragon ascending to heaven immediately, after three days, the three of you will die, and even die... "


Sure enough, for the first time, ten thousand of the three elders didn't believe it.

"For a long time, the divine dragon's ascent to heaven is one of the most powerful skills among the Shenlong people. Countless Shenlong people have practiced this skill, but no one can find any defects or mistakes..."

"It's true that there are absolutely no defects or mistakes in the dragon's ascent to heaven. Otherwise, it would have been discovered a long time ago."

"Countless ancestors didn't find any defects and mistakes, just you, how could you find them..."

"Boy, for the sake of your dragon soul, we don't care about it with you..."

At this point, it seems that the three elders are beginning to drive people away. Naturally, long Wuxiang is more anxious. He blurts out and says:

"Three supreme elders, I believe in Lin Ming. Besides, it's a matter of great importance. I'd rather believe that it has something than nothing. In case, three days later..."

"The dragon has no appearance!" There was a violent drink, which was full of murderous spirit and anger.

For the first time, long Wuxiang's face turned pale and his steps even retreated. He almost didn't leave the cave directly.

"Long Wuxiang, you are not the head of the Shenlong clan. You believe such a ridiculous lie. From now on, you are no longer the head of the Shenlong clan..."

In the middle of a cold voice, three extremely strong momentum has been sent out, covering the whole person of dragon Wuxiang, which makes the whole person unable to move.

Long Wuxiang knew for the first time what the three elders were going to do. He was so scared that his face turned pale and his voice trembled, but he insisted on saying:

"Three supreme elders, please believe Lin Ming once, or three days later..."

"Hum..." along with the three elders, they all gave out a cold hum. This time, the words of the Dragon could not be said.

"Long Wuxiang, you have been bewitched by Lin Ming. Hand over your clan leader's token..."

As soon as the sound of these words falls, a token like thing flies out of long Wuxiang and into the air. Naturally, it will fall into the hands of the three supreme elders and be taken away by them.

But all of a sudden, the token stopped in the middle of the air. Whew, it suddenly fell back and flew back to the Dragon Wuxiang.

"What are you going to do..."

Indeed, for the first time, the three supreme elders also found out that this was Lin Ming's work, and three murderous tendencies enveloped Lin Ming.

Lin Ming seemed to turn a blind eye. He sneered and said, "you are worthy of being the supreme elder of the Shenlong clan. I'm so happy. In my opinion, you are just three old stubborn people. As the head of the Shenlong clan, what qualifications do you have to take back the clan leader's token

You'd better worry about yourself. Do you feel pain in the joints all over your body? Sometimes, it seems that you are burned by fire in Dantian... "

Listen to Lin Ming say the first half of the words, the three elders will naturally be angry, but the last paragraph is like a basin of cold water, in an instant all the anger of the three people will be eliminated.

It's true that they often have situations like what Lin Ming said, and what Lin Ming said is lighter.

It seems that he has seen the thoughts of the three supreme elders, and then Lin Ming says:

"Of course, the two situations I mentioned are actually light. Do you often bleed from the seven orifices, and the breath in the Shenju acupoint also shows turbulence and instability of the soul..."



This kind of most serious situation, all of a sudden is also said by Lin Ming word, the three supreme elders in the heart of extreme consternation, can't help but take a breath.

Originally, of course, the three people took these situations as a small bottleneck in the cultivation of the dragon's ascension, and they didn't pay much attention to them.

After all, in history, only the three of them are about to reach the highest level of the dragon's ascent to heaven. They have no experience to learn from. Naturally, they feel that these situations should be regarded as normal.

But now, these things have come out of Lin Ming's mouth. Combined with what Lin Ming Gang said, the dragon's ascent to heaven is flawed and wrong. Then, there is no doubt that what Lin Ming said should be true.

However, even though they had thought so much in their hearts, they couldn't believe it subconsciously.

"How do you know so well?"

"Did dragon Wuxiang tell you that?"

"You boy, recruit from the facts..."

The three supreme elders were surprised.

Lin Ming couldn't help rolling his eyes. He was about to turn to the sky and said, "why, do you really want to not see the coffin and shed tears

To tell you the truth, although your life and death have nothing to do with me, Lin Ming, after all, I am also half of the dragon people. If I can save you, I still want to save you. After all, not only the dragon people, I'm afraid the whole small world will face a big disaster

If the three supreme elders die, they will lose their souls. Isn't it a great loss for the Shenlong people... "

"How can you see that there are defects and mistakes in the dragon's ascent to heaven..."

The three elders had already believed Lin Ming eight points in their hearts, but they couldn't understand this point. They didn't ask for an answer, and they felt uneasy.

As Lin Ming Li took it for granted, he said, "because I have a complete and flawless dragon ascension. As for how I know, you don't need to know

The first defect of your practice of dragon ascending to heaven is... "

Later, Lin Ming didn't waste any more time. First, he pointed out the first defect in the three supreme elders' practice of dragon ascension.

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