"What, this..."

"This is really a defect..."

"The dragon's ascent to heaven is really flawed..."

After listening to what Lin Ming said, a voice of surprise came out.

The talent of the three supreme elders is very strong, otherwise they would not have practiced the dragon's ascension to the highest level.

On the way to practice, the three men also found that there was something wrong with the dragon's ascent to heaven, but at that time they had no doubt, so they could only continue to practice.

And then, with the continuous practice of dragon ascension, the three people also found that there are still other problems, and it seems to be more and more serious.

However, the three people still just thought of it in a flash, and did not dare to doubt a powerful skill that had been handed down among the Shenlong people.

Later, although the cultivation was difficult and dangerous for many times, the three people still relied on their own talent and talent to cultivate the dragon's ascension to heaven.

But now the first defect that Lin Ming said is exactly what they suspected at the beginning. For a time, where would the three people have the slightest doubt about what Lin Ming said.

"It seems that the three supreme elders also found something wrong at the beginning..." at this time, Lin Ming said slowly:

"In this way, the three elders should believe that what I said is true..."


The three supreme elders were speechless for a moment, and they didn't know whether they were sorry or not. They didn't know how to speak, or they were completely stunned.

"Since the three supreme elders don't speak, they believe me..."

Next, Lin Ming did not delay much time, and continued to point out the defects and mistakes one by one.


After hearing this, the three elders were silent for several minutes before they sighed.

What Lin Ming said is not wrong, it is not wrong at all. What he said is what they thought was wrong at the beginning, but they dare not have the slightest doubt.

And Lin Ming also pointed out some mistakes, but they have not found anything wrong so far.

At this moment, if they still feel that what Lin Ming said is false, that Lin Ming is deceiving them, and that long Wuxiang is bewitched by Lin Ming, then they are really looking for their own death.

"Lin Ming, we apologize for our rashness before..."

Although it was hard to say, finally, after a period of silence, a supreme Elder spoke first.

Click, click... Cracks also appear on the surface of the statue of the dragon's head. You can see that the statue is also cracking rapidly, and some debris like things on the surface fall one after another.

Then, a figure appeared quickly.

This seems to be an elder in his early sixties. At this time, his face is really pale, his eyes are absent, his hair is white, and his face is covered with countless wrinkles.

Immediately after, the other two statues also appeared cracks, two figures, then revealed.

The situation of these two supreme elders seems even worse. The breath in their bodies is disordered. All the breath in their bodies seems to explode at any time.

"Elder supreme." Seeing the three men like this, long Wuxiang exclaimed, his eyes full of worry and tension, looking at the three supreme elders.

"We really blame you wrong, and I hope you don't mind."

The other two elders also spoke one after another, looking at Lin Ming apologetically in their eyes, looking very sincere.

I'm kidding. What Lin Ming said is true. In other words, after three days, they will be killed. They don't want to be killed like this. It's not worth it. Naturally, they will apologize one after another.

Lin Ming shook his head slightly. "Three supreme elders, don't remember. After all, I'm half of the Shenlong clan. It's an honor for me to help the three supreme elders..."

Seeing Lin Ming's magnanimous manner, the three elders looked more guilty.

"It's the great fortune of the Shenlong clan to have such a disciple..."

Looking at Lin Ming's eyes, the three elders began to light up slightly.

It was only at this moment that long Wuxiang was completely relieved. Now, it seems that the three supreme elders have completely acknowledged Lin Ming's identity. As for the elders of the Shenlong clan, they will not have any opinions.

"Lin Ming..."

A supreme Elder spoke, looking a little hesitant.

Lin Ming said directly: "elder Tai, if you have something to say..."

At the moment, the three elders were silent and seemed to be deliberating on the wording. After a while, they spoke again.

"Well, since you know the defects of the dragon's ascension, there is also a complete dragon's ascension. Can you teach us the complete dragon's ascension?"

"We know that this is extremely abrupt, but we have no way to do it. We have practiced the dragon's ascent to heaven for more than 100 years, and it's impossible to give up..."

"If you can get the complete dragon's ascent to heaven, it must be taught by an expert. It's very inappropriate for us to rashly ask you to teach us the complete dragon's ascent to heaven, but..."

With a wave of his hand, Lin Ming interrupted and said, "it's a small matter. I can teach the complete dragon ascension to anyone I want to teach at any time."

Indeed, I'm afraid only Lin Ming himself knows where the complete dragon ascension skill he got came from. It was from that jade tube.

At that time, when he was in Longtan, he searched for ways to deal with the magic dragon, and just saw this kind of magic dragon ascending to heaven.

At that time, when he first entered the cave, long Wuxiang said that the three supreme elders were practicing the divine dragon ascending to heaven. After seeing the divine dragon ascending to heaven in the jade tube, he naturally paid attention to it. Then he naturally found that the divine dragon ascending to heaven practiced by the three supreme elders was flawed and wrong.

After listening to Lin Ming's words without hesitation, the three elders were excited and their legs softened. They almost couldn't help kneeling down to Lin Ming.

Magnanimous, too magnanimous.

Even the flawed and erroneous dragon ascension is extremely precious, let alone complete.

All of a sudden, the three elders did not think highly of Lin Ming. For the first time, they no longer regarded Lin Ming as an ordinary Shenlong clan, but as a disciple of the Shenlong clan who was equal to the dragon.

The three elders said, "long Wuxiang, from this moment on, Lin Ming's status among the Shenlong clan is on an equal footing with you..."

"Yes." Long Wuxiang nodded and agreed without hesitation, and there was no objection in his heart.

Lin Ming didn't care about his status. He looked at the glass bottle shaped immortal tool in the palm of the three old masters and asked:

"I don't know if the three supreme elders have any way to open such a special immortal weapon?"

"No The three elders all shook their heads.

Seeing Lin minginstant's disappointment, the three elders all spoke

"The three of us are practicing in seclusion all the year round. We don't have spare time to do other things. Many other elders are knowledgeable. Maybe some of them know how to open this immortal weapon..."

Then, whew, the glass bottle like fairy ware returned to Lin Ming's hands.

In this regard, Lin Ming naturally put away the immortal weapon that trapped his soul for the first time.

After that, Lin Ming didn't delay any more and taught the three supreme elders the complete dragon ascending to heaven.

This kind of teaching process also lasted more than two hours before it stopped.

The three supreme elders slowly opened their eyes. All of a sudden, their spirit seemed much better.

Naturally, the three of them were all grateful. Looking at Lin Ming getting up, they all wanted to kneel down to thank him immediately.

Seeing such a situation, Lin Ming waved his hand as if he didn't care at all: "three supreme elders, you don't have to. It's really just a small matter for me..."

"..." the three elders were speechless again.

If we teach them all the complete dragon's ascent to heaven, it's a small thing, then there's really no big thing.

"Lin Ming, and..." then, the three elders also showed a hesitant appearance.

Lin Ming said directly: "if you have something to say, just say it..."

In fact, at this time, even if the three did not say it, Lin Ming could guess that the three supreme elders also asked him.

Sure enough, the three elders said:

"It's like this. We saw the complete dragon ascending to heaven, and found that some places were too profound and obscure to understand. We didn't know..."

After this sentence, we see that the three elders are all looking at Lin Ming with a kind of eyes. They are afraid to see Lin Ming shaking his head.

But it was almost a great joy to follow them, because Lin Ming nodded his head without hesitation.

However, Lin Ming's face also showed a dignified color, and said: "to tell you the truth, I have only seen the Dragon ascending to heaven once or twice, but I haven't practiced it..."

"Of course, it's not a big problem. You have a dragon soul. Your talent is unprecedented. What's more, it's better than your parents. Just look at it and you can understand it immediately..."

The three supreme elders seem to be absolutely sure of this.

After a little thought, Lin Ming looked at the Dragon Wuxiang and said, "long Zu Chang, I need about five hours to understand the dragon's ascent to heaven. During this time, don't let anyone in to disturb me..."

"Five hours to understand the dragon's ascent to heaven..."

Hearing this, long Wuxiang's first reaction was to take a cold breath. Among the Shenlong people, it doesn't take at least a hundred years for any disciple to understand the dragon's ascent to heaven, even if it's a little effective.

After all, this complete dragon ascension belongs to Lin Ming. Moreover, Lin Ming's parents are also gifted, and one more important thing is that Lin Ming has a dragon soul.

Long Wuxiang said: "don't worry, no one dares to come in and disturb, and no one dares to come in..."

Lin Ming said: "dragon leader, what about Feng xiangtian, Dao Yihuan and others just now..."

"Er..." this makes long Wuxiang choke. Naturally, he also knows that what Lin Ming said is right, so it's necessary to worry about it.

I'm afraid that other people in the Fengs and the law enforcement hall must know about the fact that fengxiangtian and others came to the Dragon Cave. But now, none of them has gone back. It's hard for the Fengs and the law enforcement hall to think about it. Naturally, someone will break in.

For a moment, long Wuxiang said, "don't worry, three supreme elders. I'll open the defense array of the whole dragon city immediately. At that time, even the demon king army in the outside world will not be able to attack

Now, it's the most important thing for the three senior generals to correct their flawed and erroneous dragon ascent. There can't be any accident... "

Lin Ming nodded slightly.

"Three supreme elders, then I'll leave first..." after long Wuxiang finished, he naturally left here to open the defense array of the whole dragon city.

"Dragon head, dragon head." But just at this time, a voice with some urgency and panic came in from outside the cave.

On hearing this voice, the three elders first frowned slightly.

Seeing this, long Wuxiang said: "don't worry, three elders. There won't be any big deal in the dragon city. I'll go out and deal with it now..."

Then long Wuxiang looked at Lin Ming solemnly and said, "Lin Ming, the three supreme elders, please. If the three supreme elders can get out of trouble, I will give you the position of patriarch without saying a word..."

As soon as the words fell, long Wuxiang didn't give Lin Ming the time and opportunity to speak. His body flashed and disappeared in the sight of Lin Ming and the three supreme elders.

Lin Ming was speechless for a moment. Naturally, he didn't want to be the head of the dragon clan. Then Lin Ming didn't think much about it. He asked the three supreme elders to sit down on their knees, and then helped them understand and practice the Dragon ascension.

"Long Zu Chang, I found you, Feng..."

A disciple waiting outside the cave opened his mouth immediately when he saw the appearance of dragon Wuxiang.

Long Wuxiang interrupted and said: "if you have any words, leave here first..."

Long Wuxiang directly disappeared with the disciple of the Shenlong clan.

When they reappeared, they were far away from the Dragon Cave.

"Well, now, what's the matter?" In fact, when long Wuxiang heard the first Phoenix word, he was already clapping in his heart.

At this time, he asked out a sentence, it seems that involuntarily, the heartbeat can't help a little faster.

Then he saw that the disciple was a little confused and said, "patriarch, here are two masters from the Feng clan and two deputy leaders from the law enforcement hall. They said that they wanted the Shenlong clan to hand over a disciple of the Shenlong clan named Lin Ming. Otherwise, the whole Shenlong clan would be responsible for the consequences

Clan leader, who is Lin Ming? If I remember correctly, there seems to be no disciple of the dragon clan named Lin Ming in the Dragon City... "

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